
274_2021.08.24Wed, 9/1 10:19PM ? 1:41:58SUMMARY KEYWORDSvaccine, vaccination, state, questions, rights, point, ombudsman, constitution, people, government, absolutely, book, new south wales, day, adverse reactions, receive, legislation, members, act, information00:01Good evening everyone and welcome to the no you're right shows streaming live on the internet over the rat f m network. Our show is proudly sponsored by webgate IT solutions directing your it dollar further. If anyone's looking for any IT experts please do be sure to contact the guys at a web gate dotnet.au course we do have our three regular show sponsors now greener cleaner, alkaline health and Verona resort in New South. We do also have our new show sponsor on board I checked property solutions or I sorry, I check the Property Inspections.00:36In find out more about all four sponsors on our brand new health end a sponsors page, we do urge you to check out the great range of products that greener cleaner has, make sure you book in for a session with Phil at alkaline health. And if anyone's looking for a relaxing break, please do be sure to verano resort in Noosa. Of course reminded to mention the know your rights group to receive a 10% discount on all bookings made direct with them all 10 died tonight. And of course, if you are looking to buy a property, please contact I checked Property Inspections to avoid any nasty surprises before you buy. So with all of our show sponsors covered as always, my name is Mike I'm joining industry. Darrell, how am I01:21still alive? Still kickin still struggling to keep up with emails? But it is what it is what do you know? And Darren's made the big trek over as well. How are you, buddy? Good. As always, thank you, Mike and yourself, man. I'm still here. Good to hear and get a to all the listeners. Absolutely. So as I explained at the start of every show, we formed the know your rights group just on seven years ago now. And during that time, we have been desperately attempting to find new ways to wake people up to the truth in regards to what's really going on in the world. And finally, of course now that people's liberties and freedoms are being eradicated at an absolutely alarming rate. It does seem like some people are finally starting to wake up now and wanting to learn about their rights. So as long as people continue to slowly but surely wake up to the truth, we will continue running these shows each week. And of course doing our bit to teach people about their rights and trying to restore our freedoms. Before we get started, of course another important reminder, our Facebook group really is now only for beginners or people new to learning about their rights. We do ask that all more advanced members do use the me we platform. We do also have a telegram group and a gab account, as well as our bitch shoot account to replace a YouTube account which we can no longer use. So again, please do be sure to follow us on least one of our uncensored platforms bitch shoot me we telegram or gab so that if the inevitable happens, we don't lose you. Remind Of course, there'll be no future uploads to YouTube for at least another month. Because they do keep censoring our videos. So please do keep following us on bitch shoot, just do a search for know your rights group channel and you'll find all of our videos there. In case you might have missed any. Now on that note, our last few videos have been insanely popular. We actually did a an emergency video update just last night has been viewed over 50,000 times in less than 24 hours. And Sunday night's video, so only a couple of days ago, has already been viewed 90,000 times. So those are some really serious numbers. And this is really great traction that we're starting to get now. And it means that people are waking up and wanting to learn about their rights and and searching for answers. So that's fantastic. So please, if you have missed any of those videos, please make sure you lock in a time to watch them. Because they do contain some really vital information. Again, you'll find them on our Facebook page under the videos tab, or on our beta shooter channel. Again, I do want to acknowledge that we do understand many of you are new to our group, perhaps our show and our website. But please do spend some time looking through all the information that we've already created over the past seven years. And please do refrain from trying to ask us questions via Facebook Messenger or YouTube or things like that. We do see the occasional message or comment here or there. But as I have explained on our last few shows, we're about a month behind now on phone calls. And we're almost a week behind again on emails. So we just simply cannot respond any form of contact at the moment until we catch up. We have of course been bombarded with emails and questions from people wanting assistance over and above what we cover in the shows and our videos and our books. Again, we do acknowledge that a lot of people are struggling out there desperately looking for answers. And we genuinely do wish we could help everyone but the simple fact is is only 24 hours in a day. And with the two videos that we do each week, plus the two hour radio show plus all of the work that goes on behind that to make those happen.05:00Plus a call for the membership related emails we get. We simply can't help everyone, but we do have some options for people. If you want a free basic answer, you're most welcome to post your questions up on our various social media platforms and see if anyone there can help. We do have a members only forum available for all ebook and podcast members. And Darren and Darrell are doing what they can when they gain to jump on there and answer some of those questions here and there. Again, that is primarily a space for other members to help each other out, though. And finally, as I mentioned on last week's show, we have reinstated our coaching calls.05:37So please have a look on our shop page up the top left, and you will find the links if anyone wants to book a coaching call, Darren and Darrell have agreed to do some of the out of hours and after hours weekend calls, which I'm not able to get to. So hopefully once we spread the load a little bit, we'll be able to catch up on some of those calls, again, want to make things crystal clear, we've been inundated with requests for calls, they will book out quickly. So it's first in best dressed. And again, once we get overwhelmed with those we will be removing.06:11Again, please You must, must must even if you've spoken to us before, even if you've sent us messages, whatever else you must emails, we have a system now to make sure no one's call gets missed. So you must email us as soon as you book your call online. And provide all of those details in red, including the range of times to call, the best number to call and an overview of what you want to discuss. So we know the best personally for you. And of course, the wider the range of times that you make yourself available, the quicker we'll be able to get to you. And again, just a friendly reminder for those who bought coaching calls to date, we will get to as soon as we can. But any emails, Facebook Messenger posts, anything like that will simply either be deleted or just skipped over because we just don't have the time to respond. Alright, so again, please remember that majority of questions that most people send us have already been answered in either our ebook in our recent video updates or in past radio shows. So please do refer to those first before you ask your questions, because that they'll almost certainly be answered already. So we do appreciate your understanding. So back to the show, those of you keeping track this afternoon 74th broadcast, we would of course like to welcome any new listeners to the show and indeed extend a very warm welcome back to all of our regular listeners as well. And for those of you who are new to our show onto our website, you'll find a list of all of our previous broadcasts on our radio show page. That of course is Know Your Rights that au a forward slash radio hyphen show, and he can access the first 10 of those podcasts completely free of charge. Now, there's podcasts include discussions on a wide range of topics, as well as interviews with many different people from all around the country. And we cover important topics such as unjust and unlawful traffic fines, the ultimate banking fraud, why personal taxes voluntary, the fact that the ATF is not a legal entity, we also deal with a straw man concept. And of course, the importance of the Commonwealth constitution, as well as everything COVID related. So there's lots of really great information up online now for all listeners, new and older like to refer to in case you missed anything, or if you want to refresh on a topic that we've previously covered. So Mark, what do we do these broadcasts. But as always, the point of the broadcast is to inform and educate people about the truth and about their rights. And once people do get their head around some of those basic truths, we really want people to take on board and actually implement the many different strategies and techniques that we share on the shows, but taking action against these injustices and really helping to set things right again. So in order to achieve that outcome, we will keep doing these broadcasts every week, because again, quite clearly, 2021 is shaping up to be another very, very challenging. And we do want to play our part in keeping everyone informed of their rights and how to stand up for them. Again, reminder, we will continue doing our live video updates as well on both a Thursday and Sunday evening at 8:30pm. Again, we will have one this coming Thursday. And if you have missed any of those past videos, please look them up on our Facebook page.09:12All right, so as we usually do, I'm going to kick off tonight's show with some of the emails that we've received over the past week or so. And I'm a short that will be of interest to everyone tuning in. So first up, Barry says Hi, my name is Barry, I have a question. What is the correct procedure if an officer asked to have a look at your phone to see if you've checked in or not at the shop? Or if he spotted you going in without checking? I do not have the app on my phone nor do I want to download it. I printed out a copy of the Privacy Act 94 as your guidance in this matter would be greatly appreciated. On regards, Mary.09:53So what have we got for Mary09:56keep an officer10:00Hearing that he's from South Australia where they are10:05checking10:09out the front of shops shaking, apparently going into shops as well, actually going into shops. I've even heard of extreme examples where they're walking into certain smaller shops like supposedly closing the door behind them a10:23little bit of a law unto themselves.10:28Wow.10:30breach of consumer law.10:39I'm having a little bit of difficulty with this one because of a walk into shops every day. I've never, I've never experienced such such a thing with police hanging out the front of shops. Really?10:54From from what I'm aware, and I'm correct. Well, I find it hard to believe that you can't walk into shops without like, like, I'm sure there's a few shops with a few offices out the front. But not every shop. No, no, no, I'm not suggesting it's every phone. But I mean, this guy just asking a general question. Like if he goes into a shop and doesn't do Ask Gaming and there does happen to be a police officer here? Can you tell the opposite of bugger off? Can you ask the officer for his exemption against the Telecommunications Act? Which is a federal act? Can you