NP/PA Orientation/Training Template New Employee:______________________________ Date of Hire:______ Training Coordinator: ___________________________CategoryAssigned to:From:To:Shadow MD Check box when doneFocus on learning from MD - Observe MD interaction with patients and team. Participate in Huddles, learn about disease, process, resources, roles of team members, documentation of progress notes, consult notes, new treatment order, reading a pathology report, stages of cancer, types of cancers, patient symptoms, therapies offered, correlating tumor markers, imaging and disease status. Observing why treatments change and toxicities.Learn way around EMR to find important information - New Patient Referral forms, consult notes, outside MD notes ,pathology reports, imaging, labs drawn, outside labs, clinician worksheet, where patient is on treatment, allergies, medication list, orders, alerts, advance directives, hospital records, QCL’s, notes, progress notes, ROI (release of information), medical release, demographics, patient self history, dietician, social work, physical therapy notes, RN assessments, treatment note, c-ord hx.CategoryAssigned to:From:To:Personal Training Check box when doneContinue to find way around chart and demonstrate ability to locate informationLearn and demonstrate ability to enter orders for follow up visits, lab appointments, lab tests, referrals, transfusions, Infusion, Imaging, chemo, prescription refill work list, authorizations, request records, navigator and new treatment order, CT’s –contrast and lab requirements, MRI and lab requirements, Interventional Radiology and guidelinesParticipate in team meeting Start seeing patients with NPDiscuss and Review CBC AGC/granulocyte/neutrophil calculationDiscuss and Review CBC platelets related to chemoDiscuss and Review Transfusion parameters and Hgb HCTDiscuss and review Chemistry Profile related to treatments and CancerDiscuss and review tumor markersDemonstrate documentationCode captureStart taking 1-2 patients off NP schedule and putting on own scheduleFamiliarize self with patient’s history, discuss with mentor, complete assessment, discuss assessment and plan, document, mentor sees patient with new NP/PAOpen own limited scheduleTelephone triageChemo Teach, chemo treatment plan and consent (review process, document)Chemo Orders-discuss drugs, regimens, resources, toxicities and see list belowScheduling follow visits and infusion appointments appropriatelyEvaluating Response to treatment with imaging, tumor markers, symptomsNote Date Started Writing Chemo Orders with direct supervision _____________Code capture chemo teachNon-chemo teaching and consentNavigator and chemo ordersE-prescribingNarcotics and e-prescribing (see patients monthly)REMSSick callsOncotype, BRACAInfusion questions-observe, discuss and begin to answerInfusion reactions-observe, discuss and begin to participateEmergency Team-shadow emergency team response for 4 weeksSW distress tool & referrals (meet and greet, counseling, financial help)Dietician referrals-understand and verbalize when appropriateCancer Rehab-referral to Janine-understand when appropriate and how to make refAdmit to hospital from office-observe and verbalize processChemo admit-discuss, observe and notify hospital NP in advanceOffice hydration-understand when indicated, process and how to orderNon-chemo drugs-discuss non chemo drugs and how to orderObserve Bone Marrow Biopsy Training bone marrow (following training for follow up, chemo teach, sick visits)Treatment summary and follow up care plan/survivorship visit-observe and completeResource library for team Policies for drugs, clinical, infusionBlood Component Order Forms Hospital Forms Occurrence report forms Incident/Needlestick and exposure formConsents for chemo and non-chemoLook up drug informationShadow in hospital for 2 weeksClinical trials Oncologic emergenciesSpinal Cord CompressionSuperior vena cava syndromeTumor LysisCardiac TampanadeHypercalcemiaBrain Tumor with Edema/ShiftHypercalcemiaCodes in treatment room CategoryAssigned to:From:To:Chemotherapy Orders Check box when doneMD selection of New Treatment OrderNP/PA Initiate Care Plan-starts chemo authorization Selecting Care PlanChemotherapy PathwaysMatch diagnosis & Line of TherapyIntent of therapyCalculate BSACalculate AGCUsing Carboplatin CalculatorDosesDose adjustments (one time, always)Moving a cycleMoving all cyclesModifying a care planDiscontinuing a care planClinical Trials and Co-signing by MDUsing favoritesComplete chemo bio course before writing ordersUnderstand system of checksUnderstand drugs that require organ function monitoring prior to and throughout treatmentBe familiar with steps of EMR chemo order writingRelate chemo regimens to diseases and use resources to find informationVerbalize Understanding regarding length of chemo cycle for drug regimens using resourcesCheck toxicities to make sure patient is able to receive chemoFamiliarize self with the care plan library and HOA pathwaysFind chemo drug policies on the intranetFind the clinical policies on intranetObserve RN checkOrders must be cosigned by an MD for __________________________________monthsCategoryAssigned to:From:To:Shadow Chemotherapy Team Check box when doneCharge nurseTreatment Registered nurseScheduler Pharmacy Dispensing CategoryAssigned to:From:To:EMR Training Check box when doneSetting Filters, Tabs, Resetting Windows, Global settings, Notes, making a progress note, lab settings, home space, recovering global settingsAdding diagnosis (date diagnosed)Adding stage (date staged)Use test patients to find things and practice with ordersLabs (internal and external)-diagnosis, reason for testViewing progress notesOutside notes ImagingPrescriptionsPrescription Refill Work List OrdersHospital recordsConsult notesOrders,NavigatorImportant informationTransfusion orders, Diagnosis StageROIOp notesPathology reportsHospice Home careNurses AssessmentTreatment NoteMAR (medication administration record)ConsentChemo orders given elsewhereDemographicsMed listHospice infoAlerts, advance directivesAllergiesTriage assessmentCategoryAssigned to:From:To:Entering EMR Orders Check box when doneCreate orderCreate verbal orderApprove orderAuthenticate verbal orderVoid orderCancel orderChemo orders (special class for this)Order infusion level appointmentsOrder lab appointmentOrder CT/other imagesOrder follow up appointmentOrder specific lab testOrder genetic testingOrder referralOrder transfusion in EMR (still need to do blood component order form)Notifications-new order, order stat, order urgent, order routine, records request, send records to, narcotic monitor programPatient Rx Center, check out qclPre-infusion verification, exception order formCategoryAssigned to:From:To:Check box when doneShadow Imaging/Radiation CategoryAssigned to:From:To:Check box when doneShadow Social Worker CategoryAssigned to:From:To:Check box when doneShadow Dietician CategoryAssigned to:From:To:Check box when doneShadow Physical Therapy CategoryAssigned to:From:To:Shadow Support Services Check box when doneAdministration Lab Nursing Triage ResearchTumor Registrar Information TechnologyCoding Billing Cashiering CategoryFrom:To:Additional Training Needs Check box when doneONS CoursesCancer Biology Cancer BasicsChemotherapy Biotherapy Fundamentals of AdministrationSymptom Management-Oncology APNTreatment-Oncology APNBreast Cancer: Survivorship & Quality of LifeCancer GeneticsNext Review Date:Assigned to: Check box when doneNext Review Date:Assigned to: Check box when doneSignature of Employee: ______________________________ Date: _____________________________Signature of Trainer: ________________________________ Date: _____________________________ ................

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