
Corpus Christi University Parish

Christian Leadership Program

Twelve $5,000 Scholarships for UT Freshmen


The Christian Leadership Program (CLP) is a four-year scholarship program that provides theological and spiritual formation for students to help them develop their gifts and talents as leaders in the Church and in the world. CLP was founded by Rev. James J. Bacik and has been recognized by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for excellence in developing leaders for the future.


CLP exists to prepare leaders for the church and society who are theologically grounded, spiritually motivated, and religiously committed to their Catholic tradition. As dynamic young leaders they will be able to bring Christian principles to their families and jobs.


CLP participants receive $1,000 their first year ($100 deducted for text books), $1,000 for the second and third years, and $2,000 for the fourth year. The money is distributed through the University of Toledo (UT) Office of Student Financial Aid, and is available even if a student already has other scholarships. Scholarship money is given at the end of the semester after all required work is completed. No money is given for co-op semesters away from campus or for fifth year students.


Corpus Christi University Parish (CCUP), the Catholic community serving the University of Toledo, sponsors the program.

Program Director

CLP is directed by Reverend Philip Smith, Associate Pastor of Corpus Christi University Parish, who teaches the Contemporary Theology course and meets regularly with all of the advanced CLP students. He can be reached by email: psmith@ or by phone: 419.531.4992.


Any full-time freshman student attending UT, who is a practicing Catholic and is willing and able to meet the requirements, can apply to participate in CLP.

General Requirements

Each participant must be involved in a process of deepening their spirituality and achieving a more mature understanding of their Catholic faith.

Program Requirements for Freshmen

1. Be an active member of CCUP and participate in activities of the Catholic Student Association (CSA).

2. Maintain a GPA of 2.8.

3. Participate in parish-sponsored retreat opportunities.

4. Participate in one Christian service project (at least 6 hours) starting in the spring semester and attend one theological reflection session.

5. Take the Contemporary Theology class taught by Reverend Philip Smith which meets once a week for 1 hour beginning in the middle of September and concludes at the end of the spring semester.

Program Requirements for Advanced Students

1. Assume a leadership position at CCUP or UT, and write a theological reflection paper on the experience each semester.

2. Participate in at least one retreat each semester, and write a theological reflection on each one.

3. Attend two theology lectures each semester, and write a summary of each one.

4. Attend the general CLP meetings (three or four each semester).

5. Participate in one Christian service project (at least 12 hours) starting in the fall semester and attend one theological reflection session.

6. Second-year students meet twice a month for theological discussion and leadership training.

Application Procedure

The following materials must be submitted to the CCUP office no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 10, 2015.

1. The official CLP application form (which is included in the CLP application packet). Additional copies of the application are available in the CCUP office and online at

2. A one-page typed essay that explains the applicant’s reasons for wanting to participate in the program, while also reflecting on the applicant’s past experiences of leadership, service, and spiritual growth. Applicants may also note their financial situation if they wish.

3. A letter of recommendation from a pastor (or other pastoral leader, such as, a youth minister, high school chaplain, retreat team leader, etc.) who can attest to the applicant’s commitment to the Catholic tradition, involvement in a faith community, as well as potential for leadership.

4. A letter of recommendation from a teacher or academic counselor who can attest to the applicant’s potential to successfully complete college-level coursework.

Selection Process

A committee composed of CCUP members will review all the fully completed applications received by the deadline. They will make their selections on the following criteria:

1. Commitment to the Catholic tradition and parish involvement;

2. Leadership potential;

3. Academic abilities;

4. Commitment to Christian service and volunteering;

5. Willingness to participate for four years.

Christian Leadership Program

Official Application Form

The application deadline is 4 p.m. on Thursday, September 10, 2015

Please type or print all responses on this application.

Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Rocket ID: ____________________

Last Name First Name Middle Initial

Permanent Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________

City, State / Zip Code: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Home Phone: (__________)_________________________ Email: ____________________________________________

UT Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Please include zip code if you are not living in a UT residence hall.

UT Phone: (__________)_________________________ UT Email: ________________________________________

If you plan to use a different email address / account.

Home Parish: _____________________________________________ Pastor: ________________________________________

Church Name and City

High School Accomplishments

Name of High School: _______________________________________________________________________________

Cumulative GPA: _______________________________________________________________________________

Highest Honor Received: _______________________________________________________________________________

Best Scholarship Won: _______________________________________________________________________________

Highest Leadership Position: _______________________________________________________________________________

Rank in Graduating Class: _______________________________________________________________________________

(e.g.: 25 out of 100)

Optional: You may attach to your application a list of other honors and activities especially in academics, leadership, service, and spirituality.

The following items must be submitted with this application form:

1. A one-page typed essay that explains your reasons for wanting to participate in the program, while also reflecting on your past experiences of 1) leadership, 2) service, and 3) spiritual growth (parish involvement, retreats, etc.). Applicants may also note their financial situation if they wish.

