
Customs Management U.S.

Release Notes

Customs Management

Release: 20.2.0

Date: July 13, 2020


This document and the information contained herein is confidential and proprietary information of BluJay Solutions Ltd. and/or its affiliates (“BluJay”) and is official BluJay product documentation. This document and/or the information contained herein must not be reproduced or disclosed to any third party without BluJay’s prior written permission and must only be used for its intended purpose.

Table of Contents

CM-US Documentation 4

CM-US Setup to Increase Shipment Editor Tabs 5

Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Updates 5

Enhanced EDI Billing 7

Enhancements to Trade Remedy Requirements 9

New Validations for Tariff Number Order 13

Document Manager Image Data with Ad-Hoc Query 15

Alerts, Requirements, Updates and Notes from Previous Releases 17

Customs-Centric TMFF – CM-US – Sage integration 18

Other Features and Enhancements - Summary 19

Defect Fixes and Minor Compliance Updates 35

What's New

Customs Management Release Version 20.2.0

Customs Management Help now includes the CM-US 20.2.0 Release topic: “What's New Customs Management Release Version 20.2.0”. (This is the Landing Page for the CM-US Help.)

This set of Release Notes is essentially a copy of this Help topic. An Excel version of the 20.2.0 Release Notes is also available. See below.

CM-US Documentation

Getting Help and Using It

The What's New" topic is the landing page for the Customs Management US Online Help. To hide or display the Table of Contents panel giving you full access to the extensive set of CM-US Online Help topics, click the TOC toggle button to the left:


For additional options, click the horizontal bars (collapsed menu) icon () at the upper right of the Help window to display the following menu:


Excel Release Notes

The following are recent updates to the CM-US documentation:

• Release Notes for both Epic/Story Jiras (New Features and Enhancements) and Bugfix Jiras (Defect Fixes and Minor Compliance Updates) are available in Excel spreadsheet format by clicking the link in the “What’s New” Help topic.

• Additional Considerations for the Excel Release Notes:

o Excel must be installed on the machine running the CM-US application in order to download or open the Excel file.

o Due to restrictions on the server running the Help, the Excel file is in the older .xls format.

• Additional documentation notes:

o Salesforce Customer Case ID Numbers are added to Release Notes for which this information is available.

o SQL scripts associated with this release are available separately from Support by request.

Instructions for Entering Section 301 and 232 Tariff Requirements

§ The following document is being distributed to customers: "Instructions for entering section 301 and 232 tariff requirements within Customs Management – US version or higher".

§ This document provides information on the order of the tariffs and where the values and weights are inputted on several Trade Remedy scenarios based of the information released in CSMS #18-000624. It also provides some troubleshooting hints for discovering why the duty may not be calculating correctly.

CM-US Setup to Increase Shipment Editor Tabs

The infrastructure for Customs Management-US (CM-US) has been updated to run on 64-bit Java. The following sections describe the procedures and requirements for CM-US to enable the user to open more than five Shipment Editor instances within one Windows login session. The 54-bit Java will enable the user to open up from small to large shipments simultaneously in a single CM-US session provided that the Desktop or Terminal Server (RDP or Citrix Server) has sufficient memory and resources to allow the following setup:

• Installing Java SE and running CM-US.

• Increasing the UserProcessHandleQouta and GDIProcessQuota on Windows.

• Increasing the EDITOR_LIMIT within CM-US.

For the procedure to do this setup, see the following Help topic: CM-US Setup to Increase Shipment Editor Tabs.

Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Updates

Because of changes to the FWS Message set, in CM-US, the number of sub-tabs on the FWS tab on the Partner Government Agencies screen is reduced to the following:

• Main sub-tab – Fields are combined from other previous tabs and new fields are added.

• Parties sub-tab – New fields are added including Party Master functionality. The Parties sub-tab has the following elements added: "Contact Type" and "Party Master" fields, as well as an Add to Party Master button


• The former FWS Extended Data sub-tab, Containers sub-tab, and Remarks sub-tab are removed.

• The Header section of the FWS tab is unchanged.

• The same changes apply where the PGA screen and FWS tab are accessed from any and all CM-US screens with a PGA button.

For more detailed information on these updates, see the following Help topic: Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Updates.

In addition, the following new Validations are added for FWS data entry and processing:

• “FWS Proc. Cd requires eDecs Confirmation No.” (11697)

• “FWS Certifying Entity Information Missing” (11698)

• “FWS Certifying Party cannot be CB or FWE” (11721)

• “FWS Customs Broker party requires Party No. Tp 78” (11699)

• “FWS Importer party requires Party No. Type 78” (11700)

• “FWS line-multiple Party roles use Party No. Tp 78” (11701)

• “FWS Party No. Type requires Party No.” (11702)

• “FWS disclaimer E not valid for tariff” (11704)

• “FWS Port Exceptn Permit must be same for all lines” (11705)

• “FWS Import License must be the same for all lines” (11706)

• “FWS Entry can’t be Section 321” (11707)

• “FWS Inspection Location is required” (11708)

• “FWS Markings/Labels is required” (11709)

• “Common Name Specific and General Too Long” (11710)

• “Resend of C/R with FWS data not allowed” (11711)

• “Hybrid info. Not allowed for Description Code” (11717)

• “FWS Agency Processing codes must be the same” (11718)

• “FWS entry can’t use Proc. Cd and disclaim C or D” (11719)

• “FWS entry cannot use both disclaimer type C and D” (11720)

Additional FWS updates have to do with the Automated Broker Interface as follows: The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) ACE PGA Pilot became available in production as of May 23, 2018, for those filers using either an ABI Vendor or Service Center who have tested FWS in the ACE Certification environment or are a self-programming ABI filers who have completed such testing in Certification. In addition, FWS filers must comply with the Production Pilot steps. For more details on these FWS updates, see the Help topic Fish and Wildlife (FWS) Updates. (KEC-16679 [Epic])

Enhanced EDI Billing

The purpose of this project is to provide new Billing Algorithms that enable billing based on the source of the EDI rather than just the EDI uploaded flags. To support this functionality, a new EDI Source flag is added to the Commercial Invoice Header Maintenance table and an EDI Rates Apply flag in the Shipment Header Aux Maintenance table. New Billing Algorithms are added that use this new EDI Source flag to determine whether EDI or standard rates should be charged. Additionally, a new maintenance table defines each of the EDI Source flags and indicates whether the EDI Source flag should bill EDI Rates. Note that, when CM-US calculates the Shipment Header "EDI Uploaded" field, it also calculates the new "EDI Rates Apply" field. (This field is set to “Y” only when the EDI Rates Apply flag in the EDI Source table is “Y” for all Commercial Invoices.) The following sections describe these features and functions in more detail. (Internal IDs KEC-20894 [Epic], KEC-21594 [Story]

New Preferences

The following new Preferences are provided to enable Enhanced EDI Billing:

• The new Root-level General Preference EDI_ENHANCED_BILLING must be set to "Y". This indicates that Enhanced EDI Billing is in effect. (Setting this Preference to "N" or not setting it Indicates that Enhanced EDI Billing is not applicable.)

• If the new Customer Preference/Root-level General Preference EDI_UPLOADED_OVERRIDE_SETTING is set to "Y", the "Edi Uploaded" field on the Shipment Header Maintenance screen will be set to "Y" and only if all Commercial Invoices have the value of the "Edi Uploaded" field on the Commercial Invoice Header Maintenance screen set to "Y". (If this field is set to "N" or blank, the previous default means of setting the "Edi Uploaded" field is used.)

New Billing Algorithms

New Billing Algorithms are added to the table on the Billing Algorithms Maintenance screen (Maintenance > Reference > Import > Billing > Billing Algorithms) for Enhanced EDI Billing. The following table indicates which new Billing Algorithm to use for this process.

[Next Page]

|Charge Algo-rithm | | |

| | | |

| |Note Text |Description |

|811 |Flat Rate, non EDI |Charge a Flat Fee amount for shipments that were not processed using EDI or processed using |

| | |EDI but the Shipment Header EDI Rate flag is N. |

|812 |Flat Rate, EDI, Non Hands |Charge a Flat Fee amount for shipments that were processed using EDI, the Shipment Header |

| |Free |EDI Rate flag is Y, and the shipment is Not Hands Free. |

|813 |Flat Rate, EDI, and Hands |Charge a Flat Fee amount for shipments that were processed using EDI, the Shipment Header |

| |Free |EDI Rate flag is Y, and the shipment is Hands Free. |


• The above Billing Algorithms all indicate that the charge is a flat rate as entered (no calculation is required) and apply charges based on the same criteria as Billing Algorithms 11, 12 and 13 ("Flat Rate").

• There is no change to the Auto Billing or Manual Billing processes. To take advantage of EDI Enhanced Billing, replace the charges with Billing Algorithms 11,12 and 13 with charges utilizing the new Billing Algorithms 811, 812, and 813. These new Billing Algorithms calculate the EDI billing rates based on the value of the "EDI Uploaded" field ("Y", "N" or blank) on the Shipment Header Maintenance screen (Support > S > ShipmentA-ShipmentI > Shipment Header and the value of the "EDI Rates Apply" field ("Y", "N" or blank) on the Shipment Header Aux Maintenance screen (Support > S > ShipmentA-ShipmentI > Shipment Header Aux).

New Maintenance Screen and Fields

A new Maintenance screen Edi Source Rates (Maintenance > Import > Edi Source Rates) is added with the following data fields:

• "Edi Source"– Assigns a 2-character code to identify the rate settings.

• "Edi Rates Apply"– If "Y", indicates that the EDI Rate applies to this source. If "N" or blank indicates that this Rate does not apply.

• "Description"– Description of the EDI Source indicating the type of Shipments.

These fields are also added to the tables on several Maintenance screens to support Enhanced EDI Billing as follows:

• Commercial Invoice Header (Support > C > CB-CiHead > Ci Header) – "Edi Source", "Edi Rates Apply"

• Edi Invoice Header (Support > E > EDI Inv - EDI O > Edi Invoice Header) – "Edi Source"

• Shipment Header Aux (Support > S > ShipmentA-ShipmentI > Shipment Header Aux) – "Edi Rates Apply"

EDI XSD/XML Document Changes and Shipment Extract Updates

The following updates are made to the EDI XSD and XML templates:

• The new field, EDI_SOURCE is added to the EDI_INVOICE_HEADER.

• The following new Web Services Shipment XML are added:

o Schema ediShipment.xsd

o Schema ediShipment.xml

• The following new Adapters are added:



SQL Scripts

The following SQL scripts are included for this enhancement:




• CI_HEADER-KEC-20894.sql







Enhancements to Trade Remedy Requirements

New Pop-up Screen for Trade Remedy Requirements

If a Chapter 1-97 Tariff No. in the Trade Remedy Requirements (TRR) table (Maintenance > Import > Trade Remedy Requirements) has multiple possible Required Tariff No.'s and/or Alternate Required Tariff No.'s, the system can now be configured to display the following pop-up screen enabling the user to choose which Tariff No. to include for a line in the Invoice Line Tariffs grid on the Commercial Invoice screen:


Users enable this pop-up screen by setting the new General/Customer Preference REQUIRED_ALTERNATE_POPUP to "Y" ("Value" check box selected). When this Preference is set, and the user enters a Chapter 1-97 Tariff No. in the Invoice Line Tariffs grid that is associated with multiple Required Tariff No.'s/Alternate Required Tariff No.'s, the system automatically displays the Req Alternate Trade Remedy pop-up screen. Note that, if there are multiple listings, only a single option can be selected. When the user selects the desired option on the Req Alternate Trade Remedy pop-up screen, and then clicks OK, the system adds the selected Tariff No. in the correct order when calculating and inserting the new Line No.:


The Req Alternate Trade Remedy pop-up can also be automatically displayed in the following circumstances:

• If a Part No. with required tariffs (including uploads via Excel) is specified when the lines for the Part are displayed in the Invoice Line Tariffs grid.

• Missing Data functionality is used by clicking the Missing Data button if the missing data is a required tariff.

In addition, users can manually display this pop-up by clicking the new Req/Alt Trade Rem. button on the CI Line Optional Data screen.

Note that this new pop-up screen is not automatically displayed in the following cases:

• The new "Alternate Tariff Excludes All" check box is selected on the Trade Remedy Requirements screen. See the Release note for KEC-21054 (Epic).

• A single Alternate Required Tariff Number is listed for the Chapter 1-97 Tariff No.

In these cases, the system now auto inserts the Alternate Required Tariff No.

A new field (check box) "Cancel Req Alt Popup" is also added to the Ci Tariff Class Maintenance screen (Support > C > CInv-Com > Ci Tariff Class) to indicate whether no tariff was specified on the pop-up screen. If the user clicks on the close X in the upper right corner of the pop-up screen or clicks the OK button without choosing a tariff number, no tariff number is added to the line in the Invoice Line Tariffs grid and this check box is selected. (Internal IDs KEC-20230 [Epic]), KEC-21777 [Story], KEC-21861 [Story], KEC-21886 [Story], KEC-21887 [Story], KEC-21888 [Story], KEC-21891 [Story], KEC-21893 [Story], KEC-21894 [Story], KEC-21896 [Story], KEC-21898 [Story], KEC-21899 [Story], KEC-21900 [Story], KEC-22171 [Story])

Effective and Expiration Dates added to Trade Remedy

The following new fields are added to the Trade Remedy Requirements (TRR) Maintenance screen (Maintenance > Import > Trade Remedy Requirements):

• "Effective date"– Indicates the Effective Date for a 9903 Tariff Number if available.

• "Expiration date"– If there is a 9903 Tariff Number which as of a certain date can no longer be used with one or more Chapter 1-97 numbers but can still be used with others, this field indicates the Expiration Date for each of these 9903 Tariff Numbers.

These dates work in connection with the insertion of tariff numbers in the Invoice Line Tariffs grid on the Commercial Invoice screen as follows. If an Effective and/or Expiration date is set for a specific TRR record, programs that use the TRR records to do an Auto Add or to generate validations for lines in the Invoice Lines Tariff grid on the Commercial Invoice screen, the system now compares the entry date for a line to the TRR Effective Date and/or Expiration Date to determine whether the TRR record is in effect for that line. Note the following:

• If there is no TRR Effective Date, the TRR record is assumed to be effective as of the Effective Date in the Tariff Classification table (Maintenance > Import > Tariff Classification) for that record.

• If there is no TRR Expiration Date, the TRR record is assumed to expire on the Expiration Date in the Tariff Classification table.

• If the entered 1-97 Tariff Number has a TRR record, and the TRR record is not in effect based on the Effective and Expiration dates, the system ignores the value of the TRR "Alternate Tariff Excludes All" check box and will not insert the Alternate Required tariff no. from that record.

Most TRR records do not include an Effective Date or Expiration Date. These dates are only as used as required. Validation 11655 ("Required Trade Remedy tariff not used") now also checks the TRR Effective and Expiration Dates and will not return an error based on a TRR record that is not in effect. The following new Validations are also included with the enhancement:

• 11715 - "Trade Remedy no longer valid for Ch. 1-97 tariff". This Validation is returned if the Entry Date for the line on is later than the Expiration Date specified for the Trade Remedy in the TRR table.

• 11716 - "Trade Remedy not in effect for Ch. 1-97 tariff". This Validation is returned if the Entry Date for the line is earlier than the Effective Date specified for the Trade Remedy in the TRR table.

Note: if a Tariff Remedy is not yet Effective or is Expired according to these dates in the TRR table, the Req Alternate Trade Remedy pop-up screen (see previous section) is not automatically displayed.

The "Effective Date" and "Expiration Date" fields are also added under the Trade Remedy Requirements folder in the Search Tree on the Ad-Hoc Query screen (Tools > Ad-hoc Query) for the Trade Remedy Category. These fields are also added to the Trade Remedy Requirement folder in the Search Tree on the Upload Mapping screen (Tools > Upload Mapping) for the TRADE_REMEDY Type.

