To: All Pastors, Administrators, Parish Life Coordinators,

and Adult Confirmation Coordinators

From: Joanna Haston, Office of Liturgical Formation

Date: 14 January 2019

Subject: May 2019 Adult Confirmation Celebrations

Bishop Kicanas, our Diocese of Las Cruces Apostolic Administrator, invites all baptized Catholic candidates prepared to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation to the Adult Confirmation Mass Celebrations on:

Saturday, 25 May at 3:00 pm - Our Lady of Grace, Artesia

Sunday, 26 May at 4:00 pm - Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Las Cruces

Please register your parish’s participation by completing and returning the following Parish Adult Confirmation Information form by Friday 15, March, and each Candidate Application form with a copy of the candidate’s baptismal certificate by Wednesday, 3 April.

See the following answers to frequently asked questions and the sections of the Diocesan Manual (D-1, D-2, D-4a) pertaining to the preparation and celebration of Adult Confirmation…

Who should be confirmed at the Adult Confirmation?

1) Young adult Catholics, 18 years and older, who were not previously confirmed during high school, but who have been in a formation program throughout the year, and who show a readiness for the sacrament. (These may be persons wishing to become godparents or recently married couples who, through marriage preparation, became aware of their need for confirmation.)

2) Adult Catholics who are already catechized and have been participating in parish life, but have not been confirmed.

3) Previously uncatechized, inactive adult Catholics who now desire to be confirmed, and possibly receive Eucharist for the first time. As noted in the July 2015 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) update for our diocesan Pastoral Manual, much of the catechumenal process also applies to these baptized adults and they could receive formation and preparation in the RCIA process. They are not, however, ever to be treated as catechumens and may not receive their sacraments at the Easter Vigil.

Celebrations of Adult Confirmation are NOT for unbaptized adults. Unbaptized adults are to be placed in the RCIA and are to complete all three of the Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist - at the Easter Vigil celebrations of their own parish.

How are candidates for Adult Confirmation to be formed?

The content of the preparation is included in the guidelines of the ‘Diocesan Pastoral Manual Update’ sheet (D-4a). (If you do not have a copy, please request one.) As noted, a shorter 12-week time of preparation is appropriate for catechized adults, while a longer 12-to-18-month time of preparation is needed for uncatechized adults.

12 weeks from 25-26 May is 3 March; your shorter processes should begin no later than 3 March!

You should begin inviting candidates into the process no later than 3 February.

Who is responsible for record keeping?

1) All parishes that send adult candidates to these celebrations are required to gather information on their candidates. (See D5-D8 in the Pastoral Manual, Pastoral Section) For example, the parish must have a current copy of each candidate’s baptismal certificate on file. The copy should be obtained as soon as the candidate fills out an application and information form. Only the Candidate Application Form with a copy of the baptismal certificate attached needs to be sent to the diocesan office.

2) The church where the celebration takes place (e.g. the Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary) will be responsible for recording the confirmations in their parish records.

3) After the celebration, upon receipt of the paperwork from the church of celebration

via the Office of Liturgical Formation, the parishes of the confirmed candidates are responsible to:

1) inform the church of baptism concerning the date of confirmation, and

2) record the confirmations in their own parish records noting the place of

Confirmation, and if applicable first eucharist.

4) Who is responsible for the certificate?

Parishes are responsible for providing their own certificates. Please prepare your own certificates with the date, place of celebration, name of celebrant, and clearly identified pastor and/or administrator signature – as well as the name and contact information of your parish of preparation. These can be presented to the newly confirmed at your convenience any time after the celebration and reception of the sacrament, but not during the liturgy itself.

Whether you have candidates or not, please return the form titled “Parish Adult Confirmation Information” by 15 March.

If you have candidates, please send in the “Candidate Application Form”

for each candidate by 3 April.

Please make sure that each application has a copy of the candidate’s baptismal certificate attached and notes the sponsor name/s.

Please do not send anything else – or on any other form!

Contact Joanna Haston with questions

at the Pastoral Center, Office of Liturgical Formation,

(575) 523-7577 or joannahaston@.



Adult Confirmation

1. If adults are not baptized, if they are members of another denomination, or if they are uncatechized, they can become candidates for the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults for which there is a specific process outlined in the liturgical books of the Church. See “Order of Christian Initiation of Adults,” pages A-1 through A-7 in the “Pastoral Section” of the Diocesan Pastoral Manual.

2. For baptized Catholic adults, the process of preparation for confirmation should take a minimum of twelve weeks of instruction. It should be sensitive to and consistent with the faith development of the candidate. The pastor or other competent person may determine that faith development through an interview and discernment process. A sample form to aid in the interview process may be found on page D-5. The process of preparation should include formal adult catechesis to include a review of the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Reconciliation. Additionally, a discussion of the gospels and our call to discipleship, to focus on the Gift of the Holy Spirit, on embracing the responsibility that comes with being more closely bound with Christ and the obligation to spread and defend the faith, both by word and by deed as witnesses of Christ and the Good News.

3. Participation in the sacrament of reconciliation should be encouraged prior to confirmation.

4. Candidates should participate in a rite of “welcoming” at a weekend Mass so that the parish community might know them and be praying for them by name during their time of catechesis.

5. The period of catechesis should include an orientation to active participation in parish ministry. Candidates should be encouraged to make a commitment of at least ten hours of service in the parish, local hospital, and soup kitchen or similar if possible. The catechesis might include orientation to various parish ministries as well as instruction on the concept of stewardship of time, talent and treasure.

6. The candidate should have the opportunity to participate in a spiritual day of formation or retreat prior to the day of celebrating the sacrament of confirmation. This could take the form of a special parish day or city-wide day or a vicariate-wide day of prayer for the adult candidates.

Parish clusters or vicariates may consider forming a team of persons to offer a series of evenings for adults. The process could include a faith sharing component using the themes of conversation like those outlined in the RENEW process, namely: call, response, discipleship, empowerment by the Spirit and evangelization.

It is suggested that the bishop schedule the celebration of confirmation for adult candidates at least two times during the year near Pentecost and on or near the Feast of the Epiphany and that these celebrations be held alternately on the east and west sides of the diocese.



In our preparation of candidates for Confirmation, we strive to present our understanding of the Gospels and the teachings and tradition of the Church in a way that will motivate candidates to look at their lives in light of the Gospel. Candidates should be challenged to deepen their faith, their spiritual life and their involvement in the Christian community. Ideally, this process will inspire them to live their lives as dedicated disciples of Jesus. The process is only the beginning of a life-long journey of faith formation and ongoing conversion.

• Key in the preparation of adults is a personal interview that asks pertinent questions to learn about the faith formation, life style and living situations of each candidate.

• This interview should help the parish team determine the process needed to accompany persons preparing for Confirmation. Note that the first step may be marriage preparation rather than Confirmation classes.


1. Single adults are strongly encouraged to receive Confirmation prior to marriage.

2. Adults married in the Church who are not yet confirmed are always welcome to receive Confirmation. They should seek out a program of preparation through their parish.

3. Persons who are single and living together with or without children, if they continue living together, are to be invited into preparation for Confirmation. But before receiving Confirmation they are asked to be married in the Church or stop living together.

4. Persons living in a civil marriage may enter into the process of preparation for Confirmation. However, they must have their marriage convalidated prior to receiving Confirmation.

Reminder note: While living together single adults living as a couple are not to receive Confirmation or Communion until they marry or separate.

(Diocesan Pastoral Manual, Pages D-1–D-2, and D-4a.)


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