2. A letter of recommendation from a pastor (or other pastoral leader, such as, a youth minister, high school chaplain, retreat team leader, etc.) who can attest to your commitment to the Catholic tradition, involvement in a faith community, as well as potential for leadership.

3. A letter of recommendation from a teacher or academic counselor who can attest to your potential to successfully complete college-level coursework.

← Blank recommendation forms for pastoral staff and school personnel to complete are included in the CLP application packet; additional copies are available in the parish office and online at

I am a full-time freshman student at the University of Toledo, a practicing Catholic and intend to fulfill the program requirements.

Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________

Christian Leadership Program

Pastoral Recommendation Form

Dear Pastor or Pastoral Leader,

We need your help in determining the recipients of twelve $5,000 scholarships offered by Corpus Christi University Parish at the University of Toledo. The applicant has material explaining the Christian Leadership Program, which he or she should provide you, or you may also view this information online at

Please type your responses on this sheet or use a separate sheet if that is more convenient; seal your recommendation in an envelope, and return it to the student to submit with their application, which is due September 10, 2015. The student will not be shown your recommendation. Please contact me with any questions by email: psmith@ or phone: 419.531.4992.



Rev. Philip Smith, Director

Student’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Recommender: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Name Position Phone Number

How well and in what capacity you know the student:

Please comment on the following attributes of the student you are recommending…

1. Commitment to the Catholic tradition:

2. Involvement in the parish:

3. Leadership potential:

4. Willingness and ability to handle the requirements of the program:

How do you rate the student’s intellectual ability and leadership potential in relation to other high school seniors you know (for example, “about average,” “one of the best,” top 20 percent”)?

Christian Leadership Program

Academic Recommendation Form

Dear Teacher or Counselor,

We need your help in determining the recipients of twelve $5,000 scholarships offered by Corpus Christi University Parish at the University of Toledo. Please comment on the academic achievements of the student you are recommending as well as his or her ability to meet the academic requirements of the Christian Leadership Program. The applicant has a copy of the program requirements which he or she should provide you, or you may also view this information online at

Please type your responses on this sheet or use a separate sheet if that is more convenient; seal your recommendation in an envelope, and return it to the student to submit with their application, which is due September 10, 2015. The student will not be shown your recommendation. Please contact me with any questions by email: psmith@ or phone: 419.531.4992.



Rev. Philip Smith, Director

Student’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Recommender: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Name Position Phone Number

How well and in what capacity you know the student:

Please comment on the following attributes of the student you are recommending…

1. Leadership potential:

2. Academic abilities:

How do you rate the student’s intellectual ability and leadership potential in relation to other high school seniors you know (for example, “about average,” “one of the best,” top 20 percent”)?


Corpus Christi University Parish

Christian Leadership Program

Twelve $5,000 Scholarships for UT Freshmen


The Christian Leadership Program (CLP) is a four-year scholarship program that provides theological and spiritual formation for students to help them develop their gifts and talents as leaders in the Church and in the world. CLP was founded by Rev. James J. Bacik and has been recognized by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for excellence in developing leaders for the future.


CLP exists to prepare leaders for the church and society who are theologically grounded, spiritually motivated, and religiously committed to their Catholic tradition. As dynamic young leaders they will be able to bring Christian principles to their families and jobs.


CLP participants receive $1,000 their first year ($100 deducted for text books), $1,000 for the second and third years, and $2,000 for the fourth year. The money is distributed through the University of Toledo (UT) Office of Student Financial Aid, and is available even if a student already has other scholarships. Scholarship money is given at the end of the semester after all required work is completed. No money is given for co-op semesters away from campus or for fifth year students.


Corpus Christi University Parish (CCUP), the Catholic community serving the University of Toledo, sponsors the program.

Program Director

CLP is directed by Reverend Philip Smith, Associate Pastor of Corpus Christi University Parish, who teaches the Contemporary Theology course and meets regularly with all of the advanced CLP students. He can be reached by email: psmith@ or by phone: 419.531.4992.


Any full-time freshman student attending UT, who is a practicing Catholic and is willing and able to meet the requirements, can apply to participate in CLP.

General Requirements

Each participant must be involved in a process of deepening their spirituality and achieving a more mature understanding of their Catholic faith.

Program Requirements for Freshmen

1. Be an active member of CCUP and participate in activities of the Catholic Student Association (CSA).

2. Maintain a GPA of 2.8.

3. Participate in parish-sponsored retreat opportunities.

4. Participate in one Christian service project (at least 6 hours) starting in the spring semester and attend one theological reflection session.

5. Take the Contemporary Theology class taught by Reverend Philip Smith which meets once a week for 1 hour beginning in the middle of September and concludes at the end of the spring semester.

Program Requirements for Advanced Students

1. Assume a leadership position at CCUP or UT, and write a theological reflection paper on the experience each semester.

2. Participate in at least one retreat each semester, and write a theological reflection on each one.

3. Attend two theology lectures each semester, and write a summary of each one.

4. Attend the general CLP meetings (three or four each semester).

5. Participate in one Christian service project (at least 12 hours) starting in the fall semester and attend one theological reflection session.

