
Instructor: (IN) In this module, I will be talking about what Window-Eyes users might expect when using Outlook with JAWS. On my machine I am using Outlook 2016 and JAWS 18. First, I will launch outlook.JAWS: Opening Outlook. Inbox Training@, OutlookIN: In this example, I have sent myself three messages to work with. One message is a plain text; the other is an HTML; and the third one has an attachment. The JAWS documentation suggests that the user set the reading pane either to bottom or off for best compatibility between JAWS and Outlook. In addition, you can make some changes from the quick settings dialog, which is activated with insert+V. Now that I have Outlook open, I will press home to move to the top of my list. Then I will press the read line hotkey which is insert+up arrow.JAWS: Unread, with attachments, Raul Gallegos, here’s a file, Mon 5/8 IN: I went ahead and pressed the CTRL key to avoid listening to the entire thing. However, you should note that it will tell you the status of the message, then the sender, then the subject, then the date. In this case, you will also notice that this message has an attachment. I will go ahead and press down arrow so that we can read the first message. JAWS: unread, Raul Gallegos, test #2, in HTML; unread, Raul Gallegos, testing message for Outlook Demo, Mon 5/ IN: That's the first message which is the third one down from the top because I have my messages set for newest to oldest. I will go ahead and press ENTER and let it speak without interruption. JAWS: message from Raul Gallegos , Subject: Testing message for Outlook Demo, message has 3 links.IN: You will notice that JAWS read who the message is from and it also read the date and the time, as well as the fact that the message has 3 links. However, it did not read the message automatically. In order for me to do this, I will simply start pressing down arrow.JAWS: Blank, link HTTP/IN: However, what happens when you start pressing down arrow, is you skip the first line. So, technically, what I should have done is pressed my read current line, then down arrow. Another thing that you can do, is press the say all command to have JAWS read from the position of the cursor all the way to the end of the message. So, I will press CTRL+home now.JAWS: Hi Raul, this is a test message which is written in plain text. Here's a link for you to check out.IN: that was the entire first line of the message. If I read my current line with insert+up arrow, I will hear it again. JAWS: Hi Raul, This is a test message which is written in plain text. Here's a link for you to check out. IN: Now, I will press down arrow and read line by line. JAWS: blank, link HTTP//WWW., blank, Enjoy IN: You will notice that even though the message was written in plain text, I can still press ENTER on the message link and it will open in my browser. JAWS: Blank, Link HTTPIN: So, I will do that now.JAWS: Mozilla Firefox, about, Blank, about Blank, Google Mozilla Firefox, page has 1 regionIN: and there it is. So, now I will close Firefox.JAWS: Search region, searchIN: and return back to my message JAWS: message from Raul A. Gallegos IN: Now I will close this message and read the second one. JAWS: Inbox, training, , Outlook, list box, Raul Gallegos unread Raul Gallegos test #2 in HTML IN: This one was written in HTML form. So JAWS isn't really saying that; but it is reading the subject which that's what the subject is. All right, so I'm pressing ENTER on it. JAWS: message from Raul A. Gallegos, subject: test #2 in HTML. Hello Raul. Here is another email message which happens to be written in HTML format. Let's see how this one reads, okay? Message has three links. IN: now this one it actually read the entire message or rather the first screen of the message. My cursor is at the top, so, if I press read line which is insert+up arrow, JAWS: Hello Raul, Here’s another email message which happens to be written in HTML format. Let's see how this one reads, okay? IN: and now I will move down with the down arrow line by line. JAWS: Blank, Here's a link by the way Blank link IN: The other difference is that when this message was written, I did not use the HTTP:/ prefix. Yet it is still being rendered as a link. So, if I press ENTER on it, it will open in my browser.JAWS: Mozilla Firefox aboutIN: I will now close it.JAWS: Message from Raul A. Gallegos IN: and I will press escape to close it.JAWS: Inbox, training, , Outlook, list box Raul Gallegos test #2 in HTML IN: Now I will move to the first message in my list which is the newest one and this one has attachments. JAWS: Unread with attachments, Raul Gallegos IN: ok I'm going to press ENTER. JAWS: Message from Raul A. Gallegos, Subject: Here's a file. Hi Raul. Here is a file I’ve attached. Oh and I’m also sending this in HTML. Message has 2 links. IN: Right now if I press my read line hotkey, which is insert+up arrow, JAWS: Hi Raul, here is a file IN: I get the first line