Chapter 8 Online Practice Test

Chapter 8 Online Practice Test

(no # given)Between 1800 and 1823, the United States did all the following except

a. fight a war it almost lost

b. extend the right to vote to women and blacks

c. double in territorial size

d. warn European powers not to claim new colonies in the Americas

(213)Thomas Jefferson believed that

a. educated farmers were the most virtuous citizens and best upholders of republican liberty

b. state governments had too much power, and the federal government had not enough

c. the United States should develop prosperous cities, filled with new industries

d. the rich should pay heavier taxes so that government could provide more social services for the poor

(215)Chief Justice John Marshall’s opinions backed

a. a broad definition of treason that made it easier to convict the accused

b. a narrow interpretation of the Constitution, denying that the government had any powers beyond those enumerated in the document

c. the right of federal courts to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional

d. the doctrine that states could nullify illegal actions of the federal government

(223)The Embargo Act

a. badly damaged the British economy

b. stimulated the growth of manufacturing in the United States

c. convinced the French to drop their trade restrictions against the United States

d. was favored by New England but resisted in the South

(228)By the terms of the Treaty of Ghent, ending the War of 1812

a. the United States gained Florida and some territory from Canada

b. the British agreed to stop impressments and other violations of U.S. neutral rights

c. neither the United States nor Britain gained territory or made concessions

d. the British agreed to evacuate New Orleans and compensate the United States by burning Washington

(225)The war hawks were

a. mostly from New England

b. eager for war against Napoleon to gain the Louisiana Territory

c. supporters of Jefferson’s and Madison’s policy of economic coercion

d. Republicans from the West and South who wanted to take Canada from Britain and Florida from Spain

(230)Which of the following occurred during Madison’s presidency?

a. The United States sent a naval squadron against the Barbary pirates of North Africa

b. Congress chartered a second national bank

c. The United States bought Florida from Spain

d. Congress passed the embargo

(233-234)Secretary of State John Quincy Adams is associated with which of the following foreign-policy initiatives?

a. purchasing Texas from Mexico

b. purchasing Louisiana

c. formulating the Monroe Doctrine and purchasing Florida

d. British sale of the Oregon Territory to the United States for $15 million

(230)During the Era of Good Feelings

a. the Federalist party disappeared but the Republican party adopted some of its policies

b. the United States won a war against England

c. sectional and partisan conflicts became more acute

d. President Monroe signed new treaties of alliance and friendship with Britain and France

(228)During the War of 1912

a. the United States successfully occupied Canada

b. the British captured Baltimore, Maryland

c. Tecumesh, the Prophet, and their Indian followers proved valuable allies to the Americans against the British

d. The northeastern states became increasingly unhappy about war

(213)Thomas Jefferson studied science because

a. He believed that science would prove the existence of God

b. He believed that science was the most democratic of all studies

c. He enjoyed the abstract nature of scientific reasoning

d. He believed that every scientific advance would increase human happiness

(213)According to Jefferson, what would happen to the American people if they lived in large cities?

a. they would find better jobs

b. they would become corrupt

c. air pollution would become a major problem

d. they would become more virtuous and thus better citizens of the republic

(214)To Jefferson, which of the following was the most important?

a. Economy. He wishes to reduce the national debt to zero

b. Military strength. He believed that Britain still posed a major threat to the young republic

c. Internal improvements. The national government must take the lead in such things as road-building, according to Jefferson

d. Indian revolts. Jefferson wanted to speed the removal of Native Americans went west of the Mississippi

(216)Why did Napoleon Bonaparte decide to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States?

a. He believed that the United States possessed a superior moral claim to the land

b. He wanted to keep the territory out of the hands of the British

c. He did not want France to own any territory in which slavery existed

d. His dreams of a French Caribbean empire had been sidetracked because of the slave revolt on Santo Domingo

(217)Which of the following statements about the Louisiana Purchase is not correct?

a. Jefferson feared that Britain might seize the territory from France

b. Jefferson believed that American expansion was inevitable

c. Jefferson feared that if France became too strong, “we must marry ourselves to the British fleet and nation.”

d. Jefferson was convinced that as president he had both the power and the responsibility to encourage expansion by the purchase of new lands

(219)Sacajawea was

a. one o the major trading posts in the Louisiana Territory

b. a Shoshone woman who helped guide the Lewis and Clark expedition

c. a Creek warrior chief who was one of the chief supporters of Tecumseh

d. An Indian ceremony to mark a young girl’s coming of age

(219) Which of the following was not an accomplishment of Jefferson’s first term as president?

