TEN COMMANDMENTS: STILL RELEVENT TODAY?LESSON SEVENTEENIntroductionNow that we have studied each of the commandments in depth, we must consider a few other aspects of the Ten Commandments. One of those issues is concerning how they work together. Do the Ten Commandments make a unified whole or are they just random ideas stuck together in one short list?The Ten Commandments do interrelate to one another. Each one works with the others in the list. Some show two different aspects of the same topic such as the third commandment and the ninth commandment. Each commandment belongs on the list and each one belongs in its place on the list. Each one works with the other and shows something tremendous that I hope you have already seen by our study so far. This lesson will discuss the interrelationship of the commandments.Interrelationship of the Ten CommandmentsThe Ten Commandments can be broken into _____________________ different sections or mandments 1-4 deal with our ________________________________ with mandments 5-10 deal with our relationship with other ___________________________ beings.We cannot have a proper relationship with our fellow man if we do not have a proper relationship with God.Fellowship with God cannot occur if we are not treating our neighbors as we would like to be treated.The fifth commandment is a ________________________________ commandment.It specifically and directly addresses the foremost human relationship, the _____________________________.Further, the Sabbath and parental commands are positive imperatives.The first and second commands are related and can be seen as one command dealing with proper _________________________ of God.They are distinctFirst command deals with inward worship.Second speaks to the issue of external idolatry. Further, the third command is ________________________ to the ninth command.Third addresses the misuse of God’s nameThe ninth addresses false testimony and accusations.One deals with our relationship with God and the other with mankind.The ninth deals with legal issues.The third deals with how to relate with God. The fourth commandment______________________________ of the Ten Commandments.Climax of creation (Gen 1:1-2:3).Creation of the universe and creation of a nation are ________________________________.We are not to make life difficult for others, give them a day to rest.This law begins the transition from a relationship with God to relationships with mankind. The Fifth Commandment_____________________________ the transition started with the fourth command.Promise of a long life for obedience prepares us for the sanctity of life found in the sixth command.The fifth command deals with family while the seventh protects marriage faithfulness. The eight command brings us from stealing another man’s wife to stealing in general._________________________________ to the fourth command.A man has worked all week to obtain to have it stolen by someone else.The eight command ______________________________ a man’s labor.It also prepares us for the tenth command because it brings a person’s property to the foreground. The ninth command concerns false testimony/ accusation.False testimony or accusation robs another person of what belongs to him.The placement of this command after the 6th, 7th, and 8th suggests a need for those to be ___________________________ within the legal system.It is related to the sixth command because false testimony is nothing less that character assassination. The tenth commandment may be the _________________________ of all other commands with its unique focus on thoughts and desires. Order of severityThe commands are _________________________ in order of severity.They are introduced with “I am the Lord your God” and ends with the word “neighbor.”Jesus ___________________________________ the with these two great commandments.Love God (Dt 6:5 – Mt 22:37).Love your neighbor (Lev 19:18 – Mk 12:31).Why the Law?It is __________________________ of the Mosaic Covenant.Established at Mount Sinai but based on the foundational covenant established with Abraham.The Mosaic Covenant restates the earlier promises given to the patriarchs (Lev 26; Dt 6-11; 28).Abrahamic Covenant was established with individuals; the Mosaic Covenant was established with a ________________________________.The Mosaic Covenant gives more revelation concerning the will of God thus _________________________________ the blessing of a nationFurther, that allows that nation to bless the world (a light to the Gentiles).Obedience was not the means to a relationship with God.It was to be a desired ______________________________ to the relationship that was already established.The Exodus was the ______________________________ for the Lord’s right to expect obedience just as Christ’s atonement is the ________________________________________ for our responsibilities as Christians (1 Corinthians 6:20). The law was not just of Israel. It had a wider relevance to humanity (Dt 4:5-8). The Ten Commandments give a broad idea to what it means to live a holy life (Lev 11:44-47; 20:22-26; Dt 14:21). It is a _____________________________________ guide for someone who is grateful for a God who delivers from slavery. They were also placed in the ark which was then placed in the most holy place. This shows that they were holy. The Ten Commandments were not a burden but a way for the greatest blessings God could give to arrive (Dt 4:7-8; Ps 147:19-20; Rom 9:4-5). ................

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