World War II

Operation Barbarossa:

Hitler¡¯s Biggest Mistake

Operation Barbarossa:

June 22, 1941

y 3,000,000 German soldiers.

y 3,400 tanks.

Operation Barbarossa 3.2.4

? By summer 1941, Hitler was supreme in

Europe. Now he turned his attention to

the USSR, a country he had long wanted

to control for Lebensraum & resources

(such as the wheat lands of Ukraine

region & oil fields in the Caucacus region)

? On June 22,1941, Operation Barbarossa,

the invasion of the Soviet Union began.

The battlefront stretched 1800 miles,

from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea

Operation Barbarossa

? The Nazis swept through the buffer zone

that Stalin had established in Poland &

pushed onward into the USSR. The

Soviets resisted but were forced to


? In less than three weeks of the attack,

300,000 Russians had been captured,

2,500 tanks, 1,400 artillery guns and 250

aircraft captured or destroyed.

Operation Barbarossa

? As they fell back, the Soviets carried out

Stalin's scorched earth policy, this meant

to destroy anything that may be used by

the advancing Germans

? Burning farm equipment, crops,

transportation routes, everything that

might be of use to the advancing German

Army & also evacuating entire industrial

factories (e.g. tank) deep into Russia


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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