
Homily 4th Sunday Lent Yr B: Communism & New World OrderFr. Dwight P. Campbell, S.T.D.Our first reading relates how the Israelites were unfaithful to the covenant God had made with them through Moses. In His mercy, God sent prophets, whom the people rejected, some they killed. In punishment, God allowed the Babylonians to sack Jerusalem, destroy the Temple, and carry off many people into exile.But even then, there was reason for rejoicing, because God remained faithful to His covenant: He sent His Son as Savior. In our world today, amid much darkness and evil, there is reason for anxiety. There is nothing really new here. The human race has embraced evil many times and in many ways. Back in the 1930’s, Communism was spreading, enslaving tens of millions.On March 19, 1937, the Feast of St. Joseph, patron of the universal Church and patron of workers, Pope Pius XI issued his encyclical on atheistic communism, which had risen to power in Russia first under Vladimir Lenin and then under Joseph Stalin.The communists, beginning with Karl Marx, promised a “workers’ paradise” where the owners of the capital (factories, businesses) are overthrown, and the State owns all property – supposedly on behalf of everyone. In fact, under communism, there is no right to privately-owned property by anyone. In the socialist dream world, all the goods of the world are distributed equally among everyone.This is the seductive appeal of socialism and communism: a more equitable distribution of the world’s goods.Today, many young people seem to be enamored by socialist or communist ideas: the thought of everyone “sharing the wealth” and “taking from the rich to give to the poor” is appealing to people who have not really thought the issue through – what the consequences would mean for everyone.With students I like to use an analogy: Some work hard and get good grades. Others may be intelligent but just don’t apply themselves, or put much effort into learning the subject material, and they get lower grades. But if your goal is “equality” and you want to give everyone equal grades, then let’s take some points off the tests of the students who did well through their hard work, and give those points who are slackers, who don’t really apply themselves, so that everyone gets the same grades.The students who work hard at getting good grades would cry, “Unfair!”Now, a more equitable distribution of the world’s goods, says Pope Pius XI, is a legitimate objective. However, with communism, the means to that objective are problematic; in fact, they are downright evil.There is a natural right, God-given right to own property, and to reap the fruits of one’s own labors. This is the basis of the Seventh Commandment, which prohibits stealing, which presupposes private ownership of property.This natural right is also recognized in our Bill of Rights: the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution states that “no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.”If you take away the right to own private property and to reap the fruits of one’s own labors, then you remove any incentive to work productively. This is why pure communism has been a dismal failure economically. Students will not work hard to achieve good grades if they know that their extra effort will not be rewarded and any higher test points they earn will be taken away from them and given to other students who don’t work hard.But an even deeper problem with communism is that it is based upon atheistic materialism; which means that only matter exists; there was no God.In the communist state, you have law without God, an economy without God, and the entire social structure is Godless.This violates the First (and most important) Commandment: to worship God alone and have no other gods besides Him.In the godless communist State – which we saw until a few decades ago in Russia, and which we see today in Chinam North Korea – the human person, created in God’s image and likeness, has no intrinsic value and dignity.Under communism, the economy – which includes both the means of production, and the exchange and distribution of goods that are produced – is seen as the foundation of the entire social structure and the betterment of the human race. The economy is seen as the highest goal and final end of human existence, rather than Eternal Life with God in Heaven.Pope Pius XI points out that in this view, communism can be regarded not merely as an economic or political theory, but even as a religious system, since it gives a false messianic idea of justice, equality, and fraternity, in which the State (or political leader) is worshipped in a god-like fashion. (Back in 2019, Xi Jinping, the leader in communist China, ordered Christian churches to hang his image in place of Jesus.) In the godless, materialistic state, the economy is not viewed as existing for man, but man is viewed as existing for the economy; the human person is not seen as made in God’s image with inheritance dignity and value, but is reduced to a mere part of the economic whole, a mere cog in the economic wheel.As Pope Pius XI says, communism “strips man of his liberty, robs human personality of all its dignity, and removes all the moral restraints that check the eruptions of blind impulse” (that result from our fallen human nature) – because with no God, there is no Divine Lawgiver, and therefore no objective moral order.Some may ask: What does God have to do with the economy? Those who are familiar with Catholic Church’s social doctrine know the answer: Everything! As history shows, an economy without God, not guided by Christian principles of justice, fairness, and social charity, is one