Paula Katherine (Hagedorn) Diehr, Ph.D.

1. Biographical Information

Department of Biostatistics 357232

University of Washington

Seattle, Washington 98195

Phone: 206-897-1954 


FAX: 206\543-3286

2. Education

Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California, B.S., Mathematics, 1963

University of California, Los Angeles, California, M.S., Biostatistics, 1967

University of California, Los Angeles, California, Ph.D., Biostatistics, 1970

3. Licensure: not applicable

4. Professional Positions

Scientific Programmer, ITT Federal Labs, San Fernando, California, 1963-66

Research Assistant, Survey Research Center, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, February 1966-June 1966

Instructor, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Washington, 1970-72

Assistant Professor, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Washington, 1972-77

Director, Biostatistics Training Program for Health Services Research, 1973-75

Researcher, Division of Health Services Quality Research, National Center for Health Services Research, Division of Health, Education and Welfare, 1975-76

Research Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, 1977-79

Associate Professor, Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, 1979-84

Member, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 1983-present

Professor, Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, 1984-2009

Adjunct Professor of Health Services, 1987-93

Professor of Health Services (joint with Biostatistics) 1993-2009

Emeritus professor of Biostatistics and Health Services, 2009 - present

Interim Chair, Health Services, 1994-1995

Acting Associate Dean, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, 1995-96

5. Honors, Awards, Scholarships

California State Scholarship

Harvey Mudd College Scholarship

NIH Trainee, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, 1966-70

Article of the Year Award from the Association for Health Services Research, 1991

Award for Contributions to Public Health Statistics from Statistics Section of the American Public Health Association, 1991

Fellow, American Statistical Association, 1994

Fellow, Association for Health Services Research, 1996

Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1997

“Highly Cited Researcher” (), 2003

Distinguished Faculty Award, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Washington, 2004.

Named to Alumni Hall of Fame. UCLA School of Public Health. Los Angeles. March 2007.

Long-Term Excellence Award from Health Policy Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association. Cleveland. October, 2011.

Outstanding Alumni Award, Harvey Mudd College, 2013.

6. Professional Activities (outside of UW)

Member of the Board, Axio Research, 1975-present

Health Services Research Committee (American Public Health Association, Medical Care Section), 1979-90

Member, Health Care Technology Study Section, National Center for Health Services Research, 1980-84

Consultant, National Center for Health Services Research, 1980-present

Representative at Large, Caucus for Women in Statistics, 1982-84

Member, Special Study Section for RFA on smoking and cancer, March 1984

Secretary, Statistics Section, APHA, 1984-86, 1993-1995

Consultant, Veterans' Administration, 1984-present

Consultant, National Institute of Mental Health, 1986-90

Member, Epidemiology and Services Research Study Section, National Institute of Mental Health, 1986-90

Awards Committee, Statistics Section, APHA, 1983; Chair 1988-89

Section Council, Statistics Section, APHA, 1988-90

Member, Advisory Group on Washington State Health Data, 1990-1992

Member, Advisory Committee for V.A. Cooperative Studies Program Coordinating Center, 1990-1992

Member, Advisory Panel, U.S. Congress Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) Project, "Technology, Insurance, and the Health Care System," 1991-93

Member, RWJ Technical Review Committee, Community Study of Chronically Ill Populations, 1992-95

Member, Board of Directors, Association for Health Services Research, 1992-95

Member, Board of Directors, Foundation for Health Services Research, 1992-95

VA Study Section, Health Services Research and Development Service, Scientific Review and Evaluation Board, 1992-97

Member, Advisory Committee for the Study on Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions, Washington Department of Health, 1993

Chair, Steering Committee for the Health Services Research and Development Field Program at the Seattle VA Medical Center, 1993-present.

