
Mid-Term Exam Information (Week 7)Content:The test will be over the five chapters that we talked about in class before the test. During the test, you will have to have a conversation about only 2 of the five chapters.Format:You will have a conversation with another person in your class. Most of you will be in groups of two but some of you may be in groups of three. You will not know your partner until test day. On test day, you will be in a breakout room with just your group and the professor. The professor will give you a chapter, and then you and your partner will have a conversation. In total, you and your partner will have 4 minutes for both conversations (2 minutes for the first conversation, and 2 minutes for the second conversation). If you have three people, your time will be a little bit longer to give you more time. After you have finished your conversations, your test is over!How to Study:Do NOT study from or memorize scripts. Reciting a script does not show an ability to communicate in English. The professor may also change the conversation during the test.The BEST way to study is:Examine each chapter and find the language you need to speak about it.Make a list of all this language for each chapter.Vocabulary, Grammar, PhrasesUse your Textbook, Worksheets, Homework, etc.Practice speaking about the chapter OUT LOUD, preferably with a partner (in person or on the phone), using as much of your lists as possible:A+ AnswersGood Vocab and GrammarKnowing your Time LimitPractice both Questions and AnswersPositive versus Negative AnswersYou will not be allowed to have any notes or scripts during the exam.Each chapter requires certain language. Know what language you need for each chapter and be sure you can communicate beyond a script, changing answers and thinking creatively while using English!Keys to Success:Relax, Be Confident, Prepare, and Have Fun! This test is about you and your classmates, so if you show enthusiasm and proper preparation, you will succeed!Chapter Summaries:Here is a summary of what we have covered in class about these chapters. You do not have to talk about all of these, and you can talk about things not listed here but that are related to the chapter.Unit TopicsTopics Covered (There could be more…)Unit OneInterestsWhat are you interested in?Do you play sports on the weekend?Which sport do you like to play?What do you do in your free time?Unit TwoDescriptionsWhat is your personality?/What are you like?Describe some family members or friends? (What is your mother/father/best friend like?)Unit ThreeRain or ShineWhat is the weather in your hometown/country?Which season is your favorite and why?When is the best time to visit your country?How is the weather in a country you want to visit?Unit SixWhat’s on TV?What do you like to watch on TV?What kind of TV Shows do you like to watch?What are you doing this weekend?Unit NinePeopleWho do you admire the most (in history or now)?What did you do last weekend?When you were young, what was your dream?Basic conversational structure:A: Ask a questionB:Answer +extra info Who/What/When/Where/Why/How often/much? + Opinion/Emotion + Return QuestionA:Answer+extra info + Follow-up QuestionB:Answer+extra info + Follow-up QuestionHow will you be graded?Quality and Content (5)Vocabulary (5)Coherence and Pronunciation (5)Confidence, Attitude, & Fluency (5)Time (5)TOTAL (25) ................

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