ask him for the exam? Well, you have no you have no obligation, okay to have a QR scanning app for a start.11:32Secondly, the11:35device that's being used as a mobile phone. And the state has absolutely absolutely no power to compel you to download a particular app on your phone, because communications and telephone exclusive powers of the Commonwealth. So, having said that,11:57I do believe no one can impose anything such as that on you and it is the obligation of the shop owner rather than the the customer.12:11So now, having said that, how does the shop owner have an obligation if he fails to be an authorised officer and has no authority or power to make you comply? Exactly. That's why the cops are wondering, and I'm guessing12:27that the police would need a public health officer next to them.12:32They're only there to assist with those public health direct. I mean, look, again, there's a million ways to skin a cat Titan geek, whichever, you know, same answer, they'll give whatever arguments you're most comfortable with whichever arguments you're most confident presenting. And worst comes to worst. If you freak out and you don't know what to say. And12:51that gets your tongue then just grab the fire and take the fire and deal with it down the track. It's really no big deal. None of them.12:58The policy of the shop would have to align with the law.13:02Otherwise, the policy is void on its own13:07condition. If you walk into a shop and as a place offers the opposite at the front, why would you walk in? If you know that that's going to be the I'm going to get a finer for walking in. I don't want a QR code in the next shop.13:21What's the main one? Let's see. Just got a you got to learn to think on your fake people this Yeah, as I said to people, it's like pickup lines. There's no point just going out there learning pickup lines, okay, they're not going to help you. You've got to know how to deliver the lines and if you know how to deliver lines, you can say almost anything you want. Okay, so that's really what it comes down to. This is the same stuff. Yes. It's great to have a few pieces of legislation on your under your belt but it's more important how you present that legislation and being able to13:48respond appropriately than it is.13:53Alright, mark a census. Hi guys, could you tell me who the tolling customer ombudsman, Philip Davies is accountable to after not being able to resolve a direct complaint between acelynk and myself over what I believe to be an overcharge of fees? I contacted the tolling customer ombudsman the Ombudsman replied stating that I acknowledge receipt of your complaint telling customers when isn't impartial person appointed to help customers on LinkedIn New South Wales link Queensland link Victoria tolling businesses, which fund the TCI service resolve complaints fairly efficiently and free of charge? He began to interact as between myself and easily but when Aisling stopped interacting and threatened me with violence with Victoria Police, the Ombudsman suddenly pulled out saying the TCPA could not deal with complaints against easily because it's not part of the TCL scheme. I never thought I'd have to ask this question but I but can I complain against the Ombudsman himself? Surely he must be obligated to finish a job.14:51Thanks. Well, that's an interesting one. It is very interesting. The14:57tolling customer ombudsman15:00There's not a government agency. And they only deal with the spirits board against the toll road operators who have agreed to be part of the tolling customer ombudsman dispute scheme.15:15Now, this means that they, they cannot deal with some complaints against people such as eastlink. Because eastlink haven't actually agreed to be bound by that scheme. So that's the problem there, although the tolling ombudsman15:37the tolling custom ombudsman projects that he can help you with those sorts of things, by will, they will not have a binding effect any decision, whereas the other the other companies that have agreed to come under the tolling ombudsman?15:54Do you have an obligation by the outcomes of those particular16:00decisions by the Ombudsman? Now, I do believe you can only make a complaint to the tolling Ombudsman's office themselves. They're independent, they're not the government. So what it normally means is it's just a toothless Tiger that's been put in place by the tolling companies. And usually a banking ombudsman is paid for by the bank. It's exactly the same scenario. And these are the sorts of organisations, organisations you come across when you live in a socialist society.16:35But look, the simplest thing there mark is if you've got evidence that there's been an overpayment, just simply get the fine take it to court and view whether they're present the evidence.16:46Alright, Tim says how am I going to Darryl i thought that i thought that popped into my mind today think that this whole COVID bs with the QR code signing16:58such as GST registered business by collect tax for the government, without any sort of remuneration? This would be servitude. Yes, I registered my business for GST back when I didn't know any better voluntarily as once you go over well over $75,000 but then had to knowing I was wanting to build my business, all of this. Learn how it works before I do get don't have the time to learn it. I even got a call from the to review my GST registration when I asked when I asked the reason apparently, people were setting up a business and registering for GST with no intention of running the business, simply claiming back the GST. If it was that I was forced to do it I in my turnover was $75,000 then it will be servitude. I'm very close to going over that threshold most likely, will be in the next 12 months. Work keeps going in the same direction.17:51Yes, I'm one of the fortunate ones where I still have been able to work and earn a living. I took the leap of faith at the beginning of this year, I gave up my casual job and regular income and held it purely off my business paying dividends now, as it makes it so easy to navigate all the mask wearing QR codes, etc. I do now also know that GST is18:13I guess what he's getting to there is he's being forced into servitude by collecting GST on behalf of the government without any form of remuneration.18:23Mike, it's quite enjoyed this story.18:28I can identify with it a lot. And I've I can say yes, yes. And Firstly, I'd like to congratulate Tim on18:39absolutely on good times. And, and and Yes. Look, let me say it like this. I know a bloke18:50who18:52had this very exact situation probably about18:58about 14 years ago now I'd say wow. And this this this this friend that I've got.19:05He told me that Yeah, he was called up by the ATL and they said you haven't paid your GST? And, and he said, Well,19:16he asked the the Oto agent, he said, Can I ask your question? And they said yes. And he said, Well, you get up in the morning and come down to the Australian tax office every every morning and on Friday and you collect tax for the tax office. Then on Friday, you go home and you're paid a renumeration, or a consideration for for that particular work. But now you're ringing me up now and you're asking me to do your job for free without any consideration. I believe that's volunteering servitude, exactly as what Tim is proposing here. And I was told that the from my friend of course, yes, that the ATF agent couldn't get off the phone quick enough. And then he received a letter20:00The in the mile saying that we believe that you are not carrying on an enterprise for profit.20:09And so that would be another hint for other people who are pursuing this this20:15line of, of travel.20:19Oh, well, don't be afraid. Yeah, yeah. I'm Chris.20:27Eddie's special places. Yeah. Hi, guys. Thanks for the great show. I work in the New South. So in the Victoria, New South Wales border area. And there is a possibility that in order to be able to cross the border regularly for work, I may, in the very near future have to submit over tests every three days, as per the government's directions, what immediate and cost free legal options do I have to refuse to comply with this? and still keep my job? One of Chris wants a couple of go mountains without a valley in between sunshine without shadows? Well, I love questions like this where people say I want everything, and I want to give nothing and I want the impossible. And if you can produce it right now, that'd be awesome. It's mean, you want everything but nothing. And yet, we've got to keep things a little bit realistic. Well, look, look, I suppose Chris, you could have a look at particular sections of the public health and well being act if you're located in Victoria, which I believe you're projecting here for the government, Victorian Government directions. And you will see that certain orders have to be given to you in your name, I must be personally given to you, for you to undergo those sorts of tests. If there is no other legal obligation, except for that order, then one does not have to undertake the test. But then of course, there's the doctor patient relationship, which is voluntary and by consent. And if you were to receive a test from a medical doctor, it would have to be under those particular circumstances where it would be a private consultation, and voluntary and by consent. So I hope that helps you on your journey. Absolutely. All right. Ian says, Hi. Know your rights team. Just a quick reminder, thank you for your dedication to the work you do. in service to the Australian community, your websites, book and radio programme with me and several close friends and knowledge and confidence to successfully defending ourselves against the prevailing tyranny, to continue living reasonably normal lives during these insane lockdowns without the anxiety of not knowing what to do or say, should we be for our challenge for breaking the rules, or the deepest appreciation for your commitment and professionalism? Helping people protect, protect their rights, please know that there is an ever increasing number of Australians joining your side.22:53Thankfully,22:55enjoy a bit of feedback. All right, Nick has since he guards I hope, hope you're safe. Although we did that.23:04Last week.23:05Guys, if you have sent in the Australian immunisation register, and you turn up to get vaccinated, will they tell you to leave because they cannot find your data?23:16That's an interesting, No, they won't tell you to leave it if you if you would like a particular medical service provided and the doctor is willing to provide it as you are willing to receive it, then the medic, but then that agreement will occur.23:36So I thought one of the points of removing yourself from an immunisation register was23:41eligible to receive the vaccine because if you had an adverse reaction, like reported to anyone, okay, what's the question? Say if I go and get a vaccine?23:51Right. Well, he's volunteering.23:53So what you're saying doesn't apply?23:58The way the question Is he saying if I go and get the vaccine, we'll say we'll write enough to get back. So yeah, so if you turn up so that's that's a voluntary action to turn up and get vaccinated, will I not be able to receive the vaccine? Because I've removed myself from the register nine.24:16Of course, I will 100% if you have an adverse reaction.24:23I'd call up my life insurance company personally, only life insurance policies. But I know I know that now. I'm just having a look at this. If you have an aversion if you have an adverse reaction, like they will provide no that's that's to the TGA24:43and adverse reactions reported to the therapy Therapeutic Goods Association.24:49not