Member, Committee on Health Services Research Training and Workforce Issues, National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine, Division of Health Care Services, 1994-95

Chair of Fellows Committee, Section on Health Policy Statistics, American Statistical Association, 1994-95

Organizing Committee, International Conference on Health Policy Research, 1997, 1999, 2001

Section Council, American Public Health Association, 1996-98

Member, Data Safety Monitoring Board, Myocardial Infarction Triage and Intervention Project (MITI-smartt trial), University of Washington, 1997

Jury Member, IADR/AADR Behavioral Sciences & Health Services Research Groups Giddon Award for Distinguished Research in the Behavioral Sciences, 1997

Member, Committee on Fellows, Association for Health Services Research, 1997

Technical expert panel, APerformance Measurement in Medicare fee for service.@ Health Care Financing Administration, 1997

Committee on Professional Ethics, American Statistical Association, 1997-99

Consultant, AMulti-method assessment of medicaid managed care@, University of New Mexico, 1999-2001

Data Safety Monitoring Board, Courage, DVA, West Haven, CT, 1999-Present

Injury Research Grant Review Committee, CDC, 2000

Member, Subcommittee on the Health Outcomes of the Uninsured, National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine, 2001-2002

Member, Advisory Committee for Health Services Research Unit, University of Alabama, Birmingham, 2002-

Member, Advisory Committee for ACS – Kevin Weiss – “Closing the gap: partnerships for change” 2003-2005

Data Monitoring Board for “Depression and Obesity”, Gregory Simon PI, 2003-2007

Technical Expert Panel for Healthy People 2010 goals (NORC, NCHS). 2006

Data Monitoring Board for “A Randomized Trial in Liaison Psychiatry in Primary Care “, Wayne Katon PI, 2007-

Member, Committee on Scientific Freedom and Human Rights, American Statistical Association. 2008-2011.

Member, Blue Ribbon Panel to examine future of CMS Health Outcome Survey. 2007.


American Statistical Association

Biometric Society

American Public Health Association

Association for Health Services Research

International Society for Quality of Life Research

Editorial Activities:

Member, Editorial Board of Medical Care, 1978-1981

Member, Editorial Board of Health Services Research, 1987-1997

Member, Editorial Board of Statistics in Medicine, 1994-2005

Associate Editor, Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, 1995-1998, 2002-Present

Member, Editorial Board, Annual Review of Public Health, 1996-2000

Referee for: American Journal of Public Health, Medical Care, Health Services Research, Inquiry, Journal of Gerontology, Nursing Research, JASA, New England Journal of Medicine, Inquiry, Statistics in Medicine, Quality of Life Research, Milbank Memorial Quarterly

7. Bibliography

a) Refereed research articles

Diehr PK, Jackson K, Boscha MV: Access to medical care: Impact of outreach services on enrollees of a prepaid health care plan. J Health Soc Behav 16:326-39, 1975. (PMID: 1194660)

Shortell SM, Richardson WC, LoGerfo JP, Diehr PK, Weaver B, Green K: The relationships among dimensions of health services in two provider systems: A causal model approach. J Health Soc Behav 18:139-59, 1977. (PMID: 881545)

LoGerfo JP, Dynes I, Frost F, Diehr P, Richardson W: Tonsillectomies, adenoidectomies and audits: Have surgical indications been met? Med Care 16:950-55, 1978. (PMID: 568700)

Jackson M, LoGerfo JP, Diehr P, Watts C, Richardson W: Elective hysterectomy: A cost benefit analysis. Inquiry 15:275-80, 1978. (PMID: 151077)

LoGerfo J, Efird R, Diehr P, Richardson W: Rates of surgical care in prepaid group practices and the independent setting: What are the reasons for the difference? Med Care 17:1-7, 1979. (PMID: 759740)

Williams SJ, Diehr P, Drucker WL, Richardson WC: Mental health services: Utilization by low income enrollees in a prepaid group practice plan and in an independent practice plan. Med Care 17:139-51, 1979. (PMID: 759749)

Wood RW, Diehr P, Wolcott B, Slay L, Tompkins RK: Reproducibility of clinical data and decisions in the management of upper respiratory illnesses: A double-blind comparison of physicians and non-physician providers. Med Care 17:767-79, 1979. (PMID: 37378)

Diehr PK, Williams SJ, Shortell SM, Richardson WC, Drucker WL: The relationship between utilization of mental health and somatic health services among low income enrollees in two provider plans. Med Care 17:937-52, 1979. (PMID: 481000)

