
CSLDallas, A Center For Spiritual LivingCongruence ModelOriginal 2005TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroductionThe Centers for Spiritual Living Global Vision and MissionCSLDallas Purpose and MissionGuiding PrinciplesEssential Elements for the Congruence ModelCongruence Model OverviewDiagram A – OverviewImplementation StructureDiagram B – Implementation StructureDiagram C – Webs of InfluenceMembershipAnnual Meeting----------------------2008 Changes2010 Changes2013 Changes2017 Changes2018 Changes2019 ChangesINTRODUCTIONThe Centers for Spiritual Living adopted a new organizational design model in January 2000. This model was designed to “create an organizational design for the Church that would be renewing and innovative, vision and values oriented, and effective for a 21st century spiritual movement…Spiritual Mind Treatment and responsiveness to an all-guiding Source are central to the new design. Vision, values, guiding principles, spiritual community, shared prosperity, mentoring, and unified support replace an emphasis upon governance, hierarchy, politics, scarcity, and a ‘we-they’ separation.”CSLDallas voted to move into a similar organizational model in January, 2005. Being inspired by the spirit of The Centers for Spiritual Living model and its openness, circularity, and vision-driven nature, the Board of Trustees and its appointed Transition Team has developed a model for our CSLDallas community. The CSLDallas Congruence Model is offered in the spirit of innovation, creativity, and forward thinking. It is a living, breathing design, open to further interpretation and refinement based upon both the unfolding vision of CSLDallas, and consensus-building discussions within the leadership and community as a whole.THE CENTERS FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING GLOBAL VISION AND MISSIONAs an affiliated community of The Centers for Spiritual Living and therefore a ‘point of inspiration and influence’, CSLDallas deeply embraces the Global Vision and Mission. The Global Vision inspires and infuses CSLDallas’ Congruence Model, Purpose, and Mission, and The Centers for Spiritual Living Mission articulates our role in service to the manifestation and demonstration of this high vision.GLOBAL VISIONThe Global Vision:? A World That Works For EveryoneWe envision all people, all beings, and all life as expressions of God.We see a world in which every person lives in alignment with his/her highest spiritual principle, emphasizing unity with God and connection with each other; a world in which individually and collectively?we are called to a higher state of consciousness and action.We envision?humanity awakening to its spiritual magnificence?and discovering the creative power of thought; a world where every person discovers his/her own personal power and ability to create an individual life that works within a world that works for everyone.We envision a world in which?we live and grow as One Global Family?that?respects and honors the interconnectedness of all life; a world where this?kinship with all life?prospers and connects through the guidance of spiritual wisdom and experience.We envision a world where?personal responsibility joins with social conscience?in every area of the political, corporate, academic, and social sectors, providing sustainable structures to further the emerging global consciousness.We envision a world where each person has?enough food, a home and a sense of belonging; a world of peace and harmony, enfranchisement and justice.We envision a world in which?resources are valued, cared for, and grown, and where there is generous and continuous sharing of these resources.We envision a worldwide culture in which?forgiveness?(whether for errors, injustices, or debts) is the norm.We envision a world which has?renewed its emphasis on beauty, nature, and love?through the?resurgence of creativity, art, and aesthetics.We envision?a world that works for everyone and for all of creation.?MISSION: AWAKENING THROUGH SPIRITUAL COMMUNITYCenters for Spiritual Living experiences and manifests the truth of Onenessthrough the demonstration and development of Spiritual Community. We experiencebeing one community with many locations.The "glue" for our Spiritual Community is our shared commitment to spirituality, love,vision, community service, education, integrity, financial health, caring, and compassion.We make our decisions and guide our growth by continuous sensitivity to the unfoldingvision of God for our community and by devotion to our shared values and guidingprinciples.We convey a way of life based on spiritual practices that builds spiritual communityglobally. Every center, church or aspect of our Spiritual Community serves as a point ofinspiration and dynamic influence for the Global Vision, and we further expressour vision through compassionate service to our members and to the world.Our vital and growing Spiritual