rely on the removal of the Australian immunisation register as grounds to say that you're not eligible for a vaccine because they can't25:00Legally report something that they are legally required to report because you've withdrawn consent for them to pass your data.25:09That's25:11the25:13the reporting, or should I say the passing on of medical information is completely alienated from you receiving the actual25:25medical procedure?25:28The records got nothing to do with you.25:32When I say nothing to do with it, what I'm saying is I, what the question is, is, if I go and get a vaccine, will they refuse? Because I've removed myself from the register? The answer is no, of course, they won't refuse.25:48So the next question is, what's the point of removing yourself from the immunisation registry?25:54Is it not to make yourself eligible to receive the vaccine? That's26:02not? Not, the actual putting yourself on the actual register, will stop the third parties looking at your medical records?26:14Okay. It doesn't make you ineligible. In case they did the vaccine is voluntary. Okay, there's no, there's no army coming to hold you down and force vaccinations on you, as we've discussed in previous weeks. And so, the these, there's nothing being forced here. There's definitely coercion going on. Absolutely. And there's a lot of coercion, you know, there's, you simply have to turn on the radio or the26:47TV and you will see much coercion by the government. Even even ministers are trying to coerce you into taking a medical procedure that's voluntary and with your consent, even though it appears that it's not, you know, you've got to do it for the greater good of the greater amount of people because we all need herd immunity. And that's the Marxist thing to do. Exactly. Exactly. You know, look. Yeah, it's certainly if you take yourself off the or if you should choose not to27:23allow third party27:25ain't entities to access your immunisation records. It does not somehow exempt you. Or should I say put a caveat in place where you do not have the risk or you cannot receive the vaccine. If you want to have the vaccine. I will give it to you. Oh, yeah. tahari. Rest assured. Alright. And the final one is just says he COVID is not listed as a vaccine preventable, preventable disease in the Australian vaccine handbook. Well, that's interesting, isn't it? Not yet. Not yet. Not yet. Yes. Well, I've I've heard rumours that Pfizer has now been formally approved. In the US. It's Yeah, by the FDA. It's no longer emergency use only now then they've gone in and changed their name from Pfizer to commenti or something's so it's trying to disguise it all. But watch this space will be interesting now, because they're talking about a lot of ramifications of that in the US. Well, it's when you read the documentation on the website. They're clearly breaching hos practice was only six to seven years before the FDA should be approving any vaccine.28:44trials are not conducted properly, and are born of a vaccine. What this shows is that there is supposed to be a vaccine preventable disease. So the vaccine is supposed to prevent you from getting it. And as you know, the figures from all over the world show, it doesn't prevent you from getting anything at all. That doesn't prevent you from passing it on and clearly doesn't prevent you from getting sick or dying from an honest, bloody point of it. Well, it reduces the symptoms in some people. In some people 100% had a 90 year old who was double Vax, just the other way can still die. So you know, it's, anyway, we'll leave that for later. There's some food for thought as we go into the first break. Now, when we come back from the break, we're going to be discussing the conflict between state and federal laws. And in particular, with regard to COVID lockdown restrictions. We'll go through a list of questions that you can ask any employer or state official, anyone like that, who's forcing, urging or coercing you to get jabbed and we'll show you where to find a copy of those questions as well. We'll again be discussing property rights certificates of title, the Torrens title system, and we'll also talk about exactly how much the police did wrong at the protests.30:00On Saturday, and how to hold them to account. And then a little, little bit later in the show, we're going to be discussing the latest TGA figures, and issues with the latest plan to try and reach this 80% vaccination level in this country. And then to finish off tonight show if we got any time left after all of that, we'll be going through some more emails that we've received. And once again, they almost certainly be questions similar to the ones you're asking right now or thinking of asking. So please do listening all the way to the end of tonight's show. So you don't end up emailing us in another day or two with the very same questions, as we've already answered tonight. Like all that shows that he's gonna be another information pack show again this evening. On that point, quick reminder, podcast members can listen to all of our previous shows. And that's all 273 of them. Now, to review all the information that we've shared over the past seven years, you can also listen to our full catalogue of shows from that same period by ordering the current set of 13 podcast CD packs. Again, as I've mentioned, those CDs, those extra ones are now being included at no extra cost for all of our already heavily discounted platinum and ultimate Platinum packs, which a lot of people are now worth choosing to take advantage of. Again, they will have to be changed when our next CD is added though. So please do get in quick before that happens as those prices will need to rise slightly at that point. Please, if you're not yet a podcast member, you want to access all of our weekly podcasts with all the music edited out, as well as our show notes for each podcast, the incredible amount of information we have on our court cases page and our members only forum, then please do be sure to join up as a podcast member. And of course, if you're already a member, thank you. And please do know that we'll continue doing whatever we can to make our memberships as valuable as possible, including our new membership benefit, which is a direct link to each of the articles that we cover on each week show as part of our show notes. And we're even including copies of those articles in the notes. Now as well. We have also had one of our members who's using software to transcribe each of our shows. And we are now providing copies of those to all of our members as part of their podcast membership. And again, we have just uploaded the latest transcript from the last show. So that's available for all members now. So we're gonna play a couple of songs give you a chance to join up as a member. If you haven't already, please do be sure to check out our products page and of course, our bit shoot channel with all of those new live video updates. And as always, if you do have any friends or family members that might not have tuned in yet, jump on the phone, post a message on Facebook, send a quick text message or an email just remind them our show is on live right now in case they forgot. Just to go to the website, click on the radio show tab to listen in, where they can listen in on a mobile device via the tune in app, just download tune in and do a search for red FM. Otherwise, you can go straight to red and just click on the Play button there. So I play a couple songs. And we'll be back with lots more right after this.32:54No Welcome back to the no you're right show streaming live on the internet over the rat f m network. Now what just for people's attention. It was a mere five minutes ago that I said, Please, please refrain from trying to correspond with us through Facebook Messenger. I've had no less than seven people send Facebook Messenger messages. Since making that comment. I don't know how to make it any clearer way cannot use Facebook Messenger for any form of correspondence. Please don't waste your time sending us Facebook Messenger posts, we can't look at them. Thank you. Okay, so you are going to discuss the33:43difference between state and Commonwealth legislation and in particular regarding all these COVID restrictions and all the rest of it. So what have you got first so any restriction any regime imposed by the state?33:58Actually, Darren sent me a high court case not in our white versus34:05barge, which reminded me of a case looked at this back in 2016. And I was reminded of it34:13and quite rightly is highlighted that in that case, they've eyes x Jai pointed out34:21because the grants of federal power in the constitution34:25are absolute34:29and cannot be interfered with.34:34And apart from state instrumentalities have no limitations. But those expressly enacted by our supreme and to obstruct them indirectly is as much a violation of the grain as direct interference. The reserved powers of the states do not include any right of35:00interference with the granted powers of the Commonwealth.35:06It is that says so, so much the ties very much in with clause five of the Constitution Act 5123, a, and well, any power so that grades of Commonwealth power 351 23 A, which was passed by a referendum.35:26And before 5123, especially with the right of privacy between you and your doctor35:37that must be adhered to near once the Commonwealth might that enshrine that into the Constitution, that that rhymes, reigns supreme.35:51I cannot tell you to do that the shopkeeper, your boss,35:58the hospital,36:01even your doctor cannot force upon you any form of medical service.36:10It is in Freud in the laws of this land. And of course, those laws are binding through clause five on all the people live in every state, and every part of the Commonwealth and every part of the Commonwealth, including the courts, and the judges. And all of those bail into the administration of justice, which brings in the armed forces.36:39And the police, who are acting as armed forces as we found out on the weekend, which is a breach of Section 114 of the Constitution. Those people36:51really need to get their heads around this, the High Court has spoken on this so many times. It's not funny.36:59And we don't need to go back to the court already determined it. The court has determined this. It is rude, fair and square. All we need to do is remind these people, the police and all of these people who are in37:19the your boss, everybody in the law must prevail. When the simple thing is just ask them. Do you have an exemption from this particular section subsection? Do you have an exemption from the ruling in this supreme or high court case? That's the simplest way to do it. And that way, you're not telling them anything? You just giving them the relevant section of legislation? Are you directing them to the relevant case? Do you have an exemption from this and let them dig themselves off. And as the court also said, federal power may be exerted to the fall37:58for it is either Paramount38:02or exclusive. And the greater power is compatible with a restraining or controlling power. They go that says it all. It really does. This was back in Noida Now while this has been reinforced so many times in High Court, we all we need to do is go back to these high court cases and remind these people that what they're doing at the moment is well and truly outside of the limitations of their their powers. They are now actually38:39in there now breaking of the law. Yep. Now vulnerable to breaking the law then becomes misleading and deceptive conduct.38:54At the very least 100% I've noticed that there's a video floating around on social