CMS 2.0 Installation Guide

For Apache Tomcat 6.0

On Windows 2003 Server

Updated August 20, 2009

Corporate Management Suite

By Spider Strategies

Installing Java and Tomcat

Required Programs for this Installation:

1. Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) 6, Latest Update


2. Apache Tomcat 6.0.x (latest release) – Binary Distribution, Core



1. Download the JRE 6 installation executable from the above listed URL.

2. Install the JRE 6.

3. Download the Apache Tomcat 6.0 (latest release) executable from the above listed URL.

4. Install Apache Tomcat 6.0, taking into account the following steps listed below.

5. Note that the default installation path for Apache Tomcat is “C:\Program Files\”. We suggest that you instead install to “Drive:\Tomcat60xx”, where xx represents the subversion of your Apache Tomcat 6.0.xx release. We will simply refer to the installation location as %TOMCAT_HOME% in our communications with you.

6. Change the Tomcat port to 80. (The default installation port is 8080).

7. If you have more than one JRE installed, please select the JRE 6 (aka JRE 1.6) version that you installed.

8. After Tomcat is installed, set the Apache Tomcat service to start automatically. Go to: Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Component Services (or just “Services”).

9. Start the Apache Tomcat service. The service may fail to start due to a bug in Microsoft Windows. In that case, locate the “msvcr71.dll” file in the %JAVA_HOME%\bin folder and copy/paste this file to the folder %WINDOWS_HOME%\system32. Try starting the service again.

When the installer has finished, go to . If your installation was successful you should see:


10. (Performance Tuning) Set the memory allocations for Tomcat. Go to Start -> All Programs -> Apache Tomcat 6.0 -> Configure Tomcat. (Note that on some servers, you must instead right-click on an Apache Tomcat system tray icon in the lower-right corner of your screen).

10a. On the “Java” tab set the “Maximum Memory Pool” value, using a value between 500 and 1350 MB. This value should not exceed 75% of the server RAM if this is a standalone web server or 50% of the server RAM if running MySQL on same server. Click “Apply” to save the value.

10b. On the “Java” tab, add a configuration to increase the PermGen memory:

In the large "Java Options" box, scroll down to the bottom and add the

following text on a new line:


Click “Apply” to save the value.

10c. (Only applicable for instances where the primary user language DIFFERS from the locale/language of the server.) On the “Java” tab, add language/locale configurations to force CMS to save Calendar Period aliases using a specified language. In the large "Java Options" box, scroll down to the bottom and add the following text on new lines:



(In the above example, “es” is Spanish and “co” is Colombia. Contact Spider Strategies if you need assistance identifying the appropriate 2-letter language and region codes).

Click “Apply” to save the value.

11. (Performance Tuning) Edit the %TOMCAT_HOME%\conf\server.xml file in “Notepad”. Locate the “non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector” and inside the associated opening “” tag add (or modify) the attribute “maxThreads=450” if you have 2GB of RAM, or “maxThreads=300” if you have 1GB of RAM.

12. Stop Tomcat (in services)

13. Obtain a copy of the cms.war file from Spider Strategies and put it in the directory: %TOMCAT_HOME%/webapps/.

14. Start Tomcat (in services) and the WAR file will self extract and a “cms” folder will appear.

Configuring CMS

15. Open your web browser and go to:

16. The following screen will appear. Login as the system administrator account (aka “admin” account). The default password is “password”.


17. Accept the Software License Agreement.

18. Accept the CMS Home Path (This creates the “Spider_Home” folder). Note that CMS will place all of the application configuration information (about 100 KB) and CMS log files in a folder that it creates: “C:\Spider_Home”. (While we recommend that you accept the default path, it is possible to specify an alternate path location via a Windows Registry entry. The displayed “CMS Home Path” acceptance page provides more details.)

At this point, the CMS diagnostics page will indicate that errors and warnings exist. You will now enter configurations for each of these sections, which will eliminate the errors:

- Application Server Information

- Database

- License

- SMTP Email Server


19. Configuring the “Application Server Information” screen

(From the Diagnostics screen, click “Resolve Problem”)

19a. “Application Admin” section:

Password – Use this field to set the password for the built-in system administrator account (username is “admin”). Keep this password safe.

Email – Any technical issues experienced by the CMS software will send to this address an “error report” containing a copy of the CMS log file. We recommend using the default address: cms-error-report@. Spider Strategies staff closely monitor the log files sent to this address and can help troubleshoot any issues.

19b. “This Server” section:

Protocol – This field is typically “http”. If you are using SSL-encryption, then use “https”.

Host – This field is the web host (ex: ) name that your users will type into their web browser to access the application.

Port – This is typically “80”. This is the TCP/IP port on which Apache Tomcat is running.

Context – This is almost always “cms”. This is the web context that the user types into the web browser following the web host (ex: cms)

SSO Header Variable – This field is always left blank, unless your CMS instance is already running underneath a Single Sign-On system.

19c. “Email Server” section:

Host – This is an SMTP server to which your CMS instance can send emails.

Port – Typically “25”. This is your SMTP server port.

Username – This can be left blank, unless your SMTP server requires user authentication.

Password – See username.

19d. “Logging” section.

Log Level – Set the logging to “INFO”.

19e. Click “Save”.

