2017-18 Formula SAE® Rules Table of Contents

[Pages:175]2017-18 Formula SAE? Rules Table of Contents

PART A - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS............................................................................................................ 4 ARTICLE 1: FORMULA SAE OVERVIEW AND COMPETITION ........................................................................... 4 ARTICLE 2: THE 2017-2018 FORMULA SAE SERIES ............................................................................................. 5 ARTICLE 3: FORMULA SAE RULES AND ORGANIZER AUTHORITY ............................................................... 6 ARTICLE 4: INDIVIDUAL PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................ 8 ARTICLE 5: FACULTY ADVISOR, ELECTRICAL SYSTEM OFFICER AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ADVISOR .......... 10 ARTICLE 6: VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY ....................................................................................................................... 11 ARTICLE 7: REGISTRATION.................................................................................................................................... 12 ARTICLE 8: VEHICLE DOCUMENTATION, DEADLINES AND PENALTIES.................................................... 14 ARTICLE 9: PROTESTS ............................................................................................................................................. 18 ARTICLE 10: QUESTIONS ABOUT THE FORMULA SAE RULES......................................................................... 18 APPENDIX A ? SAE TECHNICAL STANDARDS ...................................................................................................... 20

PART T - GENERAL TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................... 22 ARTICLE 1: VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS & RESTRICTIONS ............................................................................... 22 ARTICLE 2: GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................... 22 ARTICLE 3: DRIVER'S CELL ................................................................................................................................... 24 ARTICLE 4: COCKPIT ............................................................................................................................................... 47 ARTICLE 5: DRIVERS EQUIPMENT (BELTS AND COCKPIT PADDING) ......................................................... 50 ARTICLE 6: GENERAL CHASSIS RULES ............................................................................................................... 55 ARTICLE 7: BRAKE SYSTEM .................................................................................................................................. 58 ARTICLE 8: POWERTRAIN ...................................................................................................................................... 59 ARTICLE 9: AERODYNAMIC DEVICES ................................................................................................................. 61 ARTICLE 10: COMPRESSED GAS SYSTEMS AND HIGH PRESSURE HYDRAULICS ....................................... 63 ARTICLE 11: FASTENERS .......................................................................................................................................... 64 ARTICLE 12: TRANSPONDERS ................................................................................................................................. 65 ARTICLE 13: VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION............................................................................................................... 65 ARTICLE 14: EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................... 66 ARTICLE 15: POSSIBLE FUTURE RULES CHANGES ............................................................................................ 70 APPENDIX T-1 STRUCTURAL EQUIVALENCY SPREADSHEET...................................................................... 71 APPENDIX T-2 IMPACT ATTENUATOR DATA REPORT ................................................................................... 71 APPENDIX T-3 STANDARD IMPACT ATTENUATOR ........................................................................................ 72 APPENDIX T-4 FRONT BULKHEAD AND MAIN ROLL HOOP SUPPORT EXAMPLE CONFIGURATIONS 73

PART AF - ALTERNATIVE FRAME RULES .............................................................................................................. 74 ARTICLE 1: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................. 74 ARTICLE 2: STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS CERTIFICATION FORM (SRCF) .............................................. 75 ARTICLE 3: DEFINITIONS........................................................................................................................................ 75 ARTICLE 4: STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................... 75 ARTICLE 5: GENERAL ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................... 78 ARTICLE 6: INTRUSION PREVENTION ................................................................................................................. 79 ARTICLE 7: NON-APPLICABLE RULES: CHASSIS/FRAME ............................................................................... 80 ARTICLE 8: NON-APPLICABLE RULES: ACCUMULATOR CONTAINER ....................................................... 80

PART IC - INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE VEHICLES .................................................................................... 81 ARTICLE 1: INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE POWERTRAINS .................................................................... 81 ARTICLE 2: FUEL AND FUEL SYSTEM ................................................................................................................. 90 ARTICLE 3: EXHAUST SYSTEM AND NOISE CONTROL ................................................................................... 94 ARTICLE 4: ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AND SHUTDOWN SYSTEM...................................................................... 95

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PART EV - TECHNICAL REGULATIONS ? ELECTRIC VEHICLES........................................................................ 97 ARTICLE 1: ELECTRIC SYSTEM DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................... 97 ARTICLE 2: ELECTRIC POWERTRAIN................................................................................................................... 98 ARTICLE 3: TRACTIVE SYSTEM - ENERGY STORAGE.................................................................................... 101 ARTICLE 4: TRACTIVE SYSTEM ? GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................... 106 ARTICLE 5: SHUTDOWN CIRCUIT AND SYSTEMS .......................................................................................... 113 ARTICLE 6: FUSING ................................................................................................................................................ 118 ARTICLE 7: ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TESTS ......................................................................................................... 119 ARTICLE 8: HIGH VOLTAGE PROCEDURES & TOOLS .................................................................................... 120 ARTICLE 9: ELECTRICAL SYSTEM FORM AND FMEA.................................................................................... 122