Community fuels an expanded awareness of ourtransformative teaching throughout the world. As we communicate "New Thought —Ancient Wisdom" through the teachings of Science of Mind and Spirit, we further theexperience of a "universal spirituality" bridging all peoples, cultures, nations and faiths.The richness of our expression of Spiritual Community cultivates leaders, not justfollowers. We bring forth an enlightened citizenry and generate an abundant flow ofspiritual leaders in service to the transformation of our world.CSLDallas PURPOSE AND MISSIONCSLDallas seeks to exemplify its Purpose and Mission. Our Purpose is a clear statement of that which we accomplish, while our Mission articulates the means by which we accomplish it.OUR PURPOSE Radically InclusiveSpiritually ProgressTransforming LivesOUR MISSIONBe a lovingly supportive?COMMUNITY?that celebrates diversityTEACH & PRACTICE?authentic spiritual living and Science of MindProvide?SACRED CELEBRATIONS?that uplift our spirit and deepen our soulIgnite?SELF-EXPRESSION?and experience meaningful contributionDemonstrate active?COMPASSION?to ourselves, each other, and the worldIntentionally?PROMOTE?our community and teachingsGUIDING PRINCIPLESThe Congruence Model relies on Guiding Principles, as articulated by The Centers for Spiritual Living, to describe the ideal way in which all parts of the organization work together to fulfill CSLDallas’ Purpose and Mission, as well as actuate the Global Vision in our community and our world. Because the Congruence Model places no reliance on hierarchy and rules to prescribe the interaction of the organization and all its parts, the Guiding Principles serve as clear behavioral aspirations and precepts against which all decisions, structures, actions, and results can be measured.Spiritual Mind Treatment and Visioning: To anchor our expression of spirituality, we value an emphasis upon spiritual mind treatment and meditation for spiritual connection, along with the practices of visioning and co-creation for spiritual insight to reveal our pathway. Leaders as Purpose & Mission Facilitators: Leadership at all levels must be centered on the facilitation of the Purpose & Mission and the ever-unfolding pathway for both the Center and the individual team. Rather than advancing their personal opinions and preferences, our leaders participate in discerning the pathway for the unfoldment of the Purpose and Mission and facilitate progress along that pathway. Furthermore, our leadership involves as many as possible in service to the purpose and mission, while continually cultivating more leaders. Congruence: Congruence suggests an all-pervading dedication to living out our values and principles and to advancing our Purpose, Mission, and Vision in every way possible and at all levels of our community. Simply put, our community and its members "walk our talk," in dedication to expressing a living embodiment of our Vision/Mission and of our teaching. We are demonstrating and actualizing our Vision and our possibilities. Accountability: By means of rigorous dedication to our values and Guiding Principles, we manifest a natural accountability for our commitments, actions, and community participation. We are thoroughly principled and constructive. Teamwork: At all levels, we work together to achieve our goals and to develop an ever richer, more involved, and effective community. All activities and programs are managed by teams rather than individuals, which work with a staff liaison. Each team has the autonomy as well as the accountability to bring about their Purpose and Mission while collaborating with other teams, staff, ministers, and the overall Purpose and Mission of CSLDallas.Open Communication: Information and insights flow openly and dynamically in this new design, enhancing creativity, engendering a sense of inclusion, and nurturing the efficient resolution of misunderstandings or conflict. Teams and Leaders speak openly with other and create avenues for sharing information, developing consensus, and handling interpersonal challenges. Leaders are empowered to support the spiritual growth and direct through coaching the direct conversations between individuals, without triangulation, gossip, building alliances, or avoiding conflict.ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS FOR THE CONGRUENCE MODELInspiration: This model is inspired and based upon The Centers for Spiritual Living Organizational Design model from 2000. In addition, it is inspired by the leading edge thinking in organizational design, renewal and leadership. It seeks to demonstrate an organization that is based in Spiritual Principles and guided by values-based leadership, while empowering all people involved to mature spiritually and personally through working within the framework of the model.The Spirit and the Letter of the Model: In all cases, CSLDallas’ leadership seeks to understand and be informed in its work by the Spirit of the Congruence Model. Rather than seeking to impose the letter of the law, we seek to reveal its spirit, and find new ways to be and do in our work together.Web or Circular Model: Taken from nature and Indra’s net, the CSLDallas organization is designed to develop as a web-like structure of overlapping and intersecting circles. Rather than a top-down pyramid, the organization is a series of circles moving from the center out. Although direct lines of report are essential for personnel reasons and general communication, interactions and coordination of effort follow natural patterns of influence rather than rigid organizational structure. In this model, everyone talks to each other – while the leadership in the center seeks to provide organizational coherence, communication, priorities, and vision-driven direction.Learning Organization: A learning organization means that we are flexible in approach, never seeking to find blame or fault; instead we use mistakes as opportunities to learn more about what works and what doesn’t work. We seek to implement the learning in a supportive and empowering manner. In addition, it means that the leadership of CSLDallas is constantly seeking to inform, enlighten and inspire itself in new ways, methods and ideas about organizational design, leadership styles, and general best business and church practices.Trained Leadership: Essential to the health of CSLDallas is leaders who are willing to learn and be trained in new organizational design, new leadership styles, and who are constantly seeking deeper spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity is an essential quality when dealing with the inherent stresses and tensions in a circular model. Conscious, consistent, open communication is key to the health and vitality of CSLDallas leadership and staff as they seek to operate from this model. A dual peer/supervisory role can only be negotiated through the utmost desire to operate from the Guiding Principles, in service to the Vision, Purpose, and Mission. In addition, discernment regarding the timely practice of autonomy and individual authority versus greater collaboration and inclusion is called for. In both cases, authentic speaking and listening are paramount, while being willing to openly receive feedback from individuals within the organization that in a more traditional model would have no right or reason to provide input into a project or decision. Moreover, actively seeking the inclusion of other leaders and teams who might be impacted by or have useful input into the decision or project is optimal. New Decision-Making Models: Decision-making at all levels of the organization is informed by vision and uses appropriate types of decision-making models. While there continues to be a place for many types of decision-making processes, the main process used for important decisions that have a larger impact is consensus. Consensus is based on the notion that all sides of a decision are aired; all input gathered; then reasoned conversation follows which seeks to reveal the wisdom of the group. When the wisdom of the group seems to be revealed a decision has been made. Members have the option to disagree but go along, disagree and choose to abstain, or disagree so vehemently that the wisdom of the group clearly has not been reached, and the process needs to continue. Once a decision has been made, all members agree to support the decision regardless of their personal opinions along the way toward building consensus.Professionalism Embedded in Spirituality: We seek the highest level of professionalism in all our business decisions and actions while solidly being grounded in Spiritual Principles and vision. This professionalism translates into an ongoing practice of the Guiding Principles of the Congruence Model, while seeking to develop greater personal spiritual maturity. Gifted and Talented: Inherent to a circular design is the participation of a greater number of people. Through the use of elected and appointed Cores and self-created teams, members and friends of CSLDallas are invited and encouraged to participate in all levels of leadership and the work of the community. This is based on the assumption that everyone carries a piece of the CSLDallas vision, whether they are taking on someone else’s project or bringing their own forward. Congruent with the overall theme and unfolding vision of CSLDallas, the leadership of CSLDallas seeks to incorporate as many visions and possibilities as it munication and Visibility: Essential to the health of an emerging 21st century spiritual organization is a willingness to communicate our vision and message in new and innovative ways. We seek to reach across the insular world of New Thought and Metaphysics, and the possible barriers of other faith traditions, to the community of “un-churched.” We seek to communicate and provide visibility to