Special Programs in Remedial Education

[Pages:11]Special Programs in Remedial Education




Supplemental Instruction/



Supplemental Instruction/ Reading, Writing,



Faculty Development Writing







20 Hour Immersion Tutoring Initiative (Immersion)

At the end of each semester (January and June), tutoring is offered to a limited number of students (two per class). Students work in small groups (5 students max) with a trained tutor and put in additional hours in the ESL and ACR Labs. At the end of 20 hours, students retake the test. ACR and ESL 095 students with close-to-passing scores on the final exam are eligible per instructor's recommendation.

Multiple Repeater Workshops (Immersion)

CATW Project Online Instruction Online tutorial

These are intensive 64-hour workshops held in January and June, offered over 4 hours a day for 16 days, and taught by faculty members with the assistance of a Supplemental Instructor who gives additional after-class tutoring. Enrollment is capped at 15 in order to maximize interaction between students and their instructor. Students who have not passed the CUNY reading and writing tests two or more times and are, thus, barred from ENG 101 are eligible. Professional development on pedagogical practices provided in teaching basic reading skills and critical writing skills so that students are better prepared for the CATW. Approximately 36 developmental Writing faculty , 6 developmental Reading faculty, and 12 tutors meet for 10 two-hour sessions during Spring 2011. Each team will develop instructional materials, pilot them in classes, discuss their effectiveness, and revise the materials. Final products will include a handbook of best instructional practices, electronic modules that prepare students for CAT-W, and a handbook for training tutors to assist faculty in preparing students for the CAT-W.

Pilot study conducted during Summer 2011 for MAT 012 using an online textbook.

During regular semesters, students that fail midterm in all remedial math classes required to complete computer-based tutorial.

CUNY Office of Undergraduate Studies

Draft- 11/8/2011


BCC Brooklyn

Model Accelerated

Subject Reading/ Writing

Supplemental Instruction/



Supplemental Instruction/


Math (credited)

Supplemental Instruction/





In Summer 2011 curriculum development will be conducted to Reading/Writing pilot link ENG 02 and RDL 02.

Maximizing Student Success in Mathematics 05: A Case Load Tutoring Model

In Spring 2011 tutors were imbedded into selected sections of Math 05. Faculty identify students having academic problems and tutors were assigned a case load of these students. Teaching faculty linked course grades with student participation.

Review Sessions Tutoring

In Spring 2011 math faculty conducted review sessions for students enrolled in Math 13/30

In Spring 2011 students having academic problems were assigned a tutor in RDL 02.

Supplemental Instruction/



Supplemental Instruction/



Review Sessions Tutoring

In Spring 2011 students enrolled in English 02/09/10 who did not pass the CATW earlier in the term were invited to April Break Workshops. Review sessions were also held in May.

In Spring 2011 tutors assigned to selected sections of English 10. At-risk students were identified early in semester and assigned a tutor.

Bridge Bridge

Math Math

Opportunities for Student Success

Program for students who are proficient in Reading and Writing but fall slightly short on Math. Students not admitted to Brooklyn but with close-to-passing math scores selected. Students must have indicated on their application an interest in a field that is not math/science intensive. In Fall 2011 program served 50 students. Students take courses and math workshop simultaneously, and test twice during the semester. If students pass COMPASS they will be admitted. Students must sign contract, attend full-time, participate in learning community, receive academic advising from designated advisor, and visit learning center for 20 hours during semester.

Bridge program for students interested in health/science fields

Program offered in Summer 2010 and Summer 2011. Based on SCALE-UP model. Students read prior to class, receive 20 minutes of lecture, and work in small groups on carefully created problem sets. Very high pass rates. Students received $1,000 stipend in 2010 through grant funding.

CUNY Office of Undergraduate Studies

Draft- 11/8/2011


City Hostos



Supplemental Instruction/




Mandatory homework sessions

Description Pilot program allowed for mandatory in-lab homework with extended lab hours and accompanied tutoring. Program offered in summer 2011 for 64 students. Students not permitted to work in groups. Quiet space and dedicated time. Students received lunch voucher. More homework also required at home. Fifty percent increase in pass rate. College Enrichment Academy was an optional program that allowed first year students to develop their reading and writing skills in a small learning community. With the assistance of faculty and tutors, students read articles, essays, and books organized around a central theme, wrote about them and participated in discussions. In AY 2009/10, 457 students were served. No longer funded.


The students who enrolled in the program were ESL or

Reading/ Writing- College Enrichment developmental English students who did not pass the ACT

Learning Community Academy

reading and/or writing exams.

