


By a soul

(December 14-16, 2020)

From the homepage of John Leary

December 9, 2020

In view of the increase of China corona virus cases, there is concern over taking a vaccine for this disease. Here are some comments from some internet stories you can see online:

“For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called messenger RNA vaccines of the latest generation intervene directly in the genetic material of the patient and therefore alter his or her individual genetic material, which represents genetic manipulation, which was already prohibited and hitherto considered criminal. Even though the media and politicians are currently trivializing the problem and even foolishly calling for a new type of vaccine to return to normality, this vaccination is problematic in terms of health, morality and ethics, but also in terms of genetic damage which, unlike the damage caused by previous vaccines, will be IRREVERSIBLE and IRREPARABLE. If a vaccination symptom develops after an RNA vaccination, no therapist will be able to help you, as the damage caused by this vaccination will be genetically irreversible. This mRNA vaccine for the vast majority of people should be banned because it is genetic engineering.”

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages NOT TO TAKE THIS VACCINE, which uses genetic materials that will PERMANENTLY change your DNA. I am making a point of this now because your medical people will soon be giving out this vaccine to supposedly heal you from the corona virus. This vaccine is worse than the virus, and you could die more from the vaccine than the virus itself. This plan of a virus and vaccine is part of a one world plan to reduce the population. If the authorities try to mandate this vaccine, I will call you to the safety of My refuges where you will be healed.”

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Jesus said: “My people, for months I have been warning My faithful not to take any virus vaccine shots and not to take any flu shots either. I have warned you that these vaccines will ruin your immune system, and genetically modify your body. Any vaccine reactions will have little chance of being counteracted in your body. This Chinese virus and the vaccines are a Bill Gates plan to vaccinate the whole world. This is also their plan to reduce the population of the world, meaning people could die or be sterilized from these shots. Some law makers are already planning legislation to make these shots mandatory. Refuse to take any vaccine, even if they threaten to kill you in detention centers. I will call My faithful to My refuges if they threaten your lives. Trust in Me to protect and heal you from any virus at My refuges.”

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This past weekend, I, “a soul”, of MaryRefugeOfSouls, was able to have a conversation with Our Lord, Jesus Christ, about the Covid-19 vaccinations. Below is some of the information that Jesus provided to me. Note, I do not normally experience locutions (verbatim dictations) from Heaven. Instead, I am able to sometimes converse with Jesus as part of my prayer time with Him. So, I asked Him several questions as part of a free-flowing conversation. The following is a general paraphrasing of some questions that I asked and a summary of His answers to me.

* Please note that although the following commentary addresses health and moral matters, I, “a soul”, am not a medical or health expert, or a religious authority or priest, or legal professional. Ultimately, it is up to each person who reads this commentary, to make their own personal choice for themselves and their families on the merits of the Covid-19 vaccination, as well as to research and make an informed decision for their own health and personal safety.

1. Are the Covid-19 vaccinations considered the “mark of the beast” in the Book of Revelation?

No, the current way (first wave) that the Covid-19 vaccinations are structured, they do not contain the mark of the beast. However, they are a “precursor” to the mark of the beast and will make abnormal genetic changes to the human body making it more receptive for the later vaccinations which will contain the microchip (mark of the beast).

The biblical mark of the beast primarily deals with buying and selling; it is in the form of a microchip that will be received like a vaccination; and is associated with a deadly disease.

Before the biblical mark of the beast is introduced and implemented on mankind as a mandatory vaccination, the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) will happen universally on mankind. During the Warning, God will tell every person what the mark of the beast is and He will warn every person that if they take the mark of the beast, they will automatically lose their salvation in God resulting in damnation in hell upon death. So every person will be informed about the mark of the beast and it will be their free will choice to jeopardize their salvation by taking it.

2. Will taking the Covid-19 vaccination result in an automatic loss of eternal salvation?

JESUS says “No”.

In their current form, the Covid-19 vaccinations do not contain the mark of the beast; thus, there is no loss of eternal salvation at this present time by taking it.

However, because Covid-19 vaccinations cause genetic manipulation / engineering of our DNA/RNA in every cell of our human body, it is a grave (mortal) sin to take it. As with every mortal sin, there is the risk that if a person dies unrepentant, they will be damned in hell upon death.

The Blessed Mother Mary says, “God cares about people remaining genetically pure in His Holy Sight”.

The major sin that was committed in the days of Noah (before the Great Flood) was genetic manipulation / engineering – humans (with souls) were mating with non-humans (satan's animal-like persons without souls) – until only Noah's family were the only genetically-pure humans on earth and were the only genetic bloodline from which the future Messiah (Jesus Christ) could be born from. So, because the world was so corrupted in evil physically and spiritually, this resulted in the Great Flood and the human family had to start again from only Noah's family. Every living human today has descended from Noah's family.