STATIC EVENT REGULATIONS .............................................................................................................. 124 STATIC EVENTS AND MAXIMUM SCORES ................................................................................. 124 TECHNICAL INSPECTION ................................................................................................................ 124 BUSINESS LOGIC CASE ................................................................................................................... 126 COST AND MANUFACTURING EVENT ......................................................................................... 127 PRESENTATION EVENT ................................................................................................................... 138 DESIGN EVENT .................................................................................................................................. 140

APPENDIX S ? 1 COST MODEL AND COST METHODOLOGY .......................................................................... 144 APPENDIX S ? 2 STANDARD PART NUMBERING .............................................................................................. 149 APPENDIX S ? 3 ORGANIZED LIST OF SYSTEMS & ASSEMBLIES ................................................................. 150 APPENDIX S ? 4 POWER TOOL PACKAGE ENVELOPES ................................................................................... 150 APPENDIX S ? 5 FSAE COST EVENT ADDENDUM............................................................................................. 151 APPENDIX S ? 6 PRESENTATION JUDGING ........................................................................................................ 152 APPENDIX S ? 7 DESIGN JUDGING ....................................................................................................................... 152

PART D - DYNAMIC EVENT REGULATIONS......................................................................................................... 153 ARTICLE 1: DYNAMIC EVENTS AND MAXIMUM SCORES ............................................................................ 153 ARTICLE 2: WEATHER CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................. 153 ARTICLE 3: RUNNING IN RAIN ............................................................................................................................ 153 ARTICLE 4: DRIVER LIMITATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 155 ARTICLE 5: ACCELERATION EVENT .................................................................................................................. 156 ARTICLE 6: SKID-PAD EVENT .............................................................................................................................. 157 ARTICLE 7: AUTOCROSS EVENT ......................................................................................................................... 159 ARTICLE 8: ENDURANCE AND EFFICIENCY .................................................................................................... 162 ARTICLE 9: FLAGS .................................................................................................................................................. 170 ARTICLE 10: RULES OF CONDUCT........................................................................................................................ 171 ARTICLE 11: GENERAL RULES .............................................................................................................................. 172 ARTICLE 12: PIT RULES ........................................................................................................................................... 173 ARTICLE 13: DRIVING RULES ................................................................................................................................ 174 ARTICLE 14: DEFINITIONS...................................................................................................................................... 175

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2017-18 Formula SAE Rules


The Formula SAE are on a two year rules cycle. Major changes will be made to the regulations only in odd numbered years. This publication of 2017 Formula SAE Rules will govern 2017-2018 competition years, however, if the organizers and FSAE Rules Committee find a need to make a change in even years they have the authority to do so. Regardless of this policy, please note that rule changes for EV may take place yearly.

Please note that the summary of changed rules and the changed portions marked within the rules themselves are provided for courtesy only, and may not include all changes. Teams and other participants in the Formula SAE competition are responsible for reading and complying with the rules in their entirety. Please review the applicable rules and do not assume that items from previous years remain valid.

Definitions of Terms Used in the Rules

"Must" designates a requirement. "Should" gives a recommendation "May" gives permission, neither a requirement or a recommendation

Notable Changes for 2017-2018 These selected changes are provided to highlight key items that may affect the design or tech inspection.

A1.4 Dynamic Event Points T3.0 and subsections ? Structural T3.20, T3.21 Impact Attenuator T4.1 Cockpit Opening Template T4.2 Cockpit Internal Template T5.0 and subsections, T14.2 ? Driver Safety Equipment T9.2 Front Aerodynamic T11.1 Fasteners IC1.1 Engine IC1.11 through IC1.18 Electronic Throttle Control IC2.6 Fuel Filler Neck IC3.2.3, IC3.3 Sound Level IC4.4.4, IC 4.6 Batteries and Voltage Limits EV2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.4, 5.8 Electric Vehicle S6.0 Design Event

Additional revisions as of August 31st. T3.40.4 ? last sentence of (d) was deleted due to being outdated. T5.4.1 & T5.4.2 ? correction was made due to shoulder harness bar rule proposal not included in June revision and old rule also having been deleted leaving the rules with no strength requirement. Also Table in Rule T3.4.1 has been updated AF7.11 through AF7.17 ? just correcting the Part T cross references. EV4.11.6 ? new rules missed in June revision EV6.1 ? revisions to existing rules missed in June revision EV4.12.1 through EV4.12.4 ? revisions to existing rules missed in June revision D6.8.1 and 6.8.3 ? clarifications made to current rule

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2017-18 Formula SAE Rules



A1.1 Formula SAE Competition Objective The Formula SAE ? Series competitions challenge teams of university undergraduate and graduate students to conceive, design, fabricate, develop and compete with small, formula style, vehicles.