Bridge Accelerated

All areas - Learning Hostos Success



ESL Intensive



HSA enrolls freshman students with low scores on the CUNY entrance examinations into freshman learning communities. The two-semester experience includes common academic courses, targeted test preparatory workshops, and a noncredit module-based course designed to orient students to higher education learning. HSA also integrates targeted academic support, orientation, and advisement with assistance from faculty, tutors, peer mentors, and staff. The HSA goal is to develop the academic and social skills necessary to further student education. In AY 2009/10, 47 students were served. Funded in 2010/11. ESL Intensive Program is a one-year accelerated ESL program. Students are selected after their first or second semester at Hostos through teacher recommendation and individual testing. This program provides content-based instruction in all language skills and is designed to bring a selected group of students through three semesters of ESL in two semesters. Each level of the program involves fifteen (15) hours of ESL class work per week. This includes writing and reading components, as well as a language workshop. Additionally, students are blocked into two content courses taught in English as part of the curriculum. In AY 2009/10, 114 students were served.

CUNY Office of Undergraduate Studies

Draft- 11/8/2011


Model Hostos (cont.)



Supplemental Instruction/






English/ Math

Name HALC workshops Writing workshop

Opportunities for Student Success


Math 1 and Math 2 workshops available for students during regular Fall and Spring semesters. Students receive 3 hrs/week with tutor (27 hours total) and virtual learning opportunities through Hostos Academic Learning Center (HALC). Students invited who did not pass M1 or M2 placement test and are not enrolled in a remedial math course.

Funded by Perkins grant. Students who received high fail on CATW will receive 24 hours of instruction with aid of tutor and regular faculty member. Will be piloted Summer 2011.

Immersion for conditional admits phased out in Summer 2011 and replaced with OSS. Began in fall 2011 with 11 students in Math and 4 students in English. Students who were not initially accepted to Hunter but were close to passing in Math or English were contingently admitted through the program. A variety of indicators were examined in the selection of students including CAA, SAT, and high school attended. Only students who indicated on their application that they were interested in a field that requires a lower level of proficiency in math/science were selected. Students complete workshop in fall semester and will register for credit-bearing course in spring. Students who achieve a C or better in the credited course may continue at Hunter. Students not required to retest on CUNY proficiency exam.

CUNY Office of Undergraduate Studies

Draft- 11/8/2011


John Jay KBCC

Model Technology

Subject Math


English/ Math/ Criminal Justice










Math/ Writing

Supplemental Instruction/







Math online

First offered in Summer 2010, select sections of math offered online in a self-paced, guided format. Students who struggle may take the in-class version of the remedial course in the Fall.

Early Start is a 6-week program for incoming students who are

skill certified. Program offered in ENG 101, Math, and Criminal

Justice. Courses are credit-bearing. Students eligible for math

if they have Math 104 placement (M2 score 40-44). Students

eligible for English if they scored under 800 on the SAT or

under 80 on Regents. Any criminal justice major eligible for

Early Start

Criminal Justice course. Program is free for students.

Five-day program offered in July and at the beginning of the

Fall semester for incoming students. Attendance is voluntary

and students entered in raffle to win prizes for their attendance.

Variety of topics offered including financial and academic

planning, major exploration, math anxiety, communicating with

faculty, visiting the library, writing in high school and college,

etc. Students receive peer mentors who recommend

workshops. Workshops also being developed as Blackboard

Transition Workshopscourses.

ESL intensive

Pairs ESL courses with credited courses, cohort model, linked

learning community classes.

Pairs remedial courses with credit-bearing courses, student

Opening Doors

development component (1 credit class), cohort model, linked

learning community classes.

18-week remedial program, students receive

tuition/books/metro. Grant funded. KBCC plans to compare

President's Prep Immersion students with those that participate in President's



Piloted in Winter 2008, Summer 2008, and Winter 2009.

Test Preparation Designed for incoming students who needed to take writing or


math skills assessments. Not currently offered.

Offered through the Office of Counseling and Health Services,

in-class workshops will be available for Summer Immersion

Test Anxiety

instructors who want their class to participate. Will be


implemented in Summer 2011.

Digication will allow students to create e-portfolios as part of

the BR (reading) Summer Immersion workshops. Project will

Digication e-learning be funded by Tech Fee, and will be implemented in Summer



CUNY Office of Undergraduate Studies

Draft- 11/8/2011





Supplemental Instruction/



Supplemental Instruction/








Project Quantum Leap (PQL) Second Chance workshops Prep workshop



Offerings: In Fall 2010, almost half of the course sections offered in basic skills mathematics (a total of 53 sections of MAT 095, MAT 096 and MAT115 serving approximately 1,500 students) were taught using PQL methodology.

Description: Based on the pioneering work of PROJECT SENCER, a national initiative sponsored by the National Science Foundation, promoting the teaching science and mathematics through complex, current and unsolved public issues. Through Project Quantum Leap, LaGuardia has brought the SENCER approach to the teaching of basic skills mathematics, working with scores of mathematics faculty and thousands of high risk students. PQL activity started in January 2007.

