University of Texas at El Paso

University of Texas at El Paso

Foundations of Engineering

UNIV 1301-004

Fall 2020

Aug 21, 2020


Course Information:

Classroom: Online, Synchronous on Blackboard, None on-campus

CRN: 17663 Class Time: 1:30 -2:20 pm - MWF

|INSTRUCTOR: |L. G. Perez, Ph.D. |

|OFFICE: |Kelly Hall 211 |

|PHONE: |Office: 915 747 5511 Cell: 915 525 1620 |

|EMAIL: | |

|OFFICE HOURS: |30 minutes after class or by appointment dos |

|PEER LEADER: |Anette Beruman |

| |Email: |

| |Office Hours: TBD |

|ADVISOR: |Alejandro Munguia, M.Ed. Office: 915-747-6612 |

|LIBRARIAN: |Debjani Mukhopadhyay |

|TEXT: |Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 5th Edition, by Raymond B. Landis |

| |(2018). Los Angeles: Discovery Press. |

| |Available in: |

| |Printed form (UTEP Bookstore) or Online |

Materials needed:

Text (hardcopy or E-Book, One 3 Ring binder or notebook for readings/handouts, class notes, assignments and/or journal entries.

Course Description:

Engineers are analytical thinkers and problem solvers. In this course, engineering students will learn to use the basic tools of engineering problem solving, no matter what kind of engineer the student intends to be. We will explore engineering innovation, analytical thinking, and hands-on learning, making connections to engineering disciplines. Competencies, technical and professional, will be introduced, developed, and practiced. Among these competencies, the application of math and science fundamentals for problem solving, teamwork and communication will be emphasized. The anticipated outcome is that students will be able to apply these competencies to solve engineering problems.

The foundations are tools for developing:

• academic skills and personal growth skills

• engineering skills in critical thinking and problem solving

• mathematical tools and applications for engineering

• connections with the engineering profession and opportunities to appreciate the world of engineering

At the end of the semester, you will:

• Develop and apply elements of leadership through effective individual participation and meaningful team collaboration.

• Examine your roles and responsibilities crucial for your success in college and beyond.

• Identify, assess, and build on your strengths and experiences to develop academic and transitional strategies necessary for success in your academic, career, and life goals.

• Engage in research and critical thinking activities that demonstrate your ability to effectively integrate your learning within, across, and beyond academic settings

• Engage in campus and community activities to increase your sense of academic and social belonging.

The Center for Accommodations and Support Services (CASS): Students requiring unique accommodations must contact the CASS office and provide their instructor with the proper documentation at the beginning of the semester. CASS office may be contacted at 747-5148, or go to Room 106 Union East Building.

Grading: 2 Exams 50%

Project and Presentation 25%

Homework, quiz, class participation, attendance and survey 25%

Project: The project will be a team design-engineering project. More information and deadlines about the project will be given later.

Presentation: The presentation will be about the project you designed. It will be a ten to fifteen-minute presentation-using power point. All of the team members are required to present.

Homework: The homework must be available to be turned in at the beginning of the class by the due date. As part of your homework, you may be required to have at least 1 mentoring session and attend some UTEP events.

Quizzes: The exams and quizzes will be given at the beginning of the class. No make-ups will be given if you are late or absent without valid reason.

Class Participation and Activities: There will be many in class group and individual activities. In order to get a grade for them you must participate in the activity. There will be no make up for any of the class activities.

Entering Students Research and Creative Projects Showcase: On Saturday, Dec. 7, from 1-4 p.m., the Entering Student Program will host an event to display the best projects from all UNIV 1301 sections. Students will present their work to peers, invited guests, and faculty. It is quite an honor to be nominated and then chosen for this event as it is a very competitive process. Location: Tomas Rivers Conference Center, 3rd floor Union East.

Survey: There will be an end-of-semester survey. Your participation is important and it will count as a homework and class activity.

Grading Scale:


89% -80%……….B

79% -70%……….C

69% -60%……….D

59% - 0%………..F

Attendance: Attendance is mandatory for all freshman courses. Because this is an online presentation of the material, students must login to all synchronous classes and be on time. Only approved excused absences will count. Without approval, no classes should be missed as attendance will be taken. Attendance is part of your grade. You must contact the instructor by email prior to the class if you know you will be absent. Use the subject line: UNIV-1301 369. In the event you miss class, it is your responsibility to get all the announcements, lecture notes, assignments, and handouts. An excused absence will only be given as described in the undergraduate catalog. If you want to be dropped after the automatic W deadline, you must contact your professor. Excessive absences (equivalent of two week’s) will result in administrative withdrawal or an F grade.

Students should follow the course schedule carefully as recorded sessions will not be available. Due to the pandemic, UTEP does not want students returning to campus after the Thanksgiving break

COVID-19 Precautions:

You must STAY AT HOME and REPORT if you (1) have been diagnosed with COVID-19, (2) are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, or (3) have had recent contact with a person who has received a positive coronavirus test. Reports should be made at If you know anyone who should report any of these three criteria, encourage them to report. If the individual cannot report, you can report on their behalf by sending an email to

For each day that you attend campus—for any reason—you must complete the questions on the UTEP screening website ( prior to arriving on campus. The website will verify if you are permitted to come to campus. Under no circumstances should anyone come to class when feeling ill or exhibiting any of the known COVID-19 symptoms. If you are feeling unwell, please let me know as soon as possible, and alternative instruction will be provided. Students are advised to minimize the number of encounters with others to avoid infection.

