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The independent and reliable guide to online education for over 23 years! Copyright ?2021 ; Approved colleges, LLC All Rights Reserved Professionals in the financial services industry can pursue a variety of credentials to strengthen their career. Current and aspiring accountants can pursue accounting credentials such as accounting certification of a professional organization or an accounting certificate from a college or university. Accountants can look ahead to positive job prospects; The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects jobs for accountants to grow by 6% between 2018 and 2028. This guide covers important information about obtaining an online accounting certificate, including sample courses, education requirements, and career benefits. What is an accounting certificate program? An accounting certificate program consists of a sequence of courses in accounting topics. The completion of most certification programs is between six months and one year. Many schools offer these programs in a fully online and asynchronous format. While courses vary by program, most accounting certification courses cover key topics such as taxation, control and analysis, and business activities. The following list outlines some typical courses that are available in an accounting certificate program. Sample course accounting principles: Most accounting certificate programs include introductory courses on accounting principles and procedures for retail, commerce, and services, and single-owner businesses. Topics covered include debits and credits, accounting data analysis, and accounting cycle. Taxation This course provides students with an overview of tax laws and federal income tax preparation procedures and documentation. Students can study topics such as business taxation and property and gift taxation. Auditing and Analysis In this course, students investigate tools and strategies for the interpretation and analysis of a company's financial statements. They also learn how to apply accounting standards to prepare audit and analysis documents. Some courses may explore forensic accounting techniques and principles. Quickbooks Many accounting certificate programs present a course on quickbooks accounting application. Students acquire basic skills in microcomputer accounting, learning how to enter transactions, analyze results, and organize business finances. Capstone Accounting Some accounting certificate programs culminate in a milestone project. This project could take the form of a Community funding initiative or a personal project to Home. Students could also lead a financial literacy program for children in a local setting. Who should pursue an accounting certificate? An accounting certificate helps current and aspiring accountants advance their careers. Completing an accounting certificate program after graduating can increase job opportunities for graduates. It can also meet the course requirements for professional certification that may have lost during their studies. Established professionals can also benefit from consection in the consection of an accounting certificate. Obtaining a certificate can increase salary potential and help professionals advance in leadership roles. It can also help professionals in another industry move to an accounting career. In addition, certification programs help professionals explore their interests and address blind spots in their knowledge base. What is certification? Certification differs from a certificate in several respects. A certification program includes a sequence of courses offered by a college or university. Certificates can accompany a degree or offer an alternative to a degree. Certificates typically take less time and have fewer requirements than certification. Third-party organizations offer certification. To obtain certification, professionals usually have to meet the requirements of education and experience and pass an exam. They must therefore meet certain requirements to renew certification within a specific period of time. This type of credentials is usually reserved for established professionals in the industry, rather than new students and professionals in the industry. Accounting professionals can pursue a variety of certifications. The certified public accountant's credential of the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants is a general credential that positions accountants for leadership roles with higher levels of accountability. Other organizations, such as the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), offer certifications tailored to specializations, such as the IMA's certified management accountant credentials. Career advancement for accountantsThe flexibility of online accounting certification programs makes it easier for students to balance courses with personal and professional obligations. Obtaining an online accounting certificate prepares people to join the workforce or pursue advanced studies. People interested in promoting their training can read the following guides to learn what to expect from online accounting degree programs. Bachelor inMaster's Accounting Programs Last updated: January 30, 2020 If you're lucky enough to find a fulfilling career you like, there's a big incentive to keep climbing the proverbial scale. One of the ways professionals improve their value to the company is to get certifications related to their field; this ambitious choice will keep them relevant with industry trends, technology and many other evolving thematic areas. By remaining relevant and polite, you are giving you the best chance to advance your Below are 5 of the best career advancement