The following SQL scripts are included for this enhancement:






(Internal IDs KEC-21953 [Epic], KEC-22075 [Story], KEC-22076 [Story], KEC-22077 [Story], KEC-22078 [Story], KEC-22092 [Story], KEC-22179 [Story], KEC-22185 [Story], KEC-22222 [Story], KEC-22256 [Story])

New Validations for Tariff Number Order

When there are multiple HTS numbers in a line in the Invoice Lines Tariff grid on the Commercial Invoice screen, they must be in a certain order. The correct HTS sequence is specified in CSMS# 18-000624, as follows:

1. Chapter 98 (if applicable).

2. Chapter 99 number(s) for additional duties.

3. For trade remedies, first report the Chapter 99 HTS for Section 301, followed by the Chapter 99 HTS for Section 232 or 201 duties (if applicable), followed by the Chapter 99 HTS for Section 201 or 232 quota (if applicable).

4. Chapter 99 number(s) for REPLACEMENT duty or other use (for example, MTB or other provisions).

5. Chapter 99 number for other quota (not covered by #3) (if applicable).

6. Chapter 1 to 97 Commodity Tariff.

CM-US now includes the validations listed below to alert the user if HTS numbers are not in the correct order. (Internal ID KEC-20031 [Epic], Case ID 02669691)

• “Ch 98 HTS not in correct position” (11684) – The user entered tariff numbers in the wrong order when using a Chapter 98 Tariff Class. The following SQL scripts are included for this enhancement:





(Internal ID KEC-21653 [Story])

• “Ch 99 Additional HTS not in correct position” (11685) – The user entered tariff numbers in the wrong order when using a Chapter 99 Number with the value of the "Calc 99 Flag" field on the Tariff Calc Flags Maintenance screen (Maintenance > Reference > Import > Tariff Calc Flags) = "Additional". The following SQL scripts are included for this enhancement:





(Internal ID KEC-21654 [Story])

• Trade Remedy HTS not in correct position" (11888) – The user entered tariff numbers in the wrong order when using a Chapter 99 Number with the value of the "Calc 99 Flag" field on the Tariff Calc Flags Maintenance screen = "SPI". The following SQL scripts are included for this enhancement:





(Internal ID KEC-21655 [Story])

• Ch 99 Override HTS not in correct position” (11687) – The user entered tariff numbers in the wrong order when using a Chapter 99 Number with the value of the "Calc 99 Flag" field on the Tariff Calc Flags Maintenance screen = "Override". The following SQL scripts are included for this enhancement:





(Internal ID KEC-21656 [Story])

• “Ch 99 other Quota HTS not in correct position” (11688) – The user entered tariff numbers in the wrong order when using a Chapter 99 Number with the value of the "Calc 99 Flag" field on the Tariff Calc Flags Maintenance screen not = "Additional/SPI/Override". The following SQL scripts are included for this enhancement:





(Internal ID KEC-21657 [Story])

• "Trade Remedy Section 301 HTS is in the wrong order” (11689) – The user entered tariff numbers in the wrong order when using a Trade Remedy insert Type of A and that tariff follows a Trade Remedy Insert Type B or C tariff in the "Insert Type" field on the Tariff Calc Flags Maintenance screen. The following SQL scripts are included for this enhancement:





(Internal ID KEC-21658 [Story])

• Trade Remedy Section 232 or 201 HTS in wrong order” (11690) – The user entered tariff numbers in the wrong order when using a Trade Remedy Insert Type B tariff following a Trade Remedy Insert Type C tariff in the "Insert Type" field on the Tariff Calc Flags Maintenance screen. The following SQL scripts are included for this enhancement:





(Internal ID KEC-21659 [Story])

Document Manager Image Data with Ad-Hoc Query

Document Manager image data can now be accessed from the Ad-Hoc Query screen (Tools > Ad-hoc Query) under the Shipment category in the Search tree. This data can be moved to the Selected Fields grid, filtered, displayed and printed in Report form as with all other Ad-Hoc Query data, as shown in the following illustration:


The following new Maintenance screens are added to display the DM data that Ad-Hoc Query accesses:

• Dm Doc Info View Maintenance (Support > D > DJ-DZ > Dm Doc Info View)

• Dm Doc Types View Maintenance (Support > D > DJ-DZ > Dm Doc Info View)

The data displayed on these read-only screens are the data displayed under the DM Document Info folder in the Shipment category of the Ad-Hoc Query Search tree, as shown in the previous illustration.

Important Notes:

This functionality requires the DM database, with its tables accessible by the CM-US database. CM-US accesses the DM database tables as the following views:

• DM_DOC_INFO_VIEW and DM_DOC_TYPES_VIEW. For CM-US deployments that do not use the DM application and database, the CM-US installer creates two temporary ("dummy") database tables and creates views that point to these tables. (This is simply to prevent an Ad-Hoc Query error with the empty DM Document Info folder in the case where Document Manager is not installed with CM-US.)

Additional non-installer database scripts must also be manually executed depending on the following scenarios:

• With a CM-US/DM environment:

o The DM_GRANTS-KEC-21566.sql script must be manually run on the DM database. This script establishes Grants so that the relevant DM tables are accessible by the CMUS database.

o The CMUS-DM-KEC-21566.sql script must be manually run on the CM-US database. This script removes the temporary database tables and their corresponding views. It then re-creates new versions of the views that point to the DM database tables.

• With a CM-US environment where DM is not present: The CMUS-NO_DM-KEC-21566.sql must be manually run to remove the two views and create the two temporary tables together with new versions of the views which point to these tables. This script is identical to the one that the CM-US installer automatically runs. It is provided for this enhancement as a manual script for an existing CM-US/DM deployment which is altered so that DM is no longer used. Note also that, in this, the DM Document folder in the Search tree under the Shipment category will include no sub-folders.

The following SQL scripts are included for this enhancement:






• AD_HOC_TABLE_MASTER-KEC-21566.sql (schema)




• CMUS_DM-KEC-21566.sql (non-installer script)

• CMUS-NO_DM-KEC-21566.sql (non-installer script)

• DM-GRANTS-KEC-21566.sql (non-installer script)

(Internal ID KEC-21566 [Epic])

Alerts, Requirements, Updates and Notes from Previous Releases

When the following Security Preference is not set manually, the associated CM-US functionality behaves as though it were set with a value of "Y": ALLOW_ES_SEND_FOR_AUDIT_FATAL. This enables an ES message to be sent to Customs even it if includes Fatal Validation warnings. To disable this functionality so as not to send ES messages with Fatal warnings, this Preference must be manually set to "N". For more information on the logic behind this functionality, see the following Release Notes for earlier CM-US versions:

• Version 4.0.0 (Internal ID KECI-881)

• Version 4.2.0 (Internal ID KECI-881)

The following Alerts, Requirements, Updates and Notes can be found in the Help topics and Release Notes for previous CM-US releases:

• Trade Remedy Requirements Exclusion Tariffs Added/Modified Since 20.0.0 Part 2

• New Consumer Product Safety Commission Updates

• New Validations for Tariff Number Order

• Trade Remedy Requirements (TRR) Exclusion Tariffs Added Since 20.0.0

• Parts Record HTS Update Tool

• EDI Multi Invoice Load

• Multiple Additional Declarations Can Now Be Reported per Entry Summary Line

• Setting Up and Sending Auto ISF Form 830

• Negating Accepted ACH Debit Authorization Transactions

• New Prefixes for Product Exclusion No.

• ACE Appendix PGA Updates

• Expired/Eliminated PGA Processing Codes for APHIS/Core

• EDI Upload for In-Bond Shipments

• Updates to Importer 5106 Query

• Trade Remedy Auto Add Process

• Arranging Tariff Numbers in Correct Sequence for ABI Processing

• Recon XML Extract

• Reference - Entry Type 86

• Enhanced Credit Checking

• Changes to ACE RM Transaction for ACH Payment Authorization

• CM-US/Sage Integration – Customer and Vendor CSV for Sage

• CM-US\TMFF Integration – Duplicate Customers and Vendors

• New Alternate Billing XML Extract

• New Alternate Shipment XML Extract

• New Add/Update ABI Importer 5106 Functionality

• New Validation (89358 - "Section 301 Trade Remedies")

• Changes to CATAIR Chapters for Daily and Monthly Statements

• Changes to Disposition Codes

• Steel and Aluminum Tariff Exclusions

• Important Standalone ISF Notice

• ACE Reconciliation Go-Live

• NMFS - Seafood Import Monitoring Program (SIMP) Trade Policy Updates

• Important Alerts, Notices and Notes from Previous Release (v17.2.2)

Customs-Centric TMFF – CM-US – Sage integration


CM-US is now integrated with both the BluJay Solutions Transportation Management for Forwarders (TMFF) system and the Sage Accounting System. This is the Customs-centric solution for companies whose business is focused on Customs work. CM-US can now be used in conjunction with either one or both of these systems. For more information on the details of this integration, see the following Help topics:

• Under Previous Releases – Versions 18.2.1 - 19.0.2.

• Under Features > Extracts/Integration > TMFF-CMUS-Sage integration

o Overview

o Preferences and System Parameters

Sage-CM-US Integration

o Using Sage Integration

o Sage-CMUS Process Flow

TMFF-CM-US Integration

o Using TMFF Integration

o TMFF-CMUS Process Flow

o TMFF-CMUS Validations

• The TMFF Job Export and associated CM-US EDI Shipment XML are now included in the Process Queue under the Process Subtype Codes SHIPMENT_TMFF and JOB_TMFF for Process Code EXTRACT. The following SQL script is updated to support this enhancement: PURGE_PARAMS-KEC-18062.sql (Internal ID KEC-18062)

Important Note: See the following documents for detailed information on setting up Customs-Centric TMFF/CM-US/Sage integration with the Accord system that passes data to Sage:

• Vendor_Ad-Hoc_query_Create_csv_for_Accord

• Vendor_csv_Headings.xls

Also see the Help topics under Extracts/Integration > TMFF-CMUS Integration.

Other Features and Enhancements - Summary

Note: Internal IDs for this section are for Epics and/or Stories unless otherwise indicated.

ABI Processing

• In connection with the FWS updates for this release, required changes are made to the ACE send files for the AE and SE records. (Internal ID 21883 [Story])

• In connection with the FWS updates for this release, required changes are made to the ACE receive file for SO records. (KEC-21901 [Story])

• Processing of received XR (Line Release) messages for matching these to shipments is now more efficient. The ABI Receive Handler now processes XR messages without opening a new file. Additionally, users can now specify the maximum number of days the system attempts to match the XR message to a shipment by setting the value of the General Preference HANDS_FREE_EXTERNAL_RELEASE_BRASS to Y, and then setting the Parameter Key max_days_retry to a Parameter Value of "4" on the Scheduler Parameter Maintenance screen (Support > S > S other > Schedule Parameter). (Internal IDs KEC-19947 [Epic], KEC-21905 [Story])

• As of September 1, 2019, Customs no longer marks entries as paid until 2-3 days after the ABI ACH (Automated Clearinghouse) Payment is sent as a new RM message (ACH Payment Authorization/Entry Summary Presentation). As a result, simply setting the AUTO_ES_QUERY System Parameter/Customer Preference to "Y" by itself no longer works for this case. Thus, a period called "Wait Days" is required for this process to occur successfully. To enable CM-US to take this delay and other modifications to this process into account, the following new functionality is included in this release:

o A new General Preference AUTO_ES_QUERY_ADD_DAYS is added. Setting the AUTO_ES_QUERY System Parameter/Customer Preference to "Y", and then setting this new preference with the number of Wait Days enables this new ABI process to complete successfully. (Note that "5" is the recommended number of Wait Days. The Auto ES query should be successfully processed if the actual delay is less than or equal to this figure.) When this new Preference is specified, the "Wait Flag" check box on the Process Queue screen (Tools > Process Queue) is selected for the Process Type Code MQ_SEND and the Process Subtype Code JC, and the "Wait Date" field is set to a calendar date based on the "Wait Days" specified in the Preference. Note that the processing of the query only happens when processing the Final Statement (PF message).

o An additional new General Preference AUTO_ES_QUERY_PRELIM_STMT is added. Setting this Preference to "Y" (selecting check box) enables the ES Preliminary Statement to be processed for the above scenario.

(Internal ID KEC-20733 [Epic], KEC-20731 [Story], KEC-21823 [Story], KEC-21824 [Story], KEC-22036 [Story], KEC-22037 [Story])

• CM-US now includes the following new General Preference and Customer Preference to automate Statement Payment at the Customer level: AUTO_ABI_STATEMENT_AUTH_CUSTOMER. If this General Preference and Customer Preference are both set to "Y" or this Customer Preference by itself is set to "Y" and the value in either case from the "Payment Type" drop-down list on the shipment header is 3 (Importer), 5 (Imp No Suffix), 7 (Importer PMS) or 8 (Imp no Suf PMS) the system auto pays the statement for the Customer. Note that all customers using the same IRS Number should have the preference duplicated. The following SQL script is included for this enhancement: PREFERENCE_KEYS-KEC-19213.sql (Internal ID KEC-19213 [Epic], KEC-21026 [Story])

• In connection with the FWS updates for this release, required changes are made to the ACE send files for CA records. (Internal ID KEC-22133 [Story])

• For ABI processing, the system does not update Shipment Notes for any BS Response Message (Custom eBond Status) with the word "TEST" in positions 77-80 of the A record as such messages are simply duplicates of the original. (Internal IDs KEC-21919 [Epic], KEC-22027 [Story])

• The UC message (Entry Summary Report) for a Post Summary Correction (PSC) is updated to include Type R . The Disposition Type Code in position 3 of the E1 line can now include an additional return code of "R" indicating a Post Summary Correction (PSC) that was filed is rejected. The status in CM-US is then marked as "Reverted". See the KEC-22197 Release Note on Tracing Date and Shipment Note. (This Release Note can be found in the Readme section of the 20.1.3.x Help topic.) Also note: The E4 output record of the ACE CATAIR Entry Summary Status Notification, which indicates the Quota Line Status of an entry summary, recently amended its description to include a clarification on the asterisk in line numbers when lines are added by CBP. The purpose of the asterisk is to differentiate between the Line Item Identifier submitted by filers and when a new line is created by CBP. The numbering format for the CBP added lines is as follows:

o 01 through *0Z then

o 10 through *1Z then

o 20 through *2Z etc.

CBP added lines will start with *01 regardless of how many lines were submitted by the trade.

(Internal ID KEC-22111 [Epic])

• Per CBP FWS mandated changes, updates are made to the size of the eDecs Confirmation No., as well as changes to the Pg Party Requirements data and record type PG21 in the AE/SE/CA Send files. (Internal ID KEC-22375 [Story])

Ad-Hoc Query

• Tables and fields listed in the Ad-Hoc Query and Work Management Search trees are modified to remove the old FWS tabs and fields and incorporate the new ones. (Internal ID KEC-21923 [Story])

• A new field "Addl Bond CBP Bond Number" is added under the Shipment category in the Ad-Hoc Query and Work Management Search trees. (Internal ID KEC-21993 [Story])


• CM-US now includes the following new General Preference and Customer Preference to automate Statement Payment at the Customer level: AUTO_ABI_STATEMENT_AUTH_CUSTOMER. If this General Preference and Customer Preference are both set to "Y" or this Customer Preference by itself is set to "Y" and the value in either case from the "Payment Type" drop-down list on the shipment header is 3 (Importer), 5 (Imp No Suffix), 7 (Importer PMS) or 8 (Imp no Suf PMS) the system auto pays the statement for the Customer. Note that all customers using the same IRS Number should have the preference duplicated. The following SQL script is included for this enhancement: PREFERENCE_KEYS-KEC-19213.sql (Internal ID KEC-19213 [Epic], KEC-21026 [Story])

• CM-US now provides a way to track changes to standard billing charges in the Billing Charges section of the Shipment Billing tab that are loaded into an Invoice. For this enhancement, a new Security Preference STANDARD_CHARGE_TRACKING is provided. When this Preference is set to "Y" (Value check box selected) the system saves modifications to a standard charge on the Invoice. These modifications are posted to the new "Override Modified By" field on the Invoice Lines Maintenance screen (Support > I > IND - IZ > Invoice Lines). The following SQL scripts are included for this enhancement:





(Internal IDs KEC-21583 [Epic], KEC-21892 [Story])

Commercial Invoice

• Auto-insertion of Tariff Nos. in the grid on the Commercial Invoice screen is corrected as follows. The Required Tariff No. set up on a Trade Remedy Requirements record (Maintenance > Import > Trade Remedy Requirements) for a Chapter 1-97 No. at the 8-digit level will no longer be auto-inserted when there is also a TRR record for the full 10-digit number used in the line set up with a Required Tariff No. and an Alternate Required Tariff No. Instead, Validation 11655 ("Required Trade Remedy tariff not used") will be generated to let the user know that either the Required Tariff No. or the Alternate Required Tariff No. should be entered.

