
,CHAPTER 4 – Foreign Policy

INT 412 – Contemporary Globalization

Answers to the following questions are DUE: Sunday March 8, 2015


1. Which of the following characterize decision-making during crises?

A) Important options are more likely to be discussed.

B) Biases become far less likely.

C) Groupthink occurs more easily.

D) Decision makers are more likely to play devil’s advocate.

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

2. Which of the following is a strategy that can prevent groupthink?

A) Bypassing relevant agencies

B) Limiting the number of advisers

C) Bringing in external advisers

D) Appealing to the majority interest

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

3. Cognitive bias refers to the limitations of the __________ in making choices.

A) government leaders

B) diplomats

C) human brain

D) military

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

4. Affective bias refers to the emotions felt by decision makers when they consider the consequences of __________.

A) existing policy

B) the actions of others

C) their own actions

D) low-level staff

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

5. The __________ model of decision-making consists of negotiations between bureaucratic agencies with divergent interests.

A) rational

B) organizational-process

C) risk aversion

D) government bargaining

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

6. The __________ model of decision-making relies on standard operating procedures.

A) rational

B) organizational-process

C) risk aversion

D) individual

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

7. Which of the following is consistent with the activities pursued in the process of rational decision-making?

A) Divergent interests

B) Satisficing

C) Utilization of standardized responses

D) Identification of alternatives

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

8. The sequence of steps in the rational model of decision-making is __________.

A) clarify goals, order goals by importance, list alternatives to achieve goals, investigate consequences of alternatives, and choose the course of action

B) order goals by importance, list alternatives to achieve goals, clarify goals, investigate consequences of alternatives, and choose the course of action

C) list alternatives to achieve goals, order goals by importance, investigate consequences of alternatives, clarify goals, and choose the course of action

D) clarify goals, list alternatives to achieve goals, investigate consequences of alternatives, order goals by importance, and choose the course of action

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

9. Decisions of individuals can most frequently diverge from __________ because of information screens.

A) a cognitive bias

B) a nonreferential perspective

C) the rational model

D) the affective model

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

10. According to the concept of bounded rationality, decision makers __________.

A) will choose the best response to a situation

B) will choose a response that is good enough to meet some minimal criteria

C) use historical analogies in responding to a situation

D) make choices within the boundaries established by groups within the government

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

11. Politicians have a difficult time running formal bureaucratic agencies because __________.

A) the agencies can be too large and too routinized to easily control

B) only lower-level career officials owe loyalty to the politicians

C) the power of agencies is based on their proximity to the president

D) they are in their positions longer than high-level bureaucrats

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

12. Cognitive balance, or the maintenance of a logically consistent mental model of the world, can be achieved through __________.

A) wishful thinking

B) mirror imaging

C) affective bias

D) projection

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

13. Which of the following must be associated with each possible outcome of an action when there is uncertainty about costs and benefits of actions?

A) Probabilities

B) Standard operating procedures

C) The pursuit of national interests

D) Low-level decisions

Skill Level: Apply What You Know

14. Standard operation procedures include the following?

A) Apply what you know of general principles

B) Ensuring efficient outcomes

C) Reconsideration of goals

D) Challenging policy precedents

Skill Level: Apply What You Know

15. Groupthink is the tendency for groups to reach decisions without accurately __________ since individual members tend to go along with ideas they think the others support.

A) utilizing reverse psychology

B) controlling the agenda

C) assessing consequences

D) applying internal dissonance

Skill Level: Apply What You Know

16. When students exhibit a tendency to not want to challenge a professor’s arguments, because they assume he or she is an expert and knows better, this could be an example of __________.

A) affective bias

B) selective perception

C) cognitive bias

D) groupthink

17. Which of the following is an element of prospect theory? Decision makers __________.

A) work to avoid future catastrophic events

B) attach their own feelings onto another actor

C) asses the value of other decision makers

D) use a reference point for comparison

Skill Level: Apply What You Know

18. Some scholars believe that former secretary of state John Foster Dulles had such great personal prejudice against communism that he always assumed the worst of Soviet decision makers. This is an example of __________.

A) misperception

B) wishful thinking

C) cognitive bias

D) affective bias

Skill Level: Apply What You Know

19. What did Harry Truman’s sign “The buck stops here” illustrate about his role in foreign policy decision-making?

A) He was not willing to waste money.

B) He was the sole decision-maker.

C) Foreign policy decisions were ultimately his responsibility.

D) His opinion was more important than anyone else’s.

Skill Level: Analyze It

20. What about democracies makes the justification effort especially prevalent as compared to its prevalence in the context of other forms of government?

A) The multiplicity of actors to keep track of

B) The secrecy of the government

C) Voters face an overabundance of information

D) Politicians are judged by the electorate

Skill Level: Analyze It

21. Citizens of a given ethnic background are among a number of __________ which might form to lobby governments on foreign policy.

A) propagandists

B) interest groups

C) pollsters

D) government leaders

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

22. Bureaucrats in the foreign policy decision-making process pursue which of the following goals?

A) Groupthink

B) Liberal Analyze It

C) National goals

D) Political domination

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

23. Governments survive by relying on __________.

A) legitimacy

B) force

C) persuasion

D) bribes

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

24. The part of the population that stays informed about international issues is called the __________ public.

A) international

B) expert

C) savvy

D) attentive

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

25. Politicians have a difficult time running formal bureaucratic agencies because __________.

A) the agencies can be too large and too routinized to easily control

B) only lower-level career officials owe loyalty to the politicians

C) the power of agencies is based on their proximity to the president

D) they are in their positions longer than high-level bureaucrats

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

26. Which of the following aspects regarding interest groups is correct?

A) They have a nearly endless supply of funding.