To give teams the maximum design flexibility and the freedom to express their creativity and imaginations there are very few restrictions on the overall vehicle design. The challenge to teams is to develop a vehicle that can successfully compete in all the events described in the FSAE Rules. The competitions themselves give teams the chance to demonstrate and prove both their creativity and their engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world.

A1.2 Vehicle Design Objectives For the purpose of the Formula SAE competition, teams are to assume that they work for a design firm that is designing, fabricating, testing and demonstrating a prototype vehicle for the nonprofessional, weekend, competition market.

A1.2.1 The vehicle should have very high performance in terms of acceleration, braking and handling and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the events described in the Formula SAE Rules and held at the Formula SAE competitions.

A1.2.2 The vehicle must accommodate drivers whose stature ranges from 5th percentile female to 95th percentile male and must satisfy the requirements of the Formula SAE Rules.

Driver accommodation includes but is not limited to: driver visibility, steering wheel and shifter locations, pedals, lap and shoulder belt angles and head rest position. Detailed anthropometric data for the 5th percentile female and 95th percentile male may be found on the FSAE website .

A1.2.3 Additional design factors to be considered include: aesthetics, cost, ergonomics, maintainability, manufacturability, and reliability.


Once the vehicle has been completed and tested, your design firm will attempt to "sell" the design to a "corporation" that is considering the production of a competition vehicle. The challenge to the design team is to develop a prototype car that best meets the FSAE vehicle design goals and which can be profitably marketed.

A1.2.5 Each design will be judged and evaluated against other competing designs to determine the best overall car.

A1.3 Good Engineering Practices Vehicles entered into Formula SAE competitions are expected to be designed and fabricated in accordance with good engineering practices.

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A1.4 Judging Categories The cars are judged in a series of static and dynamic events including: technical inspection, cost, presentation, and engineering design, solo performance trials, and high performance track endurance.

A1.4.1 The dynamic events are scored to determine how well the car performs. Each dynamic event has specified minimum acceptable performance levels that are reflected in the scoring equations.

The following points are possible:

Static Events: Presentation Engineering Design Cost Analysis

75 150 (may be changed to 200 for 2018) 100

Dynamic Events Acceleration Skid-Pad Autocross Efficiency Endurance

Total Points

100 75 125 100 275 (may be changed to 225 for 2018) 1,000


A2.1 The 2017-2018 Formula SAE Competition Series consists of the following ten (10) competitions: Formula SAE Michigan held in Michigan, USA and organized by SAE International Formula SAE Lincoln held in Nebraska, USA and organized by SAE International Formula SAE Electric held in Nebraska, USA and organized by SAE International Formula SAE Australasia held in Australia and organized by SAE Australasia Formula SAE Brazil held in Brazil and organized by SAE Brazil Formula SAE Italy held in Italy and organized by ATA Formula Student held in the United Kingdom and organized by IMechE Formula Student Austria held in Austria and organized by Formula Student Austria Formula Student Germany held in Germany and organized by FSG e.V. Student Formula Japan held in Japan and organized by JSAE

A2.2 Open Registration All Formula SAE competitions have open registration policies and accept registrations by student teams representing universities in any country.

A2.3 Rule Variations All competitions in the Formula SAE Series may post some minor rule variations specific to the operation of the events in their countries. However, the vehicle design requirements and restrictions will remain unchanged. Any rule variations will be posted on the websites specific to those competitions.

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A2.4 Official Announcements and Competition Information Teams are required to read the published announcements by SAE and the other organizing bodies and to be familiar with all official announcements concerning the competitions and rules interpretations released by the FSAE Rules Committee.


Formula SAE News - North American Formula SAE Competitions Formula SAE News will be provided to students in all three forms of media: Emails to registered student members online Press releases published online at Rules updates published online at

A2.5 Official Languages The official language of the Formula SAE series is English. Document submissions, presentations and discussions in English are acceptable at all competitions in the series.

A2.5.1 Team members, judges, and officials at FSAE Brazil, FSAE Italy and SF Japan may use their respective national languages for document submissions, presentations and discussions if all the parties involved agree to the use of that language.


The languages in use at the competitions of Formula SAE series are: Formula SAE Michigan - English Formula SAE Lincoln ? English Formula SAE Electric ? English Formula SAE Australasia - English Formula SAE Brazil - Portuguese and English Formula SAE Italy - Italian and English Formula Student ? English Formula Student Austria - English Formula Student Germany ? English Student Formula Japan ? Japanese and English

A2.6 Competition Codes The competition codes that must be used as part of the file names of the various documents and data that are required to be submitted electronically are: Formula SAE Michigan - FSAEM Formula SAE Lincoln ? FSAEL Formula SAE Lincoln ? FSAEE Formula SAE Australasia - FSAEA Formula SAE Brazil - FSAEB Formula SAE Italy - FSAEI Formula Student ? FS Formula Student Austria ? FSA Formula Student Germany ? FSG Student Formula Japan ? SFJ


A3.1 Rules Authority The Formula SAE Rules are the responsibility of the Formula SAE Rules Committee and are issued under the authority of the SAE International Collegiate Design Series Committee.