For example, consider a situation where 8-digit Chapter 1-97 Tariff No. 8411.99.90 is set up with the Required Tariff No. 9903.88.01, and 10-digit Chapter 1-97 Tariff No. 8411.99.9085 is set up with Required Tariff No 9903.88.01 and Alternate Required Tariff No. 9903.88.10. When tariff number 8411.99.9085 was used in the line, the system was auto-inserting 9903.88.01. That is wrong. With the correction, the system will no longer auto-insert 9903.88.01. Instead, validation 11655 will be generated. The Add’l Info column will list 9903.88.01 and 9903.88.10. (Internal ID KEC-21352 [Epic], KEC-21797 [Story], KEC-21798 [Story])

• For a Post Summary Correction (PSC), there are limitations as to the changes that can be made to the Primary SPI (Special Program Indicator) code in the "SPI Pri." field in the Invoice Line Tariffs section of the Commercial Invoice screen. The following updates to this field are not allowed:

o Changing the SPI Primary value from blank to a reconcilable SPI code.

o Changing the SPI from one reconcilable SPI code to another reconcilable SPI code.

o Changing the SPI Primary value from a non-reconcilable SPI code to a reconcilable SPI code.

The system now validates theses scenarios, turns the "SPI Pri." field red if one of these scenarios is the case and displays the following error message: “This SPI change not valid for PSC [invalid change]”; for example, “This SPI change not valid for PSC SG to CA".


o The system does allow changing the SPI from a reconcilable SPI code to a non-reconcilable SPI code or to blank (no value).

o This enhancement prevents the values P, CL, CO, KR, CA, MX, OM, PA or PE from being entered for SPI's and sent with the PSC.

(Internal ID KEC-16151 [Story])

• The following updates are made to Trade Remedy Requirements (Maintenance > Import > Trade Remedy Requirements):

o Excel spreadsheets are provided to add and to delete Trade Remedy Requirement records in association with the addition of new exclusion tariff 9903.88.46 (China's Acts, Policies, and Practices Related to Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, and Innovation). (Internal ID KEC-22244 [Epic])

o Excel files are provided to remove and add records as needed for the Section 301 exclusion tariff 9903.88.08 partial extension, as announced in FRN 85 FR 29503. The new records include expiration and effective dates. (Internal ID KEC-22251 [Epic])

o Trade Remedy Requirements records are added/deleted for the new Exclusion Tariff 9903.88.48 announced in 85 FR 32094 on 05/28/20. (Internal ID KEC-22322 [Epic])

o Trade Remedy Requirements records are added or deleted as required for the new Exclusion Tariff 9903.88.50, as announced in 85 FR 33775 on 06/02/20. (Internal ID KEC-22330 [Epic])


• Pursuant to DIS Revision Number 36.2, the following updates are made to the tDis Document Type Maintenance screen (Support > D > D-DI > Dis Document Type). All retired APHIS/Core Agency Code (APH) entries are removed from the table, and the descriptions for the following remaining codes are updated:

o APH01 - APHIS Certificates and Statements (STAT's)

o APH02 - APHIS Supporting Documents (Commercial Invoices, Packing Lists, Arrival Notifications, Declarations etc.)

o APH03 - APHIS Permits, Applications, and Letters

The following SQL script is included for this update: DIS_DOCUMENT_TYPE_KEC-21029.sql (Internal IDs KEC-21029 [Epic], KEC-21992 [Story])

EDI Upload/Lights Out Entry/Hands-Free Processing

• Per customer request, EDI Shipment XML now includes a new tag under the and sections. Additionally, in coordination with this new tag, a new "Modified By" field is added to the Edi Shipment Dates Maintenance screen (Support > EDI PgP - EDI PgZ > Edi Shipment Dates). When a shipment is created from uploaded EDI data (File > Load EDI) Shipment Notes and Dates entries on these respective screens now include Modified By information for EDI elements. Note that, in this case, if there is no specified value in the EDI XML tags, the system defaults the value "EDI" in this displayed shipment information. The following SQL scripts are included for this enhancement:



(Internal IDs KEC-21404 [Epic], KEC-21817 [Story], KEC-21818 [Story])

• The following Root level General Preference is added to control the value of the "# of CI" field that displays the number of Commercial Invoices on the Shipment Header for an EDI upload: DEFAULT_NO_OF_CI_ON_EDI. This Preference works as follows. If this Preference is set to "Y" (Value check box selected) and no EDI CI Header records exist, the value in the "# of CI" field defaults to "1". Otherwise, the value in "# of CI" field defaults to the number of Commercial Invoice lines in the EDI upload. If this Preference is not set, the value in this field now defaults to "1" for all EDI shipments and for shipments created manually. (Previously, it defaulted to "0" in these cases.) The following SQL script is included for this enhancement: PREFERENCE_KEYS-KEC-21870.SQL (Internal ID KEC-21405 [Epic], KEC-21870 [Story])

• In connection with the FWS updates for this release, required changes are made to EDI Upload/Lights Out Entry/Hands-Free Processes. (Internal ID KEC-21906 [Story], KEC-21907 [Story])


• CM-US now enables users to resend a Billing XML file to TMFF if the Billing XML was not transmitted or cannot be located in TMFF, with the following enhancements to functionality. A new Security Preference RESEND_BILLING_TO_TMFF is added, which brokers can configure at the User, User Class, or Root level. This feature works as follows. If the Preference TMFF_CMUS_BILLING_INTEGRATION is set to "Y", a new check box "Resend to Forwarding" is displayed on the Shipment Billing screen and unselected by default. This check box is enabled if and only if both the TMFF_CMUS_BILLING_INTEGRATION and RESEND_BILLING_TO_TMFF Preferences are set to "Y" and the "Sent To Tmff" check box on the Invoice Header Maintenance screen is selected for the File No and Suffix. If the "Resend to Forwarding" check box is selected in this case, when the Billing screen is saved, the system recreates the Billing XML, sends this file to TMFF and posts the following note to the Shipment Notes grid: “Billing XML resent to TMFF for suffix X” (where "X" = the actual suffix letter). The system also posts Tracing Date 94118 ("Billing XML sent to TMFF") to the Shipment Dates grid. The following SQL scripts are included for this enhancement:



(Internal IDs KEC-19789 [Epic], KEC-19791 [Story], KEC-19794 [Story])

• Dashboard Work Management is added to the EDI XML, EDI Spreadsheet and XSD. A tag is now included directly under the tag. This feature is for implementing changes to the Shipment XML in Web Services to allow the Dashboard Work Management record to be passed in the XML and created from the XML. (Internal IDs KEC-20218 [Epic], KEC-9415 [Story]; Case IDs TFS 127066, 240605)

• The logic for processing the Shipment Extract for an SO message (ACE/CR Status Notification) received from Customs is updated so that the resulting Extract now correctly includes the required "PGA Review Line" lines in the Extract. The system now includes a new Root-level General Preference SHIPMENT_EXTRACT_MODS. When this Preference is set to "Y" (Value check box selected) the system generates Extracts for all shipments from the last date/time the DAILY_SO_EXTRACT handler was run to the current time. The new System Parameter SHIPMENT_EXTRACT_LAST_RUN stores the last date/time this Extract was run in the format YYYYMMDHHMMSS; for example: 20200115120000 for January 15, 2020/12:00:00 PM. After the Extract is run, this System Parameter is updated to the current date/time so that the next time the Extract is run, the system uses this value as the starting date/time. (Internal IDs KEC-21398 [Epic], KEC-22257 [Story], KEC-22264 [Story], KEC-22265 [Story], KEC-22257 [Story])

• A new tag is added under the section of the Vendor Party Master XML returned to TMFF from CM-US. Instances of this tag include the numeric values of any roles created in TMFF that are not standard roles in CM-US. This enhancement enables TMFF users to create and include new Party Roles for Vendors as needed in the XML sent to CM-US. Previously, the system was including only the existing standard roles from the CM-US application in the XML returned to TMFF, incorrectly resulting in deletion of any additional roles from the original XML received from TMFF. Note that this is the same update made for Customer Party Roles in KEC-21714. (Internal ID KEC-22072 [Story])

• CM-US now ensures that the Master Air Waybill (MAWB) No. received from TMFF or CT (Control Tower) remains correctly formatted after updates are made in CMUS. This requires removal of special characters in CMUS for CBP submission, so that the MAWB No. is completely numeric. CM-US now stores the value of MAWB in the XML received from TMFF in a new field ("Gshpid") on the Shipment Id and EDI Shipment Id Maintenance screens (described below). The value in this field is then reformatted in the strictly numeric form required by Customs when copying it to the respective shipment files. The Master and House Bills and Scacs from the incoming TMFF or CT XML are stored in other new fields (described below) added to the shipment and EDI shipment Maintenance screens. Additionally, new tags for all these new fields are added to the shipment XML files returned to TMFF or CT as described below. (Internal ID KEC-21741 [Epic], KEC-21715 [Story], KEC-21814 [Story])

o The following new fields are added to the Shipment Id Maintenance screen (Support > S > ShipmentA-ShipmentI > Shipment Id) and to the Edi Shipment Id Maintenance screen (Support > E > EDI PgP - EDI PgZ > Edi Shipment Id):

- "Tmff Master Scac" (4 characters)

- "Tmff Master Bill" (30 characters)

- "Tmff House Scac" (4 characters)

- "Tmff House Bill" (30 characters)

o Additionally, the following field is added to the Edi Shipment Header Maintenance screen (Support > E > EDI PgP - EDI PgZ > Edi Shipment Header) and the Edi Shipment Header AUX (Support > E > EDI PgP - EDI PgZ > Edi Shipment Header AUX) screen: "Gshpid" (30 characters). When a user creates a shipment by selecting Load EDI from the CM-US File menu, the system now copies data from these new fields on the Edi Shipment Id Maintenance screen and updates the values for these new fields on the Shipment Id Maintenance screen for this shipment. (Internal IDs KEC-21810 [Story], KEC-21811 [Story], KEC-21813 [Story])

o New tags are added to the standard CMUS shipment XML and XSD files returned to TMFF and CT. (Internal ID KEC-21812 [Story])


• For Form 7501 ("Entry Summary"), minor updates are made to the Header alignment, Box/Field labels for some boxes and Footer alignment based on the new version of this Form published by CBP, dated August 2019. Note that this new form differs only slightly from the previous version. (KEC-20736 [Epic])

FTZ Admissions

• Updates are made for printing Master Bills, House Bills, and I.T. Nos. correctly on Delivery Order forms for Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) Admissions. Users entering FTZ admissions can now print Master Bills, House Bills, and I.T. Nos. that are longer than 12 characters on the Delivery Order. New fields are added to the Do Ship Id Xref Maintenance screen (Support > DJ - DZ > Do Ship Id X Ref) to enable users to print the full Master Bill, House Bill, and IT Number on the Delivery Order for an FTZ admission. The FTZ Delivery Order screen is also modified so that the Master SCAC displays in the first SCAC column in the Bills of Lading grid for FTZ Admissions. (Internal ID KEC-20358 [Epic])


• If a Periodic Monthly Statement (PMS) is finalized, the system now allows the underlying file to be unlocked. (KEC-3446)

• As required, all CM-US processes that construct their FTP URIs from information in the Extract Communication Maintenance table (Support > E > Extract > Extract Communication) now use all lower-case or lower-case equivalent characters based on the value of the URI prefix in the "Communication Type Cd" field. Previously, several of these processes did not use this character type consistently. (Internal ID KEC-20947 [Story])

• An additional email alert system is now provided for the case where a Process Queue job fails and the Process Status Cd field is set to "F". For this purpose, the system now includes a new Process Queue Failure Emails Maintenance screen (Maintenance > System > ProcessQueueFailureEmails). This screen includes the following fields:

o "Process Type Cd" - Specifies the Process Type Code for the failure alert.

o "Process Subtype Cd" - Specifies the Process Subtype Code for the failure alert.

o "Pq Failure Email To Address" - Specifies the email address of the recipient for the failure alert.

Note that if no information is found in the above fields, the system reverts to the existing General Preferences SEND_PQ_FAILURE_ALERT and PQ_FAILURE_EMAIL_TO_ADDRESS if these are set. Additionally, there is also a new Maintenance screen Process Queue Types ((Maintenance > System > ProcessQueueTypes) that stores the Process Type Codes and Process Subtype Codes. (Internal IDs KEC-20963 [Epic], KEC-21602 [Story])

• CM US now supports and inter-operates with Oracle SecureFile (Secure LOB). This file type is the default for Oracle 12C and most current 18C/19C database versions. This file type includes a marked performance improvement which speeds the synchronization between application and database reducing the latency time a user experiences. There are also data security and disk recovery benefits. Oracle now only supports the 11G database which uses LOB exclusively in an extended support model. (Internal ID KEC-20964 [Epic], KEC-22271 [Story])

• The Description for Code 105 on the User Fees Reference Maintenance screen (Maintenance > Reference > Import > User Fees Reference) is now updated from "Sheep Fee" to "Softwood Lumber Fee" (Short Desc. "Lumber Fee") per the "Report Data elements and Formats" section of the ACE CATAIR chapter for the Daily Statement (CSMS #42151504, 42151562). Values in the fields on the Commodity Tax Fee Maintenance screen (Maintenance > Reference > Import > Commodity Tax Fee) for Customs Fee Code 105 are updated as follows:

o Tax/Fee Description - "Softwood Lumber Fee"

o Rate Desc Tax Fee - "M3"

o UOM for E/S - "M3"

o Tax/Fee Type - "Fee"

Values in the fields on the Custom Fee Codes Maintenance screen (Maintenance > Reference > Import > Custom Fee Codes) for Customs Fee Code 105 are updated as follows:

o Description - "Softwood Lumber Fee"

o Statement Description - "Softwood Lumber Fee"

(Internal ID KEC-21954 [Epic], KEC-22055 [Story], KEC-22056 [Story])

• A new Messages tab is added to the In-Bond shipment and FTZ Admissions screens. These Messages tabs are identical to the Messages tab on the regular Shipment screen and enable users to view and print ABI messages for In-Bond and FTZ Admissions shipments. (KEC-21851 [Story], KEC-21852 [Story])

The following illustration shows this tab:

• The following updates are made for the change from NAFTA to USMCA:

o All CM-US field labels that previously included the now-obsolete (as of 7/1/20) acronym "NAFTA" (North American Free Trade Agreement) now display the new acronym "USMCA" (US-Mexico-Canada Agreement). (Internal IDs KEC-22161 [Epic], KEC-22162 [Story])

o The Recon Upload process (Recon Upload Recon) now uploads files with the SHIP_RECON option that have SPI's (Special Program Indicators) with the now obsolete (as of 7/1/20) NAFTA values CA and MX. However, the Results pop-up accessed by clicking the Results button on the Process Status screen (Recon > Recon Status) displays the following error line in this case: "SPI [CA/MX] may not be valid based on Entry Date". This message enables users to determine which XML files contain this error, delete the uploads, correct the SPIs in the files as needed, and then re-upload the files. (Internal IDs KEC-22161 [Epic], KEC-22163 [Story])

o The system now displays a Warning message on the Trade Agreement Selection screen (Recon > Trade Agreement Selection) if the "SPI Override" check box is selected and the user enters an incorrect SPI in the "Trade Agreement SPI" field. (Internal IDs KEC-22161 [Epic], KEC-22164 [Story])

o A new button View Spi Country XRef is added to the Valid Spi Maintenance screen (Maintenance > Reference > Import > Valid SPI). Clicking this button displays the Valid Spi Country Xref Maintenance screen. (Internal IDs KEC-22161 [Epic], KEC-22167 [Story])

• The EDI Purge process now works more efficiently by discovering the EDI table list where the EDI data should be purged automatically by navigating the entity hierarchy the way the Import Purge process does. (Internal ID KEC-22189 [Story])

• The code signing certificate for CMUS has been updated for 20.2. The programs for CMUS are now built with a new Code Signing Certification for security verification on Java WebStart. The current certificate expires on 8/2020, from an older version of CMUS, but will continue to work with warnings. (Internal ID KEC-22423 {Story])

