


Tooth Brush and Tooth Paste and

Future Trend in Bangladesh

Study on Tradesworth Household Limited

At present there are lots of marketing company in the country. It made the marketing sector more competitive, diversified and dynamic compared to traditional marketing notion. Tradesworth marketing company start their business in 1986. In that time this company imported medical equipment. Now they import house hold product under Tradesworth household limited. Among the lot of products in that company tooth paste and tooth brush is main products. This products imported from Malaysia. This products face various completion in the country. In this report I try to focus their main competitor and show the process how to face the competitor .

Objective of the Study

To find out retailer need and want and their motivation tools .Also find out competitor market position and their and their retail price. To find out competitor marketing strategy and what will be our marketing strategy.


Introduction Section

Over view of the

Tradesworth Limited

An Over View of Tradesworth company

Tradesworth company was established in 1986. It is a marketing company . At first they import the product from foreign country then they sale the products through distributor and braches . Trades worth company has four business unit that’s are given below:


♦Technoworth Associate Ltd

♦Tradesworth household Ltd

♦SRL Ranbaxy

♦Tradesworth: This unit import pathological equipment and pathological reagent . This unit import product from Spain , UK China ,India ,Germany .This unit has 20 branch.

♦Technoworth Associate Ltd:

This unit has two division

a) Analytical division :This division import quality control and quality assurance machine . It import two type of product one is HPLC machine for pharmaceuticals from USA WATER brand another is Environmental product HACH brand.

b) Commercial Division : This division import product for Institute ICDDRB and Universities ,science laboratory.

♦Tradesworth household Ltd: This unit was established in 2000 and get permission under company act in2006.This unit marketed two type of product –

a)Imported product: Imported product include tooth brush, tooth paste ,mouth wash ,flossing toothpick ,tooth brush holder of Prodental brand .Diapers for baby and adult of My Baby and We Love brand. Baby Feeders & Nipple , Baby Toiletries ,Soothers /Pacifiers /Tether ,baby Gift set of AnnaKKu brand. Chili Sauces of Suree brand.

b)Local manufactured product : Floor cleaner , Dish wash powder ,liquid& brush ,glass Cleaner , Kitchen cleaner ,Tiles Cleaner ,wood vanish of ROK brand. Car wash & wax of ALEX brand and toilet cleaner of UNIK brand.

♦SRL Ranbaxy: This is pathological agency type organization . It make all type of critical test from India ,Singapore.

Over view of the

Tradesworth Household Limited

This unit was established in 2000 and get permission under company act in2006.


This company present sale 50 lac taka per month. They try to reach their sale 20 million in the next two years per month. They will added new product in their product line to reach their vision .

Business Policy

This company play a role as a middle man to sell the product. They import the product from Malaysia ,Thailand and purchase the product from the factory of Jamalpur.

Management of the company

This company follow very simple management system. Every person are liable to any kind of work to GM. Organ gram of the company are given below:

General manager

Credit control Manager

Divisional sales manager

Distribution Manager

Area sales officer

Sales representative

Marketing Strategy

This company follow pull strategy.

This company marketed the product on the basis of 4 p priority





Distribution Strategy

Control by the Distribution manager: He have to calculate the inventory of the company . He has responsibility to control the waste goods. He also try to minimize the waste goods . He has responsibility distribute the product to retailer ,dealer, distributor.

This company distribute the product two ways –

1. Through company

2. Through distributor

Through company( In Dhaka city)

SO/ASO collect the order from the retailer or dealer and this order paper submit to the distribution officer and he manage to delivery the product through the delivery man.

Distribution channel-GM►DSM► DM ►ASO► SR► DISTRIBUTOR► Delivery man► Retailer

Through the distributor

Every distribution point have monthly target limit of purchase according to area of distribution people monthly income .Every distribution point have company sales officer ,he collect the sales order according to target.

This company have total 60 distributor 7 distributor in Dhaka city.

Sales representative(collect order)

Distributor manager ( received the order)

Delivery man delivered the product

Because of few sales people they segment the total area into 6 parts . Sales officer collect order 6 day in a week in 6 different parts of the area. This company transport the product out side the Dhaka city to distributor through different transport company.

Products of the household



◘Toothbrush & toothpaste


◘Flossing toothpick

◘Tooth brush holder

◘Made in Malaysia

2.My Baby Diapers


3.We love

Made in Malaysia


◘Baby Feeders & Nipple[pic]

◘Baby toiletries

◘Soother/pacifier/ Teether

◘Baby gift set

Made in Malaysia


◘Chili sauces


◘Oyster & fish Sauces

Salad dressings

Made in Thiland


◘Floor cleaner

◘Dish wash powder,liquid & brush

◘Glass cleaner


◘Bleasing powder

◘Computer cleaner

◘Kitchen Cleaner

◘Tiles Cleaner

◘Wood cleaner

◘Wood vernisah

Made in Bangladesh

7.Alex [pic]

◘Car wash & wax

Made in Bangladesh


Toilet cleaners

Made in Bangladesh


Marketing Strategy of the Prodental-B Tooth Paste and tooth Brush

Prodental – B tooth paste and tooth brush produce in Malaysia . Company name is Fulijaya Group of Companies located in 30 Lorong Makmur 13/1,

Lot 905, 906, 907, 908, 937 Taman Makmur Industrial Estate,09000 Kulim,

Kedah, This company get MS ISO 9001 : 2000 in July,2002.Tradesworth Limited is only one distributor in Bangladesh for this company to distribute this product .

