

Ms. Fons

6th Grade Intensive Reading

Course Expectations

Pinecrest Preparatory Middle/High School

Welcome to our Reading Class! This course is designed to improve skills in reading comprehension and application. It is a novel-based and short-stories related course that offers a literacy solution to help students become skillful, independent readers and achieve academic success. In addition, we will be implementing Reading Plus, an online reading program that will improve reading skills at home. We have an exciting school year full of boundless learning experiences ahead of us. Together we can strive to make this year a memorable one. Please read the following information carefully along with your parent/guardians and return the last 2 pages of this syllabus with the required signatures.

Conference Hours:

Beginning August 20th, 2012 (by appointment only)

Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. – 7:30 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.

Contact Information:

Email: tfons@

School Phone: Leave message at (305) 559-8583

PPMH website:

Classroom Expectations:

1. Respect Others – listen to others when they are speaking; keep hands, feet, objects, and negative comments to yourself.

2. Follow directions.

3. Raise your hand to be recognized before speaking or standing up from your seat.

4. Bring required materials to class everyday. (No CD, MP3, or iPod players, food, electronic devices, etc.)

5. Follow the Pinecrest Preparatory Middle High School Code of Conduct


6. Turn in completed assignments on time.

Consequences for not meeting Classroom Expectations:

1st Consequence – Verbal warning

2nd Consequence – Phone call home/e-mail

3rd Consequence – Classroom exclusion or detention

4th Consequence – Referral to Administration

** When necessary, the teacher may bypass consequences depending on the severity of the classroom disruption or behavior**

Grading Scale:

90-100% A 3.50-4.00

80-89% B 2.50-3.49

70-79% C 1.50-2.49

60-69% D 1.00-1.49

0-59% F 0-.9

Grading Policy:

Students will be assessed weekly using one of the following methods:

1. Classwork and class participation – 15% of grade

2. Quizzes/Pop Quizzes – 20% of grade

3. Exams – 30% of grade

4. Home Learning Assignments – 10% of grade

5. Lab/Projects – 25%

Tardy Policy

1st Tardy: Verbal warning

2nd Tardy: Parent contact

3rd Tardy: Detention

4th Tardy: Administrative referral

Attendance Policy

• If you are absent, you must bring in a note from home in order to have the absence excused. Make-up work will be given to ALL students, but only those students with excused absences will receive an academic grade.

• I encourage students to exchange telephone numbers with their peers, so they may acquire and complete assignments when they are absent.

• Students will have the opportunity to use the restroom during class periods and during lunch. A total of six restroom passes will be issued to each student each 9 weeks. Upon using each pass, students will be required to sign out in the Restroom Log.

Conduct Code:

The teacher will keep a record of non-compliance by a student, and depending on the frequency of the behavior the students conduct grade will drop as follows:

1. A

2/3 B

4/5 C

6/7 D

8-up F

Reading Plus: Required Daily Homework Assignment (Monday-Friday)

Your child will be required to complete Reading Plus this year. All students are required to complete 5 sessions per week. This means that there is homework due “EVERYDAY”. One session of reading plus must be completed daily. Students will receive a weekly classwork grade and a quiz grade for these assignments. They will also receive a lab/project grade based on their comprehension, accuracy and completion every 9-week period. Please sign and return the Reading Plus contract found on the last page of this syllabus.

Required Daily Class Materials:

• Notebook paper

• One green folder with pockets and fasteners

• One composition notebook

• black or blue ink pens

• 4 different color highlighters

• Novel: “Flipped” by Wendelin Van Draanen (due after Labor Day Weekend- September 4th)

Academic Dishonesty:

Students are expected to be honest and ethical in their academic work. Academic dishonesty is defined as an intentional act of deception in one of the following areas:

1. Cheating – use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information, or study aides

2. Fabrication – falsification or invention of any information

3. Assisting – helping another commit an act of academic dishonesty

4. Tampering – Altering or interfering with evaluation instruments and documents

5. Plagiarism – representing the words or ideas of another person as one’s own

Note for Parents:

It is my goal that all my students be successful in my class. I will assist your child in any way that I can. However, I alone cannot assure success. Please ensure that your child is prepared for class everyday with the proper materials, including the required novel selection. Please note that it is the student’s responsibility to purchase the novels for this class. I suggest that you continue to encourage your child throughout the school year in accepting responsibility for his/her learning. Please urge your child to study every night and check to make sure that their Reading Plus daily homework is completed. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.


Ms. Fons

*Please note that novels will need to be purchased throughout the year. You will always be advised with ample time via the PPMH website and through your child.

*Please sign and return the next 2 pages to Ms. Fons.

August 20, 2012

Parents and Students,

Please sign and return to Ms. Fons by August 27th (B day), 2012. It is a required document for student files.

Thank you,

Ms. Fons

We the parent/guardian(s) and the student, have fully read, understood, and agree to abide by these expectations.

6th Grade Intensive Reading Period _______

Print Student name Student’s signature Date

Student e-mail address

Print Parent/Guardian name Parent/Guardian’s signature Date

Parent e-mail address Parent contact number

August 20th, 2012

Dear Parents,

Your child will be required to complete Reading Plus this year. All students are required to complete 5 sessions per week. This means that there is homework due “EVERYDAY”.

One session of reading plus must be completed daily. Students will receive a weekly classwork grade and a quiz grade for these assignments based on their comprehension, accuracy and completion.

Please follow the directions to register and log in.

To log in to Reading Plus you must go through your student portal. When you are on your student portal you must scroll down and look for the Reading Plus ICON which looks like this: [pic] click and you’re in!

If you cannot login through your portal you must login using this web address: users, no spaces or capital letters. When you find the page you will click on STUDENT LOGIN. You then need to type in a site code: 14301pine. Click on your teachers name and type in your password which is your STUDENT ID. You’re in!

The first assignment is a test. This will tell the program the student’s reading level and how the program can customize itself to help the student adequately.

Please check the PPMH website for assignment due dates.

It’s important that you monitor your child. They will be responsible for completion of the program on a weekly basis.

Thank you for your help with your child’s future reading endeavors.

Ms. Fons

Sign & Return

____________________________ Print Parent Name

____________________________ Parents Signature ______________Date

____________________________ Print Student Name ______________Date


Teacher Use Only:

Received / / Lab Fee Paid yes no

Teacher Initials


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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