• In accordance with FWS updates, a new field "Pg Seq Nbr Squeezed" is added to the PgEs Maintenance screen. The Squeeze process including the SO message now uses this number. (Internal ID KEC-22489 [Story])


• The system now enables users to track Warehouse Withdrawals for In-Bond entries and also calculates the bonded amount based on the original ET21 Warehouse Entry Type and all the withdrawals against this entry. For this new functionality, the fields on the Warehouse Withdrawal pop-up dialog displayed by clicking the *Warehouse Withdrawal* button on the Shipment Status tab activated for Entry Type 21 ("Warehouse") are modified as follows. The original fields on this dialog are replaced by a new grid with the following columns:

o File No

o Bonded Amount

o Withdrawal Amount

o Balance Warehouse

o Withdrawal/Presentation Date

o Final Withdrawal

o Withdrawer


o Diplomatic Use

For In-Bond entries for Withdrawal from Warehouse, the system now also calculates the Bonded Amount based on the original Entry Type 21 and all the withdrawals against this entry. When the information in the preceding fields is entered, the system finds the Original Bonded Amount from the original entry and sets the Bonded Amount equal to the Balance from the last withdrawal. Note that this functionality now works the same way that it does for the other Entry Types on the Warehouse screen displayed by clicking the Warehouse button in the button bar at the bottom of the Shipment Header. (Internal IDs KEC-19969 [Epic], KEC-21847 [Story], KEC-21848 [Story])

Maintenance Screens

• A new sub-menu is added to the Support Menu to support the CBP FAST (Free and Secure Trade) MEDPID message program. This sub-menu is Support > FAST > FAST MEDPID and enables access to the information in the several dozen CM-US FAST MEDPID database tables. Each table has a separate screen accessed from the sub-menu. (Internal ID KEC-15643 [Story])

• A new check box "Alternate Tariff Excludes All" is added to the Trade Remedy Requirements Maintenance screen (Maintenance > Import > Trade Remedy Requirements). When selected, this check box indicates that the Tariff listed in the "Alternate Required Tariff No." field excludes all goods and products covered by the Chapter 1-97 Tariff No and results in this Alternate Required Tariff No. being auto added to a line in the Invoice Lines Tariff grid on the Commercial Invoice screen provided this Tariff No. meets the other criteria for auto insertion. The “Excludes All” column has been added to upload mapping (Tools > Upload Mapping) type TRADE_REMEDY. (“Excludes All” in the Trade Remedy Requirements search tree.) (Internal IDs KEC-21054 [Epic], KEC-21783 [Story], KEC-21784 [Story], KEC-21785 [Story], KEC-21786 [Story], KEC-21787 [Story], KEC-21788 [Story])

• Pursuant to CSMS #41149692 (U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement) a new SPI code "JP" is added to the Valid Spi Maintenance table (Maintenance > Reference > Import > Valid SPI). (Internal IDs KEC-21397 [Epic], KEC-21792 [Story])

• The following new field is added to the Customer Maintenance Import Def tab, Cust Defaults Maintenance screen, Company Control Maintenance screen and Broker Control Aux Maintenance screen : "FWS eDecs Account". (Internal ID KEC-21877 [Story], KEC-21878 [Story])

• A new field and column "Addl Bond Cbp Bond Number" are added to the Shipment Header Status Maintenance screen. (Internal ID KEC-21993 [Story])

• Per CSMS #42239902, some Exemption Codes are added to and some Exemption Codes are removed from the table on the DDTC temp Exemption Codes Maintenance screen (Maintenance > Reference > Import > PGA > PGA A-I > DDTC Temp Exemption Codes). The following Export/Import Exemption Codes are added:

o 126.4A1 - Export, Re-export, Re-Transfer, Temp Import of def article, tech data, or def svc by US govt agency

o 126.4A2 - Export, Re-export, Re-Transfer, Temp Imp of def article, tech data, or def svc by US Govt for project

o 126.4A3 - Export, Re-export, Re-Transfer, Temp Imp of def article, tech data, or def svc by US govt for assist

o 126.4A4 - Export, Re-export, Re-Transfer, Temp Imp of def article, tech data or def svc by US govt for DOD prgm

o 126.4B1 - Export,Re-export,Re-Transfer or Temp Imp of def art, tech data or def svc by person for US Govt agcy

o 126.4B2 - Export, Re-export,Re-Transfer or Temp Imp of def art, tech data, or def svc at direction of US govt

o 126.4C1 - For the return to the United States of def articles, tech data, or def svcs exported to US Govt

o 126.4C2 - For the return to the US of def articles, tech data, or def srvc exported under 126.4(a) or 126.4(b)

The following Export/Import Exemption Codes are removed:

o 126.4A/126.4A - Export, Re-export, Re-Transfer, Temp Import of def article, tech data, or def svc by US govt agency

o 126.4B/126.4B - Export, Re-export, Re-Transfer, Temp Import of def article, tech data, or def svc on behalf of US Govt

o 126.4C/126.4C - Return of temp or perm exp of def art, tech data, or def svc for end-use by US Govt agcy in for ctry

(Internal IDs KEC-22029 [Epic], KEC-22248 [Story])

• Records in the Tariff Calc Flags Maintenance table (Maintenance > Reference > Import > Tariff Calc Flags) are updated to ensure continued accuracy; for example, in determining actions to be taken when the Harmonized Tariff Number or range of numbers is used for the Commercial Invoice Tariff Class and to ensure, for example, records are used by the Auto-Insert process to insert Trade Remedy Tariffs in the correct order. (Internal ID KEC-22176 [Epic])

Partner Government Agencies

• For Program 370 ("Tuna Tracking and Verification Program (NOAA 370)") on the Main sub-tab of the NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) tab on the Partner Government Agencies (PGA) screen, the values on the pop-up dialog displayed by clicking the lookup button [?] for the "Category" field on this sub-tab are now reduced to the following two Codes:

o NOT (Description - "Other")

o YFT (Description - "Yellowfin Tuna")

as should be the case. Previously, this popup selection incorrectly included a half-dozen irrelevant Codes. (Internal IDs KEC-20936 [Epic], KEC-20562 [Story], Case ID 02550653)

• The following updates are made to the Pg Omc Box Party Req Maintenance screen (Maintenance > Reference >PGA > PGA J-R > Pg Omc Box Party Req) based on the Implementation Guide for the Office of Marine Conservation (OMC): For Box Number = "7A1" and Party Role = "AQF, the value of the "Party Address Req" (Party Address Required) field now = "O" (Optional). The following rows are removed from the table on the Pg Omc Box Country Req Maintenance screen (Maintenance > Reference >PGA > PGA J-R > Pg Omc Box Country Req):

o Box Number = "7A2"/Country Cd = "FR"

o Box Number = "7B"/Country Cd = "PK"

o The following rows are added to the table on the Pg Omc Box Country Req Maintenance screen:

o Box Number = "7A2"/Country Cd = "GF"

o Box Number = "7A2"/Country Cd = "MY"

o Box Number = "7A4"/Country Cd = "JP"

o Box Number = "7A4"/Country Cd = "KR"

(Internal IDs KEC-21209 [Epic], KEC-21678 [Story])

• Pursuant to CSMS #40804410, the Description for Aphis Permit Type Code A03 for Category Type Codes AP0100, AP0200, and AP0300 on the Aphis Permit Type Codes Maintenance screen (Maintenance > Reference > PGA > PGA A-I > Aphis Permit Type Codes) is updated to: "Meat/Sanitary Certificate". The following SQL script is included for this update: APHIS_PERMIT_TYPE_CODES-KEC-21234.sql (Internal IDs KEC-21234 [Epic], KEC-21799 )

• The following APHIS/Core Version 4.9 Table Deletions per CSMS #40849049 are made:

o APHIS/Core Disclaimer Type "D" ("Data filed in paper") is no longer valid. All four instances with this Disclaimer Type are removed from the PGA Disclaimer Type Codes table (Maintenance > Reference > PGA > PGA J-R > PGA Disclaimer Type Codes).

o APHIS/Core Permit Type Code A27 ("APHIS Seed Analysis Certificate") is no longer valid. All three instances with this Permit Type Code are removed from the (Maintenance > Reference > PGA > PGA A-I > APHIS Permit Type Codes).

o All three instances of Commodity Char Qual Cd NDB ("Non-dormant Bulb") are removed from the Pg Cmdty Char Qual Codes table (Maintenance > Reference > PGA > PGA J-R > PGA Commodity Char Qual Codes) as this code is no longer valid.

(Internal IDs KEC-21434 [Epic], KEC-21914 [Story])

• Per Appendix PGA Change #38, the following deletions are made from APHIS/Core data:

o Code A40 ("Life Stage") is deleted from the PGA Commodity Qual Codes Maintenance screen table (Maintenance > Reference > Import > PGA J-R > PGA Commodity Qual Codes).

o The following elements are deleted from the PGA Commodity Char Qual Codes Maintenance screen table (Maintenance > Reference > Import > PGA J-R > PGA Commodity Char Qual Codes) :

- Subsection APHIS Characteristics – Propagative Material (Life Stage A40) including codes GRN, IMM and MAT.

- All records with Commodity Qualifier Code A40 and Commodity Characteristic Qualifier Codes GRN, IMM, and MAT (nine records)

- Codes AQG,AQP, BRT, DOB, DPE, EPG, EPH, LSL, MET, ROC, RTD, RTG, SEM, UNC, UNG and UNR (48 records)

- Records for AP0300, Category Code 307 (33 records)

- Records for AP0100, Category Code 115 (1402 records)

o The following elements are deleted from the PGA Category Codes Maintenance screen table (Maintenance > Reference > Import > PGA J-R > PGA Category Codes):

- Reference Data Code 307 from subsection APHIS Article Category – AP0300 ("Animal Products and By-Products") together with the associated codes from the PGA Commodity Char Qual Codes table(described above).

- Code 115 from APHIS Article Category – AP0100 together with the associated codes from the PGA Commodity Char Qual Codes table (described above).

o The following element is deleted from the APHIS Permit Type Code Maintenance screen table (Maintenance > Reference > Import > PGA A-I > APHIS Permit Type Code): Permit Type Code A06 ("Importation of Veterinary Biological Products" and "APHIS 2006").

(Internal IDs KEC-22063 [Epic], KEC-22239 [Story])

• The following Temporary Exemption Codes are added to the table on the DDTC Temp Exemption Codes Maintenance screen (Maintenance > Reference > Import > PGA A-I > DDT Temp Exemption Codes):

o 126.4a1 - Export, Re-export, Re-Transfer, Temp Import of def article, tech data, or def svc by US govt agency

o 126.4a2 - Export,Re-export,Re-Transfer,Temp Imp of def article, tech data, or def svc by US Govt for project

o 126.4a3 - Export,Re-export,Re-Transfer,Temp Imp of def article, tech data, or def svc by US govt for assist

o 126.4a4 - Export,Re-export,Re-Transfer,Temp Imp of def article, tech data or def svc by US govt for DOD prgm

o 126.4b1 - Export,Re-export,Re-Transfer or Temp Imp of def art, tech data or def svc by person for US Govt agcy

o 126.4b2 - Export, Re-export,Re-Transfer or Temp Imp of def art, tech data, or def svc at direction of US govt

o 126.4c1 - For the return to the United States of def articles, tech data, or def svcs exported to US Govt

o 126.4c2 - For the return to the US of def articles, tech data, or def srvc exported under 126.4(a) or 126.4(b)

The following codes are removed from this table:

o 126.4a/126.4A - Export, Re-export, Re-Transfer, Temp Import of def article, tech data, or def svc by US govt agency

o 126.4b/126.4B - Export,Re-export,Re-Transfer,Temp Imp of def article, tech data, or def svc on behalf of US Govt

o 126.4c/126.4C - Return of temp or perm exp of def art, tech data, or def svc for end-use by US Govt agcy in for ctry

(Internal IDs KEC-22080 [Epic], KEC-22237 [Story])

• A new field "Party Allow Blank State Zip" is added to the Pg Party Requirements Maintenance table(Maintenance > Reference > Import > PGA J-R > PGA Party Requirements). In conjunction with this enhancement, Validations for related information are updated as follows. For Party Role FWE, If the value in this field is "Y", Fatal Validation 11502 ("FWS Party Address is required") is not returned if the "Postal Code" field on the Parties sub-tab of the FWS tab on the Partner Government Agencies screen is blank. For Party Role FWI, if this field is blank, this Validation is returned. The following SQL scripts are included for this enhancement:

o kc.database/r07xx/kc-db/upgrade/db-20.2/data/sql/PG_PARTY_REQUIREMENTS-KEC-21839.sql

o kc.database/r07xx/kc-db/upgrade/db-20.2/schema/PG_PARTY_REQUIREMENTS-KEC-22253.sql

(Internal ID KEC-22253 [Story])


• A new button Copy Tariff Line is added to the Parts Maintenance Details screen (Maintenance > Import > Parts Maintenance > Details button). Clicking this button displays a Copy Tariff Line pop-up dialog that lets users to copy an existing line ln the Tariff grid on this screen and then paste this copy to a new line with a different specified Sequence No. This new feature enables users to place the Part Tariff for a Chapter 99 Section 301 or 232 Tariff No. in the correct sequence required by Customs. This can now be done by copying and pasting the Tariff to the new line number and then deleting the original line by selecting it and clicking the minus button [-]. (Internal ID KEC-21430 [Epic], KEC-21825 [Story], KEC-21826 [Story])


• A Shipment Date and Note are now posted when the calculation of an Import Reconciliation entry is completed. (Internal ID KEC-21387)

Shipment Dates/Notes/Status

• When an SO ABI message (ACE C/R Status Notification) returns an "FSIS refused" status, the system now creates the following Shipment Date record with Tracing Date 9012 ("FSIS Refused"). Previously, this Shipment Date was not being posted in this case. (Internal ID KEC-21423 [Story])

Shipment Processing

• The pop-up screen displayed by clicking the lookup button [?] for the "Size" field on the Containers screen (displayed by clicking the Containers button on the Shipment Header) now includes a description for each Container Size code listed. (Internal IDs KEC-20818 [Epic], KEC-12305 [Story]; Case ID TFS 132730)

• CM-US functionality is modified based on the following update in CSMS #40803996 Updated ACE Cargo Release CATAIR Chapter (v. 23.1) for Entry Type 22 ("Re-Warehouse"). For this Entry Type, the Mode of Transport (MOT) is no longer required. The associated change to CMUS functionality is as follows. On the Entry Types Maintenance screen (Maintenance > Reference > Import > Entry Types) the "Exclude MOT" check box is now automatically selected for Entry Type 22. This ensures that Validation 10312 ("Transportation Mode is required") is not returned for a shipment with Entry Type 22 when the "Trans. Mode" (MOT) field on the Shipment Header is blank. (KEC-21274 [Epic], KEC-21800 [Story])

• CBP recently deployed the new Entry Type 86 for entry of Section 321 low-valued shipments through ACE Cargo Release. This new Entry Type provides greater visibility into low value shipments. As a result, a Trade Remedy is not required for Entry Type 86. (In fact, sending a 9903 number with an Entry Type 86 typically results in rejection by Customs.) CM-US is updated, so that Trade Remedy Auto Insert functionality no longer auto inserts a Chapter 99 Trade Remedy in Commercial Invoice Invoice Line Tariffs for Entry Type 86. For more information on Entry Type 86, see the Help topic "Reference - Entry Type 86" under "Processing a Shipment". (Internal ID KEC-21378 [Epic])

o To facilitate this compliance, a new check box "Skip Trade Remedy Auto Add" is added to the Entry Types Maintenance Screen (Maintenance > Reference > Import > Entry Types). This check box is selected by default for Entry Type 86. (Internal ID 21643)

o If the "Skip Trade Remedy Auto Add" check box is selected for Entry Type 86 (or any other Entry Type not requiring a Trade Remedy) the following Validations are disabled:

- "Required Trade Remedy tariff not used" (11655)

- "Required tariff no. entered. Exclusion(s) available" (11683)

(Internal ID KEC-21645)

o If a Trade Remedy is manually inserted into a line for an Entry Type 86 (or any other Entry Type not requiring a Trade Remedy) the system now returns the following Validation "Trade Remedy not required for entry type [Entry Type]" (11693). (Internal ID KEC-21647)


• When there are multiple HTS numbers in a line in the Invoice Lines Tariff grid on the Commercial Invoice screen, they must be in a certain order. The correct HTS sequence is specified in CSMS# 18-000624. CM-US now includes a set of Validations to alert the user if HTS numbers are not in the correct order. See the version 20.2.0 "What's New" Help topic and the PDF Release Notes for a list and descriptions of these Validations. (Internal ID KEC-20031[Epic], Case ID 02669691)

• A new Validation 12042 ("FTZ Export date precede or equal Arrival Date") is added to prevent users from entering an Export Date on the FTZ Admissions screen that is earlier than or equal to the Arrival Date. The following SQL scripts are included for this enhancement:





(Internal ID KEC-22130, Case ID 260049 )

Web Services

• A new Web Service is created to upload Trade Certificate of Origin (TCO) data. FA new Web Service is created to upload Trade Certificate of Origin (TCO) data. Functionality includes a TCO XSD, as well as new Web Services functionality to process the new TCO XSD as follows:

o A TCO XSD file is created.

o A TCO XLS is created to define fields and mapping

o A new Web Service called TcoUpdateDataHandler is created.

o Processing for Inbound TCO_UPDATES is added.

o An Inbound TCO_UPDATES Acknowledgement is added.

