RA YY-##

An Example Bill

To Move Bates College to Florida While Allowing Access to Skiing

Whereas, Maine is really cold between October and March, 5 of the 9 months of classes;

Whereas, most students do not enjoy the cold and want it to be warmer;

Whereas, Florida is very warm most of the time; however

Whereas, most students enjoy the snow and many ski or snowboard;

Whereas, warmer weather is not conducive to skiing or snowboarding; and

Whereas, this is an example of a proper and well-structured bill, if not a plausible idea for a real piece of legislation: Now, therefore, be it


Section 1. Bates College must move to within 20 miles of Orlando, Florida during the months of October through March. This move must take place over a single weekend at either end and must be carried out as soon as the high temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit for one week.

Section 2. The BCSG must pay for weekend plane tickets to and from New England during the ski season.

Section 3. Members of the Representative Assembly should use this document as a template for their own legislation ideas. Some flexibility is allowed, but members should discuss their concerns with the Parliamentarian.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bill K. Jack ‘08


Tamara Wyche ‘08

Representative, Rand Hall


Ryan Creighton ‘07

Representative, Class of 2007


Monday, September 25, 2006:

Originally proposed.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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