
Marzano Lesson Plan Template, Adapted for T-SCORETitle of UnitDriving QuestionCreating a Caring CommunityWhat does stress look like? Did you know that color can affect stress?Lesson TitleDuration of Lesson; DatesEmotional Monochromatic Self-Portraits3 weeksRationale (why students need this lesson to accomplish unit goal; to be successful on the unit assessment)Students will learn about the effects of stress and color on emotion. They will experiment will illustrating an emotion. They will understand and demonstrate using multiple values of one color to create contrast. Design Question Focus of the Lesson (Highlight relevant focus for this lesson)Introducing New KnowledgeDeepening or PracticingGenerating & Testing HypothesesLearning Goal (these are more broad, reflect unit level expectations)Standards/CompetenciesStudents will be able to explain that stress and colors affect our emotions. Students will use their voice and choice to create an emotional self-portrait. (knowledge)Students will be able to draw a precise grid. Students will be able to mix 5 values of one color. . (skills)VA:Re7.1.IHypothesize ways in which art influences perception and understanding of human experiences.EU: Individual aesthetic and empathetic awareness developed with engagement through art can lead to understanding and appreciation of self, others, the natural world and constructed environments.EQ: How do life experiences influence the way you relate to art? How does learning about art impact how we perceive the world? What can we learn from our responses to art?Learning Targets (measurable, breaks down the learning goal)Level 1.0. Retrieval Recognize and define vocabulary: tint, shade, hue, value, grid, stress, emotion, color, self-portrait, Level 2.0. ComprehensionIdentify | Read and write | Describe | Know …Students will describe how stress and color effect their emotion.Level 3.0. AnalysisStudents will analyze how stress and color affect their perception of self. Students will create a monochromatic self-portrait showing emotion that uses a minimum of 5 values.Level 4.0. Knowledge UtilizationStudents will utilize more than 5 values in their monochromatic painting with no help. Critical Chunks of Information: (3-5 Key points you will emphasize; What is to be taught) Read, share and discuss articles on how color and stress affect us.Take pictures of yourself looking stressed, happy, sad, mad, etc. Pick one to turn into a painting.Draw a precise grid on canvas, use the grid drawing tool website to grid your photo. Sketch your portrait on the canvas.Create a value scale with a minimum of 5 tints and shades.Paint your portrait using the value scale in your choice of color.Instructional Strategies/Lesson Activity (Describe what you are doing)Opening/Hook (connection to driving question, goal and objective) What is your favorite color? Why? How does it make you feel?Activity 1 - In groups of 3 or 4, students will read and share articles on Color and Stress using the jigsaw strategyActivity 2 - Students will take self-portraits with expression that show a wide variety of emotions - including stress. (Photographic examples of human emotion). They will then draw a 2 inch grid on the canvas and utilize the grid drawing tool at for their photograph. Students will draw their picture on the canvas using the grid system.Activity 3 - Students will paint a value scale using a minimum of 5 values (the hue, two shades and two tints)Activity 4 -Students paint their Emotional Self-Portrait using the tints and shades they previously mixed.…Closing - Students will write a reflection on the project sharing how their perception and understanding of stress, color and self have been affected. Assessment and Monitoring How will you check for understand during different points in the lesson? How will you know that your students have mastered the material?Classroom monitoring will be done during each part of the lesson. By observing students drawing their grids and portraits, mixing colors for their value scale, and painting their portraits, it will be obvious if they have mastered the skills.The reflection paper will assess how students understand the essential questions. Resources and Materials ................

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