3. Will people be healed from physical damage from the Covid-19 vaccinations at the refuges?

The answer is, it depends. This is a personal judgment call between God and the person.

Sacred Scripture: Leviticus 5:17: “If a person sins and does what is forbidden in any of the Lord's commands, even though he does not know it, he is guilty and will be held responsible.”

A person who takes the Covid-19 vaccination will be guilty of committing a mortal sin due to it involving genetic manipulation / engineering. However, if the person repents of this mortal sin, they will be permitted entry into the refuges during the Great Tribulation.

At every refuge, there will be either holy water with healing properties or a luminous cross that will heal people physically and mentally of any ailments, diseases, abnormalities, deficiencies, and handicaps, that the person may have.

However, whether a person who takes the Covid-19 vaccinations will be healed of the physical damage that they may take on due to changes in their DNA/RNA depends on their knowledge – their personal culpability before God. People will be held responsible for the level of personal knowledge that they have about the resulting genetic mal-effects of taking the Covid-19 vaccinations.

For example, let's say that a person receives some sort of physical damage due to the genetic manipulation / engineering of the Covid-19 vaccination, such as random seizures, physical paralysis, muscular atrophy, a blood disease, an auto-immune disease, sterilization (men and women), etc. * Note, this list is not exhaustive of possible physical repercussions due to any type of genetic tampering with a person's DNA/RNA. Please see the end of this question for additional important information about the vaccine.

If the person TRULY had NO knowledge of the genetic engineering aspect of the vaccination, PRIOR to taking the shot, and the person repents afterwards upon finding out that s/he engaged in a mortal sin, then God will heal them of the physical damage at the refuges.

However, if the person KNOWINGLY took the Covid-19 vaccination despite being informed of the changes to their DNA/RNA in their physical body and they experience any physical damage – no matter how major or how slight – God will hold them accountable for the risk that they took by taking the shot. God will always heal the person spiritually – meaning, if the person repents, He will forgive them for their mortal sin and they will not be damned in hell for this sin if they die. However, God will NOT heal them of the physical damage that they incurred due to the vaccination at the refuges. Instead, the physical damage will be used as part of their purgatory that they will suffer on earth during the Great Tribulation. Then, if they live to the time of the Second Coming of Our Lord, they will be physically healed at the moment when they received their transfigured body as part of the First Resurrection (see the Book of Revelation).

Again, this is a judgment call between God and the person. As a person may have partial versus full knowledge and other mitigating factors that may result in a lessening (partial healing) of the penalty of a full physical suffering of their purgatory on earth. An appeal to the Blessed Mother Mary may also help in mitigating a full penalty.

** IMPORTANT INFORMATION: During clinical trials, any type of physical damage that occurred in less than 2% of the sample group is not required to be publicly reported. For example, if out of a sample group of 100 people, all 100 people incurred physical damage, but each person had a different disease or physical symptom (1% each person), then the vaccine could be declared 100% safe for public use although all 100 people were harmed in some way. *** Also, during some clinical trials, there was not 100% follow-up on every person who was vaccinated. For example, 10,000 people may have been vaccinated but only 3,000 people were sent follow-up questionnaires. **** Also, the federal government is permitting vaccines to be approved for use ahead of full analysis of the collected scientific and health data. The pharmaceutical companies are being given up to 2 additional years to complete analysis of the clinical trials. ***** Please note that according to federal law, you cannot sue a pharmaceutical company for compensation due to being physically harmed by a vaccine. ****** Covid-19 vaccines are causing people to test positive for HIV.

4. If people are held to a higher accountability for their knowledge of the genetic engineering aspect of the Covid-19 vaccinations, perhaps, it is better that I do not tell them of this?

No, it is NOT better to stay silent about the genetic manipulation / engineering of the Covid-19 vaccinations. Evil flourishes when good men stay silent about sin; this is why the world is in such a state of evil today. Christians always have a serious responsibility for sharing the Gospel with others, including helping to rid the world of mortal sin within their sphere of influence.

If you know that someone is going to take the Covid-19 vaccination and you do not tell them about the shot altering their DNA/RNA, then you will become an accessory to someone else's mortal sin and you will have committed a “mortal sin of omission” before God that will need to be forgiven in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession).

