The Sumerians are the first civilization known to man

The Sumerians are the first civilization known to man. As a result, they are credited with many first. They developed the first writing system (cuneiform), the wheel, schools, medical science, history, congress, taxes, laws, calendar and coined money to name a few.

They also had an amazing view of astronomy that is puzzling. The concept of 360-degree circle, axis of north and south poles, elliptical orbits, the equinoxes, all came from the Sumerians. The origins of 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute, were designed in a base 60-math system created by the Sumerians. The zodiac signs were based on the 12 gods of Sumer. The zodiacs are used to chart the “Platonian Year” which takes 25,920 years to complete.


The question to ask is this: how could the Sumerians know of the cycle of Earth which takes 25,920 years to complete when their civilization lasted 2,000 years? The Sumerians supply the answer in their own history. According to the Sumerians, everything they achieved came from their gods. The Sumerians never considered the beings who came from the “heavens” as gods (later on the Greeks interpreted them as gods) , the Sumerians called them the Anunnaki, those who came to earth from the heavens.

According to the Sumerian texts, a deposed leader of a planet called Nibiru discovered gold on Earth. The gold was needed to repair their atmosphere. The Anunnaki in charge was named Enki (Lord of Earth).  Enki was an engineer/scientist.  He established a base at the headwaters of the Persian Gulf, in order to acquire gold from sea-water. Soon, it became apparent that acquiring gold from sea-water was not living up to expectations.  Anu (the king of Nibiru) and his oldest son, Enlil (Lord of the Command) arrived on Earth to set things straight.

The plan was to mine the gold.  Enki was placed in charge of mining South Africa, while Enlil took over the administrative duties in Sumer. More Anunnaki arrived to mine for gold. However, they were not cut out for the hard work and mutinied.

Enki had a solution. To cross breed animals already on earth and to make the new creations do the mining. They came up with lions crossed with bulls, goats with human heads. But these creations did not fair well.

Enki had another solution.  He proposed to cross breed the Anunnaki with some local beasts known as Homo erectus, and make them do the work.  Everybody agreed.  Enki’s proposal was to combine DNAs -- i.e. create man in the image of the Anunnaki. 

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..." Genesis 1: 26-27 

Enki and his half-sister, Ninhursag (Ninti) began a program of genetic engineering and created ADAMA.  Ninti was given the job of carrying the creation to term. Unfortunately, the ADAMA was a hybrid -- i.e., he could not procreate.  So this plan worked for a while. Thus in a second act of creation of man, Enki and Ninti created a man and woman who could procreate.

Enlil had decided he wanted his own undocumented workers to do the ditch digging and crop raising in Sumer.  So he placed some of Enki and Ninti's creations in a place called in the Sumerian texts, E.DIN to tend the garden, and the trees.  Enlil, however, still thought they were hybrids and incapable of procreating. Enlil was furious and kicked them out of E.DIN.

"And the Lord God said, Behold the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever;" -- Genesis 3: 22

Enki felt sorry for his creations and set up cities along the Tigris/Euphrates Rivers for them.

“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose...  There were nephilim in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”  (Gen:6:4)

The “mighty” men became the kings of the city/states and were required to do the bidding of Enki and Enlil.


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