Europass CV

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|Europass | |

|Curriculum Vitae | |

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|Personal information | |

|First name(s) / Surname(s) |Ioana Albu |

|Address |No.1/B, Deltei Street |

| |RO-410019 Oradea (Romania) |

|Telephone(s) | |Mobile |+40(0)722/418142 |

|Fax(es) |- |

|E-mail(s) |i_albu_unv@ |

|Nationality |Romanian |

|Date of birth | |

|Gender |F |

| | |

|Desired employment / Occupational field |ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING |

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|Education and training | |

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|Dates |02/10/1987 - 15/06/1991 |

|Title of qualification awarded |B.A. English Language and Literature-Geography, 1991 |

|Principal subjects / occupational skills |English Language and Literature(Early-English to post-modernism), English Grammar, English Phonetics, English |

|covered |Language Teaching; Geography of Continents, Economic and Political Geography |

|Name and type of organisation providing |Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania (State University) |

|education and training |, Cluj-Napoca (Romania) |

|Level in national or international |ISCED 1 |

|classification | |

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|Dates |04/10/1996 - 15/06/2000 |

|Title of qualification awarded |B.A. Political Sciences, 2000 top graduate |

|Principal subjects / occupational skills |Law[EU Law; EU Policies and Institutions]; International Law, Constitutional Law, Human Rights Law, Criminal Law,|

|covered |Civil Law, Diplomatic and Consular Law], Political Sciences [International Relations, International |

| |Organizations, Comparative Political Systems, International Political Economy] |

|Name and type of organisation providing |University of Oradea, Faculty of Law (State university) |

|education and training |No.1 Armatei Romane Str., Oradea (Romania) |

|Level in national or international |ISCED 1 |

|classification | |

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|Dates |01/10/1998 - 18/10/2003 |

|Title of qualification awarded |2003, PhD with distinction Cum Laudae |

|Principal subjects / occupational skills | Philosophy, dissertation on Thomas Hobbers: Between Reason and Revelation |

|covered | |

|Name and type of organisation providing |Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Philosophy (State university) |

|education and training |, Cluj-Napoca (Romania) |

|Level in national or international |ISCED 1 |

|classification | |

| |O |

|Dates |01/10/2003 - 15/10/2005 |

|Title of qualification awarded |M.A. in European Community Law, 2005 |

|Principal subjects / occupational skills |Law, European Union Law |

|covered | |

|Name and type of organisation providing |University of Oradea, Faculty of Law (State university) |

|education and training |No.1, Armatei Romane Str., Oradea (Romania) |

|Level in national or international |ISCED 1 |

|classification | |

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|Work experience | |

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| |* 01/10/2011 – present , senior lecturer, PhD, with tenure, Faculty of History, International Relations, |

| |Political Sciences and Communication Sciences; lecturing at the specializations in the English Language |

| |-International Relations-European Studies) |

| | |

| |* 2012-2016 member of the Senate of the University of Oradea, elected for a second term of office 2016-2020 |

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| |* 01/01/2011 – present, trainer and examiner BRIDGE LANGUAGE STUDY HOUSE – ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING ORADEA, No. |

| |26, Teiului Str.,Oradea |

| | - international |

| |language certificates, ELT, IELTS training, teaching individual and group courses of English, mainly foreign |

| |students (Norway, Korea, Nigeria) |

| | |

| |* 2008 – 2011 – Associate Professor, University of Alicante, Spain, lecturing in a Masters Degree Course European|

| |Master en Ingles y Espanol para Fines Especificos, English for Law, Human Rights |

| | |

| |* 2010 – 2012 – Visiting Professor, University of Perugia, Italy, Dipartimento Science Umane e della Formazione, |

| |lecturing in the field of Sociolinguistics |

| |* 2013 Paragon Europe Malta, training project Management |

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| |* 2014 Erasmus ST University of Wroclav, Poland; |

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| |* 2015 Erasmus TA, University of Porto, Portugal, lectures in English for Tourism |