Now, for example, let's say, your neighbor will be taking a Covid-19 vaccination next week due to workplace requirements, but you do not know her too well and would feel embarrassed to bring up the topic. So, you tell yourself, I will stay silent and just go to Confession the next time that it is offered for the mortal sin of omission. Please understand that is like committing two mortal sins instead of one. That is because you are breaking the Two Greatest Commandments of Holy Love – to love God above all else (you are disrespecting Him and His commands) and to love neighbor as self (you are disrespecting the human dignity and physical integrity of another person). So, even though God will forgive you the sins in Confession, your penalty (suffering in purgatory) will be more than double what it would have been for just one mortal sin. By Catholic Tradition (private revelation), it is said that one mortal sin equals seven years in purgatory (Note, Jesus has told me that God will a person accountable to a measure of time of suffering in purgatory as He sees fit as not all mortal sins are of equal measure). Meanwhile, your neighbor will have committed a mortal sin regardless and if she suffers physical damage due to your silence, this will add to your own penalty (suffering in purgatory), although her lack of knowledge may enable her to be healed at a refuge.

There are many types of hypothetical scenarios that can be considered regarding the accountability (culpability) for mortal sin before God. A person needs to consider their questions in prayer with the Lord. An appropriate person to ask for further guidance with mortal sin would be a priest or a servant of God. However, I want to address one final scenario, because I know this will surface and people do need some advice on this.

Now, for example, let's say, that you are a parent of a child who attends public schools and they have implemented mandatory covid-19 vaccinations without any religious exemption, so you permit your child to be vaccinated despite knowing about the genetic manipulation / engineering. Please know that since you are a parent who has been given custody by God of raising up a child, you are held at a level higher than others in responsibility (cupability) before God for all your actions involving that child. Until the child reaches the age of maturity – which is the age that they assume adulthood – your child is dependent on you as his/her parent for their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, needs, and integrity. So, at a bare minimum, you would be breaking the Two Greatest Commandments of Holy Love – to love God above all else (you are disrespecting Him and His commands) and to love neighbor as self (you are disrespecting the human dignity and physical integrity of another person). The child would have the chance to be healed of his/her physical damage at the refuges; however, your resulting penalty (suffering in purgatory) would be equivalent to more than three, four or even five mortal sins or more, because of your uniquely special relationship to care for and protect your child before God. All children belong to God and are not the sole property of their parents.

5. Are the children of a man and a woman with genetic manipulation / engineering considered human?

If the parents both have a soul but have been exposed to genetic manipulation / engineering due to the Covid-19 vaccinations, their child will still be considered human and God will give the child a soul. In this instance, the child will still have the chance to be saved by God and to be granted eternal life in Heaven.

It is only when a non-human (animal-like person with no soul) mates with a human parent (person with a soul), that their offspring will be considered non-human by God and will have no soul. Then their offspring will not be redeemed by the Eternal Sacrifice of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, at the Cross and they will have NO chance for salvation in Heaven.


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NOTE (By a soul):

The following is a heavenly message and a daily prayer from Saint Joseph and Heaven concerning the Covid-19 vaccination given to a chosen messenger in Latin America. Although in their present form (first wave) they do not have the mark of the beast, there is a very strong likelihood that future waves of the vaccine will be made mandatory with the microchip (mark of the beast). Nonetheless, the first wave of the vaccine should not be taken because it genetically alters our fundamental human make-up which is a mortal sin to God Who created us in His Image and Likeness. Our physical bodies are sacred to God and deserving of human dignity and respect just as much as our spiritual souls.



(A Latin American visionary; translated from original Spanish)

Dear People of My Son, I as the Adoptive Father of Jesus Christ, and as Protector of the Sacred United and Pierced Hearts, I come to give you this Precious Message that will help you in the Tribulation and Protection against the Demonic Forces of Satan.

You, as the Beloved People of My Son, are exposed to the malevolent Plans of the New World Order that intends to decimate the Population and more than anything to persecute and intimidate the People of God as their main enemies to defeat. That is why today, as Defender of the People of God, I come to give you directions. Through My Holy Intercession you will obtain many Graces and Protection against all the injustices and perverse Plans of the Enemy.

I want to tell you, that you have all the Protection of the Triumphant and also of the Purgative Army. Turn to the Souls in Purgatory and they will help you, that is why it is important to pray for them in your Prayers every day, they will be of Great Help, but for this, you have to know how to ask for their intercession with a Pure and Humble heart and in State of Grace. This is why Confession is so important.

Today I want to talk to you about the Vaccine that they want to make worldwide against Covid, this will be Mandatory because it brings a cutting-edge Chip and Nanotechnology and will control your minds and change your DNA, erasing the Essence of God in you, killing your Souls and Spirits, this Vaccine is a trap of Satan to impose it on the whole world, that is why Heaven, concerned about its Little Faithful Remnant, has decided to intervene to protect them and keep them safe.

First of all, you are already on notice that you should NOT take it.

