
1.Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginianaleft1092891An evergreen tree with aromatic scale-like leaves and male and female flowers in the spring. The tree releases chemicals into the soil that changes the composition and make it healthier for earthworms. The fragrant oils repel insects and has been used to treat colds, arthritis and asthma.2. Cottonwood Populus deltoidsleft302404400The leaves are alternate, large, triangular, very coarsely toothed and shiny green above and paler on bottom. Male and female flowers are on separate trees; dioecious. The seeds have a cottony structure that allows them to travel long distances by air.3.Hackberry or Sugarberry Celtis laevigataleft5023882The leaves are simple, alternate, slightly serrated margins with light gray bark and can be covered with corky warts. Houma Indians used bark to treat sore throats. The Navajo boiled the leaves and branches to make dark brown and red dye for wool.4.Ironwood/BluebeechCarpinus carolinianaleft68305100Bark is smooth and grey with ridges in the tree trunks and branches that bulge like flexed muscles. The fruit hangs from the end of branches and looks like the hops that are used for beer.5. Hurricanes have dramatically reshaped the forest. Many damaged trees are allowed to decompose naturally and serve as homes for birds, insects, and wildlife and to release nutrients into the soil. The loss of canopy allows for a change in the predominant species in the forest and creates an environment where invasive species can thrive.6. Winged Elm Ulmus alataleft17130400Fast-growing deciduous tree quickly identified by the corky, wing-like projections which appear on opposite sides of twigs and branches. The bark of a young tree often has amazing corky wings and warts.7. Water Oak Quercus nigraleft539115000Water oak is one of the shortest lived oaks of 30-80 years with weak limbs. Acorns are 1/2 inch long, very dark in color, and 1/3 covered by a flattened cap with appressed scales, maturing in fall of the second year. 8. Hickory Carya spp.8504174297100Hickory trees grow slowly, often resulting in very narrow annual growth rings and dense wood. Andrew Jackson was nicknamed “Old Hickory” at the Battle of New Orleans because he was as “tough as hickory.”9. Southern Pines Pinus spp.1638302733047Large evergreen conifer trees with dense green needle foliage and attractive shape. Best in acid soils. Loblolly pine is most commonly grown tree for timber producers.10. Sycamore Platanus occidentalis32385484203600Sycamores are one of the largest hardwood trees. They grow to 100 feet tall and have smooth, whitish bark that peels off in large flakes. Leaves are alternate and lobed and 4-7 inches wide. Twigs are thin and green and they zigzag.11. Live Oak Quercus virginianaleft1195146 It can live for over 200 years. One of the oldest known specimens is in Louisville, LA and is estimated to be 1,000 years old. The U.S. once set aside preserves of land for live oaks to be used in navy ship building. Live oak wood was used in the hull of the U.S.S. Constitution“Old Ironsides.”12. Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 1456672953860State flower of LouisianaState tree of MississippiEvergreen tree with flowers Cone releases bright red seeds during the fall13. Arbor Day at BurdenArbor Day is celebrated each year in January. At Burden, families can plant young trees and help in the reforestation effort. Keep track of the tree you plant with GPS coordinates and bring a tree seedling home to plant at home.14. Pecan Carya illinoinsisleft621950400A pecan grown from seed does not produce a tree identical to its parent. Each seedling tree is unique with extremely variable nut quality. Buds or shoots from the parent tree must be grafted onto seedling rootstock to grow a specific cultivar. 15. Paper Mulberry Broussonetia papyriferaleft9745920A deciduous shrub that grows 10 to 20 meters tall and spreads rapidly. Used in paper making in China ~ 600 AD. Roots can be used as rope.16. Baldcypress Taxodium distichumleft2792709State tree of Louisiana. Wood is very resistant to rot. Knees grow in wet areas, but tree does not germinate underwater. New trees must establish during drought conditions.17. Sweet Gum Liquidambar styraciflua left434996700Leaves are star-shaped with five pointy lobes that are aromatic. Fruit is a spiky ball called a “gumball” by children with prickly points that open to release two seeds per hole.18. Palmettos Sabal minorA slow growing long lived plant. It can be 500-700 yrs old. Plant must reach 21 yrs old before the plant flowers & makes seeds.Burden Tree Guide ................

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