
Group 1 White

Kinyaa?anii Dzi? t?a?nii Azee?tsoh Dine'? TTMzhii dine? Bit?ah?nii Halgai dine? * Shash dine? * Naad??? dine? * Naay?z? dine? *

Group 2 Blue

Hon?gh?ahnii T??ahan? Ta?neeszahnii Hashk?TMTM hadzoh? Nih?b?anii Ts?ah yisk?idnii Dzi? t??ahnii Dzi? n??oodi?nii


Navajo Clan Chart

Bear Protector White Shell Cane Leader

Towering House Near the Mountain Big Medicine People Turkey People Within His Cover People of the Valley Bear People Corn People The Squash People

Cougar Protector Turquoise Cane Spiritual Leader / Healer

One Who Walks Around Near the Water Tangle Yucca Fruit Strung Out Gray Streaked Ends Sage Brush Hill Mountain Cove The Turning Mountain

Group 3 Yellow

Big Snake Protector Abalone Shell Cane Educator

T?d?ch?ii?nii Tsin sikaadnii Yoo? dine? B??h bitoo?nii T??g? dine? T?dik?zhi T? baazhn??zh? * Naak?t??h? * B??hy??zh dine? * K?aa? dine? * K?aa? hin?anii * Yoo? dine? T?d?ch?nii* Ts?gh??din?nii dine? *

Bitter Water Clamp Tree Bead People Deer Spring Zia Pueblo Salt Water Two Who Come to the Water Flat Foot People - Tohono O?odam Little Deer People The Arrow People The Living Arrow The Bead People of Bitter Water Crystal Rock

Group 4 Black

Porcupine Protector Jet Black Cane Farming and Artist Leader

Hasht??ishnii T? tsohnii Hooghan ?an? Dzaan??z ?an? Ts? deeshgiizhnii L?k?aa? dine? Bit?ahnii

Mud Clan Big Water Many Hogans Many Mules Rock Gap Reed People Within His Cover

Shash N?shd??

T??iish Tsoh



Group 5 (Dark Green)

T?bTMTMh? Haltsoo? T? baazhn??zh? Naad??? dine? T? bTMTMh? * Naasht?zh? dine? T?bTMTMh? *

Group 6 (Red)

T?chii?nii N?t?oh dine? Y?'ii dine? D?lii dine? T??iz? daalch?? * Naaneesht?zh? Tachii?nii * N??da? dine? Tachii?nii * Naasht?ezh? dine? * B??h dine? T?chii?nii * Gah dine? T?chii?nii*

Group 7 (Brown)

Ts? n?j?kin? Dib? ?izhin? /sh??h? Ma?ii Deeshgiizhnii Kin ?itsonii Dzi? N??oodi?nii /sh??hnii

Group 8 (Orange)

T? aheedl??nii Naakai dine? K?ha?atiinii * N?oda?i dine?*

Group 9 (Lavender)

Tsi?naajinii Deeshchii?nii Kin ?ich??'nii T?èãshch?? T??z? ??n? Ts? nahabi?nii * Shash dine? / Naasshashi * T"iis Ch?b?anii *


Navajo Clan Chart

Water Edge Meadow People Two Who Came to the Water Water Edge Corn Water Edge Zuni

Red Running into the Water Tobacco People Giant People Blue Bird Red Goat The Charcoal Streaked of the Red Running into the Water The Ute People of the Red Running into the Water Zuni People Deer People of the Red Running into the Water Rabbit People of the Red Running into the Water

Honey Combed Rock or Cliff Dwellers Black Sheep Salt Coyote Pass- Jemez Yellow House Turning Mountain Salt People

The Water Flow Together The Mexican People The Foot Trail People Ute People

Black Streak Wood People Start at the Red Streak People Red House The Red Bottom People Many Goat Sleep Rock People The Bear People Gray Cottonwood Extending Out

* An adopted Clan


A??TMTM Dine?

Other tribes and ethnic Clan Groups

Native American Tribes

Bits? Yisht?izhii

Group 10 (Light Green) Apache

Naashgali chish? Dzi? gh?? Beehai

Group 11 (Light Green) Hopi

Mescalero Chiricahua White Mountain Jicarilla

Ayah Kinii dine? Oos??