of the main causes of social upheaval in the form of communist revolutions and wars between nations.Why do I speak about this today? Well, the final goal of Marxism, of the atheistic, communist state, is a one-world socialist government. Over the past year, especially with Covid, we’ve seen world leaders, movers and shakers, globalists, calling for the need for a “Great Reset” – a re-ordering of the world, the entire social/political/economic order.In fact, the “Great Reset” was the title of the cover of the October, 2020 Time magazine a few months back (see ). What exactly are their plans? Well, listen to one of these globalists – German economist Klaus Schwab, founder and Executive Chairman of the “World Economic Forum” at which “global leaders” meet every year in Davos, Switzerland (see their 2021 meeting agenda: )In his 2020 book, Covid-19 and the Great Reset, he tells us what life will be like for you and me by the year 2030 (I quote him verbatim): “You’ll own nothing and be happy.” (Just think – you’ll no longer own your own home or car. In fact, you won’t own anything. This is pure communism. But the ruling elite will have their penthouse suites and vacation homes – just like they do in Communist China and all other totalitarian regimes)“Whatever you want, you’ll rent. And it’ll be delivered by drone.”“The U.S. won’t be the world’s leading superpower. A handful of nations will dominate.” (And they’ll be the central planners for the new world order – a faceless, nameless, nonelected bureaucracy accountable to no one but themselves.) “You’ll eat less meat – an occasional treat, not a staple. For the good of the environment and for our health.” (Yes, government officials will determine what we can and cannot eat, because they know what’s best for us, right?)“There will be a global price on carbon. This will help make fossil fuels history.” (But the ruling elite who embrace the Green New Deal will have their private jets and other carbon-emitting vehicles.)Globalists also plan for a new digital currency created out of thin air by big bankers and financial elitists: Everyone will receive a Universal Basic Income.Health passports will restrict travel unless you get the latest government-mandated vaccines.On that note, back on Oct. 18, 2019, in New York City, something called Event 201 took place – “a high-level pandemic exercise” - i.e., a simulation of what to do during a pandemic outbreak, to ensure “reliable cooperation among several industries, national governments, and key international institutions” during a pandemic. (See )This event was sponsored by – guess who? Klaus Schwab’s “World Economic Forum” teamed up with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (Health security, sounds rather Orwellian!)Isn’t that a coincidence? In October 2019, just 4 months prior to the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, Klaus Schwab & Bill Gates just happened to host an “exercise” – “just in case” a pandemic should break out. And lo and behold – in March of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic hits.Another question: Why are Bill Gates, a computer/tech geek, and Klaus Schwab, an economist, holding “exercises” in anticipation of a pandemic to assure “cooperation among industries, national governments, and key international institutions?”Globalists are also planning to use “social credit ratings” to electronically keep track of people’s habits – what they buy, what they read - to assure that everyone follows the guidelines of the New World Order. This has been going on now in communist China for a few years now, and Google, Bill Gates’ Microsoft, and other big tech companies provided China with the technology they needed to pull off this Orwellian nightmare. This is how it works: If the government disapproves of what you buy, what you read, then you’ll be denied job opportunities, entrance to a university, travel options, etc.It appears that China may be a test run for other countries, including our own.A month or two ago I read that the World Bank has proposed using a similar social credit ratings system – keeping track of our buying habits, what websites we go to, what news sources we read, to determine people’s credit. In case you had not heard, big tech is already censoring pro-life and pro-family websites. What are they telling us? “We’ll decide what news and information you’ll have access to.”All this will help to usher in a totalitarian state, in which personal privacy will be destroyed and government will assume more and more control over our lives. Big Brother will be watching us!In his encyclical back in 1937, when Pius XI knew that communism was spreading and threatened the world and the Christian order, he said: “The evil which today torments humanity can be conquered ONLY by a world-wide crusade of prayer and penance.” (no. 59).Pope Pius XI provides us with the solution to any evils we may face: prayer and penance, which is precisely what the Church recommends for us during this Lenten season. We must not be overly fearful or anxious over whatever may take place in the future; rather, we must resist any evil as best we can, and place our total confidence in God, trusting in His loving Providence, knowing that He permits evil only to bring about a greater good. And there is cause for rejoicing: We must never forget that Christ – the Light who has come into the world – is King; that He reigns over all peoples and nations; and that with Him, the victory over Satan and the forces of evil has already been won. If we stay faithful to Him, we are the victors, we will have conquered. ................

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