(Internal ID KEC-17106 [Epic])

Defect Fixes and Minor Compliance Updates

This table lists the issue number and the category in which the release note appears below this table.

Note: Release notes in this section include customer-reported issues, issues where SQL scripts are modified or created, performance issues and requested documentation.

| |Com-ponent/s | | |

|Key | |Summary |Release Notes |

|KEC-3446 |General/ |If a PMS statement is |If a Periodic Monthly Statement (PMS) is finalized, the system now |

| |Infra-structure/ |finalized the system |allows the underlying file to be unlocked. (Internal ID KEC-3446) |

| |Perfor-mance |should allow the | |

| | |underlying file. | |

|KEC-5484 |ABI Processing |CW Details Tariff Number|Formatting issues on the Application ID CL/CW (ACE Census Warning |

| | |Poorly Formatted. |Query) Details popup screens (ABI > View ABI Results > View Details |

| | | |button) are resolved. Previously, the Tariff No. column on these |

| | | |screens included extra decimal places in the listed tariff numbers. |

| | | |This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-5484, Case ID TFS 13809 ) |

|KEC-9858 |Shipment Processing |KC Generates Error |The system no longer generates the incorrect error "Cannot Open |

| | |Cannot Open Editor when |Editor" when an invalid Imp Cus is on the Account of Cust Record. This|

| | |invalid Imp Cus is on |issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-9858) |

| | |Account of Cust Record. | |

|KEC-10101 |Validations |Tariff flagged for EP5 &|Validations 11713 and 11714 ("EPA Disclaimer not Specified") are now |

| | |EP7 is only showing |returned for both EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Codes EP5 |

| | |validations for the EP5,|("Pesticides specific data may be req") and EP7 ("TSCA specific data |

| | |should show for both |may be req") if/when the Disclaimers for these codes are not specified|

| | |when no data was |on the EPA tab of the Partner Government Agencies screen. Previously, |

| | |entered. |only Validation 11713 was returned when the EP5 Disclaimer was missing|

| | | |but Validation 11714 was not returned when the EP7 Disclaimer was |

| | | |missing. The following SQL scripts are included for this resolution: |

| | | |- VALIDATION_CONTROL-KEC-10101.sql |

| | | |- VALIDATION_HELP-KEC-10101.sql |

| | | |- VALIDATION_MESS-KEC-10101.sql |

| | | |- VALIDATION_TABLE_X_REF-KEC-10101.sql |

| | | |(Internal ID KEC-10101) |

|KEC-17860 |Partner Govern-ment |Nightly FDA product code|Performance enhancements are made to the nightly FDA Product Code |

| |Agencies |query runs for 2+ hours.|Query that is run by setting up the appropriate System Parameters and |

| | | |Security Preferences. The system is now capable of processing |

| | | |approximately 500,000 records per hour. For more information, see the |

| | | |CM-US Support document "FDA Product Code Query Training Guide". |

| | | |(Internal ID KEC-17860) |

|KEC-18143 |ABI Processing |ACE Cargo Status Query, |The ACE Cargo Status Query (ABI > ACE Cargo Status) now sends the |

| | |with InBondNumber, is |correct data by now including only the In-Bond Number in the WR1 |

| | |sending the wrong data. |record. Previously, this query was incorrectly also including the |

| | | |Master Bill Number in this record, resulting in an error response. |

| | | |This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-18143, Case ID Incident 206713) |

|KEC-18338 |FTZ Admissions |DO printing issues with |The Bills of Lading grid at the bottom of the FTZ Delivery tab now |

| | |FTZ Admissions that have|displays the complete Master Bill number entered on the FTZ Admission |

| | |LONG BOL numbers. |tab up to a maximum of 35 characters, as should be the case. |

| | | |Previously, the final digits of Master Bill numbers greater than 12 |

| | | |characters in length were being truncated after the 12th character. |

| | | |This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-18338, Case ID TFS 151944) |

|KEC-18626 |General/ |Opening a file from |The functionality for opening a file from the Recent Files list at the|

| |Infra-structure/ |"recent files" list |bottom of the File menu now works correctly. Previously, selecting a |

| |Perfor-mance |gives "Unable to open" |file from this list resulted in an "Unable to open [File #]" pop-up |

| | |error. |error. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-18626) |

|KEC-19265 |Billing |Billing screen - Revenue|The "Revenue" fields in the Billing Header and Billing Charges |

| | |field show 0.00 if |sections on the Shipment Billing screen now re-display the correct |

| | |calculated difference is|amount (value of "A/R" field minus value of "A/P" field) when the |

| | |between (-0.01, -0.09). |calculated difference lies between negative 0.01 (-0.01) and negative |

| | | |0.09 (-0.09). Previously, the result of this calculation was not being|

| | | |saved to the database, so that when this screen was closed and then |

| | | |re-displayed, this value appeared either as .00 or sometimes as the |

| | | |result of a previous calculation. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID |

| | | |KEC-19265, Case ID 02102605) |

|KEC-19412 |Shipment Processing |When an EDI invoice is |Previously, when an EDI invoice was uploaded via the EDI Invoice |

| | |loaded via the |Upload screen accessed from the Commercial Invoice screen, the system |

| | |commercial invoice |incorrectly load the Discount Amounts. This issue is fixed, so that |

| | |within an entry, it will|Discount Amounts are now correctly uploaded in this case. (Internal ID|

| | |improperly load the |KEC-19412; Case IDs 02112770 , 02112770) |

| | |discount amounts. | |

|KEC-19463 |EDI Upload/ |AUTO_POP_UP_EDI_SHIPMENT|When a customer is set up with the Customer Preference |

| |Lights Out Entry/ |doesn't load the |AUTO_POP_UP_EDI_SHIPMENT set to "Y" and this customer is selected on |

| |Hands-Free Processing |EdiInvoiceParties to the|the EDI Shipment Upload screen (File > Load EDI) the system now |

| | |Shipment Header until |correctly loads the data and populates the fields on the Shipment |

| | |the user exits the file |Header. Previously, in this case, the system failed to populate the |

| | |and it never populates |fields with the EDI Invoice Parties until the user exited and |

| | |the Header consignee |re-opened the shipment file and never populated the Consignee fields. |

| | |field. |This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-19463, Case IDs 02395644, TFS |

| | | |156868) |

|KEC-19631 |Extracts/ |When no Vendor Aux |When a Vendor also exists as a Customer but no Vendor record exists in|

| |Integration |record exists, |the Vendor Aux Maintenance table (Support > V > Vendor Aux) and the |

| | |Customer/Vendor |user performs a Customer/Vendor Duplicate Check (Tools > |

| | |Duplicate Check does not|Customer/Vendor Duplicate Check) the system now correctly lists this |

| | |find duplicates. |Vendor Code as a Duplicate. Previously, the system failed to list the |

| | | |Vendor Code as a Duplicate in this case. The following SQL script is |

| | | |included for this resolution: VENDOR_AUX-KEC-19631.sql (Internal ID |

| | | |KEC-19631) |

|KEC-19834 |Extracts/ |Not all outbound |If an Invoice submitted to the Sage accounting system lacks a response|

| |Integration |messages BILLING_SAGE |from Sage, the system now records and displays this fact in the "Sage |

| | |have a response. |Extract Results Error" field on the Invoice Header Maintenance screen |

| | | |(Support > I > IND - IZ > Invoice Header) with the message "Response |

| | | |Not Received From SAGE". This action also reactivates the "Resend to |

| | | |Accounting" check box on the Shipment Billing screen so that the |

| | | |invoice can be resent to Sage. Previously, the system did not note if |

| | | |no response was received from Sage. (Internal ID KEC-19834) |

|KEC-19878 |Parts |PartsPlus not uploading |Part No., Description, Unit of Measure (UOM) and Value of UOM are now |

| | |all values after |correctly uploaded and displayed in the "Part No.", "Description", |

| | | update. |"UOM" and "Value" columns respectively in the grid on the Parts Entry |

| | | |pop-up screen when the user clicks the *+ Parts* button on the |

| | | |Commercial Invoice screen. Previously, the first three of these |

| | | |columns were blank in this case and the "Value" column displayed |

| | | |"0.00" in all cells. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-19878; Case|

| | | |IDs 02434398, 2586357) |

|KEC-19939 |Shipment Dates/ |Shipment Notes, manual |For Shipment Notes entered manually, the system now deletes the |

| |Notes/ |key a note (with a |special characters for a carriage return when writing these notes to |

| |Status |carriage return (enter) |the database. Previously it did not. (Internal ID KEC-19939, Case IDs |

| | |in it) doesn't strip out|02484587, TFS 159654) |

| | |the special characters. | |

|KEC-20070 |Com-mercial Invoice |CMUS - Part Search |Search functionality on the Part Search pop-up screen accessed by |

| | |doesn't search |clicking the Search button [?] next to the "Part Number" field in the |

| | |Description correctly. |Invoice Lines section of the Commercial Invoice screen now works |

| | | |completely and correctly. Previously, this field did not allow |

| | | |lower-case searches nor partial string searches that begin with a "%" |

| | | |character. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-20070) |

|KEC-20119 |FTZ Admissions |FTZ admission |For an FTZ admission, the system now posts the Cust. Ref. number |

| | |automatically creates |entered by the user on the Customer References/PO's pop-up dialog |

| | |the FTZ number as a |displayed by clicking the *Cust. Ref.* button on the FTZ Admissions |

| | |reference number, the |Header to the Cust. Ref. field on the FTZ Billing screen, as should be|

| | |issue is it uses the |the case. Previously, the system posted its own automatically |

| | |same sequence as the |generated reference number to this field. This issue is fixed. |

| | |customer entered one. |(Internal ID KEC-20119; Case IDs 02499569, TFS 160992) |

|KEC-20184 |Main-tenance Screens |Update a MOT or Entry |If an update is made by adding an Entry Type to the Profile Entry |

| | |type Exclusion on a |Exclusion Maintenance screen accessed by clicking the *Entry Types |

| | |charge profile and the |Exclusions* button on the Profile Charges Maintenance screen accessed,|

| | |date, name and time |in turn, by clicking the *Profile Charges* button on the Charge |

| | |modified does not update|Profile Maintenance screen (Maintenance > Reference > Billing > Charge|

| | |on the line it was done |Profile) the system now updates the "Modified By" fields on all three |

| | |on or the profile. |screens. Previously, this update was made only to the Profile Entry |

| | | |Exclusion Maintenance screen itself. (Internal ID KEC-20184, Case ID |

| | | |02501826) |

|KEC-20256 |Shipment Processing |System Parameter |If both System Parameters DIV_FOR_ENTRY_NO and ALLOW_INVALID_ENTRY_NO |

| | |DIV_FOR_ENTRY_NO is |are set to "Y", in addition to defaulting the Entry Number in the |

| | |defaulting the entry |"Entry No." field on the Shipment Header, the system now also allows |

| | |number from the setup |the user to enter an invalid Entry No. for the specified Division, as |

| | |division, however it is |should be the case. Previously, the system incorrectly returned the |

| | |stopping an invalid |following error in this case: "Entry No. not within range of Valid |

| | |entry no from being |Entry Numbers." This issue is fixed. See also KEC-19708. (Internal ID |

| | |entered even though the |KEC-20256, Case ID 02418791) |


| | |parameter is "Y". | |

|KEC-20278 |In-Bond |Customer is setup in |For In-Bond shipments, the system now always defaults the correct |

| | |import defaults to use |Address to the Consignee section of the Parties pop-up screen |

| | |address 2 for consignee,|displayed by clicking the *Parties* button on the Bills of Lading |

| | |inbond still defaults |sub-tab on the In-Bond Conveyance tab. This Address is identified by |

| | |address 1. |the number in the grid at the top of Address tab on the Customer |

| | | |Details Maintenance screen (Maintenance > System > Customer > |

| | | |*Details* button) as specified for the Consignee in the "Addr. #" |

| | | |field on the Import Def tab. Previously, Address No. 1 was always |

| | | |defaulted to this In-Bond section, requiring manual correction. This |

| | | |issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-20278) |

|KEC-20309 |ABI Processing |Processing of SX |Processing the SX Response message from Customs no longer incorrectly |

| | |Response receives java |results in a Java error. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-20309) |

| | |error - Unable to | |

| | |convert (000000-165) to | |

| | |a Long value. | |

|KEC-20325 |Main-tenance Screens |Trade Remedy does not |The Search function on the Trade Remedy Requirements screen |

| | |allow search on 6 digit |(Maintenance > Import > Trade Remedy Requirements) now works correctly|

| | |tariff. |when the user enters a six-digit tariff in the "Chapter 1-97 Tariff |

| | | |No" field, for example, "7206.90." (Section 232 Steel) and then clicks|

| | | |the *Search* button. Previously, in this case, the system incorrectly |

| | | |added four zeros after the last decimal place, and then displayed a |

| | | |"Results 0" message for the search. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID |

| | | |KEC-20325, Case ID 238850) |

|KEC-20342 |Validations |Validations are firing |Previously, Validation 11655 ("Required Trade Remedy tariff not used")|

| | |even when the effective |was being returned even when the Effective Date of the Validation was |

| | |date of the validation |in the future. This issue is fixed so that this Validation is now |

| | |is in the future. |returned correctly. (Internal ID KEC-20342, Case ID 02513749) |

|KEC-20488 |EDI Upload/ |PGA Parties are not |Partner Government Agency (PGA) Parties now load consistently via all |

| |Lights Out Entry/ |loading the same for EDI|EDI upload processes, including Hands Free, Shipment Header and |

| |Hands-Free Processing |H/F, Manual Shipment |Commercial Invoice EDI uploads, now loading by Pg Seq Nbr which is |

| |Partner Govern-ment |Upload and CI Header |consistent across all types of upload. This issue is fixed. (Internal |

| |Agencies |Upload. |ID KEC-20488, Case ID 02515772) |

|KEC-20502 |Billing |Billing - create a bill |If the user creates a bill on the Shipment Billing screen, saves it, |

| | |- do not prepare, save, |and then goes back and deletes this bill without preparing it, the |

| | |go back and delete, |system now deletes this record from the table on the Shipment Credit |

| | |record is left in |Chk Auth Maintenance screen (Support > ShipmentA-ShipmentI > Shipment |

| | |ShipmentCreditChkAuth |Credit Chk Auth), as should be the case. Previously, the system did |

| | |Maintenance Table. |not perform this deletion. (Internal ID KEC-20502) |

|KEC-20511 |EDI Upload/ |EDI Upload->When ET is |Previously, when an EDI shipment with Entry Type 86 was uploaded and |

| |Lights Out Entry/ |86 data is updating for |the shipment was opened, the Payment Type and Due Date were loading |

| |Hands-Free Processing |Payment type and pay |for the disabled fields resulting in a Validation error that could not|

| | |date which are in |be corrected, since both fields were disabled. This issue is fixed so |

| | |disable mode. |that the Payment Type and Due Date fields are now blank after the |

| | | |upload, as should be the case. (Internal ID KEC-20511, Case ID |

| | | |02567401) |

|KEC-20514 |Extracts/ |HandsFree ISF needs to |When the DEFAULT_DESTINATION_STATE Preference is set to "N" at the |

