Each term we send out information to parents regarding the curriculum learning journey your child will follow. We hope this will help parents to support children at home. This term in Year 2, the main focus for your child’s learning will be as follows…

|Learning Languages |English |

|[pic] |Range of texts |

|[pic][pic] |Fiction e.g. traditional stories, stories in familiar settings. |

| |Non-fiction texts e.g. information texts, posters, instructions, recipes. |

| |Poetry. |

| |Reading Comprehension |

| |Children to read and answer questions about a text. |

| |Begin to encourage children to answer open ended questions e.g. Why? |

| |Writing, Grammar and Punctuation |

| |Writing linked to texts of the week (e.g. stories, diary format, instructions, recount.) |

| |Awareness of correct tenses used in writing. |

| |Encouraging children to use adjectives and conjunctions to extend sentences. |

| |Encouraging children to begin to use full-stops, capital letters, question marks, exclamation marks. |

| |To be encouraged to spell new words. |

| |Handwriting – forming lower and upper case letters correctly. |

| |Speaking and Listening |

| |Children encouraged to listen to teacher, each other, visitors etc. |

| |To be able to follow instructions and ask/answer relevant questions linked to class discussion. |

| |Children encouraged to speak articulately using correct grammar and vocabulary. |

| |How you can help |

| |Read to and with your child as much as possible, discussing story, characters, setting, pictures etc. Ask open ended |

| |questions. |

| |Write for ‘real’ purposes – e.g. birthday cards, letters, emails. |

| |Practise correct letter formation. |

| |Help children with reading and spelling |

| |Encourage your child to use alternative words for different things e.g. whispered instead of said/strolled instead of |

| |went etc. |

| |French |

| |Children learn French through a variety of songs and rhymes. |

| |They work individually or collaboratively through games, exploring patterns, playground activities and creating a sport|

| |kit. |

| |They learn numbers, colours, name of shapes and some expressions. |

| |They also explore some sounds in French, through looking at individual words and listening to short stories. |

| |At Christmas time, children will learn to perform a Christmas song in French |

|Maths |Number, place value and comparing |

|[pic] |Count in steps of 2 and 5 from 0 and in tens from any number, forward/backward |

| |Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens, ones) |

| |Compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100; use and = signs |

| |Recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently, and derive and use related facts up to 100 |

| |Add and subtract numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mentally. |

| |Show that addition of two numbers can be done in any order and subtraction of one number from another cannot. To |

| |recognize the inverse between addition and subtraction. |

| |Solve problems with addition and subtraction. |

| |To know halves and doubles up to 100 and recognise odd and even numbers |

| |Adding 10 and 11 mentally to numbers below 50 |

| |Times tables 2, 10 and 5 |

| |How you can help |

| |Ensure your child can count and recognise numbers to 100 |

| |Play games like snakes and ladders |

| |Group objects, e.g. marbles into groups of 10s and 1s |

| |Practise number bonds to 10 e.g. 7 + = 10 and doubles and halves. |

| |Practise quick recall of times tables e.g. sing rhymes, songs, practical activities etc. |

|[pic] |Measurement |

| |Compare and order lengths, mass, volume / capacity and record the results using >, < and = compare and sequence |

| |intervals of time |

| |Recognise/use symbols for pounds (£)pence (p); combine it to make amounts |

| |Find different combinations of coins to equal the same amounts of money |

| |Solve simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtraction of money of the same unit, including |

| |giving change |

| |How you can help |

| |Involve your child in shopping - spending and receiving change or giving the correct amount. |

| |Cooking activities – weighing out the ingredients. |

| |Measuring objects around the house |

| |Telling the time. |

| |Statistics |

| |Ask and answer questions about totaling and comparing categorical data. |

| |Ask and answer simple questions by counting the number of objects in each category and sorting the categories by |

| |quantity. |

| |Interpret/construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams, simple tables |

|Science & Technology |Healthy Me – What humans need for healthy living? |

|[pic] |Looking after myself, keeping fit, fitness in the playground, which parts of the body are we exercising? The importance|

|[pic] |of wearing a helmet, cycling. What to eat? A balanced diet, Eatwell plate, classifying food. |

| |Little Master Chef/DT: Preparing fruit and vegetables. |

| |Looking at different types of food, hygiene when cooking, classifying materials, changes in cooking, and best materials|

| |for particular uses e.g. storing food. Changing dough, choosing healthy options. |

| |Demonstrate how to use simple utensils and provide opportunities for the children to practice food-processing skills |

| |such as washing, grating, peeling, slicing, squeezing. |

| |Use talk and drawings when planning for a product; |

| |Work through the project and evaluate the final products against the criteria previously agreed. |

