Science and Mathematics Education

For Applicants Desiring Preparation for Teaching

Basic Mathematics, Advanced Mathematics, Biology, Integrated Science, Chemistry, or Physics

At the Middle and/or High School Level

Application Packet

Application Screening Starts: January 6, 2012

Applicants must complete two applications:

1. Professional Teacher Education Licensure Program: Science and Mathematics Education; and

2. Graduate Admissions to Oregon State University (completed online)

|Professional Teacher Education Licensure Program: Science and Mathematics Education |

|Applicants are strongly advised to keep copies of all materials submitted. |

|Submit 2 copies to: Professional Teacher Education Program |

|Science and Mathematics Education |

|104 Furman Hall |

|Corvallis OR 97331-3502 |

|The application and checklist signed and dated. |

|TSPC Character Questions form required by the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission. |

|Transcripts from each college or university attended, including OSU. (While original transcripts are needed for the graduate school application, copies are |

|acceptable for the program application) |

|Content Knowledge Form typed or formatted on a computer. These can be found on the program website. |

|An essay describing your professional goals and/or purposes and motivation for participating in the program. The essay is sent to public schools when we |

|request placements for internships. The essay should be approximately 500 words in length, or about two typed, double-spaced pages. Your essay will be |

|carefully reviewed by university faculty, public school teachers and administrators to help determine your eligibility for the professional program. It |

|should represent your best writing. |

|Your résumé including: education, practicum or teaching experience, other work experience, honors, activities, and interests. |

|Three letters of recommendation. It is strongly recommended that you keep a copy of each of these letters for your files. You will need them if you apply for|

|scholarships. |

|One letter must come from an educator who has observed you in a formal school setting, attesting to your competence working with |

|school-age children at the authorization level(s) you are seeking. |

|A second letter must attest to your academic ability. |

|The third letter may fit into either of the above categories or be from an employer. |

Graduate Admissions to Oregon State University

Application for Graduate Admission to Oregon State University may be completed online at:

Important: For preparation to teach Basic or Advanced Mathematics, apply to the MS in Mathematics Education (Graduate Major Code: 5620); for preparation to teach Integrated Science, Biology, Chemistry or Physics, apply to the MS in Science Education (Graduate Major Code: 6100)

Note: Official Transcripts from each college and university attended (including OSU if applicable) will be required to complete your graduate school application.


Initial Teaching License

Application Packet

Oregon State University offers a Professional Teacher Education Program to prepare public school teachers for 21st century schools in early childhood (age 3 - grade 4), elementary (grades 3-8), middle (grades 5-8), and high school (grades 7-12) education.

In this packet you will find: Admission requirements and procedures, an application form and checklist, the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) character questions form, and information on authorization levels and testing information.


Admission to the Professional Teacher Education Program is selective and competitive. Consequently not all applicants are admitted. Applications received after the deadline may be considered on a space-available basis only after all those received by the deadline have been fully considered. Within OSU’s Guiding Principles, the Professional Teacher Education Program recognizes a responsibility to society to contribute to its social, aesthetic, and economic well-being. Diversity is a key to the success of our programs. Our programs open the doors wider for any groups that are under-represented or that have suffered from discrimination.

You must be admitted as a graduate student in the Science and Mathematics Professional Teacher Education Program leading to the Initial Teaching License. Students not admitted to a degree-granting program are not eligible for financial aid of any kind.

While admission to the program is not contingent upon passing the CBEST or equivalent, the ORELA, and the appropriate Pearson subject matter tests (see testing information on page 8 for specific requirements), they are recommended and required for final licensure. If admitted, all testing must be completed by the end of September.

Admission Requirements for Programs and Criteria:

1. A bachelor's degree (necessary for admission to all graduate degree programs), documented by official transcripts of grades.

2. A minimum grade-point average of 3.0 in the last 90 quarter credits of graded undergraduate work and all work completed thereafter (necessary for admission to all graduate degree programs), documented by official transcripts of grades.

3. Competence in the chosen subject area, documented by the content knowledge form and transcripts.

4. Competence in working with school-age children or youth at the middle or high school level at in schools or social service settings, documented by letters of recommendation, admissions interviews, statement of professional goals, and the résumé).

5. Demonstrated effectiveness in oral and written communication (documented by letters of recommendation, written statement of professional goals, résumé, and interview, if required).

6. Sincere and appropriate desire to become a public school teacher and an understanding of the life demands placed on a teacher (documented by letters of recommendation, statement of professional goals, résumé, and interview).

7. Truthful answers to Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) character questions (documented by the TSPC Character Questions form). Note: Successful applicants by Oregon law must submit one fingerprint card for processing by the Oregon State Police and the FBI.


1. Applicants are responsible for assuring that all sources of admission evidence (other than interview results) are in their application files in Room 104 Furman Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-6508 by the application deadline. Applicants are also responsible for assuring that all admission criteria are addressed by the sources of evidence (other than interview results).