media and it's being sent around39:03on other platforms in regards to a very well spoken English gentleman who's who's claiming that he's a constitutional expert. And they're saying that the the prohibition found in 5123 A so as not to impose any form of medical conscription on people only applies in the Commonwealth and not in the States. Right. So let's let's address this because there's it's been raised a few times. And and people have pointed out that I've been saying it's in conflict with what you're saying. Well, let me say this, I'm sure everyone's aware of what the I think it's the 13th amendment of the United States Constitution, which is the prohibition on slavery. So if we apply this this principle that this40:00constitutional experts bring to the table that the prohibition applies in the Commonwealth but it doesn't apply in the States. You can't be vaccinated in the Commonwealth. But you can you can go back to the state and we can jab the hell out of you. Okay, so let's look at the the prohibition on slavery let's let's supply that, that same principle in the federal sphere. In in America. I'm forbidden to have a slave but I can run back to the state and have a state slave. That's crazy in it. I would like to point everyone towards40:39a gentleman named Augusto Zimmerman, who is a professor and head of Law at the Sheridan Institute of Higher Education in Perth. He's also a professor of law adjunct at the University of Notre Dom in Australia.40:54President of the Western Australian legal theory Association editor and editor in chief of the Western Australian jurists, the Law Journal, and a former law reform Commissioner in Western Australia. If you go and look at Augusto Zimmerman's work, you will see that he quite clearly relies on the case law, which is what we've done, we've gone Have a look at all the case law. And and actually, Rodney cullerton, recently videoed one of August those gatherings in respect of he spoke about section 5123 and the prohibition against forced medical procedures.41:40We also have three or four different articles on constitution watch from Augusto Zimmerman as well. And I've heard on the grapevine that Augusto is getting some other professionals such as scientists, doctors, leaders in their field of expertise, and they are going to be coming out against what is going on in respect of the government42:11interference with your voluntary by consent, private, by nature, doctor patient relationship that the government are coercing and imposing on currently? Absolutely, absolutely. So we keep getting like a million emails, it's probably only a very, very slight exaggeration, people saying, Well, what can we do? I've been told this from this employer, I've been told that from that employer or been threatened with these or threatened with that, or now that, you know, this, you know, Queensland saying I can't into their state without the job, or data or law, all these things, what do we say? What do we say? What do we say? So we've, we've come across a good list of questions. It's not, it's not complete, but it's certainly a good starting point for people. So I'm gonna whip through those quickly. And it's as if there's a link on our website. So you can follow along with this on the know your rights group website, just go to the COVID and vaccinations tab, then go scroll down to the you cannot be forced or coerced into having a COVID vaccine subsection. And the very last paragraph, we've just added it there and it says click this link to find a list of questions that you can ask. And it starts off saying if you're being forced to get the vaccine order to keep your job here is a great way to handle it. The sacred is not to refuse it. And this is what we've said before. You don't want to ever outright refuse it. Okay, so you want to ask questions, and and this list has been put together that says I arrived with regard to the matter of potential COVID vaccine and my desire to be fully informed and apprised of all facts before going ahead. So you're alluding to the fact that you may well go ahead, you just need a little bit more information. I'll be most grateful if you could please provide the following information in accordance with statutory legal requirements. Can you please advise me of the approved legal status of the vaccine? And if it's experimental? Can you please provide details and assurances the vaccine has been fully independently and rigorously tested against control groups and the subsequent outcomes of those tests? Can you please advise of the full list of contents of the vaccine I am to receive? And if any, are toxic to the body? Can you please fully advise of the adverse reactions associated with this vaccine since its introduction? Can you please confirm that the vaccine you are advocating is not experimental mRNA gene altering therapy? Can you please confirm that I'll be not I'll not be under any duress from yourselves or as my employers. Now they've got here in compliance with the Nuremberg Code. I wouldn't put that in but you can refer certainly to the Australian immunisation handbook. Can you please advise me of any likely risk of fatality should I be unfortunate to contract COVID-19 and the likelihood of recovery45:00Once I've received the above information fallen, I'm satisfied that there is no threat to my health, I'll be happy to accept your offer to receive the treatment. But with certain conditions, namely that number one, you confirm that I'll suffer no harm. To following acceptance of this, the offer must be signed by a fully qualified doctor who will take full legal and financial responsibility for any injuries occurring to myself and or from any interactions by authorised personnel regarding these procedures. And finally, in the event that I should have to decline the offer to vaccination, please confirm that it will not compromise my position, and that I will not suffer prejudice and discrimination. As a result, I would also advise that my inalienable rights are reserved. The point is they cannot provide any information that you have not refused. And this is the key you don't ever want to blanket refuse, just want to say, hey, happy to look into this, but I need a little bit more information. I will also also ask whether there are any other treatments. Absolutely. And that's, and that's a key one. And that's what we're going to get to a little bit later after the break. And this isn't stuff that we can't talk about on our video updates on Facebook and all the rest of it. We can do it here on these uncensored platforms. So please don't go anywhere, we are going to play a couple of songs. And we will be back with lots more info on COVID some things that are going on around the world and of course, those alternative treatments, and and they are an important factor as well. So we'll play these songs. We'll be right back with lots more. And oh, welcome back to the No, you're right shows streaming live on the internet over the rat f m network. So we've had a bunch of questions, emails, posts, all the rest of it, about these changes in New South Wales in regards to the certificate of title legislation, which is changing I think, in October, and all certificates of title at that point will be going digital. Now people are freaking out going, Oh my God, this man, I'm gonna lose my powers, it's gonna mean I'm gonna lose my property doesn't mean we lose all property rights.47:02You know, again, let's keep things in perspective for people. They've been using digital certificates in Queensland for years now. Like I said, this is not something overly new. Yes, it's just another push in the direction for them to have no further control over everybody. But it's it's certainly nothing to freak out about. So what's, what's your take on these, this new legislation and what they're doing with these certificates of title, as it was originally granted through the crown,47:33we don't want any third party interference. Now, and this is one of the guarantees of face an estate in the simple is that there can be no third party interference.47:47In other words,47:49the speed between47:52row property along with a friend, yeah. Because it's great to from an end through the Korean Korean has that residual interest in that way? Yeah.48:05So you can hand that land on48:09through inheritance. Or you can sell the land or whatever the turns title's office, is there to make any changes to record. Yeah. With your consent. Yeah, but the title, the actual, the title itself cannot be changed out of what the crown is great.48:32So we need to keep on top of this, we really do we need to absolutely overwhelm the state office with these queries. If the state itself does not have a claim on that land, it cannot have a claim on that land. It is only there to maintain that poverty.48:53Well, it's, it's quite interesting, because48:58I've been looking into this a little bit, and49:02they have actually cancelled people's titles. cancel them. Yes. So the paper title has been cancelled, cancelled. Okay. And then the state stepped in and said, Well, now we're going to issue a title for that particular property. Right. That's what's happening. That's what's actually happening. So your cram title has been cancelled. Right? And look, you know, I'm sure. I'm not sure if people are aware, but you don't own your property.49:37And I, it's unfortunate, but if you have a look at the title, you're only the tenant to turn an income. So you have Yeah, you have exclusive rights for the quiet enjoyment and use of the property. Yeah. But you don't actually own it. So that probably come to as a shock to a lot of people. I think anyone who's been to our live events would know that because we've made that pretty clear.50:00Over the years, but some, some people new to our channel might not be aware of that for sure. I was on a on a video earlier sorry, a video call earlier this week where they were I was at last week and where they were discussing this very50:15situation and there was a couple of people going into meltdown on those sites just going electronic and getting rid of paper and night, they've cancelled, look at it, learn what's gone on, they've cancelled the title, if you if you held the title, at your, you know, in your filing cabinet, or a lot of people haven't actually secured at their, at the lawyers or their solicitors business in the safe.50:44Back title, okay, that you had, as physical proof of your property50:51is no longer physical proof of your property. It's as simple as that. People can dance around it and say, Well, you know, they've just they've just gone digital, nothing to see here. By cancelled your title.51:10Under what authority? Exactly, the status stepped in there taken the place of the crown, the crown, the status only a representative of the crown. Yeah, there must be an indication of that on the paper title. And the whole point of the of the surveying the, the it all falls back to these finer points of law. But at the end of the day, the crown,51:38hold that Brazil have a residual interest in the lane. If that friend doesn't appear any way within whatever the public officers is given you, then it is not a true representation of that record. And so what should people do at that point? I mean, how, if anyone's worried about what's happened to their title, or if anyone wants to hold these people to account, what's the actual process? What should they be doing? First of all, I'd get in contact with state Member of Parliament and set up a meeting with them52:14and put it on the record that you're, you're on top of this, and that you want them to do their job? Yep. Okay, you put them under pressure.52:25Of