Polacca Oraibi

English Clan Name

Hopi Clan

Navajo Adopted

Tobacco Rabbit Roadrunner Sun Parrot Sand Rattlesnake Lizard Butterfly Cloud Snow Fog Coyote Eagle Grey Hawk Sparrow Hawk Kachina Bluebird Squash Crane Sunforehead Water Water Coyote Badger Maasaw Fire Bamboo Spider Bear Strap Greasewood Corn Flute Deer

Pipwungwa Tapwungwa Posiwungwa Taawawungwa Kyarwungwa Tuwawungwa Tsuaewungwa Kunkutswungwa Poovalwungwa Oomawaewungwa Nuvaewungwa Pamoswungwa Iswungwa Kwaawungwa Masikwaywungwa Kyelwungwa Katsinwungwa Torswungwa Paatangwungwa Atokwungwa Qalwungwa Patkiwungwa Paaeiswungwa Honanwungwa Maswungwa Kookopwungwa Paaqapwungwa Kookyangwungwa Honwungwa Pikoswungwa Tepwungwa Piikyaswungwa Enwungwa Alwungwa

N?t?oh dine? Gahtsoh dine? Naats?dl?zhii dine? J?honaa—| dine? Ts?dii y??ti? dine? S?? dine? T?ish ?n?n?g?? dine? Na?ash??ii dine? k"aal?gii dine? K?os dine? Yas dine? /h? dine? Ma?ii dine? /ts? dine? Ginitsoh ?ib?h? dine? Tsidii?b?h? dine?

D?lii dine? Naay?z? dine? D??? dine?

T? dine? Ma'ii t? Nahashch?idi dine?

K?? dine? L?k?aa?tsoh dine? Na'esj??ii dine? Shash dine?

D?w?izhii dine? Naad??? dine? Diss dine? B??h dine?


A??TMTM Dine?

Group 12 (Light Green) Pueblos of the Rio Grande

Towo?nii Kin ?ich?inii Anaashash? Ts?ta?kin T?hajilohnii S??beehooghanii Kin ?igai dine? Naatooh? T??oh ?ikizh? dine?

People of the Sacred Spring Red House Bear Enemies House Between Rocks Drawing Water from a Well House Made of Sand White House River Enemy Spotted Grass

Group 13 (Light Green) Pueblos of Jemez River

Ma?iideeshgiizhnii T??g? Dahmi

Coyote Gap People Weavers

Group 14 (Light Green) Pueblos of Mount Taylor

To??n? dine? T???n? biy??zh dine? Haak?oh

Many Water People Offspring of Much Water People People of Acoma

Group 15 (Light Green) Zuni


Dark Streak People

Group 16 (Light Green) People of the Southern and Western Arizona

K?t??h? K?giizh? Diizh?? G??n?inii Dilz?ehi

The Barefooted Ones Sandal Wearers

Group 17 (Light Green) Uto-Aztecan

B?y?odzin N??da?i

The Friendly Ones

Group 18 (Light Green) People of the North

Hak?az dine?

The Cold Blooded People

Taos San Juan Santa Clara San Ildefonso Santa Domingo San Felipe Sandia Isleta Tesuque

Jemez Pueblos Zia Pueblos Santa Ana

Laguna Acomita Acoma


Pima Tohono O?odham Yavapai Havasupai Mohave

Paiutes Utes



A??TMTM Dine?

Group 19 (Light Green) Plain Indians

Halgai Hot??l Dine'?

K?awa Naa??n?

Many Enemy People

Kiowa Comanche/Sioux

Group 20 (Light Green) Other Adopted Clans

B??htsoh dine? Iich?TMh dine? Jaa?yaal?olii dine? T??sz?li dine? Tsin yeena?alo?ii dine? K? ha?atiinii dine? Adoots'osnii dine? T??z? ?izhin? dine? B??h y??zh dine? Dichin dine? Kin ?itsonii dine? T?d?diin dine?

Big Deer People Moth People The Sticking Up Ears People The Light-Water People Tree Stretcher / Carries with Wooden Stick People The Foot Trails People Narrow Gorge People Black Goat People Little Deer People Hunger People Yellow House People Corn Pollen People

Group 21 (Purple) European Bilag?ana

B??sh bich?ahii Doohats?y??ti? K?tsin?

Metal Hat One you can't Understand Wooden Shoe

German Italian Dutch

Group 22 (Gray) African

Naakaii ?izhinii

Black People that Wanders in Group


Group 23 (Pink) Asians

Bin???adaa?ts??z? Bitsii?yisbizhii

Group 24 (Gold) Spanish

Japanese Chinese

Naakaii Naakaii?b?h?

Those that Wander in Group

Mexican Spanish




Produced and Developed by chinle Curriculum Center Chinle Unified School District No. 24 P.O. Box 587 - Chinle, Arizona 86503



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