Meats ch 19 study guide.docx

Chapter 19 Meat, Poultry, fish, and shellfish p.491



What nutrients are found in meat, poultry, and seafood?

____________________is high in omega 3 essential fatty acids which help lowers cholesterol.?

A typical serving size is ___________ oz of lean meat, poultry or fish. Many Americans eat more _____________than needed which adds more ____ and _________________ to daily food choices.

(portion size is equal to _______________________)

Because they are animal foods, they all contain______________________. What is typically low in fat? _________________ and _________________________.

In poultry, most of the invisible fat is located in the ______________. See the chart on page 493- list 3 sources of protein with low cholesterol:


Tenderness what are 2 factors that affect muscle fibers:

2 types of connective tissue that affect tenderness


how is it softened?


how can it be tenderized?

If a cut has more marbling it is more_______________. Fat also gives meats more ___________ and _______________.

Comparing costs:

What are 2 guidelines to consider when buying cuts?

19.2 p. 497 When shopping for beef flesh should be ___________________ fat should be_________________________. How is veal different from beef?

Pork meat is ____________________________ with __________fat.

Price label:

Draw a meat package label for a flank steak weighing 2lbs. cost is 4.39/lb see ex. p. 499

Which cuts are lean?

The fat surrounding a cut should be trimmed to less than_____________. Ground beef is made from ______________________________.

Meat is graded according to 4 factors:_______________,__________________,___________________ and _____________________.

3 grades for beef are:________________________



Why is pork not graded?

Processed meats include ________________,__________________,____________________ and________________.

why are nitrates added to processed meats?

Storing meats: ground meats should be used within __________ days.

Other fresh meats will last in refrigerator for _______________days.

19.5 Preparing Meat, poultry p. 512

How does cooking change the following:




tender cuts may be cooked using _____ heat methods such as:

less tender cuts may be cooked using _________heat methods such as:

Marinating is a method of ______________________ and adding ______________.

3 basic ingredients for marinades include:_________________,_______________,________________.

Do not marinate foods in ______________ pans because an ________________________________ may result.

Meat and poultry may marinate up to ____________hours. over marinated foods may get _______________. If marinating foods just for flavor, __________minutes is long enough.

Before cooking thawed meats, __________ and pat dry with a ________________________.

In general, to be safe to eat, it should reach an internal temperature of ___________. Begin testing meat temp at least ___________minutes before end of cooking time.


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