Secondly, you have My Protection and that of all Heaven and the Poor Souls for this task, from now on, you will pray 1 Rosary for them daily, so they will intercede for you and give you the Strength and Courage to face any situation.

How will Heaven intercede for you in this situation?

From now on I ask you to be in a State of Grace and pray before an image of the Holy Family the following Protection Prayer, so that when they want to implement the Vaccine, My Protective Mantle will make you invisible through the intercession of all Heaven and all the Poor Souls.


I ……… (full name aloud), as a child of God the Father and Loved so much by Him and as part of His Faithful People, I cry out for the help of all of Heaven and of the Poor Souls, asking for the Spiritual Intercession of Saint Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary, my Lord Jesus Christ, God the Father and The Holy Spirit, in the face of this situation that threatens my Physical and Spiritual integrity, such as the implantation of the Vaccine against Covid in my body, through the Protection and Intercession of the Mighty Saint Michael, I ask all His Retinue of Angels to come to my aid and make me and my family invisible in the face of this threat, so that Protected and Guided by my Protector Saint Joseph, we can be Guarded by Myriads of Angels and Poor Souls who defend against this imposition worldwide. Amen.

You will pray it from now on every day and Heaven will precede in an extraordinary way before such circumstances and all who pray it will be Protected from this threat to their Physical and Spiritual integrity, this Warning regarding the Vaccine and Prayer God the Father has asked me to make it reach His Faithful Remnant, who is at the mercy of the New World Order, many injustices come from this Regimen, but they will also see the Mighty Hand of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Heaven, Mine, that of the Holy Archangels and Angels, Souls of Purgatory and Saint Michael the Archangel who will not leave them alone, will also see many Miracles and Prowess on the part of God as Protector of His Beloved Israel.

Therefore, Holy People of My Son, Cry out and say with a Powerful Voice the Cry of Saint Michael the Archangel, WHO LIKE GOD, NOBODY LIKE GOD!!! Invoke me and I will come to your aid in the face of every threat, I will take care and protect and guide you in your fight against evil, you are not alone, have faith in Providence and Divine Protection, everything will turn out well, I leave you with the Protection of My Sacred Mantle and My Father Blessing of Jesus Christ.

Maranatha, Maranatha.

(The Lord is coming, The Lord is coming).

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NOTE (By a soul):

Both Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the Blessed Mother Mary have indicated to me, that They would like Their children to do both the daily prayer given by Saint Joseph to chosen messenger, Lorena, for the Covid vaccinations, and the daily prayer for the Seal of the Living God given by God the Father to 7th messenger, Maria Divine Mercy (Book of Truth), as both prayers are protections against the mark of the beast (microchip) and render the person and whomever it is prayed for invisible. Note, the graces of both prayers can be extended to family members if they are prayed for as part of the intentions.

The Seal of The Living God:

See this blog page to download the Seal for free in English, Latin, and other languages:

Daily Prayer (English) – The Seal of The Living God:

O My God, My Loving Father

I accept with love and gratitude

Your Divine Seal of Protection

Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity

I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty

To You, My Beloved Father

I beg You to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal

And I pledge my life to Your service forever and ever

I love You, Dear Father

I console You in these times, Dear Father

I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son

In atonement for the sins of the world

And for the salvation of all Your children


Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy):

A free downloadable PDF copy of the Book of Truth can be found on this blog page:

Book of Truth: See Important Message:

Rise now and accept The Seal of The Living God: Monday, February 20th, 2012

Book of Truth: Recommended messages about the Mark of the Beast (microchip):

New World Order Plan to control your money and food: Sunday, April 17th, 2011

Eternal Father will prevent New World Order from final persecution of His Children: Friday, July 8th, 2011

Second Seal: World War 3: Wednesday, May 16th, 2012

666 will be embedded, its number hidden, into a chip which you will be forced to accept just as you would any vaccination: Friday, June 1st, 2012

Their wicked plans also include a new global vaccination which will create disease all over the world: Sunday, June 17th, 2012

The world will soon be presented with the most deceitful lie which is impossible for mankind to grasp at this stage: Friday, July 20th, 2012

God the Father: The hierarchy of all the angels in Heaven gather at the four corners of the earth at this time: Tuesday, November 6th, 2012

Only those with the Seal of the Living God will escape this form of genocide of the soul: Thursday, April 4th, 2013

The mark of the beast will bring with it death – death of the soul and death by a terrible disease: Monday, July 29th, 2013

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NOTE (By a soul):

As sometimes it is hard to convince loved ones about the importance of heavenly messages and the guidance for us that comes from Heaven, a friend of this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, has provided me with some helpful links (mostly, Catholic, some secular) for those who might be persuaded by news sources about the clinical trials, the physical damage caused by the genetic engineering, etc.





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