OCIA Organic Livestock Plan Questionnaire

1900 Hendon Avenue St. Paul MN 55108 612/625-7766 800-510-MCIA Fax 612/625-3748

E-Mail: mncia@umn.edu Internet Address:

Organic Livestock Plan Questionnaire

Please fill out this questionnaire if you are requesting organic livestock certification. Submit farm, pasture, and livestock facility maps as well as other supporting documents (documentation for pastures owned or rented for less than three years, feed and supplement product labels, etc.) outlined in this questionnaire. Use additional sheets as necessary.

|SECTION 1: General Information NOP Rule §205.401 |

|Applicant (Name/Company): |FOR OFFICE USE ONLY |

|      | |

|Applicant No:       |Contact Person:       |Check #: |

|Address:       |Amount: |

| |Pegboard #: |

|City:       |State:       |Zip code:       |Initials: |

|Phone:       |Cell:       |Late Fees: |

|Fax:       |E-Mail:       |Other: |

|Legal Status: | Corporation | Legal partnership | Sole proprietorship |

| | Trust or non-profit | Other (specify)       |

|Year first certified organic: |List previous organic certification:       |List current organic certification:       |

|      | | |

|Has certification ever been denied, suspended or revoked? Yes No |

|If yes, describe the circumstance & attach documentation:       |

|List all noncompliance issues from last year's certification and state how they have been addressed. Not applicable |

|      |

|Do you have access to a current copy of MCIA’s Organic Handbook? | Yes | No |

|Do you have access to a current copy of the NOP Standards? | Yes | No |

|Preferred time for inspection: | AM | PM |

|Give directions to farm:       |

| |

|Scope of Certification |

|Feed/Pasture |

|Do you produce your own organic feed and/or use your own land for pasture? Yes No Not applicable (No pasture, all feed purchased) |

|If yes, you must complete and submit an MCIA Organic Producer Plan Questionnaire. Please call MCIA to request an Organic Producer Plan Questionnaire, or download |

|the form online at . |

|Processing Feed |

|Do you process (mix, grind, roast, extrude, etc.) any feed on-farm? Yes No Not applicable |

| |

|If yes, you must contact the MCIA Office to determine whether an MCIA Organic Handler Plan Questionnaire must be submitted. |

|Slaughter/Processing |

|Please be aware if you sell processed products, slaughter and/or processing facilities must be certified organic. |

| |

|Do you have on-farm slaughter and/or processing facilities? Yes No Not applicable, no processed product |

|If yes, you must complete and submit an MCIA Organic Processing/Handling Plan Questionnaire. |

|Do you use any off-farm slaughtering/processing facilities while maintaining ownership of the product? |

|Yes No Not applicable, no processed product |

|If yes, list facilities. Maintain a current copy of the facility’s organic certificate for your records. |

|Name of facility |City, State |Certified |Name of Certifier |

|      |      | Yes No No |      |

|      |      | Yes No No |      |

|Type of Marketing |

|Direct to retail Farmers market On-farm retail Wholesale Breeding Stock Feeder Stock |

|Other (Specify)       |

|SECTION 2: Livestock Origin Information NOP Rule §205.236 |

|All livestock, except poultry, dairy animals or breeder stock: Must be from livestock under continuous organic management from the last third of gestation. |

|Poultry or edible poultry products: Must be from poultry that has been under continuous organic management beginning no later than the second day of life. |

| |# of Birds | |

|Poultry Types |O |C | |

|Chickens- Total |      |      | |

| Broilers |      |      | |

| Layers |      |      | |

|Turkeys |      |      | |

|Other Poultry       |      |      | |

|How are individual birds/flocks identified?       |

| |

|Dairy animals: Milk or milk products must be from animals that have been under continuous organic management beginning no later than 1 year prior to the production |

|of the milk or milk products that are to be sold, labeled, or represented as organic, except, that, when an entire, distinct herd is converted to organic production,|