| |Integration |check |Root level, the Hands Free ISF upload process no longer assigns a |

| |EDI Upload/ |DEFAULT_DESTINATION_STAT|value to Destination State. Previously, this process did incorrectly |

| |Lights Out Entry/ |E preference. |assign this value in this case. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID |

| |Hands-Free Processing | |KEC-20514, Case ID Incident 241968) |

|KEC-20521 |EDI Upload/ |LOE hands free |Previously, a resource conflict occurred when when multiple users |

| |Lights Out Entry/ |ORA-00060: deadlock |uploaded large XML files via EDI/Lights Out Entry/Hands-Free |

| |Hands-Free Processing |detected while waiting |Processing at the same time, preventing the system from processing the|

| | |for resource. |files. This issue is fixed so that the system now correctly allocates |

| | | |the required processing resources in this case. (Internal ID |

| | | |KEC-20521) |

|KEC-20544 |Parts |When creating a part or |When creating or uploading or uploading a Part, the system now sets |

| | |uploading a part columns|the columns DATE_CREATED, TIME_CREATED, CREATED_BY in CAT_CI_LINES. |

| | |DATE_CREATED, |Previously, these columns were not being set by this process. This |

| | |TIME_CREATED, CREATED_BY|issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-20544, Case ID KEC-20544) |

| | |in CAT_CI_LINES is not | |

| | |getting set. | |

|KEC-20587 |Extracts/ |need better email for |Now, when the Send message of a CMUS customer to TMFF fails, the |

| |Integration |message "These are the |resulting email sent to the user now explains that cause of this |

| | |Customers not extracted |failure is that is that the Customer's "Financial System Acct No." |

| | |to TMFF |field is not populated with the following message: "Please check that |

| | |CUSTOMER" - tell |the Financial System Account No of the Customer table is populated." |

| | |why. |Previously, the cause of this failure was not explained in this email.|

| | | |(Internal ID KEC-20587) |

|KEC-20610 |Shipment Processing |ET 86 - 7501 is not |Updates are made for Entry Type (ET) 86 (Section 321). As these |

| | |required. |entries are filed for entries under $800, they do not require an |

| | | |Entry Summary (Form 7501) as they are brought into the country as |

| | | |duty, tax and fee free and are not liquidated. Section 321 entries are|

| | | |now filed with the ACE Cargo Release SE message. Duties, fees, taxes |

| | | |and bond calculations are no longer performed for ET 86. In addition, |

| | | |the following Validations are no longer performed on this Entry Type: |

| | | |1445 (“Payment Type indicator must match customer pay type”) |

| | | |4060 (“Power of Attorney invalid for entry type and port”) |

| | | |5026 (“Invalid IRS Number”) |

| | | |10297 (“Importer Information Missing”) |

| | | |The following requirements are now validated for ET 86: |

| | | |Entry Type 86 cannot be filed using the ACE Entry Summary Certified |

| | | |with Cargo Release. The value of "Certification CR ES" on the Shipment|

| | | |Header must be “N”. |

| | | |"Qty of Shipment Id" must be greater than zero and the UOM must not be|

| | | |blank. |

| | | |The Value Entered in CI Lines as calculated from all of the values |

| | | |that are entered on the Tariff Lines must be greater than zero. |

| | | |The value of "Send As Planned Port" on the Shipment Header must be |

| | | |"Y". |

| | | |Form 7501 is now queued with Cargo Release for Entry Type 86 in the |

| | | |Process Queue (Tools > Process Queue) without (as previously) waiting |

| | | |for a date before the form could be processed. In addition, the |

| | | |IMAGE_SHIP record in process queue Create/Form is sent to customer's |

| | | |imaging system. (Internal ID KEC-20610, Case ID 02552819) |

|KEC-20631 |ABI Processing |‘ABI Results’ queue - |When reviewing SO message files (ACE C/R Status Notification) via the |

| | |unable to view any |"ABI Results" queue, users can now view the details for any PGA SO |

| | |details for any PGA SO |responses. Previously this was not the case. This issue is fixed. |

| | |responses. |(Internal ID KEC-20631, Case ID 02549523) |

|KEC-20659 |General/ |Import purge java error |Previously, when the user selected the "Ran/Next Run Time" column |

| |Infra-structure/ |when clicking on next |header in the grid at the top of the Import Purge Configuration screen|

| |Per-formance |run date. |(Maintenance > System > Import Purge) to sort this list by the |

| | | |Ran/Next Run date and time, the system returned a Java error. This |

| | | |issue is fixed so this error is no longer returned. (Internal ID |

| | | |KEC-20659; Case IDs 02565242, TFS 164810) |

|KEC-20724 |FTZ Admissions |NF Results are not |All rejection messages in the FTZ Admission NF response message are |

| | |updating shipment notes.|now posted to Shipment Notes. Previously, some were not being posted. |

| | | |This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-20724; Case IDs 02567097, TFS |

| | | |165296) |

|KEC-20804 |Main-tenance Screens |All look-ups to the |All look-ups to the Trade Remedy Requirements Maintenance table |

| | |Trade Remedy |(Maintenance > Import > Trade Remedy Requirements) now use CA (Canada)|

| | |Requirements table need |for the Country of Origin instead of the Canadian province code, as |

| | |to use CA instead of |previously. (Internal ID KEC-20804) |

| | |Canadian province code. | |

|KEC-20811 |Parts |Java error using a part |The system no longer returns a Java error when a user, instead of |

| |Shipment Processing |in a shipment when |using the +Parts function, manually enters a Part Number in the "Part |

| | |manually keyed in the |Number" field on the Commercial Invoice screen. This issue is fixed. |

| | |part field, use +parts |(Internal ID KEC-20811) |

| | |loads without error. | |

|KEC-20910 |FTZ Admissions |FTZ Admission D/O is not|The value in the "Kg/Lb" field on the FTZ Admissions Delivery tab now |

| | |defaulting weight UOM |correctly defaults to "LB". Previously, this value was incorrectly |

| | |field. |defaulting to the value in the "Units" field on the main FTZ |

| | | |Admissions screen, resulting in this latter value being printed on the|

| | | |Delivery Order form. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-20910, Case|

| | | |ID 02581624) |

|KEC-20921 |Com-mercial Invoice |CM-US should not create |If a particular tariff entered on the Commercial Invoice screen causes|

| | |CI_LINE_FEES records |the Algorithm 'X' pop-up to be displayed and if the commodity is |

| | |when there are no fees. |claimed as exempt so that the user closes the pop-up screen without |

| | | |selecting an entry, the system no longer incorrectly creates a |

| | | |CI_LINE_FEES record when there are no fees. (Internal ID KEC-20921; |

| | | |Case IDs 2580729, 2580730 , 02580729 , 02580730, TFS 166607) |

|KEC-21051 |Extracts/ |Vendor Integration |Previously, when the number of Vendors returned by the Search function|

| |Integration |Extract: select ALL |on the Vendor Integration Extract popup dialog (Tools > Vendor |

| | |should not limit to 999.|Integration Extract) exceeded 1,000 not all Vendors would be |

| | |Oracle returns an error |extracted. This has been fixed. In addition, a new general preference |

| | |at 1,000. |EXTRACT_MAX_ROW_LIMIT is now provided. This Preference enables users |

| | | |to set the maximum number of Vendors returned. The value of this |

| | | |Preference can be set so that users can limit the number of Vendors in|

| | | |the extract for the Sage Accounting System ("Standard Vendor Extract |

| | | |for Sage" radio button) or TMFF ("TMFF Extract" radio button). |

| | | |(Internal ID KEC-21051) |

|KEC-21057 |Com-mercial Invoice |A full table scan is |Performance is enhanced for the following Part creation process. When |

| |General/ |being done on Cat Tariff|the user creates a shipment and enters a part on the Commercial |

| |Infra-structure/ |Class in the parts |Invoice screen which is not available for an 1-97 tariff that has 9903|

| |Perfor-mance |popup. |required tariffs, clicks the Create Part button, and then accepts the |

| | | |Part, the system now performs a much more efficient query on the Cat |

| | | |Tariff Class table to complete the process, display the Part and |

| | | |Tariff on the Parts and Parts Maintenance screens and load the Part |

| | | |into the shipment. (Internal ID KEC-21057, Case ID 02584515) |

|KEC-21062 |ABI Processing |Entry Summary Query not |For the Liquidation Type Status Code in the 43 record of the JB query,|

| | |updating correct |the system now returns the correct Liquidation Type Status Code. |

| | |Liquidation status code |Previously these CMUS codes did not match the CATAIR status codes. |

| | |from JB record pos 43. |This issue is fixed so that these CMUS codes now match those of |

| | | |CATAIR. (Internal ID KEC-21062, Case ID 248197) |

|KEC-21144 |EDI Upload/ |EDI Uploaded Flag on |When a shipment is validated, if an EDI Invoice Upload was performed |

| |Lights Out Entry/ |Shipment Header is not |on the Commercial Invoice screen, the value of the "Edi Uploaded" |

| |Hands-Free Processing |getting set properly |field on the Shipment Header Maintenance screen (Support > S > |

| |Shipment Processing |19.2.3 |ShipmentA-Shipmentl > Shipment Header) is now correctly set to "Y", as|

| | | |should be the case. (Previously, this value was not being correctly |

| | | |set.) This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-21144) |

|KEC-21158 |ABI Processing |Auto ACH Payments should|The Auto ACH Statement Authorization handler no longer authorizes |

| | |not authorize statements|statements that have already been authorized. Note that this issue was|

| | |already authorized. |resolved with the implementation of FRD 19003 Automation of Statement |

| | | |Payment at Customer Level. See the Release Note for KEC-19213. |

| | | |(Internal ID KEC-21158) |

|KEC-21235 |In-Bond |When the customer code |If the "Cust. ID" (Customer ID) field on an In-Bond shipment is |

| | |is missed on an inbond |missing a Customer Code and the user saves the shipment, the system |

| | |and save is clicked a |now displays a red field error to indicate the missing value. |

| | |java error occurs, we |Previously, a Java error was returned in this case. This issue is |

| | |shouldn't have a java |fixed. (Internal ID KEC-21235) |

| | |error we should make | |

| | |customer id red since it| |

| | |is required. | |

|KEC-21245 |Billing |Split billing not |On the Shipment Billing tab, for a regular non-prepared Manual bill, |

| | |allowing change to |users are now allowed to change the Invoice Date on a Split Billing. |

| | |Invoice Date on Invoice |Previously, the system did not allow this date to be changed in this |

| | |that has not been |case. (Internal ID KEC-21245, Case ID TFS 168071) |

| | |prepared. | |

|KEC-21258 |ABI Processing |Ace Cargo Status Query |All 12 possible alphanumeric characters for the Bill of Lading Number |

| | |report, cutting off MBL |(from the Master Bill of Lading or House Bill of Lading) requested |

| | |or HBL last digit-if 12 |when querying a bill as specified in the "Ocean/Rail/Truck Bill" field|

| | |long. |on the ACE Cargo Status screen (ABI > ACE Cargo Status) are now always|

| | | |displayed and printed on the C1 - ACE Cargo Status Query Rec Report. |

| | | |Previously, the final (12th) character was sometimes cut off on both |

| | | |the preview and printed versions. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID |

| | | |KEC-21258; Case IDs 02592060, 250369, 2651189, 02660338) |

|KEC-21266 |Main-tenance Screens |Valid IRS number not |The pop-up screen displayed by clicking the lookup button *[?]* for |

| | |found when trying to |the "IRS No." field on the Customer Maintenance screen (Maintenance > |

| | |update customer |System > Customer) now displays the information for all valid IRS |

| | |maintenance. |numbers entered in the "IRS No." field on the popup. Previously, this |

| | | |lookup functionality sometimes incorrectly returned a "0 record(s) |

| | | |found" message for some valid IRS numbers. This issue is fixed. |

| | | |(Internal ID KEC-21266; Case ID 02592647) |

|KEC-21277 |Ad-Hoc Query |Ad-Hoc Query, Shipment, |An Ad-Hoc Query Report (Tools > Ad-hoc Query) with the Exceptions |

| | |Exceptions Dates |table (Shipment Category) now includes the "Created Date" and |

| | |Created/Modified Issue. |"Modified Date" fields when these are specified as Selected Filters. |

| | | |Previously, this was not the case for the most recent CM-US releases. |

| | | |This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-21277, Case ID 02592893) |

|KEC-21311 |Validations |Validation 11653 |Validation 11653 ("Invalid format Steel or Aluminum Prod Exclsn No.") |

| | |(Invalid format steel or|now works correctly again. Previously, after a change in the database |

| | |aluminum prod exclusion |table for the data that this Validation checks, it was no longer being|

| | |no.) no longer |returned for these invalid Product Exclusion Numbers. This issue is |

| | |validating correct |fixed. (Internal ID KEC-21311, Case ID 02593654) |

| | |exclusion number format.| |

|KEC-21314 |General/ |Email Alerts are not |Email alerts for all PQ message failures are now sent to users. |

| |Infra-structure/ |being consis-tently sent|Previously, these alerts were not all being consistently sent in this |

| |Perfor-mance |for PQ failures. |case. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-21314, Case ID 02588339) |

|KEC-21322 |Forms/ |3461 - please print out |The system now rounds off the Value under Section 24 (Line |

| |Reports |rounded value on page 2 |Information) on page 2 of Form 3461 to the nearest dollar, per Customs|

| | |under section 24. |requirement. Previously, this value was printed to two decimal places,|

| | | |sometimes also resulting in a discrepancy between this value and the |

| | | |value to the nearest penny printed on Page 1 under "Description of |

| | | |Merchandise". This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-21322) |

|KEC-21345 |Extracts/ |TMFF job UOM has KGS and|When an EDI shipment file from TMFF with kilograms as the Unit of |

| |Integration |overwrites CMUS UOM |Measure (UOM) is received by and uploaded to CM-US, the system no |

| | |which was set to KG from|longer incorrectly overwrites the value "KG" with "KGS" in the "Uom |

| | |Shipment. |Weight" field on the Edi Shipment Header Maintenance screen (Support >|

| | | |E > EDI PgP - EDI PgZ > Edi Shipment Header) and in the "UOM" field on|

| | | |the Shipment Header. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-21345) |

|KEC-21366 |Main-tenance Screens |BIRD Customer Codes |The "Division No." field is now added to the BIRD Customer Codes |

| | |Maintenance needs |Maintenance screen (Maintenance > Import > BIRD Customer Codes) as |

| | |DIVISION NO. added to |required. Previously, this field was missing from this screen. This |

| | |UI. |issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-21366, Case ID 250483) |

|KEC-21381 |Partner Govern-ment |If Party Master has a |As should be the case, the "Code" field on the Affirmation of |

| |Agencies |FDA Registration # of |Compliance sub-tab of the FDA tab on the Partner Government Agencies |

| | |blank, null or zero it |screen now remains blank when the user creates a Party Master record |

| | |should not automatically|and the value in the "FDA Reg#" field on the Party Master popup screen|

| | |create the corresponding|is zero (0) or blank. Previously, in this case, the system incorrectly|

| | |AOCs. |populated the "Code" field with a zero, resulting in a Fatal |

| | | |Validation. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-21381, Case ID |

| | | |250257) |

|KEC-21383 |ABI Processing |Validation 577 Line |Validation 577 ("Line Value must be greater than zero") is now updated|

| |Validations |Value must be greater |so that it is returned for ACE C/R and C/R to prevent negative values |

| | |than zero needs to be |from being included in the SE message. The following SQL script is |

| | |flagged for ACE C/R and |included for this resolution: Added VALIDATION_CONTROL-KEC-21383.sql |

| | |C/R to prevent negative |file. (Internal ID KEC-21383) |

| | |values to be sent within| |

| | |the SE. | |

|KEC-21388 |Ad-Hoc Query |CUST_ADDRESSES fields |All the remaining fields from the Cust Addresses Maintenance screen |

| | |need to be added to |(Support > C > Cust-CZ > Cust Addresses) are now added to the |

| | |adhoc under Category |Addresses folder under the Customer category on the Ad-Hoc Query |

| | |Customer. |Search tree (Tools > Ad-hoc Query). Previously, only a subset of these|