Wear face coverings when in common areas of campus or when others are present. You must wear a face covering over your nose and mouth at all times in this class. If you choose not to wear a face covering, you may not enter the classroom. If you remove your face covering, you will be asked to put it on or leave the classroom. Students who refuse to wear a face covering and follow preventive COVID-19 guidelines will be dismissed from the class and will be subject to disciplinary action according to Section 1.2.3 Health and Safety and Section Disruptions in the UTEP Handbook of Operating Procedures.

Please note that if COVID-19 conditions deteriorate in the City of El Paso, all course and lab activities may be transitioned to remote delivery.

COVID-19 Accommodations:

Students are not permitted on campus when they have a positive COVID-19 test,

exposure or symptoms. If you are not permitted on campus, you should contact me as soon as possible so we can arrange necessary and appropriate accommodations.

Students who are considered high risk according to CDC guidelines and/or those who live with individuals who are considered high risk may contact Center for Accommodations and Support Services (CASS) to discuss temporary accommodations for on-campus courses and activities.

Mentoring: You will be meeting, on a one-to-one basis, with your peer leader and your instructor at least twice during the semester. Each meeting will count as one homework.

Missing assignments and exams:

• You will be allowed one make up homework assignment during the course of the semester. Late homework will not be accepted.

• Exams can only be made up from the day the exam is given in class to the next class day. Example: if the exam is on a Tuesday, you can take the exam on that Tuesday, Wednesday (the next day) and Thursday (prior to the class time). However, 30 points will be deducted from your actual grade for missing an exam without valid reason

Academic Conduct:

Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. You must submit only your work. If you are found to be cheating or plagiarizing, you will be subject to disciplinary action, per UTEP catalog policy ().

Cell Phone: All cell phones must be turned off before the beginning of the class. If a student forgets to turn it off, he/she will have to leave the classroom and may only return with the instructor’s permission.

Harassment: Please be aware that harassment is unacceptable in the class. Jokes, comments of sexual nature, as well as racist comments will not be tolerated. The student that violates this rule will be sent to the Dean of students for disciplinary action. This activity will be reflected in the class participation portion of your grade.

The instructor reserves the right to make any changes to the syllabus during the term of the semester. Any changes made to the syllabus will be notified to the students by the instructor prior to the lecture week.

I welcome you to a new semester and hope that you will make the effort to learn as much as you can. Each one of you has the potential to make an A.

Important Fall 2020 Dates:

Labor Day – No classes September 7

Census Day September 9

Homecoming Week TBD

Fall Drop/Withdrawal deadline October 30

Thanksgiving – No classes November 26 – 27

Dead Day December 4

Final Exams December 7 - 11

Tentative Course Lecture Calendar:

|Date |UNIV 1301 17663 DOS 1:30 - 2;20 MWF |Homework |

| |Class Topic (subject to change) | |

|Week 1 |08/24 |Introduction. Syllabus. Talk About High Impact Practices |Buy Textbook. Read Prologue and bring exercise.|

| | |(UTEP Edge). In Class activity. |Prepare to discuss next class |

| |08/26 |BOOK-CHAPTER 1-Keys to Success in Engineering Study. Group |Book Homework –Prepare to discuss Next Class. |

| | |Discussion. Problems Page: 33 |Problems # 3,4,5,6 |

| |08/28 |Keys to Success in Engineering Study. |Skills Inventory -Prepare to discuss next |

| | | |Class |


|Week 2 |08/31 |BOOK-CHAPTER 2- The Engineering Profession. Activities. |Assignment on ENGR Career-Prepare to discuss |

| | |Problems Page: 86 |next class |

| | | |Problems # 3,4 |

| |09/02 |DISCUSSION TOPIC: Course Project and Teams |DISCUSSION Topic Homework -Prepare to discuss |

| | | |next class |

| |09/04 |In-class activity using Choices 360 to clarify their career|Homework on Choices 360 & Assignment on Long |

| | |goals and write a journal entry reflecting on them |and Short Term Goals |

| | | |Library Modules-DUE before next class. Quick |

| | | |Quiz |



| |09/09 |First Library Visit- Orientation |Scavenger Hunt preparation |

| |09/11 |First Library visit online (both sections): September 11 |DISCUSSION Topic Homework -Prepare to discuss |

| | |(Friday) from 11:30 am. – 12:20 pm. And 1:30 pm. – 2:20 pm.|next class. Bring current resume or resume |

| | | |draft-Prepare to discuss next week |

| | |

|Week 4 |09/14 |Resume Writing/STAR Method/Resume Worksheet |Revised Resume -Must Include STAR Statements- |

| | | |Prepare to discuss next Week |

| |09/16 |BOOK-CHAPTER 3-Understanding the Teaching and Learning |Book Homework -Prepare to discuss next class. |

