Course Name: COLLEGE ALGEBRA Course Number: MS 123 & MS123 Pilot ACTS Course: MATH 1103 (transferable) Semester and Year: Spring 2018 Meeting Place: C103 Meeting Time: Tues/Thurs 11:00a-12:20p Prerequisites: C or better in MS 1023 Credit Hours: 3 Clock Hours: 3 Revision Date: 1-8-2018

INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: Instructor: Mrs. Alida Gookin Office Location: C108 "Faculty Row" Office Phone: 870-338-6474; ext 1308 Email Address: Office Hours: On webpage & office door Website: search gookin Instructor's cell: _______________


This is a modern algebra course based on a function approach with emphasis on the following: critical thinking, mathematical modeling, and appropriate use of technology. Topics covered include: quadratic, polynomial, rational, absolute value, exponential, logarithmic, and radical functions; graphing of polynomial, rational, exponential, and radical functions; graphing of polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic equations; graphing and solutions of inequalities; solutions of systems of equations using a variety of methods including determinants and matrices; other topics include progression, binomial theorem, partial fractions, and set theory.

TEXT AND REQUIRED MATERIALS: Textbook: Algebra for College Students 8th Edition (MyMathLab code included) Publisher: Lial-Hornsby-McGinnis Required material: Calculator (Texas Instrument 83-plus or 84-plus silver recommended), *MyMathLab Code, 3-ring binders and TEXTBOOK.

EXPECTED STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: The student will demonstrate: *The ability to perform and solve basic function operations and algebraic problems using appropriate vocabulary *Critical thinking to formulate decisions and problem solving based on reasoning and analysis *The appropriate use of technology to supplement and enhance conceptual understanding, visualization, and inquiry *The ability to synthesize information from a variety of sources to solve problems and interpret results The student will demonstrate a basic understanding of functions including: *Absolute values, Quadratic, Polynomial, Rational, Logarithmic, Exponential *Graphing of inequalities and quadratic inequalities The student will demonstrate an understanding of the application of the following topics: *Systems of equations, *Matrices


INSTRUCTIONAL GOALS OR OBJECTIVES 1. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the composition and properties of the

Real Number System. 2. Students will demonstrate knowledge and a basic understanding of polynomial

functions (linear, quadratic, and others) by being able to perform various operations which include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, composition, solution of equations, and graphing of these functions. 3. Students will use critical thinking to formulate decisions and problem solving based on reasoning and analysis. 4. Students will be able to synthesize information from a variety of sources to solve problems and interpret results. 5. Students will demonstrate knowledge and a basic understanding, as well as techniques to solve equations of non-polynomial functions, which include: Exponential, Radicals, Absolute Values, Rational, Logarithmic functions 6. Students will be to formulate and solve basic real world problems whose models are non-polynomial. 7. Students will be able to solve linear, quadratic, other polynomial form, rational, radical, absolute value inequalities. 8. Students will demonstrate knowledge and a basic understanding of the Cartesian coordinate system, and will be able to identify families of graph which includes: linear, quadratic, cubic, even and odd degreed polynomials, rational, exponential and logarithmic. 9. Student will be able to solve systems of equations by several methods; those methods include determinants and matrices. 10. Students will be familiar with the set of Complex numbers, their properties and operations. 11. Students will be able to recognize arithmetic and geometric series; to be able to find means between two given terms; to find sums and the terms of a sequence.

PCCUA CORE COMPETENCIES The six PCCUA core competencies are incorporated within the context of the subject being taught. The competencies address skills the College has committed to developing in all students. 1. Social and Civic Responsibility ? Demonstrates adherence to legal/ethical standards established by society. 2. Technology Utilization ? Uses tools of the trade to achieve a specific outcome. 3. Analytical and Critical Thinking ? Displays reasoning including analyzing data, evaluating alternatives, setting priorities, and predicting outcomes 4. Communication ? Engages in the interactive process through which there is an exchange of verbal and/or nonverbal information. 5. Cultural Awareness ? Acknowledges that society is diverse with groups of individuals possessing differing beliefs, values, attitudes, and customs that are shared from one generation to the next



Notebook Portfolio [10%] ? A Notebook must be maintained in a 3-ring binder, and not in the same one as your textbook or other college courses. It should contain notes from class, completed online homework assignments with problems arranged and numbered in an orderly fashion, and other relevant materials and handouts. (No "scratch work"). Each page of the notebook should have the Section number at the top, as well as whether it is "notes", "classwork", or "online HW". Keep all returned and graded papers in a separate (back) section of the notebook, behind your syllabus, even if it is a graded classwork. Notebooks will be periodically checked and must be turned in at midterm and at the end of the semester. Notebooks are graded "on the curve." Points are given for every page of problems or notes done in the student's own handwriting. Notebook grades can be improved if you do odd-numbered problems from the book for extra practice, but all work must be shown since answers only are given in the back of the book. Notebooks are the only "curved" grades. To see how I want your notebook done, go to our college website and click on the search icon at the top right and type in Gookin. Then under my student resources is a powerpoint presentation on how to do the notebook.

