HCA 5322

HCA 5322: Organizational Behavior and Theory

Introduction to Organizational Behavior:

Evolution and History of Organizational Behavior

What Managers Do: Management Functions, Roles, & Skills

Value of Systematic Study

Workforce Diversity & Demographics

Timelines of How Organizational Theories Evolved

Management History

History of Management Theory:

1 Bureaucratic School of Management: Max Weber

2 Scientific Management School: Frederick Winslow Taylor, Frank & Lillian Gilbreth, Henry Gantt

3 Administrative Theory of Management: Henri Fayol, Mary Parker Follett

4 Human Relations School: Elton Mayo, Fritz Roethlisberger

5 Hawthorne Studies

6 Systems theory: Herbert Simon

7 Strategic Management: Henry Mintzberg

Individual Differences & Behavior:

Biographical Characteristics

Ability: intellectual, physical

Performance = ability x motivation x opportunity

Personality and Personality Traits:

8 Five-Factor Model of Personality

9 Personality Hardiness: Sal Maddi & Susan Kobasa; Paul Bartone

10 Learned optimism: Martin Seligman

11 Locus of control: Julian Rotter

12 Machiavellianism: Richard Christie & F.L. Geis


13 Self-efficacy: Albert Bandura

14 Anger: Charles Speilberger

15 Self resiliency: James Quick

16 Sensation seeking: Marvin Zuckerman

17 Type A behavior patterns: Meyer Friedman & R.H. Rosenman

18 Emotional Intelligence: Daniel Goleman

19 Myers Briggs Type Indicator: Isabel Briggs Myers

Matching Personalities and Job:

20 Person-Environment Fit model: John Holland

21Job Demand Control model: Robert Karasek

Theories of Learning:

22 Classical and Operant conditioning

23 Social Learning Theory : Albert Bandura

24 Reinforcement schedules

Theories of Motivation:

Content Theories of Motivation

Process Theories of Motivation

25 Needs Hierarchy theory: Abraham Maslow

26 Two-factor theory: Frederick Herzberg

27 Goal setting: Edwin A. Locke

28 Theory X: Doug McGregor

29 Learned Needs: David C. McClelland

30 ERG Theory: Clayton Alderfer

31 Equity Theory: J. Stacy Adams

32 Expectancy Theory: Victor Vroom

33 Management by Objectives

Employee Involvement Programs

Implications of Theories for Managers

Perception & Individual Decision Making:

Active listening


Person Perception

Attribution theory: Harold H. Kelley

Decisions in Organizations

Rational Decision Making Process


Individual Decision Making

Organizational Constraints

Ethics in Decision Making


34 Stages of moral development: L. Kohlberg

National culture

Cultural Constraints in Management Theories:

Values, Attitudes, & Job Satisfaction:

35 Types of Values: M. Rokeach

work related values across cultures: Geert Hofstede


job involvement

organizational commitment

Attitude Change

36 Cognitive Dissonance theory: Leon Festinger

Attitude-behavior relationship/Theory of Reasoned Action: Icek Ajzen; Martin Fishbein;

A.W. Wicker

Self-perception theory

Job satisfaction and performance



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