our faith tradition in the Interfaith Community in a forthright manner. This also includes being appropriately visible and outspoken on socially relevant issues such as peace and human rights, and any other issues that are informed by our Global Heart Vision. Communication and visibility are possible through appropriate media and web outreach; advertising and PR; participating in appropriate community, interfaith, peace and other such events; and appropriate speaking and teaching in the greater community.Partnerships and Strategic Alliances: Creating strong relationships with groups and organizations which are engaged in work in alignment with CSLDallas allows CSLDallas to expand its potential for fulfilling its Purpose and Mission without duplicating effort or re-inventing the wheel. In addition, CSLDallas seeks to assist and support groups and organizations which are growing and are engaged in work that is in alignment with CSLDallas’ Purpose and Mission, and the Global Vision. CONGRUENCE MODEL OVERVIEWThe large circular diagram accompanying this description (Diagram A) is a visual representation for the Congruence Model. The following comprise its basic elements:The innermost circle bears the words “God…Spirit…One Mind” and represents our conviction that God is the central force animating CSL’s existence.The first ring outward from the center contains the phrase “Visioning Practices”. It is through Visioning that we become receptive to and guided by the Divine. Visioning is the central practice through which CSL’s unfolding direction is guided.The second ring, “Purpose, Mission, and Guiding Principles,” represents the importance of these ideals in informing our choices, efforts, decisions, and actions.The ring labeled “Implementation Structure” denotes the most common aspects of an organization – the means provided for moving toward the Vision, Purpose, and Mission of CSLDallas. Diagram B, an enhancement of this ring, presents the core structures necessary for the operation of CSLDallas’ Congruence Model.The spokes that extend out from the Implementation Structure represent a combination of current and proposed ministries, departments, functions, and activities. These may be coordinated by elected or appointed members, or by paid personnel. We envision these ‘spokes’ infused with the energy and creativity of committed members of CSLDallas who are motivated and gifted to serve in each area.Beyond the spokes is a ring entitled “CSLDallas Community.” This represents our greatest area of support and involvement, and there is a flow of people and resources from the CSLDallas community into the ministries, projects, etc., as well to the implementation structure.Finally, the outermost ring is the "Greater Dallas Community and World," the entire human family which, as our vision implies, is itself becoming a spiritual community. This represents the larger world we are involved in and serve.IMPLEMENTATION STRUCTURE (Diagrams B & C)The Congruence Model calls for a uniquely organic and fluid implementation structure. Rather than a rigid hierarchical organizational structure, this model is based on spheres of influence and communication, and the use of Cores of the gifted and talented.The implementation structure includes:LEADERSHIP OF THE COMMUNITYLeadership for CSLDallas is provided through the Senior Minister(s) (also known as the Senior Minister), the CORE Council, Vision Core and Nominating Core.Spiritual Director(s): The Spiritual Director(s) (also known as the Senior Minister) is/are the primary vision caster and keeper for CSLDallas by articulating and furthering CSLDallas’ Purpose and Mission. Working in conjunction with the leadership and implementation structure, the Spiritual Director(s) brings spiritual wisdom, charisma, purpose and light to the CSLDallas community. While having a general area of implementation within CSLDallas (see Diagram C, Web of Influence), the Spiritual Director(s) functions as a spokesperson in the greater Dallas community and the world and provides visibility and presence at major community events. The Spiritual Director(s) promotes the formation of strategic alliances and community projects with organizations aligned with CSLDallas Purpose, Mission and the Global Vision. This position may also be filled by Co-Spiritual Directors.CORE CouncilPurpose: The CORE Council serves a function similar, but not identical, to a corporate Board of Trustees. Its responsibilities include, but are not limited to:Receive input from all Cores and areas of CSLDallas and synthesize it into a clear direction and operational planPrioritization, coordination, and application of resourcesOverall health and unfoldment of CSLDallasCommunication HubFinal decision-making body for CSLDallasComposition: Eleven (11) members – 6 elected, 3 ex officio, and 1 by appointment2Spiritual Director(s) (ex officio) (additional minister appointed, by Spiritual Director - Nominating Core Chair - CORE Council Chair, when there aren’t Co-Spiritual Directors1Business Administration Director (ex officio)**1Director of Stewardship (ex officio)**1Vision Core Liaison (elected to Vision Core; appointed each year by Spiritual Leader(s) to CORE Council)6Elected Community members** Whereas there may be times when CSLDallas does not have staff designated as Directors of Stewardship and/or Business Administration, and/or Assistant Minister, the CORE Council seats for those two positions shall remain vacant until such time as the Director positions are designated and utilized.Election: By community members at the Annual Meeting from a slate prepared by the Nominating Core. Terms of Service: Elected positions shall have a three year term of service, and two consecutive re-elections are possible.Chair and Vice Chair: The Chair and Vice Chair are elected by the CORE Council from within its elected membership for a term of one year. To serve as Chair, you must not have a close relative concurrently serving as either Vision or Nominating Core Chair.Qualifications CSLDallas membership for a minimum of one year at the time of electionSuccessful completion of the Foundations accredited class at the time of election Tither or significant financial contributor, by identifiable means, for a minimum of one year (does not apply to ex officio positions of Directors/Managers of Stewardship & Business Administration)Informed of and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership on the CORE CouncilNot seek to profit in your personal business through service on the CORE CouncilNo spouse or significant other currently serving on the CORE CouncilAdditional Qualities and Skill SetsSpiritual maturityPassion and dedication to CSLDallasStrong communication skillsGifts and talents essential to the guidance of CSLDallasBusiness and organizational acumen, as evidenced by successful business, personal and financial managementThe following leadership skills:1. Visionary with strong ideas2. Follow-through3. Willingness to learn and experience non-traditional leadership styles and organizational models. In short, a willingness to do business differently.Vision CorePurpose: The Vision Core convenes regularly to conduct visioning sessions, and thus establish a field of consciousness which is sensitive to the impress and guidance of Spirit. The results of these visioning sessions are ‘harvested’, and as they are communicated to the CORE Council, become the basis for the unified direction and evolving pathway of position: 8 members1Minister – (jointly appointed by Nominating Core Chair, Spiritual Director(s), and CORE Council Chair)6Elected Community members1Communications Director – ex officioElection: By community members at the Annual Meeting from a slate prepared by the Nominating Core.Terms of Service: Elected positions will have a three year term of service, with two consecutive re-elections possible. Vision Core Chair (CORE Council Liaison): The Vision Core Chair shall be appointed by the Spiritual Director(s) for a term of one year, and shall serve as the liaison to the CORE Council. If the Vision Core Chair cannot or chooses not to serve on the CORE Council, the Spiritual Director(s) will appoint another qualified member of the Vision Core to serve as Liaison. To serve as Chair, you must not have a spouse or significant other concurrently serving as either CORE Council Chair or Nominating Core Chair. To serve as Liaison, you must not have a spouse or significant other serving on the CORE Council.Qualifications CSLDallas membership for a minimum of one year at the time of electionSuccessful completion of the Foundations accredited class at the time of electionSuccessful completion of the Visioning Class at the time of election.Financial contributor, by identifiable means, for a minimum of one year (does not apply to ex officio staff position)Informed of and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership on the Vision CoreNot seek to profit in your personal business through service on the Vision CoreNo spouse or significant other currently serving on the Vision CoreAdditional Qualities and Skill SetsSpiritual maturityPassion and dedication to CSLDallasStrong communication skillsSensitive to the impress of SpiritRecognition of visioning and the Vision Core as a central influence in the life and direction of CSLDallasAbility to harvest ideas from the visioning process and organize themThe following leadership skills:1. Visionary with strong ideas2. Follow-through3. Willingness to learn and experience non-traditional leadership styles and organizational models. In short, a willingness to do business differently.Nominating CorePurpose: To seek out and cultivate the most highly qualified nominees to fill each elected position within the organizational model of CSLDallas; to interview and assess the qualifications of nominees; and to determine