Second Chance workshops for students who took remedial class but did not pass assessment test. Offered through 1week, 25-hour class up to 4 times per year immediately following class (Fall 1, Fall 2, Spring 1, Spring 2). Prep workshop prepare students for developmental skills or introductory college-level course. Offered prior to each semester through a 3-day (12-hour) workshop. Subjects include Biology, Pre-calculus.

This course combines remedial writing and a credit-bearing English course (ENG101). Pilot currently being conducted with 22 students, including 12 students who were skills proficient and 10 students with remedial need. Skills-proficient students participate in 3 hours, while the students with remedial need have additional hours alone with the professor to work on CATW writing skills (7 hours total). These students earn 3 credits if they pass the CATW and the course.

CUNY Office of Undergraduate Studies

Draft- 11/8/2011


Model Medgar Evers


Supplemental Instruction/




Reading/ Writing




Supplemental Instruction/



Supplemental Instruction/



Supplemental Instruction/




Students with multiple remedial needs



SI COMFIT Learning

Supplemental Instruction will be used for sections of MTHP 009 and MTHP 010 for repeaters (students who have taken livelecture math course multiple times without success). Pilot Summer 2011, 2 sections per course with 10-15 students per section. Faculty and SI leaders will participate in SI training and course syllabi will be adjusted to fit the new format. Diagnostic tool that allows instructors to assess student needs and develop lesson plans. Pilot in Reading and Writing will be conducted Summer 2011. Two sections that use tool will be compared to two sections that do not use the tool. A Pilot will also be conducted in MTH 009 and MTH 010. Results will be compared to student outcomes for MyMathTest, and students in regular MTH courses.


Online testing tool that allows instructors to assess student weaknesses. Can develop customized assessment for students and practice problems/tests available. Pilot Summer 2011. Will be mandatory for students in Pilot sections.

The Creative Thinkers Toolkit Math ACT Express Workshop

Writing Workshop

BEOC or Summer Program

15-hour supplemental workshop through math department. Will be attached to a credit-bearing course in July 2011 session. Designed for students who did not pass ACT in previous semester. Meets 5 consecutive Fridays or Saturdays (Fall and Spring). MAT 0695 English department working with tutoring center to provide supplemental services to students who are repeating ENG 092W. Students who require 2 or more remedial needs and are "low fails" required to receive services through Brooklyn Educational Opportunity Center or participate in Immersion. Implementation of this policy varies from year to year.

CUNY Office of Undergraduate Studies

Draft- 11/8/2011





Accelerated Accelerated

Math Writing

Supplemental Instruction/ Reading/ Writing/





New approach to Remedial Arithmetic course first offered in

Fall 2009. Offered during regular Fall and Spring semesters

due to the "block scheduling" needed for this course flow. Key

components include a shorter format (only 20 hours of class

time); curriculum materials specifically developed to maximize

success for this new pedagogical approach, namely a

specialized textbook with an accompanying online laboratory

component; over 90% of class time is devoted to student

oriented problem solving; and ample one-on-one student

interaction with the professor during class time.

Improving Math

Learning Project, Students who had a COMPASS M1 score of 25-29 were


eligible to enroll. Some students with a lower score were

Workshop Approach allowed to enroll closer to class starting time to fill the

to Remedial

enrollment. Info sessions held for advisors, and letters sent to


incoming students who met the eligibility requirement.


Workshop for incoming non-ESL students that are high fail on

Write Prep

writing and exempt reading.

20-hour workshop for continuing students who passed a

remedial class but received a high fail on the

ACT/CATW/COMPASS. Workshop is taken immediately after

class. Grade of "NC" posted to class until after completion of

workshop. Reading and Writing workshops offered through

Basic Skills Learning Center. Math workshop offered through

ACT/CATW/COMPA Math Learning Center. Students retest after the 20 hour

SS Workshops


Supplemental Instruction/



Supplemental Instruction/




ESL Reading and Writing (upper level)


ESL Reading and Writing (lower level)

Basic Skills Service Learning Study

WIKI project Linking Upper Level ESL Writing and Reading Courses (BE 205/BE 226)

Linking Lower Level ESL Writing and Reading (BE 201203/BE 225)

Service learning linked to some remedial courses.

Peer tutoring for students in some remedial courses. Combined course for high fail students in reading and writing. Course will include 72 contact hours (12 hours per week for 6 weeks). Course will be capped at 22 students and piloted Summer 2011. Combined course for incoming ESL students eligible for BE 225 and/or BE 201 or BE 203. Course will include 60 contact hours (5 weeks). Students will use e-portfolio online reading recitation curriculum. Two tutors will be available. Will be piloted Summer 2011.

CUNY Office of Undergraduate Studies

Draft- 11/8/2011



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