| | | |fields were included under this folder. (Internal ID KEC-21388) |

|KEC-21392 |Billing |Force Inv Print Field is|The "Force Invoice Print" check box is added to the Charge Maintenance|

| | |missing from UI Charge |screen (Maintenance > Reference > Billing > Charge). Previously, this |

| | |Maint but is in Charge |check box was included on the Charge Maintenance Support screen but |

| | |Support Screen |was missing on the Charge Maintenance screen accessed from the |

| | | |Maintenance menu. (Internal ID KEC-21392, Case ID 02595757) |

|KEC-21399 |Validations |10928 APHIS/Lacey Party |Validation 10928 ("APHIS/Lacey Party Address is required") now works |

| | |Address is required, but|correctly and is returned if and only if the Country of Origin (C/O) |

| | |CBP only wants this if |is US, MX or CA, per the Customs requirement for the Party address in |

| | |C/O is US, MX or CA; |this case, including the state or province. Previously, this |

| | |this validation needs to|Validation was incorrectly returned for all Countries of Origin for |

| | |only fire if C/O is one |shipments with APHIS/Lacey data and needed to be manually canceled. |

| | |of those three, but the |This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-21399) |

| | |subentity (state) is | |

| | |missing or not in | |

| | |Country/Subentity | |

| | |maintenance. | |

|KEC-21406 |Shipment Processing |Expired Part can be |The "Part Number" field in the Invoice Lines section of the Commercial|

| | |entered in CM Shipment |Invoice screen now turns orange if a user manually enters the Part |

| | |Processing. |Number of an expired Part in the "Part Number" field and then tabs out|

| | | |of the field. Previously, the system gave no indication of this error |

| | | |even though it did not load the part. This issue is fixed. (Internal |

| | | |ID KEC-21406, Case ID 02650235) |

|KEC-21439 |Extracts/ |not all Customer records|An issue with missing Customer Codes on the Customer Integration |

| |Integration |included in Customer |Extract pop-up dialog (Tools > Customer Integration Extract) when |

| | |Integration Extract for |selecting the "All Customers" and "TMFF" radio buttons (for sending |

| | |All. |extracts to TMFF) is resolved. This issue occurred when the value for |

| | | |TMFF_PARTY_ID was blank in the Vendor table, causing some Customers to|

| | | |be "overlooked" by the system and not included in the returned list or|

| | | |set of extracts sent. The system now checks for this condition and |

| | | |indicates to the user that data corrections are necessary before they |

| | | |can perform the extract. Once the corrections are made, the program |

| | | |correctly displays all Customer Codes in the grid on this dialog in |

| | | |this case and sends extracts for all these to TMFF. Additionally, all |

| | | |duplicate Customer Codes are now noted when the number of Customer |

| | | |Codes is 1000 or greater. (Internal ID KEC-21439) |

|KEC-21458 |Main-tenance Screens |Trade Remedy-when |When an update is made to a Trade Remedy Program (for example, |

| | |updating an existing |changing one of the associated Tariff No.'s) on the Trade Remedy |

| | |record, after |Requirements Maintenance screen (Maintenance > Import > Trade Remedy |

| | |update/save there are |Requirements) and the update is saved, the system now deletes the line|

| | |now TWO records. |in the grid with the original data. (Previously it did not.) This |

| | | |issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-21458, Case ID 252679) |

|KEC-21464 |EDI Upload/ |EDI UPload process is |For an EDI upload, the system now processes NDC/Adjustments correctly |

| |Lights Out Entry/ |converting |when the "Pro Rate Freight Amt" and "Convert Freight Amt" check boxes |

| |Hands-Free Processing |NDC/Adjustments even |on the Edi Invoice Header Maintenance screen (Support > EDI Inv - EDI |

| | |when convert flag is set|O > Edi Invoice Header) are unselected. Previously, when the Invoice |

| | |to NO in EDI. |currency was CA (Canadian dollars), but the NDC/Adjusted Freight was |

| | | |in US dollars, the system was wrongly applying the US/CA Exchange Rate|

| | | |as should not be done in this case. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID |

| | | |KEC-21464, Case ID 252476) |

|KEC-21476 |ABI Processing |SE ABI Reject for |As required by Customs for the SE message, the system now includes the|

| | |missing value on SE60 |Line Value in the SE60 record If the Consignee Name and Address are |

| | |tariff under certain |provided in the SE30 to SE36 records, or in the SE50 to SE56 records |

| | |conditions for Trade |immediately preceding this SE60 record. Previously, the system was not|

| | |Remedy. |including this value in this case. (Internal ID KEC-21476, Case ID |

| | | |252196) |

|KEC-21477 |Main-tenance Screens |The charge description |The "Description" column in the Billing Profile Charges grid on the |

| | |does not display in |Billing sub-tab of the "Import Def" tab on the Customer Maintenance |

| | |customer maintenance |Details screen (Maintenance > System > Customer > *Details* button) |

| | |under charge profile if |now displays a description when the Charge Code is three digits or |

| | |the charge code is 3 |fewer. Previously, it did not in this case. This issue is fixed. |

| | |digits or less. |(Internal ID KEC-21477, Case ID 02684413) |

|KEC-21478 |Forms/ |7501 no longer printing |The system now prints the Additional Declarations in Box 33 of the |

| |Reports |Add'l Declaration in Box|Customs Entry Summary form (CMUS Form 7501) that are entered on the |

| | |33 |Add'l Declarations popup dialog displayed by clicking the Add'l |

| | | |Declarations button on the CI Line Optional Data screen accessed from |

| | | |the Commercial Invoice screen. Previously, these items were not being |

| | | |printed on this form. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-21478; |

| | | |Case IDs 02655052, 02654455) |

|KEC-21479 |Com-mercial Invoice |Long Invoice number(s) |The widths of the "Comm Inv. No." field in the Invoices section of the|

| |Main-tenance Screens |product ghost numbers at|Commercial Invoice screen and the "Ci No" field on the Ci Header |

| | |the end |Maintenance screen (Support > CB-CiHead > Ci Header) are increased, so|

| | | |that the full Invoice Number is now displayed in these fields. |

| | | |Previously, for long Invoice Numbers, this figure might be cut off |

| | | |requiring users to scroll. (Internal ID KEC-21479; Case IDs 2652127, |

| | | |02652127) |

|KEC-21507 |Main-tenance Screens |CMUS CUSTOMER |The "Modified by", "Date Updated" and "Time Updated" fields for a |

| | |modified-by name ,date |customer selected in the grid on the main Customer Maintenance screen |

| | |and time are not |(Maintenance > System > Customer) are now all updated when a Customer |

| | |updating to "today" when|Address is added or modified on the Address tab of the Customer |

| | |adding another customer |Details screen for that Customer. Previously, these fields were not |

| | |address |being updated in this case. (Internal ID KEC-21507, Case ID TEST |

| | | |2534/12190 BTP ADDRESS) |

|KEC-21530 |Partner Govern-ment |Compliance issue NMFS |A customer compliance issue with the formatting of the weight in the |

| |Agencies |Harvesting weight |"Harvesting Net Weight" field on the Main sub-tab of the NMFS |

| | |reporting not correct |(National Marine Fisheries Service) tab on the Partner Government |

| | | |Agencies screen is resolved. Previously, no decimal point was allowed |

| | | |in this field, with the last two digits in the numerical string |

| | | |representing the two decimal places (currently always zeroes, since |

| | | |this weight is only calculated to the nearest whole number). For added|

| | | |clarity and usability, a decimal point is now added before the final |

| | | |two zeroes. (Internal ID KEC-21530, Case ID 02654764) |

|KEC-21542 |ABI Processing |PGA Correction sending |CM-US now sends the correct Disclaimer Code "PS1" (Government Agency |

| |Partner Govern-ment |wrong Program Code for |Program Code) in the PGA Corrections message (PGA Corrections button |

| |Agencies |EPA Pesticides. |on Shipment Send tab) for the Environment Protection Agency (EPA). |

| | | |Previously, the system was sending an erroneous "PST" value for this |

| | | |code, resulting in the "CA DATA REJECTED" with "INVALID DISCLAIMER |

| | | |CODE PER PGA" message from Customs. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID |

| | | |KEC-21542, Case ID Incident 252569) |

|KEC-21544 |Ad-Hoc Query |Add Center Id field to |The "Center Id" field (Optional Data screen accessed by clicking the |

| | |AdHoc - Shipment |*Optional Data* button in the button bar at the bottom of the Shipment|

| | |category. |Header) is now added to the Ad-Hoc Query Search tree (Tools > Ad-hoc |

| | | |Query) directly under the Shipment Category. (Internal ID KEC-21544, |

| | | |Case ID 02659104) |

|KEC-21549 |EDI Upload/ |Customer last-used date |For a shipment uploaded via EDI, the "Last Used" date field on the |

| |Lights Out Entry/ |is not updating via EDI.|Customer Maintenance screen (Maintenance > System > Customer) is now |

| |Hands-Free Processing | |updated to the upload date for the Customer associated with the |

| | | |shipment. Previously, the system was not posting this update. |

| | | |(Internal ID KEC-21549, Case ID 253648) |

|KEC-21557 |Ad-Hoc Query |AdHoc - IS_PGA of |In the Ad-Hoc Query Search tree (Tools > Ad-hoc Query) the Is Pga file|

| | |TARIFF_OGA_CLASS is |under the Shipment Category (Shipment > Comm. Inv. > Comm. Inv. Lines |

| | |defined as Binary, and |> Tariff OGA Class > Is Pga) now has the "B" value included in the |

| | |should be Character. |Selected Filters grid for the From-To range. Is Pga of Tariff OGA |

| | | |Class can have a value of "B" (for "both") as well as "Y" or "N", so |

| | | |that it is now defined as "character". Previously, this element was |

| | | |incorrectly defined as binary (value of "Y" or "N" only). This issue |

| | | |is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-21557, Case ID Incident 252710) |

|KEC-21577 |Shipment Processing |Latency Issue Opening |As should be the case, when the user selects Tools > Change CI Number,|

| | |the file after changing |and then changes this number on the Change Commercial Invoice No. |

| | |the CI number via the |popup dialog, the old record is now correctly deleted from the Lock |

| | |Tools menu option |Shipments Maintenance table (Support > L > Lock Shipments). |

| | |(Change CI Number). |Previously, the system did not delete the appropriate record from this|

| | | |table in this case and caused the system to freeze if the user |

| | | |attempted to delete it manually. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID |

| | | |KEC-21577, Case ID 02660727) |

|KEC-21578 |Com-mercial Invoice |Java error attempting to|Previously, when the user attempted to change a Commercial Invoice No.|

| | |change a Alpha Character|that occupied the maximum 22-character length of the "CI No. Change |

| | |CI number via the tools |From" field on the Change Commercial Invoice No. pop-up dialog (Tools |

| | |menu option (Change CI |> Change CI Number) or this Commercial Invoice No. contained a special|

| | |Number) when the CI NO |character, the system incorrectly returned a Java error. This issue is|

| | |is the full 22 |fixed so that this error is no longer returned in this case. (Internal|

| | |characters of the field.|ID KEC-21578) |

|KEC-21591 |Billing |Alternate Billing - IC |For an Inter-Company (IC) Billing Code with the Alternate XML Billing |

| | |Billing code is not |format that enables integration with an external system, the CM-US |

| | |saving after save and |system now displays the IC Billing Code under the "Bill To" field on |

| | |then Invoice Prepared. |the Shipment Send screen as follows. The user completes the |

| | | |information on this screen, selects the "Prepare Invoice" and "Create"|

| | | |check boxes, and then clicks the Billing Invoice button to create the |

| | | |Invoice. Previously, the IC Billing Code was not being displayed in |

| | | |this case. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-21591) |

|KEC-21597 |Shipment Processing |Export Price Loading |When a shipment is created by uploading an EDI file (File > Load EDI) |

| | |Incorrectly from EDI. |the Export Price is now displayed correctly in the "Export Price" and |

| | | |"Export Charges" fields on the Licenses/Certificates popup dialog |

| | | |accessed by clicking the Licenses/Certificates button on the CI Line |

| | | |Optional Data screen (Optional Data button in the Invoice Line Tariffs|

| | | |section of the Commercial Invoice screen). Previously, these fields |

| | | |displayed multiple zeros in this case even though the data were |

| | | |uploaded correctly. (Internal ID KEC-21957, Case ID 02658721) |

|KEC-21617 |Parts |Parts XML Upload - |Parts XML Upload functionality now works correctly. Previously, if the|

| | |CreateUpdate creates new|Preference NEW_LINE_SEQUENCE was set to "Y" and an existing Part |

| | |Cat Tariff Lines instead|Number with CAT Tariff Lines as SEQ 10, 20 was updated by the |

| | |of updates. |CreateUpdate subaction in the XML, the CAT Tariff Lines were added as |

| | | |new lines with sequence numbers 100 and 200, incorrectly resulting in |

| | | |four CAT Tariff Lines instead of the original two. This issue is |

| | | |fixed. (Internal ID KEC-21617) |

|KEC-21631 |EDI Upload/ |EDI - issue with loading|For an EDI upload, the system now correctly posts values to the tarrif|

| |Lights Out Entry/ |multiple tariff lines on|lines on the Invoice Line Tariffs grid on the Commercial Invoice |

| |Hands-Free Processing |one CI line, |screen. Previously, lines with duplicate values were sometimes posted.|

| | | |This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-21631, Case ID 02662443) |

|KEC-21632 |Ad-Hoc Query |AdHoc has issues when |Issues when using the "Activity" and "Cust ACH" fields under the |

| | |using 'customer' fields |Billing folder in the Shipment Category Search tree on the Ad-Hoc |

| | |like 'Cust ACH' or |Query Screen (Tools > Ad-Hoc Query) are resolved. The following SQL |

| | |'Activity'. |script is included for this resolution: |

| | | |AD_HOC_FIELD_MASTER-KEC-21632.sql (Internal ID KEC-21632, Case ID |

| | | |Incident 254456) |

|KEC-21667 |EDI Upload/ |Handsfree - null pointer|Previously, for a Hands-Free upload, if a Commercial Invoice line had |

| |Lights Out Entry/ |exception if bad country|an invalid Country of Origin and the associated part was defined in |

| |Hands-Free Processing |origin for part with |Parts Maintenance with an ADA/CVD Case, the system returned a Java |

| | |ADA/CVD case. |error with no explanation. This issue is fixed so that, in this case, |

| | | |the upload process continues without this error. (Internal ID |

| | | |KEC-21667, Case ID 02663034) |

|KEC-21668 |ABI Processing |Auto ABI Statement is |Auto ABI Statement processing now works correctly in the following |

| | |not working based on |case. If the General Preference AUTO_ABI_STATEMENT_AUTH_IMPORTER is |

| | |preference setup. |set to "Y" at the Root level but the Customer Preference |

| | | |AUTO_ABI_STATEMENT_AUTH_IMPORTER for the Customer specified on the |

| | | |Shipment Header is set to "N", the system no longer incorrectly |

| | | |authorizes an Auto ABI statement with the value of the "Payment Type" |

| | | |field set to "3 - Importer" . This issue is fixed. (Internal ID |

| | | |KEC-21668) |

|KEC-21698 |Extracts/ |TMFF billing, do not |When the job XML is processed for a TMFF shipment, the system no |

| |Integration |send email when no |longer sends an email if there is no Invoice Header record. This is |

| | |Invoice Header record. |because users need to know about new PreBill Lines records if an |

| | | |Invoice has been created but not if no invoice has been created yet. |

| | | |Previously, an email was sent in this case. This issue is fixed. |

| | | |(Internal ID KEC-21698) |

|KEC-21712 |Docu-mentation |Shipment documentation |The following Shipment Documentation for Web Services is updated to |

| |Web Services |for web services missing|include a number of previously missing fields: |

| | |some In-Bond fields. |schema_shipment_20200128.xsd, schema_shipment_20200128.xml and |

| | | |Shipment_20200128.xlsx for Web Services. (Internal ID KEC-21712) |

|KEC-21733 |Recon-ciliation |Recon MID |Recon MID Inclusions/Exclusions now work correctly with both Auto and |

| | |Inclusions/Exclusions |Blanket flagging. Previously, they did not. This issue is fixed. |