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| |* 2015 Erasmus TA, University of Vilnius, Lithuania, Faculty of Communication, lecturing on Communication in the|

| |English Language |

| |* 2016 Erasmus ST, University of the Highlands and the Islands, Scotland, UK |

|Dates |01/09/2004 - 01/10/2011 |

|Occupation or position held |senior lecturer with tenure, Head of Department of Political Sciences and Communication Sciences (two terms of |

| |office) |

|Main activities and responsibilities |related to the academic position of lecturer in English and Political Sciences; managerial & administrative |

| |responsibilities within the department |

|Name and address of employer |University of Oradea, Faculty of Political Sciences and Communication Sciences |

| |Universitatii Str. No.1, Oradea (Romania) |

|Type of business or sector |Higher Education |

| | |

|Dates |01/10/2003 - 01/09/2008 |

|Occupation or position held |associate professor, |

|Main activities and responsibilities |lecturing in English at a Masters level, Module: European Political Integration |

|Name and address of employer |The West University of Timisoara, S.I.S.E.C [School of High Comparative European Studies] |

| |Bd. Vasile Parvan Nr.4, Timisoara (Romania) |

|Type of business or sector |Higher Education |

| | |

|Dates |01/09/1993 - 01/09/2004 |

|Occupation or position held |Lecturer (with tenure), Head of Department – Department of Foreign Languages |

|Main activities and responsibilities |Lecturing in English- ESP (English for Law, Business English), managerial and administrative tasks within the |

| |department |

|Name and address of employer |University of Oradea, Faculty of Economics, Law and Political Science |

| |No.1, Armatei Romane Street, Oradea, Romania (Romania) |

|Type of business or sector |Higher Education |

| | |

|Dates |01/09/1992 - 02/09/1996 |

|Occupation or position held |assistant lecturer |

|Main activities and responsibilities |lecturing in English Language and literature, specialization courses, training and research |

|Name and address of employer |University of Oradea, Faculty of Philology, Department of Foreign Languages |

| |Universitatii Str. No.1, Oradea (Romania) |

|Type of business or sector |Higher Education |

| | |

|Dates |1992 - 1993 |

|Occupation or position held |assistant lecturer on probation |

|Main activities and responsibilities |training and specialization, holding seminars in English language and literature, ESP |

|Name and address of employer |University of Oradea, Faculty of Letters and Sciences, Department of Foreign Languages |

| |Armatei Romane Str, No.1, Oradea (Romania) |

|Type of business or sector |Education |

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|Personal skills and competences | |

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|Mother tongue(s) |Romanian |

| | |

|Other language(s) | |

|Self-assessment | |Understanding |Speaking |W r i t i n g |

|European level (*) | |Listening |Reading |Spoken interaction |Spoken production | |

|English | |

| | |

|Social skills and competences |Ability to work well in a team, ability of working and interacting with people of different levels, cultures and |

| |levels |

| | |

|Organisational skills and competences |Management and administrative skills, managing and organizing the department for two terms of office at each of |

| |the two faculties, ability and long experience in evaluations, supervising MA dissertation thesis, examination |

| |boards, quality assurance activities of evaluation at the level of the home university and national level |

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|Computer skills and competences |computer skills required for working out computer documentation, internet |

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|Artistic skills and competences |Music, poetry, art, literature |

| | |

|Driving licence(s) |B |

| | |

|Additional information |* 1990 Bucharest – The Ministry of Culture - Certificate of Translator in Economics, grade 10 (out of 10); |

| |* 1999 Bucharest – The Ministry of Justice- Certificate of Translator-Law; |

| |* 2005: The British Council Bucharest - Cambridge University ESOL Examinations-BEC Certificate [Business English]|

| |* 2005: The European Language Certificates - TELC WBT Weiterbildungs – Testsysteme GmbH, Germany; Communication &|

| |Competence, qualified and licensed to act as examiner for TELC-Certificate of Oral Examiner in Business English |

| |* 2002-present Vice-president of the SRSP [RSPS] [Romanian Society of Political Sciences] |

| |* 2006-2011 expert evaluator ARACIS [Romanian Agency for Accreditation of Quality in Higher Education],Bucharest|

| |* 2005-present expert evaluator CNCSIS [National Council of Scientific Research], Bucharest |