a. The United States had doubled its territory

b. The United States had fought a successful war against France

c. The United States was well on its way to paying off the national debt

d. The United States remained at peace

(221)The greatest threat to peace during Jefferson’s second term was

a. Napolean’s plan to create a Caribbean empire

b. England’s desire to add Louisiana to its empire

c. Renewal of war in Europe

d. Major Indian rebellions along the western frontier

(221)Why did the United States government object more to British than to French seizure of American ships?

a. The French seizures took place mainly in French ports, while the British seized American ships just a few miles off the American coast

b. Most Americans favored Napoleon

c. The French seized only a few American ships and quickly reimbursed the American ships

d. The British seized American ships without any preliminary warning

(224-225)Who was Tecumseh?

a. The father of a Civil War general

b. One of the most important guides for the Lewis and Clark expedition

c. A leading advocate of Indian assimilation of European culture

d. A Shawnee leader who tried to convince Native Americans to revive their traditional ways

(225)How did Madison’s view of Britain differ from Jefferson’s?

a. Jefferson believed that the British seizure of American ships was the result of the Napoleonic wars, while Madison believed that Britain sought to strangle American trade completely (whoa…that’s a long one ^ ^ )

b. Jefferson saw Britain as an economic rival while Madison believed that the United States should increase its trade with Britain

c. Jefferson believed that the United States must support Britain against Napoleon, while Madison believed that the United States must support Napoleon

d. Jefferson viewed Napoleon as a potential American ally, while Madison believed that Britain was a natural ally for the United States

(228)The Battle of New Orleans was important because

a. The American victory convinced the British to begin peace negotiations

b. The American victory convinced the British to cede Florida to the United States

c. Andrew Jackson emerged as an American hero

d. The British victory at New Orleans convinced the United States to embark on a major ship construction program

(228-230)The Harford Convention

a. Voted to abolish slavery

b. Destroyed the Federalist party as a force in national politics

c. Reinvigorated the Federalist party at the national level

d. Reasserted traditional Federalist support for a strong national government

(231-232)In effect, the Dartmouth College vs. Woodward decision

a. Made possible the emergence of the corporation by stating that a state having issued charter could not regulate the charted organization

b. Restated the strict interpretation of the Constitution

c. Contradicted the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

d. Set the stage for the Missouri Compromise

(231-232)John Marshall’s decision in McCullough vs. Maryland

a. Asserted the power of the national government

b. Challenged the right to the national government to charter a bank

c. Stripped the national government of its ability to regulate commerce

d. Reasserted the doctrine of loose construction and the power of the national government over that of the states

(234-235)The principles of the Monroe Doctrine included all the following except that

a. The United States would abstain from fighting in European wars unless American interests were involved

b. The New World was closed to future European colonization

c. The United States would never annex any part of Spain’s former territories

d. All of the above

(234-235)The Monroe’s Doctrine appeared to work throughout the nineteenth century because

a. European powers feared American military might

b. American’s moral authority was widely respected throughout Europe

c. There were no really attractive New World locations to colonize anyhow

d. The Monroe Doctrine reflected British as well as American interests, and Europeans did not want to tangle with the Royal Navy

(232-233)The Missouri Compromise contained all of the following provisions except

a. Maine would enter the Union as a free state

b. Missouri would enter the Union as a slave state

c. Slavery would be barred in the rest of the Louisiana Territory north of a 36o30’ line

d. Northerners promised to respect a new Fugitive Slave Act

(232)The controversy over the admission of Missouri to the Union

a. Was easily settled because it dealt with economic problems

b. Contained the volatile issues of slavery and its extension that would ultimately lead to the Civil war

c. Sparked a convention in South Carolina to consider secession from the Union

d. Forced Americans to rewrite the Northwest Ordinance

(230)After the War of 1812, Henry Clay called for an “American System,” by which he meant

a. Internal improvements that would make the nation self-sufficient

b. A system of tariffs to keep out European products

c. A unique method of manufacturing that Europeans could not emulate

d. A new way of winning wars

Answer Key:

B, A, C, B, C, D, B, C, A, D, D, B, A, D, D, B, B, C, A, D, A, C, B, A, D, C, D, D, B, A

Hey guys!

I know this is late coming yet I couldn’t get that gut wrenching feeling off of me that I should finish this (but hey, maybe it will help you on the midterms ^ ^ lolz). Yeah…this my friends is positive procrastination. That is where I do work yet it is the wrong work that I should be doing on that day *cough* *cough* do terms *cough* study for retake *cough* math and English homework *cough**cough*. Anyways, here are the online practice exam questions for your safe keeping.


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