Teacher Certification Programs - University of Arizona

College of Education

Teacher Certification Programs

|Grade |Teacher |Program |Target Student |Completion |

|Level |Certification |Descriptions |Population |Timeframe |

| |Programs | | | |

|1 – 8 |Elementary Education |4 semester cohort program includes |Undergraduates interested in |4 semesters |

| | |teaching foundations, academic |teaching who have strong | |

| | |concentration, teaching methods and |lower-division background in | |

| | |student teaching |language arts, math, science, | |

| | | |social studies and the arts | |

|PreK - 3 |Early Childhood Education |4 semester cohort program includes |Undergraduates interested in early |4 semesters |

| | |teaching foundations, advanced |childhood education and guiding the| |

| | |courses, methods courses and student |development of young children ages | |

| | |teaching in both preschool and |birth through 8 | |

| | |K - 3 classrooms | | |

|K - 12 |Cross Categorical Special |3 semester sequence of coursework, 1 |Undergraduates interested in |4 semesters |

| |Education |semester supervised internship |working with students with | |

| | |designed to prepare special education |mild/moderate disabilities in the | |

| | |teachers to teach students with |areas of learning disabilities, | |

| | |mild/moderate disabilities in K – 12 |mental retardation, and | |

| | |settings |emotional/behavioral disorders | |

|7 - 12 |Teach Arizona Secondary |1-year master’s degree program for |Graduate students interested in |12 months |

| |Grades |people who have earned a bachelor’s |teaching math, physics, chemistry, | |

| |(Graduate Program) |degree and want to become teachers in |biology, sciences, Spanish, | |

| | |a content area |English, history in a secondary | |

| | | |education setting | |

|Grade |Teacher |Program |Target Student |Completion |

|Level |Certification |Descriptions |Population |Timeframe |

| |Programs | | | |

|K - 12 |Cross Categorical Special |Graduate program which prepares |Students with a bachelor’s degree | |

| |Education (Graduate |students to teach a broad range of |in any field of study, though | |

| |Program) |students with mild disabilities |applicants who do not hold a | |

| | |38 credits |current teaching certificate may be| |

| | | |required to complete some | |

| | | |additional coursework | |

|K - 12 |Learning Disabilities |Prepares teachers with Arizona |Teachers interested in elementary | |

| |(Graduate Program) |certification to teach students with |or secondary special education with| |

| | |learning disabilities |a concentration in learning | |

| | | |disabilities. | |

|K - 12 |Severe and Multiple |Prepares teachers with Arizona |Teachers interested in teaching | |

| |Disabilities (Graduate |certification to teach students with |students with severe/multiple | |

| |Program) |severe and multiple physical and |disabilities, especially in general| |

| | |cognitive disabilities |education settings | |

|K – 12 |Deaf Education |Online program that prepares teachers |Teachers interested in working | |

| |(Graduate Program) |with Arizona certification to teach |with children with varying degrees | |

| | |students who are deaf or hard of |of hearing loss as well as across | |

| | |hearing |multiple educational placements | |

|K - 12 |Visual Impairment |2 graduate-level programs leading to a|Students with a bachelor's degree | |

| |(Graduate Program) |specialization in teaching children |in education or a related field | |

| | |who are visually impaired--TVI, or |such as rehabilitation counseling, | |

| | |Teacher of Students with Visual |sociology, or psychology | |

| | |Impairments and O&M or Orientation and| | |

| | |Mobility Specialist. | | |

For more information contact the Office of Student Services at 621-7865


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