Uni Key Health - FAQ’s

Product Questions

Fat Flush Products

Q: What are the differences between Fat Flush Whey Protein and Fat Flush Body Protein?

A: Both powders are excellent sources of protein/nutrition. Fat Flush Whey Protein is derived from dairy and Fat Flush Body Protein is derived from yellow pea and brown rice. Both support healthy weight loss and are excellent when used as a meal replacement. Fat Flush Body Protein sustains and energizes you for approximately 4 hours and Fat Flush Whey Protein sustains and energizes you for approximately 2-3 hours.

Q: Is one protein powder better to lose weight and one better to use for meal substitutions?

A: Both Whey Protein and Body Protein can be used to lose weight and for meal substitutions. They both have 20 grams of protein, however Body Protein seems to keep people full longer.

Q: I am currently doing the Fat Flush Plan and would like to do the Smoothie Shakedown. I have Fat Flush Whey Protein. Can I use that instead of Body Protein?

A: You certainly can try using Whey Protein. However the program was designed around Body Protein because it sustains you for approximately 4 hours whereas Whey Protein sustains for approximately 2-3 hours.

Q: Do you sell samples of Whey or Body Protein?

A: We do not have samples available, but we are confident that you will enjoy our smoothies. If for any reason you are not satisfied, please contact us.

Q: Is there another product you have that I can use as a daily protein drink without actually being involved in a “flush” diet?

A: Fat Flush Body Protein is designed for multiple uses – weight loss, fitness, and meal replacement for the whole family. Gluten and dairy free, this delicious and well-tolerated combination of brown rice and yellow pea protein is free of all common allergens, including soy! Body Protein won’t cause bloating, gas or indigestion like so many other protein powders that feature soy protein isolates and denatured dairy proteins. You can use this hypo-allergenic protein powder and stay fully sustained and energized for a good four hours. Look for recipes in Fat Flush for Life and to give you plenty of variations to make this powder a staple – day in and day out.

Q: I have tried the Fat Flush Plan with the kit and didn’t lose weight. What did I do wrong?

A: You may have unresolved health issues, such as imbalanced hormones or a slow metabolism that is causing your stalled weight loss. Our accurate self-testing kits can help you better determine the underlying issues that are standing in the way of your weight loss.

Q: Which Fat Flush supplements can I take if I am pregnant or nursing and how should I modify the plan?

A: The Dieters’ Multi, GLA-90 and CLA-1000 may be taken at the recommended dosage. Liver-Lovin Formula should be in place of Weight Loss Formula. In addition, it would be helpful to take 400 mg of DHA (available in 2 capsules of Super-EPA or 1 tsp of Fish Oil) and Flora-Key, 1 tsp twice daily. Phase 3 of classic Fat Flush is the recommended diet to follow.

Q: Is Fat Flush Whey Protein safe for lactose intolerant individuals?

A: Our whey protein is lactose-free and most people that are lactose intolerant are able to tolerate the natural sugars.

Q: Can you take other UNI KEY products while Fat Flushing and using the Fat Flush Kit?

A: Yes, absolutely, there should be no contraindications. All of our products are formulated so that they may be used in conjunction with one other.

Ultra H-3

Q: Can I take Ultra H-3 if I am pregnant?

A: Yes, there are no contraindications.

Q: Can animals take Ultra H-3?

A: Many animals have great results with Ultra H-3. Recommended dosage: For pets under 30 lbs, take ½ tablet once daily; for pets 30-100 lbs, take 1 tablet once daily; and for pets over 100 lbs, take 2 tablets once daily.


Q: Can I take HCL+2 while nursing?

A: If it does not bother the baby, you may take up to 2 tablets three times daily with meals. As an alternative, take 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar.

Q: If I have GERD can I take HCL+2?

A: GERD may be caused by a lack of HCl. Take as much HCL+2 as is comfortable.

Q: Can I take HCL+2 at the same time as taking anti-inflammatory medication?

A: No, it is not recommended.


Q: What kind of fish oil does Super-EPA contain?

A: Mostly salmon and cod from the North Atlantic, plus some Krill (a shrimp-like crustacean).

Q: In Super-EPA, what is the Marine Lipid Concentrate (1200 mg)?

A: It is 360 mg of EPA, 240 mg of DHA, and 600 mg of omega-3 fatty acids.

Other Products

Q: I’m concerned about taking UNI KEY’s Female Multiple with Adrenal Formula. Isn’t that too much daily Vitamin A?

A: This is a response from Dr. Ann Louise: “After thirty years working with real people, I do not believe that the vitamin A dosage in the Female Multiple is excessive by any means. While many studies suggest that dosages of up to 200,000 IU per day can be toxic if taken for extended periods of time, keep in mind that the vitamin A and beta carotene content of food throughout the years has declined, not increased.”

