
Log on to LCS and find the hotfix via “Issue search”Download the fix to a local folder: Once the fix has been downloaded, please proceed with extracting the fix:After the Hotfix has been extracted, right click on the extension of the file and rename it from ‘.axscdppkg’ to ‘.zip’Extract the file : Once extracted, there will be a list of files of “*.axscdp” format. One of the files should be called ‘PAckageDependencies.dgml’: Right click on the file -> Open, this will open the details in Visual Studio Viewer: The map will display all the available dependent fixes, however the numbers within are the Microsoft internal Check-in numbers. Those numbers do not reflect the actual KB or Issue number.In order to verify each dependent fix, you would need to open Command Prompt in elevated mode: you open the Command Prompt as Administrator (right-click – Run as administrator)Change the directory wherein you have extracted the “ “ file.In this scenario, it’s as follows:cd C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\MicrosoftDynamicsAX_KB4456294\MicrosoftDynamicsAX_KB4456294\HotfixPackageBundleProvide the following command, which will change all the files extension in the HotfixPackageBundle folder from axscdp to zip: “ren *.axscdp *.zip” and press “Enter”Once the command has been completed the extension of all files will be changed to .zipYou can now search for a specific KB number or a specific Object name in the extracted dependency zip files.Open the folder wherein the zip files are located and type the KB number in search field. In Search tools, press the arrow for “Advanced options” and check mark all options, as shown below: The search tool will then find the zip file which contains the KB number:The search tool will also work if searching for a specific object name:You can also open/extract zip files and inspect the content.Return to the folder where the files are located and in order to view the fixes, you can right click open, or extract the zip file:Open the PackageManifest.xml documentThis will provide you with the information on the dependent Hotfix KB numbers as well as affected objects:Affected Objects:KB article number:In the same hotfix folder, you will find the “Deltas” sub folder:Then “ApplicationSuite” sub folder:Then the “Foundation” sub folder:Then, you should be seeing a list of sub folders listed based on object type. In every and each sub folder you will find the affected objects (the objects that have been changed in this particular hotfix) : The above instructions apply for the “Static” sub folder as well, wherein you can find Label files- and Best Practice changes:You can also use a PowerShell script in order to list all dependent KB numbers:Open Windows PowerShell ISE command prompt as admin (To work with Windows PowerShell, you probably open a console window by clicking Start, pointing to All Programs, pointing to Accessories, pointing to Windows PowerShell, and then choosing Windows PowerShell.)Open PowerShell ISE command prompt as admin: Right click – Run as AdministratorOn the right upper corner click the open the Script arrow:This will open the code editorCopy > Paste following PowerShell script in code editor:“param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Path)Function Get-Manifest{ param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] [System.IO.FileInfo] $ArchiveFile ) begin { $tempRoot = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() $tempChild = [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() $tempFolder = Join-Path -Path $tempRoot -ChildPath $tempChild $manifestPath = Join-Path -Path $tempFolder -ChildPath 'PackageManifest.xml' } process { Expand-Archive -Path $ArchiveFile.FullName -DestinationPath $tempFolder -Force $content = [xml] (Get-Content $manifestPath) $obj = @{ ArchiveFile = $ArchiveFile.Name + ':' KB = $content.UpdatePackageManifest.KBNumbers.string } [PSCustomObject]$obj } end { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $tempFolder }}$KB = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path |Where-Object Name -like '*.zip' |Get-Manifest$KB | Format-Table “ Run the script by hitting the green button:In the blue section enter the path for folder including zip files: Hit the Enter key.Here you will get a list of all dependency KB numbers. This you can mark and copy/paste into Excel sheetIn order to list all included objects:Open PowerShell ISE command prompt as admin or just open a new code editor:Copy > Paste following PowerShell script in code editor:“param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Path)Function Get-Manifest{ param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] [System.IO.FileInfo] $ArchiveFile ) begin { $tempRoot = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() $tempChild = [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() $tempFolder = Join-Path -Path $tempRoot -ChildPath $tempChild $manifestPath = Join-Path -Path $tempFolder -ChildPath 'PackageManifest.xml' } process { Expand-Archive -Path $ArchiveFile.FullName -DestinationPath $tempFolder -Force $content = [xml] (Get-Content $manifestPath) $obj = @{ ArchiveFile = $ArchiveFile.Name + ':' KB = $content.UpdatePackageManifest.AffectedFiles.AffectedFileManifestEntry.FilePathRelativeToModelStore } [PSCustomObject]$obj } end { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $tempFolder }}$KB = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path | Where-Object Name -like '*.zip' | Get-Manifest | Select-Object ArchiveFile, KBforeach($k in $kb){ Write-Host "Archive File Name : " $k.ArchiveFile -ForegroundColor Yellow $k.kb} “Run the script by hitting the green button:Type path for folder including zip files: Hit “Enter” key, you will get a list of all objects. This you can mark and copy/paste into Excel sheet ................

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