Target market:

In order to market this Prodental –b tooth brush and tooth paste they target some segment of the market that’s are given below :


Region -City town and district town


Age: 3-70+

Income: 15000-100000+

Social class: Middle class, upper class, upper middle class, lower uppers , upper uppers


Compulsive , gregarious , authoritarian


Occasion: Regular occasion

Benefits: Quality, Service

User status: Regular user

Marketing Strategy

Due to lack of financial resources this company relies only on Push strategy they emphasize on place. That means if the company capable to increase number of places their sale will increase .As a stimuli to sale the product they always provide high sales commission and gift item to sale the product.

*Push Strategy: Sales people motivate dealer to purchase the product, Dealer motivate retailer to purchase the product, Retailer motivate customer to purchase the product

Sales Strategy

To sales the product they always provide Free product to the retailer that is –Get 3 brush to purchase 1 Dozen brush .Their another packages to sale the large quantity , if a retailer purchase 25000 Tk Tooth brush he will get a small TV. Some times they provide discount to purchase bulk quantity .

Price strategy

In order to increase the sale some time they follow increase product price .Product pricing strategy are given below-

Suppose x product cost 50Tk, profit 25%=62.5tk target profit 20%

But they want to provide 9% discount in that case

If 62.5*5%=59.37

So set 33.3% (100*33.3%+=133.3*25%-=100)

50*33.3%=66.65*9% discount=60.65 taka selling price

Distribution Strategy

Target Distribution places –Super shop, every “A” Grade shop in the city& district town.

“A” Grade Shop: Cosmetics shop, Large grocery shop, Pharmaceutical shop

Distribution manager control the distribution process: He has to calculate the inventory of the company. He has responsibility to control the waste goods. He also try to minimize the waste goods. He has responsibility distribute the product to retailer, dealer, and distributor.

This company distributes the product two ways –

3. Through company

4. Through distributor

Through company (In Dhaka city)

SO/ASO collects the order from the retailer or dealer and this order paper submit to the distribution officer and he manage to delivery the product through the delivery man.

Distribution channel-GM►DSM► DM ►ASO► SR► DISTRIBUTOR► Delivery man► Retailer

Through the distributor

Every distribution point have monthly target limit of purchase according to area of distribution and target market monthly income .Every distribution point have company sales officer ,he collect the sales order according to target.

This company have total 60 distributor 7 distributor in Dhaka city.

Sales representative (collect order)

Distributor manager (received the order)

Delivery man delivered the product

Because of few sales people they segment the total area into 6 parts . Sales officer collect order 6 day in a week in 6 different parts of the area. This company transport the product out side the Dhaka city to distributor through different transport company.


Method Section

Sample: 30

Data collection:

Primary source :Survey to retailer and consumer

Secondary source: Internet ,company catalog ,ad firm data

■Prova ad corner

D-4,(4th floor)51/1 Naya paltan,VIP road ,Dhaka-1000


Data analysis technique: Ms Excel

Pull Strategy for future

In order to go for pull strategy this company need some media information such as TV ad rate and Billboard rate that’s are given below ……………


TV Advertisement


Central advertisement Department

450,West Rampura Dhaka.


Peak time

|Duration |General price |Before/after any |Just before /after |Middle position in |Specific point in |

| | |program with 50% sub |news with 805sub |film with 100% sub |middle of news |

| | |charge |charge |charge |with200% sub charge |

|10sec |5000 |75000 | |10000 |15000 |

|20 sec |10000 |15000 | |20000 |30000 |

|30 sec |15000 |22500 |27000 |30000 |45000 |

|40 sec |20000 |30000 |36000 |40000 |60000 |

|50 sec |25000 |37500 |45000 |50000 |75000 |

|60 sec |30000 |45000 |54000 |60000 |90000 |

Off peak

|Duration |General price |Before/after any program with |Middle position in film with |

| | |50% sub charge |100% sub charge |

|10 sec |2500 |3750 |5000 |

|20 sec |5000 |7500 |10000 |

|30 sec |7500 |11250 |15000 |

|40 sec |10000 |15000 |20000 |

|50 sec |12500 |18750 |25000 |

|60 sec |15000 |22500 |30000 |

NB: special day or attractive program tele cast early time that will be consider as peak time.