| |Computer Science |

| |Create and debug simple programs |

| |Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs |

| |Recognise common uses of information technology beyond school and how to use them. |

| |Use technology to organise and present ideas in different ways. |

| |Use the keyboard on my device to add, delete and space text for others to read. |

| |Talk about an online tool that will help to share ideas with other people. |

| |Store and retrieve data |

| |Explain why they need to keep a password and personal information private. |

| |Describe the things that happen online that they must tell an adult about. |

| |Talk about why it’s important to be kind and polite online and in real life. |

| |That not everyone is who they say they are on the Internet. |

| |How you can help. |

| |Look at related information books (example in library) and internet. |

| |Under supervision, help out in the kitchen preparing food. |

|Humanities |History: To study a famous person and their impact on history |

|[pic] |Louis Braille: To know the story of Louis Braille and to understand how Braille helps blind people. |

| |Rosa Parks: To be aware of the significance of black people in our history and to understand that people have suffered |

|[pic] |in the past for a better future. |

|[pic] |Ruby Bridges: To be begin to understand prejudice & segregation. |

| |Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. |

| |Mary Seacole: To understand why she was a famous nurse. To compare the conditions in hospitals in the past and now. |

| |RE: Special Times |

| |To understand special occasions. |

| |To understand symbols & ceremonies. |

| |To understand reasons for celebrating Eid, Harvest, Diwali, Hanukkah and Christmas. |

| |PSHE: It’s Our World |

| |To focus on class rules and rights |

| |To think about ways of looking out for each other. |

| |To be able to make choices |

| |How you can help |

| |Visit the library with your child to find and share books about the different topics. |

| |Visit museums / help your child to search for information or pictures on the Internet. |

| |As festivals that you celebrate occur, talk to your child about the different foods you might share, ceremonies you |

| |perform and why? |

|Creative Arts |Music |

|[pic] |Develop musical literacy by reading new rhythms and beginning to play tuned instruments. |

|[pic] |Perform a variety of songs and singing games to develop singing voices in preparation for the Nativity assembly. |

| |Experience an orchestra performing at the historic Wigmore Hall. |

| | |

| |Arts |

| |To investigate and respond to Aboriginal Art. |

| |To review own work and identify what they may like to change. |

| |To investigate and use the visual elements of line, colour and space in a painting |

| |To construct a surface in the style of abstract artist Anthony Frost. |

| |To investigate visual elements of line and colour and space. |

| | |

| |How you can help |

| |Visit an art gallery and look at books and pictures on the Internet. |

| |Look at things and objects in detail. |

| |Allow children to draw/paint/cut/stick at home with a variety of things e.g. make birthday and festival cards. |

| |Allow your child to dance and move to different kinds of music. |

| |Listen to different types of music and discuss whether it is fast/slow/quiet etc. |

|Health & Fitness |In Reception, Year 1 & Year 2, children should wear plimsoles for PE. From Year 3 onwards children should wear trainers|

|[pic] |as this offers greater protection in light of the more demanding skills, games and sports the children take part in. |

| | |

| |PE – Gymnastics |

| |Perform range of action with control and coordination. |

| |To combine ways of traveling, balance and stillness using both the floor and apparatus. |

| |Games – Football |

| |To follow the rules, work as a team, demonstrate spatial awareness |

| |How you can help |

| |Encourage your child to be active and to play with balls, bats, ropes etc. |

| |Play games with your children – football, catch. |

| |Encourage your child to explore climbing apparatus in your local park. |

|Educational Visits |Educational visits help us to motivate and inspire our children, creating memorable experiences for them that will last|

|[pic] |a lifetime. We aim to provide at least one educational visit each term for all classes and we write to parents with |

|[pic] |details of each trip as they arise. It is only through the generous voluntary contributions made by parents that |

| |educational visits can take pace. We thank you in advance for your support. |

| | |

| |Kingsbury High School Multi Sport Event. |

| |Village School link with Wigmore Hall Workshop |

| |Wigmore Hall Musical Concert |

Other Important Information:

PE Days: 2D – Tuesday and Friday

2AY – Tuesday and Friday

Homework Days: Homework is given on a Friday and to be returned if possible by the following Monday, Tuesday at the latest.

Something to look forward to…

• Celebrating festivals

• Pantomime

• Nativity

• Christmas Fair

If you have any queries or concerns about your child’s learning or other aspect of school life please contact a member of the staff team:

Mrs Driscoll and Ms Yerolemou 2AY Class teachers

Mrs Dhall, 2D Class teacher & Member of the Leadership Team

Mrs Garala, Mrs Gosling, Mrs White and Mrs Vidurupola Learning Support Assistants



Year 2 Curriculum Learning Journey

Autumn Term 2016


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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