6. Second-year students meet twice a month for theological discussion and leadership training.

Application Procedure

The following materials must be submitted to the CCUP office no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 10, 2015.

1. The official CLP application form (which is included in the CLP application packet). Additional copies of the application are available in the CCUP office and online at

2. A one-page typed essay that explains the applicant’s reasons for wanting to participate in the program, while also reflecting on the applicant’s past experiences of leadership, service, and spiritual growth. Applicants may also note their financial situation if they wish.

3. A letter of recommendation from a pastor (or other pastoral leader, such as, a youth minister, high school chaplain, retreat team leader, etc.) who can attest to the applicant’s commitment to the Catholic tradition, involvement in a faith community, as well as potential for leadership.

4. A letter of recommendation from a teacher or academic counselor who can attest to the applicant’s potential to successfully complete college-level coursework.

Selection Process

A committee composed of CCUP members will review all the fully completed applications received by the deadline. They will make their selections on the following criteria:

1. Commitment to the Catholic tradition and parish involvement;

2. Leadership potential;

3. Academic abilities;

4. Commitment to Christian service and volunteering;

5. Willingness to participate for four years.


Corpus Christi University Parish

Christian Leadership Program

Twelve $5,000 Scholarships for UT Freshmen


The Christian Leadership Program (CLP) is a four-year scholarship program that provides theological and spiritual formation for students to help them develop their gifts and talents as leaders in the Church and in the world. CLP was founded by Rev. James J. Bacik and has been recognized by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for excellence in developing leaders for the future.


CLP exists to prepare leaders for the church and society who are theologically grounded, spiritually motivated, and religiously committed to their Catholic tradition. As dynamic young leaders they will be able to bring Christian principles to their families and jobs.


CLP participants receive $1,000 their first year ($100 deducted for text books), $1,000 for the second and third years, and $2,000 for the fourth year. The money is distributed through the University of Toledo (UT) Office of Student Financial Aid, and is available even if a student already has other scholarships. Scholarship money is given at the end of the semester after all required work is completed. No money is given for co-op semesters away from campus or for fifth year students.


Corpus Christi University Parish (CCUP), the Catholic community serving the University of Toledo, sponsors the program.

Program Director

CLP is directed by Reverend Philip Smith, Associate Pastor of Corpus Christi University Parish, who teaches the Contemporary Theology course and meets regularly with all of the advanced CLP students. He can be reached by email: psmith@ or by phone: 419.531.4992.


Any full-time freshman student attending UT, who is a practicing Catholic and is willing and able to meet the requirements, can apply to participate in CLP.

General Requirements

Each participant must be involved in a process of deepening their spirituality and achieving a more mature understanding of their Catholic faith.

Program Requirements for Freshmen

1. Be an active member of CCUP and participate in activities of the Catholic Student Association (CSA).

2. Maintain a GPA of 2.8.

3. Participate in parish-sponsored retreat opportunities.

4. Participate in one Christian service project (at least 6 hours) starting in the spring semester and attend one theological reflection session.

5. Take the Contemporary Theology class taught by Reverend Philip Smith which meets once a week for 1 hour beginning in the middle of September and concludes at the end of the spring semester.

Program Requirements for Advanced Students

1. Assume a leadership position at CCUP or UT, and write a theological reflection paper on the experience each semester.

2. Participate in at least one retreat each semester, and write a theological reflection on each one.

3. Attend two theology lectures each semester, and write a summary of each one.

4. Attend the general CLP meetings (three or four each semester).

5. Participate in one Christian service project (at least 12 hours) starting in the fall semester and attend one theological reflection session.

6. Second-year students meet twice a month for theological discussion and leadership training.

Application Procedure

The following materials must be submitted to the CCUP office no later than 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 10, 2015.

1. The official CLP application form (which is included in the CLP application packet). Additional copies of the application are available in the CCUP office and online at

2. A one-page typed essay that explains the applicant’s reasons for wanting to participate in the program, while also reflecting on the applicant’s past experiences of leadership, service, and spiritual growth. Applicants may also note their financial situation if they wish.

3. A letter of recommendation from a pastor (or other pastoral leader, such as, a youth minister, high school chaplain, retreat team leader, etc.) who can attest to the applicant’s commitment to the Catholic tradition, involvement in a faith community, as well as potential for leadership.

4. A letter of recommendation from a teacher or academic counselor who can attest to the applicant’s potential to successfully complete college-level coursework.

Selection Process

A committee composed of CCUP members will review all the fully completed applications received by the deadline. They will make their selections on the following criteria:

1. Commitment to the Catholic tradition and parish involvement;

2. Leadership potential;

3. Academic abilities;

4. Commitment to Christian service and volunteering;

5. Willingness to participate for four years.


Pastor/Pastoral Leader Copy

Teacher/Academic Counselor Copy


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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