|the producer may: |

|(i) use crops and forage from land included in the organic system plan of a dairy in its third year of organic management to be fed to dairy animals during the 12 |

|months of management prior to milk and milk products being sold as organic. |

|(ii) once those 12 months have elapsed, all dairy animals must be fed 100% organic feed. |

|Breeder stock: Livestock used as breeder stock may be brought from a non-organic operation onto an organic operation at any time, provided, that, if such livestock |

|are gestating and the offspring are to be raised as organic livestock, the breeder stock must be brought onto the facility no later than the last third of gestation.|

| |

|Please fill out the table below with all livestock types that are on-farm. Indicate the status of the animals (O: Organic, T: Transitional, C: Conventional). Use |

|additional sheets if necessary. |

| |# of Females |#of Breeding Males |# of Neutered Males |# of Young Stock |

|Livestock Types |

|Have breeding stock or dairy replacements been brought into the operation from conventional sources? Yes No |

|If so, are their offspring to be organic? Yes No |

|If yes, when are the gestating livestock managed organically?       |

|Please describe the reproduction techniques used (natural breeding, artificial insemination, embryo transfer, etc.). |

|      |

|How are individual animals/groups of animals identified?       |

| |

|SECTION 3: Livestock Feed NOP Rule §205.237 |

|NOP Rule requires the feed ration of organic livestock be composed of agricultural products that are organically produced and if applicable, organically handled. |

|The producer must not use a) animal drugs including hormones to promote growth, b) feed supplements or additives in amounts above those required for adequate |

|nutrition of the species, c) plastic pellets for roughage, d) urea or manure, e) mammalian or poultry byproducts to mammals or poultry, and f) feed, feed additives, |

|and feed supplements in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. |

|Please fill out the table below with information regarding the livestock feed, feed additives, and feed supplements including non-synthetic and synthetic substances.|

|Include feeds grown on-farm. If livestock bedding is typically consumed by the animal species, please include here. Use additional sheets if necessary. Please |

|submit labels or proof of certification for any purchased feed. |


|      |      | Yes No |

|      |      | Yes No |

|      |      | Yes No |

|      |      | Yes No |

| |


|      |      | Yes No | Yes No |

|      |      | Yes No | Yes No |

|      |      | Yes No | Yes No |

|Please fill out the table below with information describing your feed storage locations. |

|Storage ID # |Type of Feed Stored |Type of Storage |Location of Storage |Capacity |

|      |      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |      |

|Do you process (mix, grind, roast, extrude, etc.) any feed on-farm? Yes No |

|If yes, please describe the procedures for processing feed.       |

| |

|Is the equipment also used to process conventional products? Yes No |

|If yes, how is the equipment cleaned prior to processing organic feed?       |

| |

| |

|What is your plan for emergency feed supplies?       |

| |

|Have you used any drugs or hormones to promote growth? Yes No |

|If yes, please list products used:       |

|Have you fed the livestock any plastic pellets for roughage? Yes No |

|Have you fed the livestock any formulas containing urea or manure? Yes No |

|Have you fed mammalian or poultry slaughter by-products to mammals or poultry? Yes No |

|Have you used feed, feed additives, or feed supplements in violation of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act? Yes No |

|For a dairy in transition: Not Applicable |

|Will livestock be fed third year transitional crops/forage included in the organic system plan of a dairy during the 12 months of management prior to milk and milk |

|products being sold as organic? Yes No |

|If yes, when did you begin feeding third year transitional feed?       |

|What dates did you begin (or plan to begin) feeding 100% organic feed?       |

|What dates did you begin (or plan to begin) selling milk labeled organic?       |

| |

|SECTION 4: Health Care Practices NOP Rule §205.238 |

|The NOP rule requires that producers must establish and maintain preventative livestock health care practices. When preventative and veterinary biologics are |

