MONEY - St David's R.C. Primary School

1.Introduccions Can you create a comic strip with two people introducing each other, asking names, age and where they live? You will need 4 boxes, one for each part.You might need to use phrases like:Hola, Buenos dias, ?Cómo te llamas?, Me llamo…, ?Quantos anos tienes?, Tengo …. Anos,?De dónde eres?,, Donde …,2. Los númerosPractise counting to 30 in Spanish. Could you teach it to someone else in your house?3443692697803. La Fecha (the date)Every day write down the full date in Spanish.Include the day of the week, the day of the month and then what month it is. For example, …viernes el veinte de marzo4. Los colores (colours)Ask someone in your house to find 6 different brightly coloured items.Ask them to show them to you one at a time.Name the colours of each item as you’re shown them.Draw and colour a rainbow and label each colour.248747386781Use google translate to help you if you get stuck.5. Mi Familia (my family)Draw a family tree – it could be a picture of a tree with the right number of branches for every member of your family. Write the correct Spanish word for each family member.You could draw family trees for your friends and their families too.Use google translate to help you if you need.4560911539356. El Tiempo (the weather)Describe the weather to a member of your family in Spanish using one of the below phrases….- El tiempo es variable – The weather is changeable - Hace calor – It is hot- Hace sol – It’s sunny- Está nublado – It’s cloudy- Está lloviendo – It’s raining- Está nevando – It’s snowing- Hace frio – It is cold- Hay tormentas – It’s stormy- Hay viento – It’s windy7. Los AnimalesDraw pictures of your 6 favourite animals and then label them in Spanish. As an extension you could also label the colours of each animal.Use google translate to help you.02930738. Los objetos del classe (classroom objects)Draw 5 common classroom objects and label them in Spanish.Can you add what colour these objects are too? ................

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