certifications; these certifications and schools were selected following research on the following criteria: Current trends in employmentAe academic trendE vocational services published by trusted field items Statistical evidence of the increase in associated associated wage rates Take note: Most of these certification course programs are available online, with a few exceptions where noted. For more general information on distance learning, see our ranking of the best online colleges. Advertising is an advertising-supported site. Featured or reliable partner programs and all school research, research or correspondence results are for schools that compensate us. This compensation does not affect our school rankings, resource guides or other editorially independent information published on this site. 1. Leadership and Management Certificate A leadership and management certification can take shape in multiple specialties, depending on your specific business area. This versatile certificate will improve your business credentials, making you a more competitive candidate for new jobs, salary increases, and promotions within your current company. Most of any workplace benefits from a team member who can safely strategize, motivate, and solve high-level issues. Cornell University: eCornell Executive Leadership Certificate The esteemed Cornell University has an executive leadership and strategic management program that best suits top-level or senior managers with at least five years of team management, mid-level managers eager to become executive leaders, or VP/C-level professionals who want to hone their skills. Cornell's online certification program is developed and evaluated by the Ivy League's faculty of instructors at the scholarly level. Associated courses include quality and service excellence, leading collaborative teams, strategic decision-making, leaders with credibility, people motivation for high performance, and coaching skills for leaders. Cost: $4,800.00 or $650.00 per month Notre Dame Online: Mendoza College of Business A school name synonymous with success, Mendoza's College of Business at Notre Dame has both a professional certificate under management and an executive certificate in leadership. Both of these certificates can be achieved entirely online, ideal for job professionals who want to expand their training without interrupting their current career responsibilities. The Professional Certificate in Management is a series of two-course training for supervisors, managers or anyone else trying to strengthen command over their leadership skills; these courses are foundations in management critical management skills. Students enrolled in this certificate program start with a solid understanding of key management concepts such as conflict resolution, result management, legal aspects of the business, and more. Cost: $2,400.00 Michigan University: Eli Broad College of Business Michigan State University's Eli Broad College of Business is a trusted name in numerous business sectors. MSU has several strategic leadership and management certificate options, depending on background and previous education. Michigan State's primary certificate of leadership and business management is 100% 100% consisting of three eight-week courses; these courses are strategic decision-making, strategic management and strategic leadership. Business professionals who complete this certification learn to execute strategies efficiently, build market resilience, and remain a confident leader both individually and within a group. Cost: $4,995.00 for the 2-course three-course package. Risk management A certified risk manager can be an invaluable part of a business environment. This designation represents a high level of competence and professionalism in management. Experienced risk managers are prepared for loss exposures, employee injuries, financial uncertainties, and countless other scenarios where an educated leader is needed. New York Institute of Finance: Risk Management Professional Certificate New York Institute of Management's Risk Management Professional Certificate covers the essential components of risk relationships within publicly traded financial institutions. Through the case study learning tool, program participants gain strength in their set of analytical skills. Students also become more versatile in effective communication to team members on all issues related to risk relationships. To qualify for this program, candidates must have the necessary skills in MS Excel, as well as basic probabilities and statistics. NYIF certification courses run over a five-day period, with a specific aspect of risk management addressed every day; these courses can be taken both in the classroom and online. These courses include Introduction to Risk Management (Day 1), Measuring Risk: Equity, Fixed Income, Derivatives and FX (Day 2), Risk Management Tools and Practices (Day 3), Introduction to Stress Testing (Day 4), and Risk Regulation (Day 5). Cost: $3,500.00 - $4,300.00 Boston University A trusted name in education, Boston University has an online degree certificate for business risk management at a competitive education rate. This comprehensive program includes four courses for a total of 16 credits. This course can also be held on the BU campus or in an online/campus hybrid learning model. Students enrolled in this program are immersed in thematic areas related to crisis management, supply chain interruptions, logistics in emergency management, risk assessment, among others. Boston University's Enterprise Risk Management is led by a faculty of public and private sector experts. BU's online business programs are considered highly competitive in the field. Students