2. Applications are reviewed by screening committees to identify candidates who are qualified based on the evidence available.

3. Following the initial screening, qualified applicants may be required to interview with OSU faculty members. The interview may also include public school educators. The interview team adds its assessments to the applicant’s file.

4. Following the interview, the faculty for the teacher education program considers all evidence and makes admission recommendations to the Director.

5. Applicants who meet the application deadline and complete the process above are typically notified of the program admission decision in writing.


The Licensure Application and Graduate Admission Applications are typically submitted at the same time. The Oregon State University Graduate Admission application should be completed online at . Refer to the following information for the appropriate addresses:

Licensure Application Graduate Application

| | |

|Professional Teacher Education Program |Office of Admission & Orientation |

|Department of Science and Mathematics Education |Graduate School, 300 Kerr |

|104 Furman Hall |Oregon State University |

|Oregon State University |Corvallis OR 97331-2106 |

|Corvallis OR 97331-3502 | |

Oregon State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability or veteran's status in any of its policies, procedures or practices.

NOTE: Be sure to use the correct Graduate Major Code to assure that your admissions

application is sent to Science and Mathematics Education

Science Education Major Graduate Major Code: 6100

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Physics

• Integrated Science

Mathematics Education Major Graduate Major Code: 5620

• Basic Mathematics

• Advanced Mathematics

Oregon State University

Graduate Level

Professional Teacher Education Program

Program Application, Initial Teaching License


Complete applications must be received NO LATER than the application deadline on the front cover. Applications received after this date will be considered on a space available basis only after those received by the deadline have been considered. Applicants are responsible for completing their files. Please KEEP COPIES of all materials submitted.

| | |

|NAME: |( ) |

|Last First Middle | |

| |Home Phone |

| | |

|Student ID Number (if applicable):___________________________________ | |

| |( ) |

| | |

|Birth Date: |Work Phone |

| | |

| | |

|Mailing Address: |( ) |

| |Cell Phone |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Email Address: | |

Please circle the endorsement subject area you wish to enter:

(See Oregon Teaching Authorizations located in this packet)

Endorsement Area: Authorization Level:

Mathematics Education Middle Level/High School

(Select from the following endorsements below)

• Basic Mathematics

• Advanced Mathematics

Science Education:

(Select from the following endorsements below)

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Physics

• Integrated Science

Application Checklist

|Submit two (2) complete copies of the application. Applicants are strongly advised to keep copies of all materials. |

|Submit to: Science and Mathematics Education, 104 Furman Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331-3502: |

| |

|___ 1. The Professional Teacher Education Program application for science and mathematics education. |

| |

|___ 2. This checklist signed and dated. |

| |

|___ 3. TSPC Character Questions form required by the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission. |

| |

|___ 4. Copies of transcripts from each college or university attended, including OSU. (Submit official copies to the Graduate School. The program will|

|accept copies of official transcripts.) |

| |

|___ 5. Content Knowledge Form typed or formatted on a computer. |

| |

|___ 6. An essay describing your professional goals and/or purposes and motivation for participating in the program. The essay is sent to public schools |

|when we request placements for internships. The essay should be approximately 500 words in length, or about two typed, double-spaced pages. Your essay |

|will be carefully reviewed by university faculty, public school teachers and administrators to help determine your eligibility for the professional |

|program. It should represent your best writing. |

| |

|___ 7. Your résumé should include education, practicum or teaching experience, other work experience, honors, activities, and interests. |

| |

|___ 8. Three letters of recommendation |

|It is strongly recommended that you keep a copy of each of these letters for your files. You will need them if you apply for scholarships. |

|One letter must come from an educator who has observed you in a formal school setting, attesting to your competence working with school-age children at the|

|authorization level(s) you are seeking. |

|A second letter must attest to your academic ability. |

|The third letter may fit into either of the above categories or be from an employer. |

By my signature, I verify that all application information submitted is true, accurate, and complete.

Signature of Applicant Date ___________________


Teacher Standards and Practices Commission

Character Questions to establish Fitness to Serve as an Educator

Name_____________________________ _______________________________ _____________

Print-Last First Middle

Each applicant must establish his or her fitness to serve as an educator and must answer yes or no to the questions which follow in sections (1) through (11). Any “yes” answer must be explained fully. If “yes” is answered to section (8) and/or section (10), a certified true copy of the court record must accompany the application.