|inadequate synthetic medications may be administered provided they are allowed under 205.603. The producer of an organic livestock operation must not withhold |

|medical treatment from a sick animal in an effort to preserve its organic status. All appropriate medications must be used to restore an animal to health when |

|methods acceptable to organic production fail. Livestock treated with a prohibited substance must be clearly identified and shall not be sold, labeled, or |

|represented as organic. |

|Identify the farm’s veterinarian/animal clinic. Please provide the name, address, and phone number. |

|      |

|      |

|      |

|Identify the general components of your health management program: |

|Selective Breeding Raising Replacement Stock Isolation of Purchased/Diseased Animals Culling |

|Vaccinations Good Sanitation Access to Outdoors Dry Bedding |

|Good Ventilation Good Quality Feed Pasture Rotation Nutritional Supplements |

|Probiotics Homeopathy Herbal Remedies Acupuncture |

|Other:       |

| |

|Please list all vaccines/injectable vitamins and/or minerals administered to your livestock or planned for use in the current year. If applicable, include any |

|documentation that these treatments are NOP compliant. |

|Please use additional sheets if necessary. None used |


|      |      |      |      | Yes No |

|      |      |      |      | Yes No |

|      |      |      |      | Yes No |

|      |      |      |      | Yes No |

|      |      |      |      | Yes No |

|Please list the medications (including parasiticides or fly sprays) or treatments administered to your livestock or planned for use in the current year. If |

|applicable, include any documentation that these treatments are NOP compliant. |

|Please use additional sheets if necessary. None used |


|      |      |      |      | Yes No |

|      |      |      |      | Yes No |

|      |      |      |      | Yes No |

|      |      |      |      | Yes No |

|Have you performed physical alterations (castration, dehorning, debeaking, etc.) to your livestock? Yes No |

|If yes, please list physical alterations and reasons:       |

| |

|If alterations are made, what methods are used to minimize suffering (e.g., anesthetics)?       |

|Please describe how animals treated with a prohibited/restricted material are segregated or otherwise identified as ineligible for organic production.       |

| |

| |

|How do you prevent the use of prohibited medications in your organic livestock operations?       |

| |

|SECTION 5: Living Conditions NOP Rule §205.239 |

|The NOP rule requires that a producer must establish and maintain living conditions which accommodate health and the natural behavior of the species. A producer may|

|provide temporary confinement due to inclement weather, animals’ stage of production, conditions in which health and safety of the animals may be in jeopardy, or |

|risk to soil and water quality. The producer must also manage manure in a manner that does not contaminate the environment. |

|Please describe housing for each livestock type, including a description of the floor (eg. concrete, ½ slatted, fully slatted, etc.): |

|      |

|Describe the type of bedding used.       |

| |

| |

|What are the cleaning procedures for the housing? Include information on any sanitation/cleaning/fumigant products used.       |

| |

| |

|How often is housing cleaned out?       |

| |

| |

|Please describe the ventilation systems.       |

| |

| |

|Please indicate at what age animals are weaned (if various types of animals raised, indicate age for each livestock type):       |

| |

|Do the animals have access to: |

|Direct sunlight Yes No Exercise areas Yes No Fresh air Yes No |

|Outdoors Yes No Shade Yes No Shelter Yes No |

|Describe how you fulfill these requirements?       |

| |

| |

|Do ruminants have access to pasture? Yes No Not applicable |

|If yes, please describe the stage of production and type of pasture and the length of time used:       |

| |

|What outdoor areas other than pasture do animals use?       |

| |

|Are animals belonging to a herd/flock ever kept individually? Yes No |

|If yes, please list the reasons and the length of confinement:       |

| |

|Are herds/flocks ever subject to temporary confinement? Yes No |

|If yes, please list the reasons and the length of confinement:       |

| |

|Please describe outdoor access provided for poultry.       Not applicable |

| |

| |

|What is the square footage of the poultry house (if more than one house, list the square footage of each)?       |