of the message like normal. Now I will press shift+tab one time. JAWS: here's a file message plain text. which JAWS NOTES.txt 1 kilobyte 1 of 1 attachment, use ALT+down arrow to open the options menu, button.IN: JAWS is giving me a tip saying that if I press ALT+down arrow, I will open the options menu. So I will do that.JAWS: Menu preview P. IN: and now I have the menu open which I can now up and down arrow through so that I can have my choices of what to do with this attachment.JAWS: Open O, quick print R, Save as S, Save all attachments …N, Save to one drive submenu, remove attachment, copy C, select all L, preview P IN: Office 2016 has a different way of interacting with attachments and so this is one of the easier ways to do it. Simply open your message, then press shift+tab, then you can press ALT+down arrow for options. I will now press escape to close this message. JAWS: Leaving menus Jaws Notes.txt 1 kilobyte 1 of one attachments, use ALT Inbox training Raul Gallegos IN: So, the first press of the Escape key closed the menu, then the second one closed the actual message. Now I will talk about some of the ways that you can get information when you are in an open message. So, I will move down to the first message.JAWS: Raul, Raul A. Gallegos, testing message IN: You’ll notice that it no longer says unread and that's because I've already read the message and so it is no longer new. I am pressing ENTER. JAWS: Message from Raul Gallegos, IN: I pressed the CTRL key to silence the voice, but now let's say that I want to read certain bits of information from this open email. I will press ALT+number 1. JAWS: From: Raul Gallegos Raul IN: and it reads me the From. Now I will press ALT+number 2 JAWS: Sent: Mon 5/8/2017 7:28 pm IN: and it gives me the date. Now I will press ALT+number 3JAWS: To: training@ IN: and it reads the to field. JAWS: CC IN: ALT+4 reads the Carbon Copy and ALT+5 JAWS: Subject: testing message for Outlook DemoIN: reads the subject. If you hold down the ALT key and press one of these numbers twice, for example, ALT+5 twice, it will move your focus to the Subject. So, testing this, JAWS: Subject: testing message IN: and so now if I read my current line with insert+up arrow, it will read me the subject line. JAWS: Subject: read-only edit testing message for Outlook Demo space O M E D IN: I can move inside this subject JAWS: K O O L T U O IN: You know just moving with left arrow here and now moving with right arrow JAWS: U T L O O K IN: I can move with CTRL+left and CTRL+right JAWS: Outlook for message for Outlook Demo IN: So, as you can tell, the focus is no longer in the message body. If I want to quickly get there again, I can press ALT+`. The accent button is to the left of the number one. So I will press that now.JAWS: Message IN: and I'm back in the message body. If I read my current line with insert+up arrow, JAWS: Hi Raul, this is a test message which is written IN: It goes back and reads my first line. Now let's say I want to change some of the features and some of the ways that JAWS and outlook interact with each other. I will press insert+V for the Quick Settings.JAWS: Quick Settings Outlook dialog, search box edit, CTRL+E. IN: Now, I will move down and listen to some of these options.JAWS: Tree View, level 0 message flags open 2 items So there are settings regarding message flags. I will press down and move through these.JAWS: Level 1, message follow-up flag indication not checked, 1 of 2, Message forward flag indication not checked, IN: anytime that you are in the quick settings pressing the spacebar will toggle the feature on or off; or if there are more than one choices to choose from, then pressing the spacebar will rotate through these choices. I will leave these alone and press down arrow. JAWS: Level 0, Reading Options, open, 12 items, IN: I am looking for one in particular and I will move down. JAWS: Messages automatically read not checked.TRAINING NOTE: Quick Settings in JAWS saves the settings changes you make even without pressing the OK button. In other words, pressing ESC will not cancel any changes you make. So, if you are exploring and press SPACEBAR to explore some of the options, make sure you set it back to the original setting before you press ESC. Otherwise, you may inadvertently make some unwanted changes.IN: Here we go; this is the feature I was looking for. So this feature, when enabled, will automatically read the message when you press ENTER on it. I will go ahead and press the spacebar to activate it.JAWS: Checked IN: Anytime you are in the settings window like this, if you press the tab key it will take you to a read-only edit box where you can up and down arrow and read the quick description about what this option is for. I will briefly show that. JAWS: read only edit. When turned on JAWS reads the message when you open an email. The default setting is off. IN: All right, so, now that I got the confirmation about