| | |Process Problems Page: 111 |Problems #5,6 |

| | |CAREER EXPO-SEP 17 & 18 |CAREER EXPO Homework: List two companies of |

| | | |interest |

| |09/18 |DISCUSSION TOPIC: CARRER SELECTION |DISCUSSION Topic Homework -Prepare to discuss |

| | |CAREER EXPO-SEP 17 & 18 |this or next class |

| | |

|Week 5 |09/21 |DISCUSSION TOPIC: Course project |DISCUSSION Topic Homework -Prepare to discuss |

| | | |next class |

| |09/23 |BOOK-CHAPTER 4-Making the Most of How you are Taught. |Book Homework-Prepare to discuss next class |

| | |Problems Page: 139 |Problems # 2,6 |

| |09/25 |DISCUSSION TOPIC: Interpersonal Communication |DISCUSSION Topic Homework -Prepare to discuss |

| | | |next class |

| | |

|Week 6 |09/28 |DISCUSSION TOPIC: Writing |DISCUSSION Topic Homework -Prepare to discuss |

| | | |next class |

| |09/30 |BOOK-CHAPTER 5 Making the Learning Process Work for You. |Book Homework-Prepare to discuss next class |

| | |Problems Page: 171 |Problems # 5,6 |

| |10/02 |Discussion: Making the Learning Process Work for You |Prepare to discuss next week |

| | |

|Week 7 |10/05 |Compliance. Advisor Presentation. Degrees. Catalog. |Write About Event/Experience Study for Exam |

| | |Policies. GPA Calculation. Alex invited | |

| |10/07 |Exam 1 | |

| |10/09 |Second Library visit online (both sections): October 9 |DISCUSSION Topic Homework -Prepare to discuss |

| | |(Friday) from 11:30 am. – 12:20 pm. And 1:30 pm. – 2:20 pm.|library visit next class |


|Week 8 |10/12 |Mentoring. Talk to students one on one | |

| |10/14 |OSCCR Presentation & Case Studies |Reflection on Presentation |

| |10/16 |DISCUSSION TOPIC: Integrity |DISCUSSION Topic Homework -Prepare to discuss |

| | | |next class |


|Week 9 |10/19 |DISCUSSION TOPIC: Responsibility |DISCUSSION Topic Homework -Prepare to discuss |

| | | |next class |

| |10/21 |BOOK-CHAPTER 6-Personal Growth and Student Development. |Book Homework-Prepare to discuss next class |

| | |Problems Page: 227 |Problems # 3,6 |

| |10/23 |DISCUSSION TOPIC: Course Project |DISCUSSION Topic Homework -Prepare to discuss |

| | | |next class |


|Week 10 |10/26 |DISCUSSION TOPIC: Course Project |DISCUSSION Topic Homework -Prepare to discuss |

| | | |next class |

| |10/28 |Assign Project Teams and Topics. |Use Lib Guide to find research topic sources |

| |10/30 |DISCUSSION TOPIC: Library Experience |DISCUSSION Topic Homework -Prepare to discuss |

| | | |next class |


|Week 11 |11/02 |Counseling Center Presentation | |

| |11/04 |DISCUSSION TOPIC: Career Discussion |DISCUSSION Topic Homework -Prepare to discuss |

| | | |next class |

| |11/06 |DISCUSSION TOPIC: Government in our lives |DISCUSSION Topic Homework -Prepare to discuss |

| | | |next class |


|Week 12 |11/09 |DISCUSSION TOPIC: Sustainability in the world |DISCUSSION Topic: Sustainability in the world |

| | | |-Prepare to discuss next class |

| |11/11 |Undergraduate Research Opportunities | |

| |11/13 |DISCUSSION TOPIC: Team Presentations |DISCUSSION Topic Homework -Prepare to discuss |

| | | |next class |


|Week 13 |11/16 |Money Management | |

| |11/18 |DISCUSSION TOPIC: World Events |DISCUSSION Topic Homework -Prepare to discuss |

| | | |next class |

| |11/20 |DISCUSSION TOPIC: Good Leadership |DISCUSSION Topic Homework -Prepare to discuss |

| | | |next class |

| | |

|Week 14 |11/22 |BOOK-CHAPTER 7- Broadening Your Education. Problems |Book Homework-Prepare to discuss next class. |

| | |Page: 268 |Problems # 1,11 |

| |11/25 |BOOK-CHAPTER 8- Orientation to Engineering Education. |Book Homework-Prepare to discuss next class. |

| | |Problems Page: 304 |Problems # 1, 11 |

| |11/27 |DISCUSSION TOPIC: Teamwork |DISCUSSION Topic Homework -Prepare to discuss |

| | | |next class |

| | |

|Week 15 |11/30 |DISCUSSION TOPIC: Practice presentations |Study for Exam |

| |12/02 |Exam 2 | |

| |12/04 |DEAD DAY-NO CLASSES | |


| |12/09 |Students’ Presentations, Final Exam |Date and Time of Final Exam: |

|Week 16 | | |Final Exam Wed, Dec 9, 2020 4:00 pm– 6:45 pm |

| | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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