| |

| |

|Please list the total number of birds kept in each poultry house.       |

| |

| |

|Is artificial lighting used in egg production? Yes No |

|If yes, what is the total day length with the use of such lighting?       |

| |

|Source of water: Irrigation district Municipal/county On-site well River/creek/pond Spring |

|Other (Specify)       |

| |

|(If applicable, attach current water tests and submit to MCIA with the questionnaire) |

| |

|Are any water treatments/filtration systems used? Yes No |

|If yes, please explain.       |

| |

|What water contamination problems do you experience (including animal manure)?       |

|Describe your efforts to minimize water contamination problems listed above.       |

|Describe how you monitor the effectiveness of your water quality program.       |

| |

|Do you conduct water quality monitoring?       |

| |

|If you have a river, creek or pond on your property, how do you prevent access by livestock?       |

| |

|How is the manure managed in the operation (including how often any confinement areas are cleaned)?       |

| |

|How do you ensure that manure does not contribute to contamination of crops, soil, or water by plant nutrients, heavy metals, or pathogenic organisms?       |

| |

|How do you ensure that the management of manure optimizes recycling of nutrients?       |

| |

| |

|SECTION 6: Pest Control |

|If pests/predators/rodents are a problem in the operation, describe the preventative/control methods used in the chart below. |


|      |      |      | Yes No |

|      |      |      | Yes No |

|      |      |      | Yes No |

|      |      |      | Yes No |

|SECTION 7 : Split Operation | Not Applicable |

|If there are organic and non-organic animals on the same farm, explain what measures are taken to ensure segregation.       |

| |

| |

|Please describe how organic and non-organic feeds are kept separate.       |

| |

| |

|How is equipment cleaned that is used for both organic and non-organic animals or animal products?       |

| |

|SECTION 8A: Dairy | Not Applicable |

|What is the annual average somatic cell count (SCC) and bacteria count?       |

| |

|Please describe the cleaning procedures for dairy equipment and for animals.       |

| |

| |

|Please fill out the table below and list all cleansers, sanitizers, and/or teat dips used |


|      |      | Yes No |      | Yes No |

|      |      | Yes No |      | Yes No |

|      |      | Yes No |      | Yes No |

|      |      | Yes No |      | Yes No |

| |

|SECTION 8B: Egg Production | Not Applicable |

|Please describe egg-handling techniques, including any cleaning done, materials used for cleaning, shell coatings, and packaging. |

|      |

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| |

|Please fill out the table below and list all cleansers and sanitizers used. |


|      |      | Yes No |      | Yes No |

|      |      | Yes No |      | Yes No |

|      |      | Yes No |      | Yes No |

|      |      | Yes No |      | Yes No |

| |

|SECTION 9: Transportation & Slaughter | Not Applicable |

|Product Transportation Not Applicable |

|How are livestock products (such as milk and eggs) transported?       |

| |

|Do you arrange product transportation? Yes No |

|How are non-organic and organic products kept separate during transport?       |

|Is clean transportation provided? Yes No |

|Are transport units used to carry any prohibited materials? Yes No |

|How do you ensure that outgoing transport units are clean prior to loading products?       |

| |

| |

|Livestock Transportation Not Applicable |

|How are livestock transported?       |

| |

|What form of transportation is used?       |

|Do you arrange livestock transportation? Yes No |

|Is there at least one person responsible for the well being of livestock at each step of the transportation process? Yes No |

|If yes, who? Buyer Self Other (Specify)       |

|Do you have an animal identification method in place during transportation? Yes No |

|If yes, please describe       |

| |

|How are non-organic and organic animals kept separate before slaughter?       |

| |

|Is clean transportation provided? Yes No |

|Are transport units used to carry any prohibited materials? Yes No |

|How do you ensure that outgoing transport units are clean prior to loading livestock?       |

|Is the inspection/cleaning process documented? Yes No |

|Have transport companies been notified of organic handling requirements? Yes No |