Diehr PK, Richardson WC, Shortell SM, LoGerfo JP: Increased access to medical care: The impact on health. Med Care 17:989-99, 1979. (PMID: 491785)

Handsfield HH, Knapp JS, Diehr PK, Holmes KK: Correlation of auxotype and penicillin susceptibility of Neisseria gonorrhoeae with sexual preference and clinical manifestations of gonorrhea. Sex Transm Dis 7:1-4, 1980. (PMID: 6771877)

Diehr P, Wood R, Barr V, Wolcott B, Slay L, Tompkins R: Acute headaches: Presenting symptoms and diagnostic rules to identify patients with tension and migraine headaches. J Chronic Dis 34:147-58, 1981. (PMID: 7228984)

Branch L, Jette A, Evashwick C, Polansky M, Rowe G, Diehr P: Toward understanding elders' health service utilization. J Community Health 7:80-92, 1981. (PMID: 7328199)

Christensen-Szalansky J, Diehr P, Wood R: Phased trial of a proven algorithm at a new primary care clinic. Am J Public Health 72:16-21, 1982. (PMID: 7053614)

Yergan J, LoGerfo J, Shortell S, Bergner M, Diehr P, Richardson W: Health status as a measure of need for medical care: A critique. Med Care 19(supplement):57-68, 1982. (PMID: 7339314)

Diehr P, Wood R, Wolcott B, Slay L, Tompkins RK: On the relationships among headache symptoms. J Chronic Dis 35:321-31, 1982. (PMID: 7068808)

Diehr P, Diehr G, Koepsell T, Wood R, Beach K, Wolcott B, Slay L, Tompkins R: Cluster analysis to determine headache types. J Chronic Dis 35:623-33, 1982. (PMID: 7096526)

Polissar L, Diehr P: Regression analysis in health services research: The use of dummy variables. Med Care 20:959-66, 1982. (PMID: 7121100)

Christensen-Szalansky J, Diehr P, Bushyhead J, Wood R: Two studies of good clinical judgement. Med Decis Making 2:275-83, 1982. (PMID: 6133204)

Williams S, Diehr P, Richardson W, Drucker W: Limitations and exclusions in two provider systems with comprehensive care. J Insurance Risk 49:448-62, 1982.

Koepsell TD, Helfand K, Diehr P, Gurtel A, Gleser M, Tompkins R: The Seattle evaluation of computerized drug profiles. I. Effect on provider time. Med Care 25:497-507, 1983. (PMID: 6843202)

Longstreth WT, Diehr P, Inui T: Prediction of awakening after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. N Engl J Med 308:1378-82, 1983. (PMID: 6843631)

Bushyhead JB, Wood RW, Tompkins RK, Wolcott BW, Diehr P: The effect of chest radiographs on the management and clinical course of patients with acute coughs. Med Care 21:661-73, 1983. (PMID: 6350743)

Koepsell TD, Gurtel AL, Diehr PH, Temkin NR, Helfand KH, Gleser MA, Tompkins RK: The Seattle evaluation of computerized drug profiles: Effects on prescribing practices and resource use. Am J Public Health 73:850-55, 1983. (PMID: 6688154)

Diehr P, Martin D, Price K, Friedlander L, Richardson W, Riedel D: Use of ambulatory care services in three provider plans: Interactions between patient characteristics and plans. Am J Public Health 74:47-51, 1984. (PMID: 6689842)

Diehr P, Williams S, Martin D, Price K: Ambulatory mental health services utilization in three provider plans. Med Care 22:1-13, 1984. (PMID: 6694457)

Diehr P, Wood R, Bushyhead J, Krueger L, Wolcott B, Tompkins R: Prediction of pneumonia in outpatients with acute cough. J Chronic Dis 37:215-25, 1984. (PMID: 6699126)

Diehr P: Small area statistics: Large statistical problem. Am J Public Health 74:313-14, 1984. (PMID: 6703158)

Evashwick C, Rowe G, Diehr P, Branch L: Factors explaining the use of health care services by the elderly. Health Serv Res 19:357-82, 1984. (PMID: 6746297)

Welch WP, Frank RC, Diehr P: Health care costs in health maintenance organizations: Correcting for self-selection. In: Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research (R Scheffler, ed.). Greenwich: JAI Press, 1984, pp. 95-128. (PMID: 10272997)

Richardson W, Martin D, Diehr P, Moore S, Riedel D: Consumer choice and cost containment: An evaluation of Safeco's United Healthcare Plan. US Dept HHS Publ, No. 03183, 1984.