what this feature is, I will go ahead and press shift+tab to move back to my tree view. JAWS: Tree View, Messages automatically read, checked, 7 of 12IN: I've got confirmation that the feature is checked, so I will press ENTER to activate it.JAWS: Message IN: Now, I will press escape JAWS: InboxIN: and move to a message and open it and see the difference. JAWS: Raul Gallegos, Testing message for Outlook Demo IN: All right so here goes I'm going to press ENTER and let's see if it reads it all the way through. JAWS: Message from Raul A. Gallegos, @, Subject: Testing message for Outlook Demo, Hi Raul, This is a test message which is written in plain text. Here's a link for you to check out. Message has three links. Hi Raul, This is a test message which is written in plain text. Here's a link for IN: You will notice that this feature read the message; and you will also notice that it actually read it twice. Sometimes this does it with some messages and not with others. However, it does read the message alright. I will press escape. JAWS: Inbox Training IN: and move back to my inbox. Other keys such as CTRL+R and CTRL+N and CTRL+F will still work because these are standard Outlook keys. So, if I want to respond to this message, I simply press CTRL+R JAWS: Message EditIN: I've done that and now my cursor is on the first line of the response. So, I am actually already in the editor. I'm going to press read current line JAWS: BlankIN: and it tells me blank line. So I know I'm good to go. I will type out our response. I typed Message received. I will read the current line to verify. JAWS: Message received.IN: and I will add, have a nice day. Now that the message is typed, I will send it by pressing ALT+S. It blocks training at Inbox, training, Outlook list box, replied, Raul a. Gallegos, testing message for Outlook Demo Mon 5/IN: you'll notice that now the message reads as replied. Now, I will forward this message. JAWS: FW testing message for Outlook Demo message plain text To: editIN: I pressed CTRL+F, which is the forward key for Outlook and I will go ahead and forward it to myself. So, I will type training@. Okay I will verify with my read line hotkey insert+up arrow. JAWS: To: edit training@IN: and I will press tab JAWS: CC, subject: FW testing message for Outlook demo IN: So, there’s my subject. I will press tab one more time. JAWS: message edited. IN: and now I'm in the message box. I'm going to write, here is a forwarded message, and I will send it. I will press CTRL+ENTER to send. JAWS: Inbox training@ Outlook list box, not selected, forwarded Raul A. Gallegos, testing message for Outlook Demo, Mon 5/8/ IN: So you'll notice that to send one message I pressed ALT+S and to send another message I press CTRL+ENTER. Both of these keys will work in Outlook.JAWS: Unread, RaulGallegos@training FW testing message for Outlook Demo Mon 5/8/ IN: and there is my message. Now if I move down arrow, I will get notification that the message was forwarded. JAWS: With attachments, from Raul Gallegos, test #2 forwarded Raul A. Gallegos testing message for outlook Demo, Mon 5/8/IN: For other hotkeys or features regarding JAWS and Outlook you can press insert+H. I will do that now JAWS: Link to display the global keystroke dialog list press insert+F8, link hear the JAWS Help topic IN: I can move down arrow through this and press ENTER to activate one of the functions or I can press escape when I'm done reading it. One last thing that you can do if you want to read more about JAWS and outlook is hold down the ENTER key and then tap F1 twice quickly.JAWS: Topic Outlook, 5 of 11 IN: What this will do is open a standard windows help file. When this file is open, you are in a tree view. You can press ENTER on a certain topic and then press F6 to move to the reading pane of that topic that you chose. JAWS: Page has one heading and seven links. Outlook HEADING level ONE OutlookIN: In this case, because I press insert+F1 twice while I was within Outlook program, I can now read what the JAWS documentation has to say about Outlook. I can use my up and down arrows and I can use quick navigation keys such as H for heading. JAWS: Blank, Microsoft Outlook training one location, Outlook works with other Microsoft Office applications to help you access and integrate information. Link HTTP//wwwIN: I’m just quickly skimming through this by hitting down arrow.JAWS: For more information on Outlook blank link JAWS commands for Outlook blank, visited link, Outlook Getting Started, blank, visited link, Customizing an Outlook message list, visited link, Outlook helpful hints.IN: Once you are done reading this section, you can simply press ALTF+4 and it will close this help file and return you to your last program which in this case for me is Outlook. JAWS: Inbox training outlook list box forwarded Raul A. Gallegos IN: Thank you for listening. ................

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