course, the more of you that do this, the better. And of course, if they failed to respond adequately, then you would type it to the federal to both the Senate and to the lower house. Yep. And you would keep the pressure or otherwise, the whole point of the cram and the protections of the cram that adheres to our gives us grades us are not there, yet. We have to be that voice. We have to be the voice for the law, that we have inherited those inherited rights and freedoms, they because you voice them Don't let those who have an alternative, an agenda, that type to you, which is what is happening today. You are that voice for that law. I mean, this is what we say is their tagline for the know your rights group, those who don't know their rights have none. You don't know what your rights are, how on earth, you're going to exercise them. And yes, they should be yours. And they should be inherent and they should be all sorts of things, but they're not. Okay. Our governments are trampling over everybody's rights purely because they're not aware of them. That's the first step is being aware of them. The second step of course, is standing up for them and fighting for them is no point arguing, oh, we shouldn't have to we should now the government should respect our will in order. Yeah, it should, but it's not. So whether it should be that way or it shouldn't be you need to stand up and fix it and make it that way. And this is the step that a lot of people are missing. Now, speaking of the government's are supposed to be looking after us and doing the right thing. There's been a whole heap of stuff in the news the last day or so our scomo has come out and and said no, no look, go No Don't stress we've we've got a plan we're gonna open up once we get to 80%. Now this of course, as I explained on last night, sort of emergency video update is of course, just damage control after what happened at the protests on Saturday, where the police came out and and fired rubber bullets at unarmed protesters. And I mean, just just to give the listeners a super quick overview of just how many54:47things the police did wrong. They're just off the top of your head, like how many breaches of law were involved in the police firing on unarmed protesters, three years in prison for breaching political protest strike.55:00Right off the bat There you go.55:02assault with a deadly weapon 100% and and the fact that you know, there are raises a very good point there the implied right of political protest or political communication in the constitution which includes protests also in shrines of freedom of movement because we all know if you if you stand up in your lounge room when you're locked down and you protest all who's gonna see you no one so the more i'd right of freedom of movement comes with the right political communication, and you can move and politically communicate. So these people are actually in breach of the fundamental foundation of the dead the democratic society that the constitution brings that people can if you don't like what your your government is saying, you can go out and you can move amongst the people and you can protest against what is happening, it's a fundamental right, it is not shut down and show me the law that shuts down the Constitution. Absolutely. So we covered this in detail last night and Sunday night on the videos please if you missed them, go to our bit Tube Channel go to our Facebook videos have watched those videos. Last night we actually publicly named and shamed the officers the person who made the conscious decision to press that trigger and fire We also named and shamed the actual officer who gave the order we provided their email addresses we provided all the steps that you need to take to hold those officers to account so please make sure you watch that video and take the appropriate action but that aside obviously scomo is coming out in damage control and and he's gone look look let's let's do let's not focus on what the police have done in shooting innocent civilians. Let's let's focus on the plan to open up because these lockdowns are crazy and I agree to and you know we're going to we're going to vaccinate 80% of the population and then everything's going to be much much better and we won't have lockdowns anymore. And then of course, Andrew has come back out and got our Well no, I can't actually guarantee that they won't be locked downs if you reach 70 80%. But anyway, that's that's by and by, but again, for anyone who missed it on I think I touched on it very briefly on last week's radio show. I also did a segment on one of the recent video updates, but the situation in Israel if you missed it, please have a look. There's an important article entitled a grim warning from Israel vaccination blunts, but does not defeat Delta. It says that Israel has among the world's highest levels of vaccination for COVID-19 with 78% of those 12 and older fully vaccinated, the vast majority with the Pfizer vaccine yet the country's now logging one of the world's highest infection rates with nearly 650 new cases daily, per million people, more than half are in fully vaccinated people. Okay, so it goes on and on. And the the article explains how vaccination in Israel despite reaching a 78% double vaccination has not helped and in fact, the infections are getting worse. They're talking about breakthrough infections. And it says there are so many breakthrough infections that they dominate, and most of the hospitalised patients are actually vaccinated. So all this rubbish that the government media and vaccine companies have been telling you that all these vaccines are going to stop you from getting sick, they're going to stop you from you know, having severe symptoms, where you have to go to hospital is going to stop you from dying or a load of rubbish. Just go and look at the actual evidence that's coming out of Israel at the moment. Okay, what they're doing now already. Remember, they only started the vaccination programme in December 2020. Okay, and they're already issuing third booster shots to people booster shots, okay, because it's not these vaccines are already wearing off or not being effective or whatever you want to call it. Okay, so please, if you think that things are going to somehow magically change for the better for the positive when we reach a 70, or, or 80% vaccination rate here in Australia, US solely and sadly mistaken, these are just tools for control and rest assured come early to mid 2020 to those who've been fully double vaccinated, will be then informed they need to line up for their third shot or their booster shot or whatever. Okay, so please don't fall for it. And again, let me remind you, okay, let me remind you just this week or this last week, Thursday, last week, the TGA reported, okay, that there were 501:00:001597 adverse reactions received reports received. So how many 10s of 1000s of adverse reaction reports did they not receive? How many were never bothered to be reported? Okay, but let's just go on the numbers that they actually report 50,000 reports of adverse reactions. Now, we've only been vaccinating people for less than six months. So that's 50,000 reports of actual symptoms, actual adverse reactions in just six months. Now, conversely, if you look up the figures, again, from the Australian government website, they'll tell you in the past 18 months, that COVID has been around, we've only had a total of 43,101 140 3119 cases, there's only been 43,000 cases of COVID. In 18 months, there's been over 50,000 cases of adverse reactions in just six months. If that doesn't tell you loud and clear the problem with these vaccinations are really don't know what will. But again, let's turn to Israel, where they're already saying, okay, and this is a great article, and again, there's a link in in the, in the show notes for tonight's show, says 90% of patients treated with new Israeli drug discharged in five days. The phase two trial for an Israeli COVID drugs or some 29 out of 30 patients, moderate to serious recover within days. Okay, so people who were quite possibly going to die of COVID have completely recovered within just a matter of days. So some 93% of 90 Coronavirus, serious patients traded in several great hospitals with a new drug developed by a team at Tel Aviv's Turetsky Medical Centre as part of the phase two trial, the treatment was discharged in five days or fewer. The phase two trial confirmed the results of phase one, which was conducted in Israel last winter. And so 29 out of 30 patients in moderate to serious condition, recover within days. Again, go and read the article. There's a lot more detail about it. So there are other treatments out there. Okay, that's just one example. Okay, these vaccines are not the be all and end all again, I urge you please, if you haven't yet done so, go to the COVID and vaccinations page on our website, scroll down about halfway down the page, and there's a big subheading there saying COVID-19 can be cured. Okay, there is a detailed article from Professor Thomas Brodie. That explains that not only can COVID be cured, but it can actually be cured more easily then the flu. Okay, more easily then the flu. Okay, there are of course many other treatments out there. ivermectin, Hydra, Hydra hydroxychloroquine. Okay, these have all been tried and tested for decades, they have not been rushed to market. Okay, in 12 months or less, like these so called COVID vaccines. These have been around for decades. And again, we need to start bombarding our premiers, our chief Health Officers, our health minister. Yeah, even just your local Members of Parliament and say, why do we keep being bombarded with messages of COVID vaccines, okay, being Pfizer AstraZeneca those, you know, those so called vaccines, which have already been proven to have in excess of 50,000 adverse reactions, and at least eight proven deaths in just six months, instead of focusing on other tried, tested and proven, tried tested and proven remedies, cures that have had zero deaths, and next zero adverse reactions. Okay, we need to put the pressure on these people who are making these decisions and ask them these questions. But again, we need to do this on mass, it's no good if just one or two people do it. We need everyone writing and saying Why are you keep you know, why are you still focusing on these COVID vaccines why you keep forcing the AI shoving it down everyone's throat that everybody across the board irrespective of their current medical conditions, irrespective of their previous medical history, irrespective of their susceptibility to adverse reaction, why are you saying across the board, everyone has to receive one of these medical experimental treatments instead or that have been rushed to market rather than with no long term studies mind you know long term studies.1:05:00Which are across the world now showing multiple multiple hospitalizations, adverse reactions, even deaths. Instead of these tried tested proven fewers we need to start putting those questions to the powers that be and forcing them to come up with answers. Or alternatively, force them to stop this ridiculous ongoing array of rollout of these. Basically, death jobs, or certainly, sickness jobs at the very least. My car is a friend of mine was another friend.1:05:37Yes, this Yes, this was a free day. I1:05:40was travelling through Melbourne.1:05:43On Saturday, on Saturday, we just happened to drop a couple of people off at a particular let's call it a fair affair. Okay. It was in the city. Okay. location in the city. Yeah, I called some people call a protest. I call it a fee. Fair enough.1:06:00So this particular