Online Homework [20%] - Assignments will be given on MyMathLab. Assigned problems are to be worked by the student to assure his or her proficiency in algebra. All homework done from online should be maintained in your notebook. If it is a question that can be answered without being worked out, just write the number of the problem and put a check mark () there. ALWAYS try to do the homework as soon as it is presented in class, if not before. You will have two days from the time it is taught to do it without penalty, but you have until the day of the test over that section to do it without getting a zero. If you have trouble on the online homework, see me in the STEM lab or in my office or send me a message by email to ask about it.

Classwork and Quizzes [20%] - Classwork that is taken up, whether it be notes, problems worked in class, or group work will fall into this category. Quizzes will be given on paper, usually in the first ten minutes of the period. If you are late to class you may not start the quiz unless no quiz papers have already been turned in. Missed quizzes or classwork CANNOT be made up; however your lowest classroom grades will be dropped ?one for every seven that is given.

Tests [30%] ?Tests will be announced prior to the date given. Make up tests are not allowed, but the lowest grade will be dropped, so any missed test will count as a zero and will be the test that is dropped. These tests will be given in class, never online.

Final Exam [20%] ? A comprehensive final will be given.

Extra credit Extra credit work on each section can be done from the book and the lists of assignments are online. Go to then at the top right there is a search icon. Type in


Gookin and then go to my student resources and look for College Algebra assignments. You can also get this assignment sheet on MyMathLab website under "Course Tools" then "Document Sharing". Extra credit is given only on problems worked correctly, but your grade is always 100%. If you turn in a paper worth 25 points, this would be the same as getting 25 out of 25 on a test. These points are added into your test average for the term. Notes on Extra Credit:

? Use graph paper if graphs are to be drawn. Go to my homepage to get graph paper printed off if you need it.

? Do not loan your paper to anyone else. Plagiarism of any work is cheating; both papers will be discarded. You may work with a tutor, but never turn in the tutor's work as if it were your own.

? Extra credit may be turned in each day. You must do your online homework for the section before any credit will be given for extra work from the book. Only do the assigned extra credit problems for credit, but you may do others for practice. Any extra credit must be turned in before the test is given over the sections you have done work on.

? Show all your work. Do not write answers only unless they are that type of problem. Each extra credit problem worked correctly generally counts one point. If the problem is lengthy, it may earn more points.

? If you demonstrate a problem for the class this participation is worth 5 extra credit points.

Grading Scale ? 90% -100%-------------------------------A 60% - 69%--------------------------------D 80% - 89%--------------------------------B Below 60%--------------------------------F 70% - 79%--------------------------------C I keep a running average of your grades on Excel and you may ask me at any

time what your average is. I can email it to you. I will also let you know your average after each test.

EARLY ASSESSMENT MEASURE As soon as the first test is given, you will be assessed using that score as well as your other work in class and online. You must strive to have a 70 average by this time. If your average is below this, you will be assigned tutoring in the STEM or STAR lab.

ATTENDANCE POLICY The instructor places high value on class attendance and punctuality. If you must be absent and you know ahead of time, please inform the instructor. Students will be warned of the danger of becoming "excessively absent" if you miss class three times. You are excessively absent when you accumulate five absences and you will be dropped from class. Missing class three consecutive times will require a doctor's excuse to prevent my dropping you. Additionally, a tardy or early-out will count as 1/2 absence unless you are missing more than ten minutes of classtime, then the penalty will be greater. If you have to leave class for few moments due to emergency you will not be given a penalty if you return within


five minutes. Roll will be taken by seeing if you are in your regular seat when class begins. Regular seats will be the one each student sits in on the 2nd day of class.