Impress teleflim Limited

|Position |10sec |20sec |30sec |40sec |50sec |60sec |

|Ordinary spot (7am-5am) |4000 |8000 |12000 |16000 |20000 |24000 |

|Peak time spot(5.30pm- 12.30am |5000 |10000 |15000 |20000 |25000 |30000 |

|Fixed position spot |6000 |12000 |18000 |24000 |30000 |36000 |

|Just before news | |14000 |21000 |28000 |35000 |42000 |

|1st spot/last spot of mid break news | |18000 |27000 |36000 |45000 |54000 |

|1st mid break of news |7500 |15000 |22500 |30000 |37500 |45000 |

|1st spot/last spot of 2nd mid break news | |14400 |21600 |28800 |36000 |43200 |

|2nd mid break of news |6000 |12000 |18000 |24000 |30000 |36000 |


Impress teleflim ltd.(Channel i)

62/A,siddeswari road

Siddeswari, Dhaka-1217,Bangladesh



E-mail: sales@



BSEC Bhaban (7 th floor ),102 kazi nazrul islam avenue kawran bazaar.Dhaka -1215Bangladesh

Phone;9143381-5 Fax;880-2-9143386,e-mail : mkt@

|Duration |Ordinary |Fixed position |Mid break in |Before news |

|(sec) | | |Films/programs | |

|10 |3000 |3500 |4000 |5000 |

|20 |6000 |7000 |8000 |10000 |

|30 |9000 |10500 |12000 |15000 |

|40 |12000 |14000 |16000 |20000 |

|50 |15000 |17000 |20000 |25000 |

|60 |18000 |21000 |24000 |30000 |

25% Discount on spot rate for psa/ social awareness commercials.

50% Discount on spots between 7:00am-5:00pm

News spot rates for 7 pm, 10pm, & 11pm Peak time news.

|Spot duration |1st Mid Break ATN |1st spot of M.D ATN |2nd Mid Break ATN |1st Spot of M.D ATN |Just before news |

| |news |news |News |News | |

|10sec |9000 | |6000 | | |

|20 |18000 |20000 |12000 |14000 |15000 |

|30 |27000 |30000 |18000 |21000 |22000 |

|40 |36000 |40000 |24000 |28000 |30000 |

|50 |45000 |50000 |30000 |35000 |37000 |

|60 |54000 |60000 |36000 |42000 |45000 |

Offf peak full news & hourly news

|Spot durarion |Mid break 1am,7am,10am,2 pm|Just Before 1am, 7am, |Mid break hourly news8am,9am,11am,12|Just before hourly |

| |news |10am,2pm, 6pm(English |noon 1pm, 3 pm, 4pm, 5pm |news |

| | |news) | | |

|10sec |4000 |3500 |3500 |3000 |

|20sec |8000 |7000 |7000 |6000 |

Telecast fee for package programme/ tele Film & Short films with sponsorship

|Program duration |CM Time |Telecast fee |Extra commercial time |

|22 MTS |5 MTS |40000 |Extra commercial time may |

|40 MTS |10 MTS |70000 |be allowed only on |

|90 MTS |15 MTS |100000 |additional payment |

|90 MTS |20 MTS |120000 | |




19th Floor,Awal center ,34 kamal Ataturk ,Banani,Dhaka-1213.Bangladesh.


| | | |Program name |

|Time segmentation: |Standard time |12:00pm-04:00pm |Today”adda |

| | |12:00am-04:00am |Raat Bhar Gan |

| |Prime Time |07:15am-12:00pm |Goodmorning Dhaka U-Turm |

| | |04:00pm-08:00pm | |

| |Super time |08:00pm-12:00pm |Tobu Tai hok |

Flat Rate (BDT) Fixed Time rate (BDT)

|Duration |standard |

|sec | |

|Opportunity |Threats |

|1. Increase brand image & awareness by ad. |1.Low price china brush |

|2.Take consumer promotional tools |2.low price Bangladeshi brush-Matador,Lord,Eurofresh |

|3.Take push and pull strategy at a time to capture whole |3.Foreign brush Trisa ,Oral-b, Dr. west |

|market | |

Tooth Paste

| Strength |Weakness |

|1.Floried based |1.Few awareness |

|2.Good packaging |2.No different flavor item |

|3.Good finishing of the product |3.No different size of product |

|4.Manufacturing country image |4.New marketing company |

|Opportunity |Threats |

|1.Increase brand image & awareness by ad. |1.Low price Colgate tooth paste |

|2.Take push strategy through doctor |2.Same price Sensodine tooth paste |

|3.Take consumer promotional tools |3.Lot of foreign tooth paste |

|4.Take push and pull strategy at a time to capture whole | |

|market | |


Tooth brush and paste

1. Promotional activity has to increase several ways-

•Company can provide TV and newspaper ad.

•If shortage of money company can provide small post leaflet about product in doctor chamber Patient.

•Company can arrange road show by vehicle behind the educational organization.

2. Take duel pricing strategy for tooth brush-

♦Local tooth brush: In order to compete with the local tooth brush Price should be 25-30 TK on specific design and distribute to the local shop.

♦Foreign tooth brush: In order to compete with the foreign tooth brush price should be 40-60 TK and distribute to the medium and large shop.

3. Distribute the product through distributor in every shop

Tooth paste

•Set price around 70-80tk.of 175 gm.

•If possible import 100 gm tooth paste and set price around 50 TK.

•Take similar action as like as tooth brush.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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