20. Resolving the “License Management” warning:

(From the Diagnostics screen, click “Resolve Problem”)

20a. You should have received a CMS license file (spider.lic) from Spider Strategies. Browse to this file on your computer and click “Upload License”.

20b. This license now requires activation.

Click the “Activate” button. The application will display an alpha-numeric code called a “Question Key”. Please email this code to the Spider Strategies support staff at helpdesk@.

Spider Strategies staff will promptly respond to your email with an “answer key” code. Please enter this answer key into the text field and click “Save”.

The “License Files” screen should now appear as blue (valid) with a message indicating that the “License is Active”.

21. Adding “Database Connections”:

(Note: Before adding databases, please see important “Database Tuning” comments towards the end of this document).

21a. Click the “Create a New Database Connection” button.

21b. Select the Database Type: Oracle, SQL Server, or MySQL

21c. Enter the Database Connection information:

Description – This is the descriptive label that users will see in the database dropdown list on the CMS login page.

Host or IP Address – This is the address of the database server.

Port- This is the database connection port, which is pre-populated for the specified database type.

Other Fields – The remaining fields concern database connection information – username, password, and database name necessary to connect to the database.

Import Only Destination – Leave this dropdown list selection blank. This option is used for setting up data linkage connections and NOT for creating a regular CMS database.

21d. Click “OK”. This action will cause CMS to connect to the database and create all of the necessary tables.

22. Link your database to the license key:

22a. Return to the “License Management” screen.

22b. Click the “Usage” button associated with your valid license file display.

22c. Select your database from the dropdown and click “Add Database”.

Your database connection should now be appropriate linked to your uploaded license key.

23. Logout of CMS.

24. Restart the “Apache Tomcat” service. This is recommended whenever you finish adding database connections.

25. You may now login to your newly created database connection.

26. Note – if working with a new blank database, it is recommended that your CMS manager create these items first:

– One Calendar

– One Organization

– One Group

– One User

Important Database Tuning (MySQL Only)

1. In “MySQL Administrator” set the “Buffer Pool Size” parameter equal to 25% of the available RAM if sharing with Tomcat. If on a dedicated server, set the value to 80% of available RAM. (In MySQL Administrator, go to “Startup Variables” -> “InnoDB Parameters” tab -> “Buffer Pool Size” field. Enter the value, click “Apply Changes”. If the field is disabled, click the gray square box to the left to enable.)

2. In “MySQL Administrator” set “Max. Packet Size” to 64 M. (In MySQL Administrator, go to “Startup Variables” -> “Advanced Networking” tab -> “Max. Packet Size” field. Enter the value 64 and click “Apply Changes”. If the field is disabled, click the gray square box to the left to enable.)

3. In “MySQL Administrator” set the default character set to utf8. (In MySQL Administrator, go to “Startup Variables” -> “Advanced” tab -> “Def. Char Set” field. Change the value from “latin1” to “utf8” and click “Apply Changes”. If the field is disabled, click the gray square box to the left to enable.)

4. Following these MySQL parameter changes, restart the “MySQL” windows service for the changes to take effect.

Important Database Tuning (Oracle Only)

1. The Oracle INSTANCE (not schema) must be configured to use “utf8” character set. Please contact Spider Strategies to receive the exact steps necessary to implement this.

Upgrading Your CMS Version

Occasionally, you may wish to upgrade to a new version of CMS containing the latest bug fixes and functionality enhancements. The upgrade process is very fast and easy to apply.

Important Preliminary Step!

Always take a backup of your database before performing any upgrade. If any problems occur during the upgrade process, this database backup will be critical in restoring your system to its previous state. It is generally recommended to stop the Apache Tomcat service when backing up the database. This prevents users from using the application during the backup process.

Upgrade Steps (Method #1 – Automated) - Recommended:

1. Receive new WAR file (cms.war) from Spider Strategies.

2. If you have not done so before, Spider Strategies can send you an “upgrade.bat” file that automates the upgrade process.

3. Place “cms.war” and “upgrade.bat” files at the top level Tomcat folder: %TOMCAT_HOME%.

4. Double-click on the “upgrade.bat” file to begin the upgrade process.

5. Once the “upgrade.bat” execution finishes, the new CMS version will begin connecting to your database(s) and performing upgrade tasks. This typically takes between 1 to 5 minutes, but could take longer depending on the particular upgrade. The upgrade is finished when you can access the CMS login screen in a web browser. You should see the new CMS version listed at the bottom of the login screen.

Upgrade Steps (Method #2 - Manual):

1. Receive new WAR file (cms.war) from Spider Strategies.

2. Stop Apache Tomcat service. (Go to: Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Component Services (or just “Services”)).

3. Delete file: %TOMCAT_HOME%/webapps/cms.war

4. Delete folder: %TOMCAT_HOME%/webapps/cms/

5. Delete folder: %TOMCAT_HOME%/work/Catalina/localhost/cms/

6. Place new cms.war file at: %TOMCAT_HOME%/webapps/

6. Start Apache Tomcat service.

7. At this point, the new cms.war file will self-extract (creating a “cms” folder” under %TOMCAT_HOME%/webapps/) and will connect to your database(s) and perform the necessary upgrade tasks.

8. The CMS upgrade tasks typically take between 1 to 5 minutes, but could take longer depending on the particular upgrade. The upgrade is finished when you can access the CMS login screen in a web browser. You should see the new CMS version listed at the bottom of the login screen.


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