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|Annexes | |

| |List of project memebership and activity |

Project activity

1. Project FP7-SSH-2013-1- Collaborative project-GA Nr. 613344, MIME [MOBILITY AND INCLUSION IN MULTILINGUAL EUROPE] - coordinated by the University of Geneva, University of Oradea member, Ioana Albu – secretary of project member UO, period of implementation 2015-2018;

2. Contract European Commission, Project- "The fight against trafficking in human beings in EU: promoting legal cooperation and victim’s protection"(HOME/2010/ISEC/AG/054) EC - DG Home Affairs Titular project: Centro de Estudios Sociais – Universidad de Coimbra, Portugal. Partners: University of Oradea-member Value of project 228.579,21 € Period of implementation : 2011/2013

3. Programme d’action communautaire en matičre de formation professionnelle, Programul Leonardoda Vinci – Mobility Project, Deuxičme phase 2000–2006: “Vocabulaires specifiques et usages linguistiques dans les domains economique, administrative et juridique: un outil de travail esentiel pour la communication dans la perspective de l’integration de la Roumanie dans les structures officielles europeennes”, 2004, European Comission:

Partners: Centro Andaluz de Formation Integral en Hosteleria y Turismo de Interior

(Consorcio Hacienda „La Laguna”)

Université d’Alicante, l’Espagne;

University of Oradea, Faculty of Economics -Department of Foreign Languages

Department of Foreign Languages – Economics and Law

4. European Center for Modern Languages (E.C.M.L), Graz, Austria, Workshop No. 4/2004 “Words beyond meanings” within the framework of project Y.2 of the ECML’s medium-term programme of activities 2004-2007, Graz, Austria, 24-25 September 2004, Council of Europe;

Coordonator proiect: Andrew Tollett, Universitatea West Bohemia

Members: Reeli Torn, Universitatea din Tartu, Estonia

Ioana Albu, Universitatea din Oradea;


coordinated by Universitatea „Politehnica” din Bucuresti, approved in 2002.

Partners: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Lambrakis Research Foundation

FIM – Psychologie Universitat

Abo Akademi

Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov

Universitatea de Vest Timisoara

Romanian Learning Network

Finalizat cu diploma de participare 2004: formator „Content Development”;

Coordonator proiect: prof.univ.dr. Anca Dodescu

6. BRITISH COUNCIL BUCHAREST – UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK, UK, EUROPEAN STUDIES PROJECT:”Teaching European Union Structures and Institutions”, 2000- 2005; EU Policies and Institutions Team:

Coordinators project: dr. Bardi Mirela – British Council, Bucuresti

dr. Philippa Sherrington – University of Warwick, UK;

Members: Ioana ALBU, Veaceslav Berbeca, Ana Maria Barsan,

Ruxandra Ivan, Sergiu Miscoiu, George Poede, Bogdan

Stefanachi, Marina Tataram, Ovidiu Vaida, Ioana Vadasan


Project financed by the Townhall of Oradea,

Director project: lecturer univ.dr. Sorin Borza- Primaria Oradea/Universitatea Oradea,

Members: prof.univ.dr. Lia Pop

conf.univ.dr. Ioana Albu

lector univ.dr. Florin Ardelean

asist.univ.dr. Marius Tatar

6. TEACHING FELLOWSHIP, MINISTRY of EDUCATION SPAIN, University of Alicante, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Master Europeo en Ingles Espanol para Fines Especificos, Albu Ioana, November 2006-January 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010/2011

Oradea, January 30-th, 2017 Ioana Albu


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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