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A3.1.1 Official announcements from the Formula SAE Rules Committee, SAE or the other Formula SAE organizing bodies shall be considered part of, and shall have the same validity as, these rules.

A3.1.2 Ambiguities or questions concerning the meaning or intent of these rules will be resolved by the Formula SAE Rules Committee, SAE or by the individual competition organizers as appropriate.

A3.2 Rules Validity The Formula SAE Rules posted on the SAE website and dated for the calendar year of the competition are the rules in effect for the competition.

A3.2.1 Rule sets dated for other years are invalid.

A3.3 Rules Compliance By entering a Formula SAE competition, the team, members of the team as individuals, faculty advisors and other personnel of the entering university agree to comply with, and be bound by, these rules and all rule interpretations or procedures issued or announced by SAE, the Formula SAE Rules Committee and the other organizing bodies.


Any rules or regulations pertaining to the use of the competition site by teams or individuals and which are posted, announced and/or otherwise publicly available are incorporated into the FSAE Rules by reference. As examples, all event site waiver requirements, speed limits, parking and facility use rules apply to FSAE participants.

A3.3.2 All team members, faculty advisors and other university representatives are required to cooperate with, and follow all instructions from, competition organizers, officials and judges.

A3.4 Understanding the Rules Teams, team members as individuals and faculty advisors, are responsible for reading and understanding the rules in effect for the competition in which they are participating.

A3.5 Participating in the Competition Teams, team members as individuals, faculty advisors and other representatives of a registered university who are present on-site at a competition are considered to be "participating in the competition" from the time they arrive at the event site until they depart the site at the conclusion of the competition or earlier by withdrawing.

A3.6 Violations on Intent The violation of intent of a rule will be considered a violation of the rule itself.

A3.6.1 Questions about the intent or meaning of a rule may be addressed to the Formula SAE Rules Committee or by the individual competition organizers as appropriate. (See ARTICLE 10:)

A3.7 Right to Impound SAE and other competition organizing bodies reserve the right to impound any onsite registered vehicles at any time during a competition for inspection and examination by the organizers, officials and technical inspectors.

A3.8 Restriction on Vehicle Use Teams are cautioned that the vehicles designed in compliance with these Formula SAE Rules are intended for competition operation only at the official Formula SAE competitions.

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A3.9 Headings The article, section and paragraph headings in these rules are provided only to facilitate reading: they do not affect the paragraph contents.


General Authority SAE and the competition organizing bodies reserve the right to revise the schedule of any competition and/or interpret or modify the competition rules at any time and in any manner that is, in their sole judgment, required for the efficient operation of the event or the Formula SAE series as a whole.


SAE Technical Standards Access A cooperative program of SAE's Education Board and Technical Standards Board is making some of SAE's Technical Standards available to teams registered for any North American CDS competition at no cost. The Technical Standards referenced in the Collegiate Design Series rules, along with other standards with reference value, will be accessible online to registered teams, team members and faculty advisors. To access the standards (1) your team must be registered for a competition in North America and (2) the individual team member or faculty advisor wanting access must be linked to the team in SAE's system.

Access Procedure - Once your team has registered there will be a link to the technical standards titled "Design Standards" on the main registration screen where all the required onsite registration information is added. On the technical standards webpage, you will have the ability to search standards either by J-number assigned or a topic of interest such as brake light.

A list of accessible SAE Technical Standards can be found in Appendix S.


A4.1 Eligibility Limits Eligibility is limited to undergraduate and graduate students to ensure that this is an engineering design competition.

A4.2 Student Status Team members must be enrolled as degree seeking undergraduate or graduate students in the college or university of the team with which they are participating. Team members who have graduated during the seven (7) month period prior to the competition remain eligible to participate.

Teams which are formed with members from two or more Universities are treated as a single team. A student at any University making up the team may compete at any event where the team participates. The multiple Universities are in effect treated as one University and all eligibility requirements (one car per competition class, one registration slot, etc.) are enforced.

A4.3 Society Membership Team members must be members of at least one of the following societies: (1) SAE International, (2) SAE Australasia, (3) SAE Brazil, (4) ATA, (5) IMechE, (6) VDI, or (7) JSAE. Proof of membership, such as membership card, is required at the competition.

NOTE: Students can join SAE online at: students

A4.4 Age Team members must be at least eighteen (18) years of age.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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