and present an annual slate for each elected position: 1Minister (jointly appointed by Nominating Core Chair, Spiritual Director(s), and CORE Council Chair)4Community Members1Former CORE Council Member (jointly appointed by Nominating Core Chair, Spiritual Director(s), and CORE Council Chair) 1Sacred Service Ministry Representative (appointed by Sacred Service Ministry Team)Election: By community members at the Annual Meeting from a slate prepared by the Nominating Core.Terms of Service: Elected positions will have a three year term of service, with one successive re-election possible.Nominating Core Chair: The Nominating Core will elect its own chair from within its membership for a term of one year. To serve as Chair, you must not have a close relative concurrently serving as either CORE Council Chair or Vision Core Chair.Qualifications CSLDallas membership for a minimum of one year at the time of electionSuccessful completion of the Foundations accredited class at the time of election Financial contributor, by identifiable means, for a minimum of one yearInformed of and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership on the Nominating CoreNot seek to profit in your personal business through service on the Nominating CoreNo spouse or significant other currently serving on Nominating CoreAdditional Qualities and Skill SetsSpiritual maturityPassion and dedication to CSLDallasStrong communication skillsBusiness and organizational acumen, as evidenced by successful business, personal and financial managementNetworker, socializer, and/or people person who enjoys reaching out to othersAbility to practice discernment and confidentialityInterviewing/HR skillsAbility to work by consensusThe following leadership skills:1. Visionary with strong ideas2. Follow-through3. Willingness to learn and experience non-traditional leadership styles and organizational models. In short, a willingness to do business differently.Stewardship Core Function: The Stewardship Core provides the resource information which becomes the basis of the CORE Council’s prioritization and allocation functions. The Stewardship Core is charged with fiscal oversight and financial cultivation. It is responsible for the development of budgets (both current and future). We envision a community that is abundant and dedicated to financial integrity. This Core would also be charged with raising additional funds to support the evolving pathway of the community. The Corporate Treasurer is appointed from the membership of the Stewardship Core by the Nominating Core Chair, Spiritual Director(s), and the Director/Manager of the Stewardship area, and serves a one-year term. Composition: The Stewardship Core is a volunteer team created by the Director/Manager of the Stewardship Department, who functions as its Chair Person. At those times when the Center functions without a Stewardship Director, the Spiritual Director(s) shall serve this function. Implementation Web Two Ministers (the Spiritual Director(s) and a second appointed Minister if there are not Co-Spiritual Directors) are fully functioning ex-officio members of the CORE Council. Through these positions all ecclesiastic, education, and program areas of CSL are coherently tied into the decision, policy and priority making of the CORE Council. These areas are charged with developing staff, volunteers and Cores of the gifted and talented to further the ecclesiastical, educational and program health, integrity and fulfillment of the vision discerned by the Community, Vision Core and CORE Council.Two staff members are fully functioning ex-officio members of the CORE Council. This includes the Director/Manager of the Business Administration area (ex officio Corporate Secretary) and the Director/Manager of the Stewardship area of CSLDallas. Each of these areas is then coherently tied into the decision, policy and priority-making of the CORE Council. These areas are able to intelligently and appropriately inform CORE Council matters and are expected to implement the CORE Council policies, priorities and decisions. These areas are charged with developing staff, volunteers and Cores to further the operation and implementation, integrity and fulfillment of the vision discerned by the Community, Vision Core and CORE Council. MEMBERSHIP Membership (adult): The CSLDallas Community is diverse and welcoming, fostering an environment of inclusion and connectedness. With membership comes the honor of shaping the direction and future of CSLDallas, both through voting privileges and eligibility to serve on one of the leadership Cores. Community Membership at CSLDallas shall be considered active following application submission, and successful completion of the New Member Class.Youth Membership: Teens between the ages of thirteen and eighteen may be youth members. A teen is eligible for youth membership when s/he has been active in the Teen Group for six