get their certificate after building a wider spectrum of knowledge in the industry. Cost: $860.00 per credit hour 3. Project Management Professional (PMP) When you get a professional project management certification, there is a lot of talk about the level of education, skill, and persistence. A PMP requires three to five years of professional experience, with an accumulation of approximately 7,500 hours of leadership. A PMP can be called upon to implement both short- and long-term business efforts, making complications have been anticipated and resolved. Southern New Hampshire University Southern New Hampshire University offers an online degree certificate in project management. This program provides the credits needed to qualify for the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam. SNHU offers wide flexibility, allowing students to take five 10-week courses in a year. This PMP program focuses on risk assessment, budget planning, negotiation, conflict resolution, planning, and other aspects of project management that require secure leadership. SNHU's project management curriculum includes career building courses such as quantitative analysis for decision-making, six sigma quality management, supply chain management, and a course dedicated to preparing for the PMP exam itself. In addition, Southern New Hampshire integrates extensive networking opportunities throughout the certification program. Cost: $13,167.00 Rutgers University: School of Business/Executive Education Rutgers University's Certification in Project Management program is a series of courses that emphasize the key practical skills needed to keep projects running on both a small and large scale without errors. This preparation for PMP exams is 100% online, allowing maximum flexibility within an intense career. Rutgers University's online courses are held by experienced industry professionals, all available for one-to-one guidance throughout the program. The resume associated with this 61-hour credit program includes project quality planning, work-sharing structures, cost control, communication management, among many others. Cost: $2,200.00 4. International Business Management Certificate An international business management certificate will benefit multiple types of professionals, especially those eager to improve business acumen in an increasingly global market. Whether it's import/export companies, finance, or any multicultural business environment, an IBC will indicate expanded knowledge and valuable global mindset. Georgetown University: School of Continuing Studies A world-renowned school, Georgetown University has expanded its academics to meet the needs of continuing education students. The GU certificate in International Business Management explores the increasingly global business environment and the changing needs of the international market. This six-credit programme can be completed in six months to two years and represents 10.80 continuing training units (CEUs). Most OJ certification courses are in class, although some are also made available online. Georgetown's international business management curriculum cinque corsi obbligatori e uno elettivo; alcuni di questi corsi includono International Marketing Management, Communication in Organizations e Global Organizational Behavior e International Human Resource Management. Costo: $6,570.00 California Southern University: School of Business Business Certified in International Business is designed for managers, executive professionals, or a recent graduate weighing their options for graduate school. This program consists of six three-credit courses that include relevant concepts in international business, multicultural business practices, marketing, and more. CalSouthern's comprehensive series of courses includes business ethics, international marketing, international business cultural environment, international business law, among others. This college provides the same resources to online certificate students as their full-time campus student body. Cost: $375.00 per credit hour 5. Microsoft Certified Professional software is the most ubiquitous program in most business environments. It is good to have an internal certified expert to provide guidance for the team. Microsoft offers many types of special certifications for different components of the program; These certifications fall into five main categories: Microsoft Developer, Microsoft Applications, Microsoft Trainer and Educator, Microsoft Server, and Microsoft Desktop. Depending on your Microsoft certification, you increase the value and marketability in your workforce. Many careers that can benefit from these certifications include IT professionals, system analysts, help desk technicians, database administrators, and other similar capabilities. There are no specific prerequisites for doing a Microsoft Certified Professional exam, but to gain this expert status, it's essential to make sure you know the material. There are both in-person and online programs available to support your preparation. Microsoft recently launched flexible on-demand courses that blend video, text, and other media available for practical training; these courses are led by Microsoft Certified Trainers, the most qualified experts in skills development. Cost: Varied, depending on the choice of training method During the pursuit of any of the above certifications, it is worth checking whether or not the workplace will pay the bill; many companies designate money for continuing training and certifications of their employees. The previous one represents 5 of the best certifications to advance your career. Related rankings

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