Q: Can I use Y-C Cleanse while nursing?

A: Yes, it is safe to use while nursing.

Q: Are the ingredients in Hot Times Testosterone Cream the same for the men’s and women’s formulas?

A: Yes, the active ingredients are the same. However, the male formula has more of the homeopathics that encourage the production of testosterone as well as additional estrogen blockers.

Q: Can you use ProgestaKey with birth control?

A: Yes, but only every 3 days during the last 2 weeks of your cycle.

Q: How much fiber is in Super-GI Cleanse?

A: There is about 3 grams of fiber in 6 capsules.

Q: Why does UNI KEY CLA-1000 say 1000 mg on the front of the bottle and on the back it says 600 mg?

A: UNI KEY’s CLA contains a minimum of 60% CLA, therefore there’s guaranteed to be at least 600 mg of conjugated linoleic acid from the black current seed oil in each capsule. A weight loss study done at the University of Wisconsin about 10 years ago established that weight loss occurs when 500 mg is taken 3 times daily for 12 weeks. UNI KEY’s CLA-1000 exceeds this requirement with the 600 mg minimum in each capsule.

Q: Can the Camelback water bottles be used with essential oils in the drinks?

A: Yes, they can. The plastic they are made of does not leach.

General Product Questions

Q: Can I purchase your products in a health food store?

A: No, UNI KEY products are available only online at or by calling 800-888-4353 Monday through Friday from 7am-5pm PST.

Q: Are your supplements from a whole food source? Are they organic?

A: Our supplements are pharmaceutical grade with raw materials that are in accordance with the highest manufacturing standards. They are third party tested as well to assure purity. Dr. Ann Louise has found that whole foods (whether they are organic or not) can be exceedingly allergy-producing and contraindicated for people with yeast and other autoimmune conditions.

Q: Are UNI KEY’s products gluten free?

A: Yes, all of our products are gluten free.

Q: Is there soy in any of the UNI KEY products?

A: Fat Flush Whey and Fat Flush Body Protein are completely soy free. Flora-Key is grown on rice and is therefore soy free. Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics 12 Plus has tempeh in the culture, which is a soy product. Our Vitamin E supplement is derived from soy, as are practically ALL vitamin E preparations on the market. Some individuals, though soy intolerant, do just fine on soy derivatives, including UNI KEY’s Vitamin E. Our Weight Loss Formula contains lecithin. Perhaps because the allergenic portion – generally the protein part – is not present, for the great majority of people lecithin poses no problem.

Q: Are UNI KEY supplements safe for people with thyroid problems?

A: There are no known contraindications for people with thyroid problems.

Q: Do you have a product that gets rid of cellulite?

A: Cellulite is caused by toxins stored in fatty tissue. Our products that detoxify the liver, so that the toxins can be processed more easily out of the body, help with cellulite. These products are Weight Loss Formula (with milk thistle and dandelion root), Liver-Lovin Formula (with artichoke, chlorophyll and taurine), Dandelion Root capsules, and Dandelion Root tea.

Customer Service Questions

Q: Why are your shipping prices so high?

A: Our prices are based on the current shipping costs and weight of the products. We are committed to keeping them as reasonable as possible. We do have a flat rate $8.75 shipping cost when you order over the phone at 800-888-4353.

Discount Questions

Q: I am placing an order and do not see a 15% discount for the 30 day re-order.

A: It may be because your purchase doesn’t qualify. The 15% discount requires a minimum order of $45.00 (not including shipping charges), and applies to supplements and books only – it does not include testing kits or environmental products, and cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or promotions. You must order each month to continue to receive the discount on every order. Please don’t hesitate to call Customer Service at 800-888-4353 with any questions or concerns.

Returns Policy

Q: What is your return policy?

A: All returns must be made within 30 days of purchase. Returns may be subject to a 15% handling fee. A return authorization (RMA) must be obtained from the customer service department prior to return of items. Items not authorized for return: open bottles, items invoiced over 30 days, items purchased on special order, test kits, filters, and books. Please note that we do not pay the shipping charges involved in returning goods.

Self Testing Questions

Q: How long does it take to get results back?

A: The Salivary Hormone takes 2-3 weeks, the Tissue Mineral Analysis takes 1 week, and the Parasite Test, Gluten Sensitivity, Bone Health and Iodine Loading Test takes 2-3 weeks.

Q: Does the kit have an expiration date?

A: The parasite testing kits have an expiration date stamped on the box. Please call customer service at 800-888-4353 if you have an expired kit.

Q: How can I know which test to take?

A: We recommend calling us at 800-888-4353 Monday through Friday, 7am-5pm PST to speak with one of our knowledgeable Sales Consultants. They will be able to assist you in deciding which test to start with.


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