phrase,1:06:04you're 100%. Right.1:06:08word association is a beautiful thing. It is it is. So my friend that dropped1:06:16another friend or1:06:18somebody phrase mine, I don't know, anyone that you had. Somebody might well, hey, you know.1:06:24And and so this person, the reason why we mean my friends jumped out of the car is because there was a place roadblock ahead. Oh, so we had to jump ship. And I mean, my friend Yes. To jump ship. Yes. And, and the friend went through the police roadblock. And this particular person is quite ingenious and quite talented and can think off the top of her head and she got pulled up in the in the roadblock. And they said, What are you doing? said on the end, she quickly googled and she said, I'm just going around to the particular hospital around the corner there to get my second Pfizer jab. Yep. No. And and the police officer looks up and there was a police officer on the other side and said, this one's All right. She's going to get the stamp.1:07:22So that's the nickname The Victoria Police have given us the stab, stab. That doesn't tell you anything, folks. I don't know what we'll know. I mean, look, you've had experience in some of you friends. I know, I've had experience with the police before. So maybe you can answer this question because it's something I've been asked a lot and I haven't been able to come up with an answer. Now the police, especially at fairs like Saturday, are all up close and personal both with other police officers and you know, people the the general population, they're out there, their front line, front and centre dealing with people in close proximity all day, every day, man night for that matter. And yet, they're not being coerced to get this job. So I'm one of those nurses, childcare centres, people in charge of that, you know, teachers and stuff in regards to children, and a whole range of other industries. Now, even to put like beans in a cane, you've apparently got to get the job, but to be a police officer where you might wrestle someone to the ground when you arrest them, for example, or shoot them with rubber bullets at close range right in their sternum and the writing these positions yet they're not being urged or coerced or forced to get the job. But I'm just wondering if you could maybe shed some light on why? Well,1:08:46if you were the1:08:50can I put it politely? If you were one of the foot soldiers of the New World Order.1:08:57I say if you weren't putting it and1:09:02and and you were being compelled by an all powerful government to do their bidding, probably with lots of promises. That would bring some sort of weight to your negotiation and whether you had to succumb to such1:09:22vaccinations or medical procedures. And let's just leave it at that. Because, you know, hearing from the police's reaction that they're going to get the stab it appears that police officers are aware of maybe what's contained in these particular vaccines. Not that I'm saying that they're a bad thing. For some people, they're the right thing.1:09:48But others it's not know. So and that's the beautiful thing of living in a free democratic society. You get to choose because it's available1:10:00tarry consent.1:10:02Sounds delightful. It does doesn't it's just like a fairy tale. Type you're at its finest. Yes. But yeah, I did notice the foot soldiers of the New World Order about one set day.1:10:17So it was quite interesting.1:10:19I was with up I mean, my friend was with a group of people in and1:10:26this particular friend ran ahead to make sure that the intersection was cleared to go across into the next block. And as that particular person got to the intersection, about1:10:3930 and not not please, the riot police with their shields and everything. We're running up the tram point in the middle. And and I mean, my friend is1:10:51Yeah, just had to keep on jogging across the road, and quickly, quickly pulled up a colour her hand in the mouth. And yes, it was it was quite an interesting moment. But yes, they weren't interested in, in particular people that were in the city while I was sitting at home. Yes, posting on constitution wash. Absolutely. Absolutely. All right, we are going to get there, we do have to go to another break. Still got a tonne of emails to get through. So please, don't go anywhere. We will be whipping through those as soon as we come back from these few songs.1:11:28And welcome back to The Know Your Rights show streaming live on the internet over the rat FM network. So apparently, there was a slight technical issue with DeRose mic hopefully that has come through Okay, on the recording, our editing gurus pretty good at bringing volumes and whatnot up. So if you did miss what Darrell was saying before that will be hopefully available on the podcast. And we have been talking OFF AIR about getting some new equipment finally after seven years. So we'll look at putting some dollars together and and seeing what we can rustle up and hopefully that will improve some of the issues that have happened over the years. And we can get to the bottom of it once and for all. But in the meantime, we will keep battling on with what we've got doing the best we can. So we do have more emails to get through. So we're going to go through as quickly as we can. JOHN says I guys had an interesting conversations over the security guard at a major supermarket. They had removed the paper signing because some people have written down Mickey Mouse Donald Duck and even said Donald Bradman excellent. The security guy now has an iPad in which he puts name and contact number and this is transmitted to the RMS1:12:43and they verify that the name and number is authentic. Really?1:12:48How would the RMS know if your phone number was off? How are we going to use your name from now on? Yeah, exactly. Um, but other than that, that's interesting. How would they know though if the numbers have I mean, people have second phones and third phones and change their phones? And because because as you probably be aware, our equivalent of the RMS here is vicroads.1:13:12No, no, it's the this is this is RMS New South Wales Roads and Maritime authority. That's their big roads. Robert Bell is best friends. Okay. Well, I thought they were a bit more than that, actually. But they're actually like, finds that spur at spirit that spirit. Okay. Thanks for clearing that up. So1:13:33I think1:13:35the arrows Yeah, when you register and as you contact, you know, big roads or RMS, they collect information. I call them the information grubs. Yes, absolutely. Because every time you ring up by asking for something, I always ask you for a piece of information. And if you're not listening, you just give it up there. And that's how they obtain these things. And they keep obtain a profile on you apart from the ordinary information that they would just be a licence that anyway says verify. Nonetheless, I think the security man says all stores will soon be able to have verification of names and contact details via the particular state driver's licence and vehicle registration database. Is this not a breach of privacy and what action can be taken? He also commented on today's street protests and believe nobody's allowed to protest during a lockdown. I disagree with him. She is john. But yeah, I mean, this is this is getting full on into the you know, into that Chinese system of complete surveillance and and tracking isn't this this is what leads into that. That social, you know, credit score, or Yeah, but wow. So they can actually check your name and number at signing now. That's some that's pretty scary in it.1:14:52Only if you sign in Well, of course. Yes.1:14:55Yes. True. Interesting. Interesting. All right. Uh, Brett1:15:00Some arguments or some things put.1:15:04I saw something about the New South Wales state governments passing some legislation recently that put the full onus of vaccine safety and compote on employers remain date mandate the Vax app something for next Tuesday coin regards, Brett. Now, I believe you did something on constitution watch about that. So this is the legislation that came out in New South Wales because of course, that's what they that's where they're trialling this and getting the getting the various industries to mandate the backs but they brought in this legislation New South Wales that says that yes, the onus is on the employer as part of their work, work health and safety that if anything was to happen, after someone got the vaccine, the employer who's liable 100% I do believe the border bill in the New South Wales Parliament have actually there's a bill before the Parliament at the moment to1:15:55to impose that on the employer. So as for the protection of the employee, so we'll see how far and how successful that is through Parliament. Indeed. All right. David says hi, hi know you're writing it with an N. Firstly, thanks for everything you guys are doing. just amazed. And we'd lucky to have you I purchased books CDs to help study up so it's still somewhat complicated as a lay person and I need help my family mother, wife and two children and due to relocate to Gold Coast from Adelaide in about six weeks from now. We've planned this for one year now and we're ready to go. We need to get closer to family. We're due to sell our houses in Adelaide in the next two weeks and purchase a house on the Gold Coast for about a million dollars. Problem. Queensland is now talking no entry unless you've been backed and we don't want to get back. I'm so worried. We plan to fly up there. So what do we do if we buy our house in Queensland and or the airline refuses entry due to not being backed? What part of the Lord who are referred to and prepared to get a lawyer if needed, but worried they won't take the case on? Any suggestions you could give me will be priceless. Best and Thanks,1:17:03David. Well, I1:17:06actually answered this question for some people who contacted me just on Thursday, actually.1:17:15There is implied by the media that there is an obligation to vaccinate to go across the Queensland border. This is untrue.1:17:27The obligation is for emergency workers only. They go. So there is no obligation to Vax over the border. For the average person. They go nice. This is all the smoke and mirrors stuff, right? Yeah, it's a lot of people are calling me going we have to get the vaccination. And this girl was booked in on Thursday morning to go and get the vaccination. And then we provided the information that now it's only emergency workers. A great relief of that person. Yeah, yeah. He was getting out of that morning because I saved someone from getting the vaccine. There you go. So not that there's anything wrong with no, of course all absolutely. All right. Tanya says, Hi, Mark, I have a girlfriend stuck in quarantine at our own expense on the Gold Coast. She wants to take a swab test instead of the PCR on day 12. The authorities have told her it's the PCR test or face a further 14 days in quarantine. What can she do to please provide suggestions Thanks in advance. Again, I mean, I've spoken to a couple of people and I'm prepared to hear your your ideas as well. But again, if you give a Don't refuse you give them the option say well, what is the purpose of the PCR tests are to see if you've got COVID and make sure you don't leave quarantine and spread it around. Okay. Well, are you aware that the PCR test has already been proven to be scientifically meaningless, that was never designed to test for the presence of a live virus? So if that's what you're actually doing this for? Wouldn't it make far more sense if I just simply go and get a blood test? And by giving them actual scientific medical evidence and an alternative solution? What are they going to say? Now? Of course, if they do still say, well, no screw you gotta stay in for another 10 days. That's when you can then hit them up for compensation for deprivation of liberty for that extra 10 days. Also false imprisonment. Absolutely. 