2495550285750INSTRUCTIONS FOR CARE OF THE MOUTH FOLLOWING ORAL SURGERYIF YOU HAVE HAD INTRAVENOUS ANESTHESIA IN OUR OFFICE TODAY, YOU WILL NEED TO REMAIN AWAKE FOR THE ENTIRE DAY TO FOLLOW THE POST OPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS.BLEEDINGMEDICATIONSSWELLINGFOODSMOKINGORAL HYGIENEImmediately after Surgery, bite with firm pressure on the gauze pack(s) for 45 to 60 minutes. To stop the bleeding, the gauze pack(s) must be placed and held over the surgical site(s) while biting the teeth together. When biting on gauze, you must bite and swallow your saliva. Do not allow the saliva to collect in your mouth as this increases bleeding. Change the gauze every 30 minutes as necessary. Moisten gauze with cold water before placing in mouth.Extra gauze will be sent home with you. Do not rinse, spit, or drink through a straw the day of surgery as this will cause bleeding. It is normal for some oozing of blood to occur up to 24 hours after surgery. If bleeding does not decrease after 1-1.5 hours of biting on additional gauze pads, get a tea bag (included in post-op pack) wet with tap water, wrap it in a gauze and bite firmly. If bleeding continues after 30 minutes of biting pressure on a tea bag, telephone this office.Follow the instructions on the prescription label. Take medication before numbness wears off. Do not take the medication on an empty stomach. Any medication given for infection (antibiotic) should be taken until it is gone. If you develop a rash or hives, discontinue all medication and contact this office.Apply ice pack to the outside of your jaw immediately upon your return home. Use the ice pack 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off for at least 6 hours after surgery. This will reduce the swelling and discomfort. On the second to fifth days after surgery, moist heat should be applied to the jaw for 20 minutes 3 times a day. Swelling peaks 48 hours after surgery and should resolve in 4-5 days. To reduce swelling keep your head elevated at a 45 degree angle when reclining for the first 48 hours following surgery. Do not lie flat, especially when sleeping. Bruising may occur as early as the second day after surgery. Most bruising is normal and will resolve in 7 days.You may eat 1-2 hours after surgery. A cold liquid diet (iced tea, Jell-O, pudding, ice cream, smoothies, juices) is recommended for the first day. The second day you may have soft foods (scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, pasta) and then progress as you feel comfortable. Skipping meals will delay healing.Do not smoke, vape, or use smokeless tobacco following surgery for at least 5 days. This will cause increased bleeding, dry sockets, and delays healing.Do not brush your teeth the day of surgery as this can cause bleeding. Start brushing the morning after surgery.RINSINGDRY SOCKETNAUSEASUTURESACTIVITYDo not rinse for 24 hours after surgery because vigorous rinsing causes bleeding and may cause a dry socket After 24 hours gently rinse with salt water 4-5 times a day.Mix ? teaspoon salt in an 8oz. glass of warm water. Avoid rinsing with mouth wash containing hydrogen peroxide as this dissolves the blood clot.Normal healing after tooth extraction should be as follows: The day of surgery is uncomfortable and there is some degree of swelling and stiffness. On the second & third day, swelling peaks and these will be the most uncomfortable days. You may gradually begin a more substantial diet. From the third day on, STEADYIMPROVEMENT should mark the balance of your post-operative course. If a DRY SOCKET occurs (loss of blood clot from the socket) usually on the 3rd to 5th day, there is noticeable, distinct, persistent throbbing pain in the jaw, often radiating toward the ear and forward along the jaw to cause other teeth to ache. If you do not see steady improvement during the first few days after surgery, do not suffer needlessly. Call the office and report symptoms so you can be seen as soon as possible.This may be caused from swallowing a small amount of blood, taking medication on an empty stomach, or occasionally due to the anesthesia. If nausea persists, contact this office.Most sutures dissolve or fall out on their own in 5-7 days.The day of surgery it is important to go home and rest. If intravenous anesthesia is used on the day of surgery do not operate a motor vehicle.If you have any concerns or questions about this information, please contact our office at (540) 432-1300. Normal office hours are Monday - Thursday 8:00am -5:00pm and Friday - Saturday 8:00am - 12:00 pm After hours, please call our answering service at (540) 227-0707 ................

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