|How are animals loaded?       |

| |

|Is the loading area and means of transportation free of protrusions that could cause bruising and/or injury? Yes No |

| |

|Do the methods of transportation provide adequate ventilation and comfortable head space so that the animal is able to stand in a natural position? Yes No |

| |

|Do you use any tranquilizers or stimulants during loading, transport or unloading? Yes No |

| |

|How long does transportation take?       |

| |

| |

|SECTION 10: Record-Keeping System NOP Rule §205.103 |

|NOP Rule requires that records disclose all activities and transactions of the operation, be maintained for 5 years, and demonstrate compliance with the NOP Rule. |

|All records must be accessible to the inspector. |

|Which of the following records do you keep for organic production? |

|Organic Complaint File |

|Livestock Pasture/Outdoor Area Histories |

|Documentation of Previous Land Use for Rented and/or Newly Purchased Land |

|Proof of Certification for Slaughter/Processing Facilities |

|Animal Identification Records |

|Documentation for Purchased Animals |

|Breeding Records |

|Individual Feed Ration Information/ Feed Records / Labels |

|Feed Storage Records |

|Health Records |

|Labels for Health Inputs |

|Records for Manure Management |

|Monitoring Records |

|Equipment Cleaning Records |

|Activity Logs |

|Production Records |

|Slaughter Records |

|Clean Transport Records |

|Sales records (purchase order, contract, invoice, cash receipts, cash receipt journal, sales journal, etc.) |

|Shipping records (bill of lading) |

|Other:       |

|Do you maintain your records for at least five years? Yes No |

|Do you use or plan to use the USDA organic seal on product labels or market information? Yes No |

| |

|Do you use or plan to use the MCIA logo on product labels or market information? Yes No |

|(Attach copies of all organic product labels and submit to MCIA with this questionnaire) |

|SECTION 11: Final Fees NOP Rule §205.406 |

|To continue certification, a certified operation must annually submit Final Fees due to Minnesota Crop Improvement Association. See the Organic Fee Schedule and |

|Scale of Sanctions for applicable final fees. |

|The Final Fee submission forms and instructions are available in electronic format on the MCIA website at . Submit a Producer/Wild Crop Organic Final |

|Fees Submission Form and payment along with this application. |

|SECTION 12: Affirmation |

| |

|I affirm that all statements made in this application are true, correct, and complete. No prohibited products have been applied to any of my organically managed |

|grazing areas and/or used in the production of my organic livestock. I understand that the operation may be subject to unannounced inspection and/or sampling for |

|residues at any time as deemed appropriate. I understand that acceptance of this questionnaire in no way implies granting of certification by MCIA. I agree to |

|abide by MCIA Guidelines and the certification standards and/or certification requirements applicable to my operation. I agree to notify MCIA in writing of changes|

|in any of the following: farm contact information, applicant contact information, legal status, ownership or control of the operation. I agree to pay all fees |

|assessed by MCIA. |

|Signature Date       |

| |

|I have attached the following documents: *REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION |

|*Maps of all pastures and livestock facilities (showing adjoining land use and field identification) |

|*Annual Organic Livestock Agreement |

|* Payment of Base Fee (See the Fee Schedule and Scale of Sanctions) |

|Documentation for pastures owned or rented for less than three years (if applicable) |

|Water test (If applicable) |

|Feed and supplement product labels (must include ingredient lists) (*required for all off-farm inputs) |

|Ingredient lists for any health treatment materials used (*if applicable) |

|Organic product labels (*applicable when packaging organic product) |

| |

| |

|I have made copies of this questionnaire and other supporting documents for my own records: Yes No |

| |

|Submit completed form, supporting documents, Annual Organic Livestock Agreement, and fees to: |

| |

|Minnesota Crop Improvement Association |

|1900 Hendon Avenue |

|St. Paul MN 55108 |







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