100% girlfriend's stuck in quarantine. I know a lot of blokes you'd love to be in that.1:19:20I know some who wouldn't. All right, Chris, is1:19:26this doesn't just affect me. Let's stick to the plan. It's a question for a lot of people. How do we get past this? I live in an affected lgi area. I work in construction in Sydney on a union site, Sydney football stadium, which is the john Holland workplace. I'm sure there's other union law, unionised, major construction sites doing the same. The company I work for is a union company which they have been good. They're not forcing it on me but the builder being john Holland is forcing the job and the passport. The unions aren't doing much about it. Even when1:20:00In the union and talk to legal team, they just say it's not us. It's the government at can we take on the big building companies? I know other people are in the same boat. I'm sure others are at breaking point as well as me, please help. Regardless? Well, I'll say this first.1:20:17Just in the last few hours prior to me arriving, I was working on an affidavit for an airport workout from Sydney Airport that's in the same situation. There you go. Yep. And this affidavit is being lodged into the High Court in the next day or two.1:20:37Having said that, that's, that's that's a great thing that's about to happen.1:20:42But the question is, what can be done in regards to the building companies? Yeah, you need to? And once again, I know you've you've1:20:52stated that you've contacted your union. But this is where the answer lies is the union that must negotiate on your behalf, this is what you pay your fees for, I would suggest that you get your agreement with that union out and have a look, because whatever you want, they have to go into bat for it. And especially something like this of soil where there's a company,1:21:18a constitutional Trading Corporation, under the section for the purposes of Section 5120, over imposing a constitutional prohibition upon you. I do believe you need to go and speak to that particular union, because they need to go in and fight for your rights in respect of that. I know that this saying these particular things, but you need to compel them to act on your behalf. And I would be looking at, as I said, the agreement that you have in place, and I'm sure that you can actually go and find some probably a code of conduct or something else in respect of that particular union. Okay, where do these construction companies get the authority to force you to undergo a medical procedure or medical experiment, whatever you want to call it against your willing consent? Well, I'm going to put it out there if someone had told me to call it that, like me saying it, but I would say the government are paying these major corporations to do their bidding. It's it's a complete example of corporate fascism, otherwise known as corporatism.1:22:25It's leading and deceptive conduct. Yep, absolutely. All right. NIV says, Hey, guys, just want to express my thanks to the three of you for everything that you're doing to help the community navigate their way through the relentless barrage of lies and Bs and and also an extra thanks for Mike. I've never had much to do with Facebook. But your twice weekly videos for the newbies as you say helped open my eyes over a year ago now. Thank you for helping me keep this in perspective inspire me to learn about my rights which I now try to exercise every chance I get I can't thank you enough. Sincerely, Nick. So look that's that's Brenton knave. Thanks for the feedback much appreciated. And looking at this this is why we do these videos is why we do these radio shows each week is to get to get the message out there and to help inspire and empower people to stand up and fight back that's Yeah, that's what it's there for.1:23:16All right, Simone says 117 constitution Why is this so uncontested and not used? Why such little precedents. Its history of its draft while writing clearly show an intention for states not to discriminate against subjects of the queen, flesh residents. ag length of time limit for summary charge to be heard. He's six months in South Australia, Tasmania, New South Wales, Queensland, but in Victoria, it's a year. But we're now seeing this issue with disproportionate values of fines, depending on the state you live in for public health orders being very different in states as well as time limit. We are now seeing discrimination with mandated vaccines in some states and not others, some borders not others. Why is there so little emphasis on this section by the design of current law 117 Constitution states are subject to the Queen resident any state shall not be subject in any other state to any disability or discrimination which would not be equally applicable to him if he were subject to the Queen resident in such other state. This has never seemingly been upheld. Is this not something that could that could,1:24:20that the parties could push to be ruled on with urgency? Even if it's not a case your group wanting to bring into question is there nobody who could get to have it brought to the high court and have it assessed and ruled on and enforced in line with its intention? There is little precedence which I find disgraceful as long as this is not upheld, one state could turn into an extreme for its residents without this protection. I do believe this urgently needs attention. Do we not pay taxes is a federal arrangement because we're meant to be united as one colony. I'd like to know your thoughts and nobody seems to be talking about this. Thanks, Simone. Well,1:24:59your taxes1:25:00applied to1:25:02anything to do with the Commonwealth of Australia? No, that's true. They paid to the rep the agent of the IRS, which is the ITA. Oh, so the1:25:13pointing out that, according to them on their1:25:18perception, yes, the perception is that you're paying Commonwealth taxes. So why are we all treated as a Commonwealth? Well, specifically, when section 117 of the Constitution, it gives those provisions1:25:30go deep into the argument. We're not a Commonwealth, exactly as it's known in 73. But it's subject of the coin. Yeah, right. We can wait for that. But they cannot really go into the subject of the coin, because all this legislation relates to a person. Absolutely. One thing I suggest with three minutes to go on the show. Yes, I know. I know. Simone, which I most Thank you, I should thank you for your awesome question. I would recommend that you go and have a look at the annotated constitution, because it's quite extensive, the meaning of Section 178. And you'll find a lot of remedy within the good stuff. A quick question for the show what needs to happen for the emergency powers to be lifted? Right left as1:26:22well. Now the emergency powers are clearly in conflict with the Public Health Act. And this goes in every single state. So each state's Public Health Act has a protocol, a procedure, but I think you're talking about having them dismissed altogether. And that's how you're deemed to be null and void. He's actually asking when will they be lifted? 70% 70% vaccination.1:26:49All right, Duncan says hi guys trying to explain to some of my friends about the public health and well being act 2008. And they said it's so old, there's a new public health and well being act 2019 in there. It doesn't say anything about section 117. subsection three about a public health order must be in writing and identify to a person to whom the order applies to does this mean the Public Health Act 2008 is no longer legit.1:27:14The 2019 amendment1:27:18is only applicable to HIV.1:27:24It's not applicable to COVID they go1:27:28into that beautiful Alright, Luke says hi fellas, thanks for all the questions you've answered before. Yesterday, my local farmers market decided to refuse entry to all people not wearing a mask exemption or not. security guards refused entry. The owner of the market who says they are a private company are well within their rights to refuse us all entry. He has done several posts about this on Facebook has also said the local police have advised him that he's allowed to do this. Without him. That was a discrimination previously, but he doesn't care. I call the Human Rights Commission as Darryl has suggested previously, but they have said that they have at least a three month backlog so they wouldn't be able to get to my complaint anytime soon. So what do you suggest to do from here? I can easily go do my shop at Woollies or Kohl's. But I like supporting the local farmers. It's just the owner who is obviously misinformed. What do you think? What would you do? If you were in my situation? I'd suggest to the Equal Rights equal opportunity and Human Rights Commission to grossen Gohan his colleagues?1:28:29Well take it to court. Yeah, look, you can take it to court, of course. But look, let's let me ask or make a couple of statements or questions here. So in the Human Rights and Responsibilities act, is there a provision that allows or puts off you exercising your human right for three months? No, they're required to act now. They are required to act now. This is this is the thing guys, you need to hold these agencies to account. Now they're gonna say, oh, we're understaffed. Okay, so who is the minister that oversees the Human Rights Commission? I need to speak to him but ik human rights are an extremely important part of the legislative framework of Victoria For example, I assume you're speaking about the Victorian one. But yeah, look, it may be it might be called up and applied may be jammed, but you need to push need to push every single government agency out there. You need as much protection as the person who went there when who first initially went there whose cases First up, okay. There is no1:29:51there should be no discrimination between you and that person. Okay, by need to put on more staff. They need to get the money.1:30:00History involved and they need to act now and you need to compel them into doing that. Please go and look at their codes of conduct hold them to account. Absolutely. A couple more years Susie Juliana all asking about vaccinations, mandatory vaccinations again, we've covered that many, many, many, many times. Go look at those links that we covered on our COVID and vaccinations page and our website. correlate says greetings to the Rat Pack robot banking Royal Commission revealed the gross incompetence of ASIC that doesn't seem to have been addressed. I was reminded of this when reading about the vulnerability of the Western Australians investors in the sterling first scheme, the perpetrators of the scheme and many other schemes were serial bankrupted individuals, that acid kept hidden. My question is, we know the government is operating unlawfully, but where does the constitution deal with financial regulators? How can they be any trust in the Australian stock market and financial investments when the fox is in charge they in our regards correlate so how do you? How do you hold asset that's supposed to be the regulator in inject? It's in the ASIC act, isn't it? Darrell, is 2001 so that act was drafted to keep all financial1:31:13institutions and insurance institutions in check. And one of the best parts on it is under Section 12, which is1:31:24misconduct. They're all1:31:28in breach of that pretty much, Brady? why that's the act. So