months, with an attendance rate of approximately 80 percent. Eligibility is verified by the Teen Advisors. Although a youth member does not possess voting rights, participation in the greater community is anticipated and encouraged.Junior Member: Any child under the age of thirteen whose parent/s are CSLDallas members may be a junior member. This designation is automatically granted at the parent’s request. When a junior member reaches the age of thirteen, s/he may choose to become a Youth Member. ANNUAL MEETINGCSLDallas holds annual meetings at which the business of the community is conducted, including the election of leadership; voting on bylaw and non-bylaw resolutions; and other such legal/corporate business by registered members. However, the emphasis for these gatherings is on the work of the community, not just its business. This includes inspiration around service; education in leadership and organizational development; recruitment of the gifted and talented; deepening collectively in our Guiding Principles; and growing our skills and commitment to the Purpose and Mission of CSLDallas. This work is embedded in sharing, testimony, music, ritual, enthusiasm, love and trust.These meetings are on a Sunday afternoon held early in the year, and include leadership reports, elections, inspiration and education. This is a primary opportunity for the leadership of CSLDallas to share the vision and priorities, financial health, budget, and program plans to the community in order to elicit commitment, support and involvement.The structure and program of these meetings will be jointly created and presented by the Spiritual Director(s), CORE Council Chair and an Annual Meeting Committee.2008 CHANGESAs a result of ongoing operational assessment, the CORE Council, with the blessing of the congregation as represented by a quorum at the 2008 Annual Meeting, made the following changes to the composition, eligibility, and terms of service for the CORE Council, Vision Core, and Nominating Core:1.Practitioner seats for the above-mentioned Cores are eligible to be filled by Practitioners-in-training (PIT). In order to be eligible, the PIT must successfully complete Practitioner studies, and pass oral and written Practitioner examinations within eight months of election. In the event that an elected PIT does not complete these requirements, s/he will resign his/her seat, and that vacancy may be filled by a qualified individual jointly appointed by the Senior Minister, CORE Council Chair and Nominating Core Chair.2.The term of service for lay and Practitioner seats for the CORE Council and Vision Core is changed to three years in order to enhance organizational and functional continuity, and to allow for greater depth of experience on those Cores.3. The changing focus of the CORE Council calls for the greater participation of non-staff laity on the CORE Council. Two lay positions are added, and this is done in such a way as to provide two elected seats are open for election each year.2010 CHANGES: All changes are effective immediately upon presentation at the Annual Community Meeting, February 21, 2010. 1.Elected positions on the CORE Council, Vision Core, and Nominating Core are no longer designated as ‘Practitioner’ and ‘Lay.’ All elected seats may be filled by any eligible community member that has been vetted by the Nominating Core.2.Whereas there may be times when the CSLDallas does not have staff designated as Directors of Stewardship and/or Business Administration, the CORE Council seats for those two positions shall remain vacant until such time as the Director positions are designated and utilized.3.The Corporate Secretary position shall be filled by the Office Manager staff position during those times when a Director of Business Administration is not utilized.2013 ChangesRestructuring the Nominating Core to also have 3 years terms identical in nature and rotation as the other elected cores.2017 ChangesLanguage updates:Center for Spiritual Living Dallas, to CSLDallas, A Center for Spiritual LivingGlobal Heart Vision to Global Vision with updated text from Centers for Spiritual LivingUpdated Purpose and MissionSenior Minister to Spiritual Director and noting that the position may be filled by co-leaders (reflecting this change in the make-up of the CORE Council)2018 ChangesAdded an additional qualification requirement for the Vision Core:?Successful completion of the Visioning Class at the time of election.Removed the following statement from ”Additional qualities and Skill Sets”:Some skill at visioning, or willingness to learn2019 Changes1 – Remove Youth position from Vision Core2 – Remove Youth Members voting for a Youth Member of the Vision Core and a Youth Delegate to the CSL Annual Convention3 – Administrative clean-up of changes approved but not changed in the body of the Congruence Model ................

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