| | |not working properly |(Internal ID KEC-21733) |

| | |both Auto and Blanket | |

| | |flagging. | |

|KEC-21801 |Recon-ciliation |Contact and contact |Per CATAIR requirement, the name in the "Contact Name" field on the |

| | |email should always be |Recon Shipment Header is now always in all capital letters. Even if |

| | |in uppercase per CBP |the user types it in without pressing the Shift or Caps Lock keys, it |

| | |CATAIR for Recon. |appears in this field in all uppercase, is sent in the RE message to |

| | | |Customs in all uppercase and is stored in the database in all |

| | | |uppercase letters. (Internal ID KEC-21801) |

|KEC-21805 |Extracts/ |XML from TMFF contains |The description specified in the |

| |Integration |Description tag, but |[Description] tag in the XML file received |

| | |that Description is not |from TMFF is now loaded into the Desc Of Goods field on the EDI |

| | |loaded to |Shipment Header Maintenance screen (EDI PgP - EDI PgZ > Edi Shipment |

| | |EDI_SHIPMENT_HEADER. |Header) as should be the case. Previously, this data was not being |

| | | |loaded into this field. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-21805) |

|KEC-21853 |ABI Processing |FDA - Prior Notice = 'N'|If the "FDA Prior Notice Req" check box on the Fda Product Maintenance|

| |Partner Govern-ment |- should not create |screen (Maintenance > Reference > Import > PGA > PGA A-I > FDA |

| |Agencies |tracing date 99275 |Product) is unselected (resulting in the "Include Prior Notice" check |

| | |"Prior Notice Arrival |box on the Main sub-tab of the FDA tab on the Partner Government |

| | |Date". |Agencies screen being disabled) the system now works as follows. |

| | | |Tracing Date 99275 ("Prior Notice Arrival Date") is no longer posted |

| | | |to the grid on the Shipment Dates tab. (Internal ID KEC-21853, Case ID|

| | | |Incident 254731) |

|KEC-21862 |Excep-tions/ |Exception Original date |Issues with the original Exception Date either not being written to |

| |Escalations |is either not being |the Shipment Dates grid or being overwritten by the wrong date are |

| | |written or is being |resolved. Previously, when an Exception was marked as Resolved on the |

| | |overwritten when |Exceptions tab of the Exceptions/Escalations screen and then saved, |

| | |resolved is checked or |the original Exception Date was not posted to the Shipment Dates grid |

| | |unchecked. |(only the Resolved Date was posted). Additionally, if the Resolved |

| | | |check box was unselected and the shipment saved, the Exception Date |

| | | |was updated in the Shipment Dates grid, which should not be the case. |

| | | |This issue is fixed so that now both dates are correctly posted to the|

| | | |Shipment Dates grid and unselecting the Resolved check box only |

| | | |deletes the Resolved date. (Internal ID KEC-21862) |

|KEC-21872 |Recon-ciliation |Recon Trade Remedy Duty |For Recon Trade Remedy Duty Section 301, the duty is now calculated |

| | |Section 301: Duty not |correctly in the Recon Underlying Tariff Lines grid on the Recon |

| | |calculating correctly. |Entries tab of a Recon shipment. Previously, this duty was calculated |

| | | |incorrectly for the total of all the lines instead for the single |

| | | |tariff. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-21872, Case ID 02672315)|

|KEC-21889 |Recon-ciliation |Recon Calc is deleting |The system now correctly manages the Recon Entry Fee records on the |

| | |or altering HMF Entry |Recon Header Fees Maintenance screen (Support > R > Recon > Recon |

| | |Fee records for entries |Header Fees) for the Harbor Maintenance Fee (HMF) records associated |

| | |using 9808 and 9803 |with the 9803.00.50 and 9808.00.3000 tariffs during and after the |

| | |tariffs. |calculations (Recon Calc) process. Previously, after calculations were|

| | | |performed, the system was incorrectly clearing the Original Fee Amount|

| | | |from this Table for 9803.00.50 and deleting the Recon Entry or Entries|

| | | |with the 9808.00.3000 tariff. (Internal ID KEC-21889) |

|KEC-21911 |Shipment Processing |Any billing-only files |With the ALLOW_QUICK_OPEN_SHIPMENT Preference set to "Y", users can |

| | |opened, with no Entry No|now create a new Shipment file, input information on the Bills of |

| | |input, show Header blank|Lading pop-up screen and in various Header fields (Division, File No.,|

| | |when go back in from |Customer, Importer, Entry Type, Trans. Mode, Country of Origin, |

| | |Find Shipment. |Country of Export, etc.) while leaving the Entry No. field blank, save|

| | | |and exit the file, and then re-open the saved Shipment File and |

| | | |continue data entry. Previously, in this case, the Shipment Header was|

| | | |blank and the user had to re-enter the data. This issue is fixed. |

| | | |(Internal ID KEC-21911; Case IDs 02680076, 2680946, 02683207) |

|KEC-21915 |Main-tenance Screens |Search Customer Address |The Search function on the Customer Maintenance screen (Maintenance > |

| | |does not return all |System > Customer) now returns all the address information associated |

| | |addresses within search |with the selected customer, including all multiple addresses, in the |

| | |range and if the address|results grid. Previously, for this search, the system only returned a |

| | |is greater than address |single address (which address depending on the Search criteria) for a |

| | |1. |customer with multiple addresses. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID |

| | | |KEC-21915) |

|KEC-21916 |Validations |Validation 1826 |For Validation 1826 ("Commodity Fee required - Entry Type 86 not |

| | |(Commodity Fee required |allowed") the help text in the "How to Resolve" box on the Customs |

| | |- Entry Type 86 not |Validations sub-tab of the Shipment Validations tab is updated for |

| | |allowed) "Help Text" |greater clarity as follows. This text now reads: "Review |

| | |Needs to be updated. |Classification, if Tariff No is correct, a type 01 consumption or type|

| | | |11 informal entry must be filed." The following SQL script is included|

| | | |for this resolution: VALIDATION_HELP-KEC-21916.sql (Internal ID |

| | | |KEC-21916, Case ID 257421) |

|KEC-21940 |EDI Upload/ |EDI Hands Free. |With the following settings on the Edi Shipment Header (Support > E > |

| |Lights Out Entry/ |Certification_CR set to |EDI PgP - EDI PgZ > EDI S > Edi Shipment Header): |

| |Hands-Free Processing |Y. Shipment gets created|* "Certification Es" check box unselected |

| | |with A. |* "Certification Cr Es" check box unselected |

| | | |* "Certification Cr" check box selected |

| | | |the system now creates the shipment with a correct value of "N" in the|

| | | |"Certification Cr Es" field on the Shipment Header Maintenance screen |

| | | |(Support > S > ShipmentA-ShipmentI > Shipment Header). Previously, |

| | | |this process resulted in an incorrect value of "A" resulting in the |

| | | |wrong value in the "Release" field on the Shipment Header and |

| | | |non-acceptance by Surety. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-22073)|

|KEC-21943 |Shipment Dates/ |CPSC SO70-Shipment date |For a shipment with CPSC data and the indicator MOVE TO SECURE HLDING |

| |Notes/ |and dashboard work mgmt |FCLTY in the SO70 return message line, the system now posts the |

| |Status |status is getting |correct Tracing Date (94125 - "CPSC Move to Secure Hldng fclty") to |

| | |updated wrong for MOVE |the Shipment Dates grid and the Dashboard Work Management screen. The |

| | |TO SECURE HLDNG FCLTY |following SQL script is updated for this resolution: |

| | |Status. |ABI_RETURN_CODES-KEC-21609.sql (Internal ID KEC-21943) |

|KEC-21944 |EDI Upload/ |Consolidated being sent |When the value of the tag in the uploaded XML is "Y" |

| |Lights Out Entry/ |in XML as Y. Shipment |(Y Upload Recon) when the Load Actual Duty/Fees check box is not|

| | |recon that has HTS #s |selected, the system now calculates the duties and fees for data with |

| | |which use any algorithm |Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) Numbers that includes all Algorithm |

| | |except 7, we are not |Method numbers. Previously, the system was performing these |

| | |loading the algorithm. |calculations consistently only for Algorithm Method 7 ("Advalorem Rate|

| | | |x Value"). This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-21996; Case IDs |

| | | |2680959, 02680959) |

|KEC-22045 |ABI Processing |ABI Return Code NS30 2H |Per CATAIR requirements, for the ABI Return Code for NS30 which is 2H |

| |Shipment Dates/ |has the wrong Tracing |("CBPA miscellaneous hold placed at port of discharge") the system now|

| |Notes/ |Date. |creates the correct Tracing Date 90057 ("CBP Notice CBP hold placed").|

| |Status | |Previously, it created the incorrect Tracing Date 90026 ("Cargo |

| | | |Manifest USDA Holds APHS"). The following SQL script is included for |

| | | |this resolution: ABI_RETURN_CODES-KEC-22045.sql (Internal ID |

| | | |KEC-22045, Case ID Incident 258965) |

|KEC-22059 |Recon-ciliation |Recon with recon entry |For a RECON_ONLY upload from a spreadsheet (Recon > Upload Recon) the |

| | |number original HMF goes|Original Fees amount is now retained on the Entry Fees pop-up screen |

| | |missing after |accessed from the Reson Entry Work screen and the Recon Entry Number |

| | |(RECON_ONLY) upload from|original HMF is retained. Previously, these items were lost during |

| | |spread-sheet. |this process. (Internal ID KEC-22059, Case ID 258845) |

|KEC-22061 |In-Bond |Inbond Header not |The system now returns a red field error when the user enters an |

| | |validating invalid SCAC |incorrect SCAC (Standard Carrier Alpha Code) in the "In Bond Carrier" |

| | |code. |field on the In-Bond Shipment Header tab. (Internal ID KEC-22061, Case|

| | | |ID 258862) |

|KEC-22083 |ABI Processing |ACE Cargo status query |An issue with release dates not being deleted when there is a RELEASE |

| | |C1 logic not updating |SUSPENDED (99) code being sent is resolved. When the system processed |

| | |dates correctly. |the SO correctly but the user performed an ACE Cargo Status query, the|

| | | |C1 was not being processed correctly and the release date was being |

| | | |restored to the file, so that the dates were not being updated |

| | | |correctly. This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-22083, Case ID |

| | | |02683676) |

|KEC-22087 |Shipment Processing |Unlock Multiple |Previously, the system was allowing users to unlock shipments that |

| | |Shipments is allowing |were not locked, and then incorrectly posting Shipment Date 182 |

| | |user to unlock a file |("Entry UnLock Date"). This issue is fixed so that users can no longer|

| | |that is not locked and |specify the "Unlock Shipment" option for shipments that are not |

| | |setting date 182. |locked. (Internal ID KEC-22087, Case ID TFS 172622) |

|KEC-22108 |Forms/ |7533 Inward Cargo |The metadata Index file for Form 7533 (Inward Cargo Manifest Form) now|

| |Reports |Manifest Form Document |includes a tag with a value of "CBP7533", as should be|

| | |Metadata Index File |the case. Previously, this tag was missing for this Form, resulting in|

| | |missing DocumentClass |the failure of this Form to be processed by the Process Queue (Tools >|

| | | |Process Queue). This issue is fixed. (Internal ID KEC-22108) |

|KEC-22160 |Main-tenance Screens |Recon |The bottom section of the Recon sub-tab on the Import Data tab of the |

| |Recon-ciliation |Exceptions(Inclusions/ |Customer Details screen (Maintenance > System > Customer > *Details* |

| | |Exclusions) should show |button) now includes the following label: "Exemptions |

| | |"Valid for Value Recon |(Inclusions/Exceptions)-Valid for Value Recon Only". The last part of |

| | |Only". |this description is added to clarify for users the nature of this |

| | | |information. (Internal ID KEC-22160) |

|KEC-22165 |FTZ Admissions |FTZ Admission Screen DO |Previously when a user created a Delivery Order (DO) on the FTZ |

| | |Preview Screen giving |Admissions Delivery screen with pertinent data (including additional |

| | |error that data must be |Container details via the *Container* button, saved the data, and then|

| | |saved. |attempted to preview the DO, the screen incorrectly displayed the |

| | | |message "Unsaved Changes, Preview is not enabled". This is issue is |

| | | |fixed, so that users can now display a preview in this case. (Internal|

| | | |ID KEC-22165; Case IDs 02687338, TFS 172858) |

|KEC-22174 |Main-tenance Screens |Charge should not allow |The Charge Desc Maintenance screen (Support > C > CB-CiHead > Charge |

| | |characters it is a |Desc) now allows only numeric characters in the "Charge Alpha" field |

| | |numeric field (off |and only alphanumeric characters in the "Charge Desc" field (no |

| | |support menu), charge |special characters). (Internal ID KEC-22174, Case ID 02689266) |

| | |description should not | |

| | |allow special | |

| | |characters. | |

|KEC-22177 |ABI Processing |In-Bond WT reject should|The In-Bond NS message "INBOND ARRIVED" posts tracing date 93 |

| |In-Bond |not change |("In-Bond Arrived") and the In Bond Arrived" check box on the In-Bond |

| | |IN_BOND_ARRIVED from 'Y'|Header is selected (value of "Y"). Previously, a WT message rejection |

| | |to 'N'. |incorrectly unselected this check box. (Some data may have been |

| | | |rejected, but the shipment still has the status of "arrived".) This |

| | | |issue is fixed, so that this check box is no longer unselected in this|

| | | |case. (Internal ID KEC-22177, Case ID Incident 256578) |

|KEC-22178 |ABI Processing |InBond WT reject should |The following scenario now works correctly for an In-Bond WT |

| |In-Bond |update an existing |rejection. When the first In-Bond QP send results in a QT rejection, |

| | |tracing date 99608 |this posts Tracing Date 99608 ("In-bond Shipment CBP Rejected") A |

| | |"In-bond Shipment CBP |subsequent WT rejection message now updates the Date Updated for |

| | |Rejected". |Shipment Date 99608 with the date of the WT rejection. (Internal ID |

| | | |KEC-22178, Case ID Incident 256578) |

|KEC-22188 |Ad-Hoc Query |AdHoc needs Validation |For the file "Error Message Text" under the Validation Errors folder |

| | |description. |in the Search tree for the Shipment category on the Ad-Hoc Query |

| | | |screen (Tools > Ad-hoc Query), the error message texts of all the |

| | | |Validations are now displayed on the Preview screen when this field is|

| | | |selected. The following SQL scripts are included for this resolution: |

| | | |- AD_HOC_FIELD_MASTER-KEC-22188.sql |

| | | |- AD_HOC_HIERARCHY-KEC-22188.sql |

| | | |- AD_HOC_TABLE_MASTER-KEC-22188.sql |

| | | |- AD_HOC_TABLE_JOIN_X_REF-KEC-22188.sql |

| | | |(Internal ID KEC-22188, Case ID Incident 259340) |

|KEC-22191 |Extracts/ |Alt_Shipment Extracts |The USE_TEMP_FILENAME value for the "Property Key" field on the |

| |Integration |file names not creating |Extract Property Maintenance screen (Support > E > Extract > Extract |

| | |with *.tmp initially |Property Maintenance) now works correctly in creating Alt_Shipment |

| | |when USE_TEMP_FILENAME |Extracts filenames with *.tmp. (Internal ID KEC-22191) |

| | |Parameter setup. | |

|KEC-22318 |Billing |FRD 20003 - Standard |Previously, if the user changed the Entry Fee on the Shipment Billing |

| | |Charge that were not |screen, saved the change and then added the Vendor, the associated |

| | |modified is updating the|line in the Billing Charges grid was also updated when it should not |

| | |ORIGINAL_CHARGE_AMT, |be. This issue is fixed so that this process now works correctly |

| | |OVERRIDE_DATE and |irrespective of the order in which this information is entered and |

| | |OVERRIDE_MODIFIED_BY |saved. (Internal ID KEC-22318) |

| | |updated when it should | |

| | |not be. | |

|KEC-22339 |EDI Upload/ |Null exception pointer |If the Preference EDI_UPLOAD_OVERRIDE_SETTING was not set as either a |

| |Lights Out Entry/ |if general preference |General Preferences or a Customer Preference, the system was returning|

| |Hands-Free Processing |EDI_UPLOAD_OVERRIDE_SETT|a Java error. This is issue is fixed so that this error is no longer |

| | |ING does not exist. |returned in this case. (Internal ID KEC-22339) |


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