ethic,1:31:34as opposed to very powerful legislation, but of course,1:31:40most lawyers aren't even aware of it. No, no, this is this is it. Oh, and look, we've got a couple more about PCR tests and All right, we've we've answered similar things before the meantime, I'm just gonna finish with the last one last one says hello, which which is legislation which part of legislators me1:31:58section which states a person issuing a public health order needs to be Authorised by the Minister? instrument of delegation as you put it in the past? Thanks, keep up the great work empowers the unbelief with knowledge and confidence through your work. That's that's up your Avenue. Sir. You've done the research in that what's the what's the section of legislation that says a public health order needs to be Authorised by the Minister instrument of delegation? in which they are doesn't say, bigger state, any state probably the1:32:29saving1:32:31section, which states and person issuing public health also needs to be Authorised by the Minister? I would say that would be the New South Wales one. And I think it's in between section 10 and 12. They go doesn't leave too many in between there does it? Good stuff. I apologise I'm although I'm I'm learning learning the New South Wales and we'll let you off this time. Thanks, Mike. You're like I know. All right, we are way over time. Again, we have once again covered a tonne of information on tonight's show. Obviously, we can't cover everything. So please, if you have enjoyed what you've heard tonight, we would encourage you to look into some of the various products and services that we do have available now. These have, of course been specifically designed for people who want to learn more and take their knowledge, my knowledge and understanding of these topics to the next level. Again, I want to remind everyone, we didn't go to all the trouble of creating these products, we've got nothing better to do with our time. certainly didn't do because we're gonna make mean selling 20 $30 CDs. Okay, we did it to help people access everything that we've learned and experienced so that you can learn about your rights in the quickest possible way, and at the cheapest possible price. Now, obviously, we don't have time to go through all the products tonight. But please do be sure to check out our products page and our shop pages for further details about the various products that we have, including, of course, our ebook, the essential step by step manual for understanding and exercising your rights. We do have, as I said, on the top left of our shop page, those coaching call booking forms as well. So if anyone wants personalised responses to their questions, you can book those coaching calls, as I say on each and every show. If you're a motorist in this country,1:34:11you simply must have a copy of that truly licenced saving Ozzy speeding fines book as it really is the best motoring investment you'll ever make. But of course, those same principles can be adapted to suit any kind of unjust and or unlawful fines, including a wide range of COVID related fines and many others so just go to Ozzy speeding there's no way you on gained To find out more about that if you want to learn the truth about the fraud that the banks commit every single day as well as when either tried tested and proven systems. For discharging any unsecured loans such as credit cards or personal loans. Be sure to check out bank secrets .au and concerning could potentially save you 10s if not hundreds of 1000s of dollars. It's an absolute must have booked to add to collection. Of course we do have those combo packs ultimate combo packs out1:35:00Platinum combo packs, you find all of those combo packs with all three books on our ebook page. So it's just go to know your rights group that Comdata you click the our ebook page, scroll down about halfway, and you'll find all the different permutations combinations that we've got there. As I've said many times before, all these books and the other CDs are the absolute best way, taking your understanding of these topics to the next level in the quickest possible time. So I want to finish up tonight by doing what we always do at the end of each show. And that's to remind you that there's many simple things that you can do cost little or no money take up very little time, but really do add up to make a big difference. First and foremost, you can sign up for the local government class action via the link on our local government page. You can also download the flyer that's relevant to your state, send it off with a cover letter that you can also download from that page, send it to your local MP, just see if they can answer a few simple questions relating to the constitutional validity of local councils. We do have our Know Your Rights Facebook group up and running, it's got about 10,000 members again, we do urge our more advanced members to move over to our me we bid shoot gab and telegram accounts instead of exploding phones does have a large Facebook group of about eight and a half 1000 people now bank Secrets Revealed got a Facebook gap presence as well. So please do be sure to join up with all of those groups if you haven't already. In addition to the groups make sure you do contact all the groups if you want to help spread the word just shoot an email to info at Know Your Rights that IU info at Ozzie spreading info at Bank Secrets Revealed Comdata you to say Hey guys, this is my postal address, please send me out some cards and stickers and they will be sent out completely free of charge. Another great way of course to help spread the word get the message out to people that they really can fight back against injustice is of course, to send us through your short video testimonials just outlining how you've successfully used our information to fight back. And when those videos don't have to be anything fancy. couple of minutes recording off a phone is perfectly fine. It's really just about getting your story across to inspire and empower others to challenge the system and fight back just as you have. If you want to do even more, as I said, make sure you order a copy of everyone's books, which I mentioned, what's the straw man videos on website, make sure you research that concept online. It is so so important. Don't forget we've got our affiliate programme up and running doesn't cost you anything to join, you get a full 20% commission everyone that you refer. So just click on the affiliate tab and fill out the form there. Don't forget Ozzie speeding fines got an affiliate programme as well on their website. These are perfect for people with a large database or a website that gets a lot of hits. And you get to earn a little bit of extra income on the side just by informing and educating others about their rights. And whatever you do at the end of the day, please make sure you make full use of all the information that's already on all the websites that we discussed, including of course no you're right. .au Ozzy speeding bang secrets that a you operate in the and of course, constitution .au, which is Darren's excellent site which is what new information going up on a almost daily basis now so plenty of info there.1:38:07But it's Look, you've just got to go to websites, read the info, get your head around it and then of course, implement it and use it. Don't forget we are always looking for people groups companies to sponsor our shows. If you would like to do that you can contact us directly at info at no your rights group Comdata you again, I do want to thank all of our show sponsors, alkaline health, Verona resorts, and of course our longtime sponsor greener cleaner. Make sure you check out granite clean is excellent range of environmentally friendly cleaning products that can genuinely save you money, as well as their amazing health and vitality products. If you're in Melbourne are going to be in Melbourne, please make sure you book in for a session with Phil Burton from alkaline health. Because I promise you, you'll be amazed by what he shows you. And finally who couldn't do with a holiday to Noosa you want to secure an extra 10% off your stay at Toronto resort. Please be sure to book directly with them. Just say you're part of the know your rights group and you can secure that discounted rate. And of course, if you're looking to buy a property, please contact Laz at I check Property Inspections, we'll check over your valuable investment and ensure that you're not up for any hidden surprises or shocks. Just reminder, if you want these shows to continue throughout the remainder of this year, we do need our show to pay its own way. Therefore, we do need all the sponsors that we can get. And we do need your auto join up as members and supporters to ensure these shows can continue in the future. As I've said many many times before, these shows quite clearly do not write themselves there's a tonne of work that goes on in the background. Plus, of course constant updates and changes to the website all of the insane hours that go into making the video updates happen and all the rest of it. And we do still need to eat and put a roof over our heads as well. So please do remember for the price of a cup of coffee a week. You can access our fully edited shows our notes for each show our extensive court cases page and our new members only forum as well as helping us out in the process. So please, if you haven't already done so please do be sure to join up as a member tonight as the showings employee1:40:00Support the tireless work that we do. So we're going to finish off tonight by reminding everyone that as always, nothing in this broadcast is to be considered as legal or financial advice. We do recommend listeners do their own independent research into all the topics we discussed, we obviously recommend the websites that I mentioned just before. 2021 is quite clearly shaping up to be an even more challenging year than 2020 was. So it's more important than ever before for people to learn about their rights. So please do help us spread the word and share the details of our website around with everyone. No. So that is it for us. We will speak to you live again next Tuesday night. Don't forget to tune in for our next live video update 830 on Thursday night, and then again on Sunday night. Again, please, please, please do bear with us. We are four to five days behind on emails. We know a lot of members are asking questions about how to access podcasts and ebooks and all the rest of it. We will get to you but there's only so many hours in a day. So please do bear with us. And again, for those waiting on callbacks for the coaching calls. We will be having a around the table meeting straight after the show finishes tonight. And working out a plan to catch up on all outstanding calls within the next week or two at most. So rest assured we haven't forgotten about anyone we are doing our best to get to those. So that's it for us. Thank you to Daryl for all your input tonight. Much appreciated mates pleasure and take care of the absolutely and thank you to Darren for all your research insights all that wonderful stuff might put as always non Thank you might and I just like to1:41:37do a big shout out to all my friends that appeared on the show tonight. Absolutely. Yeah, all of them. That's it's great that you got so many mates. That's, that's brilliant. Awesome stuff. Hold on. All right. We'll go over there speaking next Tuesday and I will talk to you all live on Facebook on a Thursday night. Until then, have a good one. Take care and see you bye bye bye. ................

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