MISSED OR LATE ASSIGNMENTS AND EXAMS No test or quiz or daily work in class can be made up if missed. It will count for a zero. However, if you know ahead of time that you will be absent on a test date (for such things as court date, military duty, a relative's funeral, or hospitalization) you can take the test BEFORE those in the class take it if you let me know at least a day in advance. Additionally, if you are tardy to class and the class is still taking a quiz which I frequently give in the first ten minutes of the class period, and no one has yet turned in a paper, you may begin the quiz, but it will be taken up at the time when all papers are called for by the teacher. You will not be allowed extra time to finish. However, if papers are already being handed in, you will not be given a chance to begin the quiz. The same applies to major tests.

STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES ? According to standards published by the Higher Education Commission, college students are expected to spend about two hours of study outside of the classroom for every one hour spent in class. Students are expected to be in class, be attentive, participate, possibly demonstrate or work homework problems on the board or overhead. Textbooks, graphing calculator*, notebook and pencil must be brought to class each meeting. It is a student's responsibility to keep up with the due dates for assignments. Online homework that is late is penalized 10% and if it is not done before the test over that section, it will turn into a zero. This is the smart way to do well in this class:

1) Be in class, on time, and ready to listen. Ask questions if you don't understand. 2) Take notes, study over them, study examples from the text book. 3) Do your online homework as soon as possible after leaving class. 4) Do problems from the book. Turn even #s in as soon as possible for extra credit. 5) Study for tests by doing practice tests online. 6) Go to STAR lab for help on problems you do not understand or call Ms. Chandler at

PCCUA extension 1278 to get a tutor. STEM lab also can obtain a tutor for you. *Graphing calculator may be borrowed in class if cell phone is collateral. CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR Electronic devices, such as cell phones, ipods, ipads, and pagers, are not permitted and must be turned off and out of sight during class. Violation of these policies will result in disciplinary action. Additionally, students are not permitted to bring food or drink into classrooms or to bring children to class. Students are required to be respectful to their instructor and all classroom peers.

SUPPORT FOR LEARNING Students will be assessed for learning outcomes before the fourth week of classes. In this course students have several options to assist with learning course material. Math help is available from Mr. Sellers in the STAR lab or from tutors in STEM lab. Students are also welcome to see the instructor during her office hours or by appointment.


ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY Cheating on quizzes or tests, or any other forms of academic dishonesty is prohibited. The penalty for academic dishonesty in this course is a "0" for the assignment with notification of the infraction to the Dean of Instruction. A second instance of academic dishonesty will result in a failing grade for the course and may also result in disciplinary sanctions including probation or suspension from the college.

Plagiarism on papers or projects submitted for credit is prohibited. Plagiarism can be defined as unintentionally or deliberately using another person's writing or ideas as though they are one's own. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, copying another individual's work and taking credit for it (including a tutor's work). In math, certain websites are often used to obtain answers to problems without doing the work, and this is also plagiarism.


Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas provides student support services that assist students in achieving their educational objective. Those services include advising, financial aid, counseling and guidance, and safety and security. Please contact Mr. Ward in the STEM lab (Ext. 1924 if you need to be assigned a tutor. You may also contact Mrs. Addie Chandler (Ext. 1278).

ADA POLICY: Scott Post is the Vice Chancellor for Student Services and serves as the ADA Compliance Officer. As an open enrollment college, PCCUA strives to meet the needs of students with self-disclosed disabilities who wish to advance their education. A student with a disability must meet with the campus Disabilities Coordinator to obtain reasonable accommodations. Students who have met with the Coordinator are more likely to experience success in a positive learning environment. If you have a disability please contact the Student Disabilities Coordinator George White (870) 338-6474 ext. 1135

FERPA POLICY Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. A student has the right to inspect and review all of his/her records that meet the definition of educational records. No third party has the right to review student records without the student's permission, with very limited exceptions. For more information contact the Registrar's Office.

INSURANCE Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas does not provide insurance for its students. The college does encourage each student to secure his/her own insurance, and for that reason, the college has contacted an insurance agency to assist any student with individual student insurance coverage. Forms for this insurance are available in the Registrar's office.


ACTS The Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) contains information about the transferability of courses within Arkansas Public Colleges and universities. Students are guaranteed the transfer of applicable credits and the equitable treatment in the application of credits for the admission and degree requirements. Course transferability is not guaranteed for courses listed in ACTS as "No Comparable Course." Additionally, courses with a "D" frequently do not transfer and institutional policies may vary. ACTS may be accessed on the Internet by going to the ADHE Website and selecting Course Transfer.

The syllabus and the policies, guidelines, and dates included are subject to change at the instructor's discretion.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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