B) They are organized in order to influence the outcome in political issues.

C) They are coalitions of people who share a common interest in the outcome of a neighborhood I


D) They have a great deal of influence on foreign policy.

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

27. Which of the following is a way in which the components of the military-industrial complex influence foreign policy decision-making?

A) The spreading out of weapons projects into many constituencies

B) Promotion of hawkish officers within the military

C) Military-themed blockbuster movies

D) The appointment of executives in military industries as church officials

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

28. Public opinion __________.

A) has greater force in authoritarian governments than in democracies

B) has greater force in democracies than in authoritarian governments

C) influences foreign policy decisions but is not influenced by them

D) has more effect on foreign policy than domestic policy in democracies

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

29. Public support for involvement in a war __________.

A) typically starts low and increases over the long run

B) typically starts high and decreases over the long run

C) typically starts high and continues to remain high

D) will typically not affect the popularity ratings of a country’s leader

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

30. Diversionary foreign policy is __________.

A) trying to confuse an adversary by sending mixed policy signals

B) adopting a foreign policy to distract public attention from domestic issues

C) trying to influence elite opinions, which will, in turn, influence mass opinion

D) lobbying foreign governments to change their foreign policy

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

31. With respect to legislatures playing a role in deciding whether to use military force, __________.

A) most legislators know little about foreign affairs

B) having a legislative debate over the potential use of military force can complicate the issue

C) legislatures can reach decisions quickly on the use of military force

D) debate over the use of military force demonstrates a state’s resolve to its adversaries

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

32. Which of the following characteristics of a state do comparative foreign policy analysts consider?

A) Bureaucratic rivalries

B) Location

C) Wealth

D) Technical abilities

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

33. The study of foreign policy in various states in order to discover whether similar types of governments have similar types of policies is known as __________.

A) foreign policy studies

B) the foreign policy process

C) comparative foreign policy

D) governmental policy studies

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

34. The military-industrial complex consists of __________.

A) the military, defense contractors, and research institutes

B) the military, Congress, and the executive branch

C) defense contractors, lobbyists, and Congress

D) the executive branch, Congress, and the judiciary

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

35. Diplomats __________.

A) are career civil servants, not political appointees

B) work in embassies and consulates abroad

C) provide information that goes into making foreign policies but do not carry out those policies

D) are employed by the defense ministry or department

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

36. The military-industrial complex predicts that close relationships between __________ the military, and __________ will encourage spending on weapons systems regardless of strategic or military effectiveness.

A) the president, lobbyists

B) protesters, the media

C) defense contractors, Congress

D) the state department, intelligence agencies

Skill Level: Apply What You Know

37. With respect to the role of bureaucratic agencies in foreign policy making, __________.

A) the various agencies of a state are generally in agreement on the foreign policies to be pursued

B) the various agencies of a state always take the same side on an issue (e.g., defense ministries

always favor military strength)

C) bargaining among agencies suggests that a state does not have a single national interest

D) representatives of agencies promote only the interests of their own bureaucracy

Skill Level: Analyze It

38. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict concerns which of the following issues?

A) The right of the Israeli state to take part in U.N. peacekeeping missions

B) The right of a Palestinian state to exist

C) The right of Palestinians to access Israeli natural resources at discount rates

D) The right of the Israeli state to deconstruct settler housing

Skill Level: Analyze It

39. Which of the following is an obstacle to reaching peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

A) Unified leadership

B) A lack of credible commitments

C) The absence of small, extremist parties

D) The high costs associated with peace

Skill Level: Analyze It

40. Journalists serve as _gatekeepers_________ of information passing from foreign policy elites to the public.

A) proponents

B) promoters

C) filters

D) audiences


41. Uncertainty rarely plays a role in the rational model decision-making process.

Answer: F

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

42. The struggle between the Japanese Agriculture Ministry and the Japanese Foreign Ministry over whether or not to allow the importation of sushi from California was an example of the government bargaining model.

Answer: T

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

43. Former U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen’s statement: “The unrelenting flow of information, the need to digest it on a minute-by-minute basis, is quite different from anything I’ve experienced before. . . . There’s little time for contemplation; most of it is action,” is representative of prospect theory.

Answer: F

44. Information is often screened out as it passes from one person to another in the decision-making process.

Answer: T

Skill Level: Apply What You Know

45. A great deal of the information that contributes to the making of foreign policy is provided by diplomats.

Answer: T

46. A number of agreements regarding its nuclear program have been made and adhered to by North Korea.

Answer: T

47. The planning and pursuit of the Cold War played in integral role in the conception and growth of American military-industrial complex.

Answer: T

Skill Level: Level: Remember the Facts

48. The ability to access busy officials, pitch cogent rationales for one’s case, and trade infusions of cash in return for positive action on an issue are all key elements of successful lobbying.

Answer: T

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

49. “Rally ‘round the flag” syndrome is exemplified by the sharp rise in public approval ratings received by President Bush due to the commencing of war.

Answer: F

Skill Level: Apply What You Know

50. The descriptive area of foreign policy involves an attempt to comprehend how specific mechanisms of foreign policy formation function in various states.

Answer: T


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