|1.Have you ever left any educational or school-related employment, voluntarily or involuntarily while the subject of an inquiry, review or |1. |

|investigation of alleged misconduct or alleged violation of Professional Standards of Conduct or when you had reason to believe such | |

|investigation was imminent? | |

|2 Are you currently the subject of an inquiry, review or investigation for alleged misconduct or alleged Violation of professional standards|2. |

|of conduct? | |

|3. Have you ever failed to complete a contract for educational services in any educational or school related position, or for any alleged |3. |

|misconduct or alleged violation of professional standards of conduct been placed on leave by your employer or left such employment prior to | |

|the end of the contract term? | |

|4. Have you ever had a professional certificate, credential or license revoked or suspended or have you been placed on probationary status |4. |

|for any alleged misconduct or alleged violation of professional standards of conduct? | |

|5. Have you ever been denied a professional license for which you applied or granted a professional license on a conditional basis for any |5. |

|alleged misconduct or alleged violation of professional standards of conduct? | |

|6. Have you ever surrendered a professional license of any kind before its expiration? |6. |

|7. Have you ever been disciplined by any public agency responsible for licensure of any kind, including but not limited to educational |7. |

|licensure? | |

|8. Have you ever been convicted or been granted conditional discharge by any court for: a) any felony; b) misdemeanor; or c) any major |8. |

|traffic violation, such as: driving under the influence of intoxicants or drugs; reckless driving; fleeing from or attempting to elude a | |

|police officer; driving while your license was suspended, revoked or used in violation of any license restriction; or failure to perform the| |

|duties of a driver or witness at an accident? | |

|9. Have you ever been arrested or cited for any offense listed in question (8) above which is still pending in the court? |9. |

|10. Have you ever entered a plea of “Guilty” or “No Contest” relative to any charge for an offense listed in question (8)? |10. |

|11. Have you ever had any civil judgment or other court order entered against you resulting from abuse, assault, battery, harassment, |11. |

|intimidation, neglect, stalking, or other threatening behavior toward other persons? | |

NOTE: If you answer “no” to questions 8 through 11 based upon an “expungement” order “setting aside” or “sealing” of a record of a conviction or conditional discharge, you must personally verify with the court directly involved that expungement, setting aside or sealing actually has taken place. An erroneous belief that a conviction has been expunged, set aside or sealed when in fact it has not, will be deemed a false statement.

I hereby certify that the information submitted on or relating to this form is true and correct.

_____________________________________ ______________

Signature Date

Oregon Teaching Authorizations

After January 15, 1999 all new Oregon teachers must meet the requirements of new TSPC-designed levels of authorization. The following is a list of the authorizations and their requirements:

Authorization Age/Grade Levels

Early Childhood Education Age 3 - Grade 4

Elementary Education Grades 3 - 8

Middle Level Education Grades 5 - 8

High School Education Grades 7 - 12

Candidates in the Science and Mathematics Teacher Education Program receive two authorization levels: Middle School and High School allowing them to teach mathematics or science at both levels. Please note that completion of the program does not allow students to teach at the elementary level.

Test Information

To obtain a teaching license in Oregon, all candidates must pass the following tests:

• Basic Skills test (Either the CBEST or the PRAXIS PPST)

• Multiple Subjects test for middle-level authorization (ORELA)

• Pearson Specialty Area tests for each endorsement area

• Protecting Student and Civil Rights in the Educational Environment ORELA subtest

Basic Skills Test

For licensure, basic skills competence must be demonstrated by presenting passing test scores on one of the following: 

A. Three sections of the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST). ()


B. Three sections of the PRAXIS Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST) or Computer-Based Tests (CBT).

Multiple Subjects Test

To receive the middle school authorization (which is required for all candidates in our program), candidates must pass Subtests I and II of the ORELA Multiple Subjects Examination (MSE). The ORELA Multiple Subjects Examination is a new test that was implemented in February 2005. (For those who took the MSAT, note that passing scores on the MSAT will still be accepted for the middle level authorization even though the test has been discontinued.) For more information on the ORELA, go to orela..

Protecting Civil Rights ORELA Subtest

Effective September 1, 2009, TSPC requires the Protecting Student and Civil Rights in the Educational Environment test in lieu of civil rights workshops or classes. The ORELA Protecting Student and Civil Rights in the Educational Environment Examination is required of candidates seeking Oregon licensure with authorization at the early childhood, elementary, middle, and/or high school levels as a teacher, personnel specialist, administrator, or school nurse. The link to register for this test is: .

Pearson NES Subject Exams

For licensure, subject matter competency must be demonstrated by passing the appropriate NES Subject tests. Candidates for Oregon teacher licensure will be able to take the NES tests at Pearson’s secure testing centers in the state and around the country. A series of free preparation guides for the NES is now available at . If a candidate is seeking more than one endorsement, it is necessary to pass the subject matter test for each endorsement area. 


• Prospective teachers should review the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission's Web site, TSPC , for the complete list of tests required for licensure.


For further information please contact:

Ron Gray

Coordinator, Teacher Licensure Program

Department of Science and Mathematics Education

251 Weniger Hall

Oregon State University

Corvallis, OR 97331-6508

Phone: (541) 737-9286

Fax: (541)737-1817


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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