Oracle 11gR2 Client Install Uninstall Previous Versions of Oracle- A MUSTOracle does not display in Add/Remove Programs. If a previous version of Oracle is installed, click Start – Programs, OracleX, Oracle Installer. Depending on what version of Oracle you have installed, you will either click a link to Installed Products or the Products Installed page will display or you will get a path for an uninstall executable. Remove all installed products. If you cannot delete the installed products, reboot then try again. If you have been attempting to make Oracle work with the products you have installed, they are still running in Services so a reboot should work to close everything.Delete the Oracle folder under C:\Oracle or C:\Orant. If you can’t delete, reboot and try again. If you still can’t remove, rename OLD_Oracle.Delete the Oracle files and/or folders in C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR VUNETID\Local Settings\Temp. There will be Oracle folders or Oracle install files there. Delete all. (If you cannot see the Local Settings folder, click Tools – Folder Options – View tab and unhide everything, Apply to All Folders and you will be able to see the Local Settings folder.Delete the registry entry. Click Start-Run, type regedit and press enter. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>Software>Oracle and delete the Oracle folder.Notes: Oracle is backwards compatible. Installer must have administrative rights on the box.These instructions are for Technical/Local Support Providers and are therefore short and concise. If you have a problem, please contact Jo Ann Glover at Oracle 11gR2Map P drive to P:\celerra2\psoftDouble click the Oracle 11gR2 folderDouble-click 32-bit Client or 64-bit Client – Even if you have a 64-bit machine, our programs are 32-bit and will need the 32-bit client.Double-click ClientDouble-click setup.exe (may take 1-2 minutes to open the Oracle Universal Installer window. You may see the black DOS screen before the Oracle Universal Installer window displays.)Click Runtime UNLESS you need optional ODBC drivers. If you need the optional ODBC drives, choose Administrator.Click NextThe English language is selected. Click Next. Change the Oracle Base to C:\Oracle. Do not alter the Software Location box. Click Next.The Perform Prerequisite Checks displays, followed by the Summary. Click Finish.Installation begins.During the Installation process you may be prompted to Block or Unblock. Click Unblock.The Installation of Oracle was Successful message appears in the dialog box. Click Finish.Note: The following steps must be performed or you will receive error messages when attempting to use Oracle. Oracle will not work without these two files.Return to the P:\Oracle 11gR2 folderSelect the files sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora, right-click and select copyNavigate to C:\Oracle\product\11.2.0\client_1\network\adminPaste the two files. If you receive the message: Would you like to replace the existing file, click Yes to All. Both files are 1KB in size.Oracle is installed. ................

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