
nDifference Between sys,System:- The?SYS?user is automatically granted the?SYSDBA?privilege upon installation. When you log in as user?SYS, you must connect to the database as?SYSDBA?or?SYSOPER. Connecting as a?SYSDBA?user invokes the?SYSDBA?privilege; connecting as?SYSOPER?invokes the?SYSOPER?privilege. EM Express allows you to log in as user?SYS?and connect as?SYSDBA?or?SYSOPER.When you connect as user?SYS, you have unlimited privileges on data dictionary tables. Be certain that you do not modify any data dictionary tables.Sys : - The SYS user is granted the SYSDBA privilege, which enables a user to perform high-level administrative tasks such as backup and recovery.System : - This account can perform all administrative functions except the following:Backup and recoveryDatabase upgradeWhile this account can be used to perform day-to-day administrative tasks, Oracle strongly recommends creating named users account for administering the Oracle database to enable monitoring of database activity.DifferencesSYSDBA is not a privilege, when the user identity to SYSDBA log?database, user will become SYS. ???SYSDBA landing can?open, close the?database,?create?the SPFILE, the?database?restore operation, and these are the DBA?role?cannot be realized,SYSDBA is the system permissions, DBA is the user object privileges,SYSDBA:? Perform STARTUP and SHUTDOWN operations? ALTER DATABASE: open, mount, back up, or change character set? CREATE DATABASE? DROP DATABASE? CREATE SPFILE? ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG? ALTER DATABASE RECOVER? Includes the RESTRICTED SESSION privilege? Allows a user to connect as user SYS.SYSOPER? Perform STARTUP and SHUTDOWN operations? CREATE SPFILE? ALTER DATABASE OPEN/MOUNT/BACKUP? ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG? ALTER DATABASE RECOVER (Complete recovery only. Any form of incomplete recovery, such as UNTIL TIME|CHANGE|CANCEL|CONTROLFILE requires connecting as SYSDBA.)? Includes the RESTRICTED SESSION privilege? Allows a user to perform basic operational tasks, but without the ability to look at user dataOS Authentication: - the user does not required to input database password. He can connect directly with the user using operating system authentication.Note : - ops$ ---means tim is os user as well database user so that ops$ is prefix in the database user.Oracle understand that os and database users are same.[root@node1 ~]# [root@node1 ~]# [root@node1 ~]# useradd tim_hall[root@node1 ~]# passwd tim_hallChanging password for user tim_hall.New UNIX password: BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a dictionary wordRetype new UNIX password: passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.[root@node1 ~]# su tim_hall[tim_hall@node1 root]$ [tim_hall@node1 root]$ . oraenvORACLE_SID = [tim_hall] ? orclEnter user-name: sys/oracle as sysdbaConnected to:Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing optionsSQL> SQL> SHOW PARAMETER os_authent_prefixNAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------os_authent_prefix string ops$SQL> SHOW PARAMETER os_authent_prefixNAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------os_authent_prefix string ops$SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> CREATE USER ops$tim_hall IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY;User created.SQL> GRANT CREATE SESSION TO ops$tim_hall;Grant succeeded.SQL> exitDisconnected from Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options[tim_hall@node1 root]$ Sqlplus /SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Dec 14 16:22:16 2016Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.Connected to:Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing optionsSQL> If you are a member of the OSBACKUP GROUP ,and you specify AS SYSBACKUP when you connect to the database ,you connect to the database with the SYSBACKUP administrative privilege under the sysbackup user.CPU/Sesssion : - a CPU/Session limitation of 1000 means that if any individual session that uses this profile consume more than 10 seconds of CPU time(cpu time limitation are in hundredths of a second)that session receives an error and is logged off.CPU/Call : - A per call limitation does the same thing ,but instead of limiting the user’s overall session,it prevents any single command from consuming too much CPU.If CPU /call is limited and the user exceeds the limitation ,the command aborts.The user receives an error message such as the following.ORA-02393: exceeded call limit on CPU usagePASSWORD_REUSE_MAX : - PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX specifies the number of password changes required before the current password can be reused.PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME : - Password validity in daysPASSWORD_REUSE_TIME : - specifies the number of days before which a password cannot be reusedPASSWORD_GRACE_TIME : - Specify the number of days after the grace period begins during which a warning is issued and login is allowed. If you omit this clause, then the default is 7 daysPASSWORD_LOCK_TIME : - Specify the number of days an account will be locked after the specified number of consecutive failed login attempts. If you omit this clause, then the default is 1 day.LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION?Specify the permitted number of data blocks read in a session, including blocks read from memory and disk.LOGICAL_READS_PER_CALL?Specify the permitted number of data blocks read for a call to process a SQL statement (a parse, execute, or fetch).PRIVATE_SGA?Specify the amount of private space a session can allocate in the shared pool of the system global area (SGA)COMPOSITE_LIMIT??Specify the total resource cost for a session, expressed in?service units. Oracle Database calculates the total service units as a weighted sum of?CPU_PER_SESSION,?CONNECT_TIME,?LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION, and?PRIVATE_SGA. ................

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