Diehr P, Price K, Williams S, Martin D: Use of somatic health services by patients who use or need mental health services in three provider plans. J Med Syst 9:389-400, 1985. (PMID: 4093737)

Haglund C, Martin DP, Diehr P, Johnston R, Richardson W: Out-of-plan use by Medicare enrollees in a risk-sharing health maintenance organization. Health Care Financ Rev 7:39-50, 1985. (PMID: 10311436)

Grazier K, Richardson W, Martin D, Diehr P: Factors affecting choice of health care plans. Health Serv Res 20:659-82, 1986. (PMID: 3949539)

Longstreth W, Diehr P, Cobb L, Hanson R, Blair A: Neurologic outcome and blood glucose levels during out-of-hospital cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. Neurology 36:1186-91, 1986. (PMID: 3748384)

Diehr P, Price K, Williams S, Martin D: Factors relating to the use of ambulatory mental health services in three provider plans. Soc Sci Med 23:773-80, 1986. (PMID: 3798157)

Teitz C, Hermanson B, Kronmal R, Diehr P: Evaluation of the use of braces to prevent injury to the knee in collegiate football players. J Bone Joint Surg (A) 69:2-9, 1987. (PMID: 3805067)

Chu J, Diehr P, Feigl P, Glaefke G, Begg C, Glicksman A, Hunter C, Ford L: The effect of age on the care of women with breast cancer in community hospitals. J Gerontol 42:185-190, 1987. (PMID: 3819344)

Ford L, Hunter C, Diehr P, Frelick R, Yates J: Effects of patient management guidelines on physician practice patterns: The community hospital oncology program experience. J Clin Oncol 5:504-511, 1987. (PMID: 3819812)

Connell F, Diehr P, Hart G: The use of large data bases in health care studies. Annu Rev Public Health 8:51-74, 1987. (PMID: 3555530)

Yergan J, Flood A, LoGerfo J, Diehr P: Relationship between patient race and the intensity of hospital services. Med Care 25:592-603,1987. (PMID: 3695664)

Diehr P, Martin D, Leickly R, Krueger L, Silberg N, Barchet S: Use of ambulatory health care services in a preferred provider organization. Med Care 25:1033-1043, 1987. (PMID: 3121947)

Diehr P, Highley R, Dehkordi F, Wood R, Krueger L: Prediction of fracture in patients with acute musculo-skeletal ankle trauma. Med Decis Making 8:40-47, 1988. (PMID: 3123866)

Feigl P, Glaefke G, Ford L, Diehr P, Chu J: Studying patterns of cancer care: How useful is the medical record? Am J Public Health 78:526-533, 1988. (PMID: 3354736)

Diehr P, Leickly R, Tatarsky M, Hermanson B, Krueger L, Silberg N: Use of a preferred provider by employees of the preferred provider. Health Serv Res 23:537-554, 1988. (PMID: 3141315)

Yergan J, Flood A, Diehr P, LoGerfo J: Relationship between patient source of payment and the intensity of hospital services. Med Care 26:1111-1114, 1988. (PMID: 3141726)

Freeman W, Hosey G, Diehr P, Gohded D: Diabetes in American Indians: Variation of prevalence by tribe in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Diabetes Care 12:282-289, 1989. (PMID: 2707116)

Diehr P, Yergan J, Chu J, Feigl P, Glaefke G, Moe R, Bergner M, Rodenbaugh J: Treatment modality and quality differences for black and white breast cancer patients treated in community hospitals. Med Care 27:942-958, 1989. (PMID: 2796413)

Martin DP, Diehr P, Price K, Richardson W: Effect of a gatekeeper plan on health services use and charges: A randomized trial. Am J Public Health 79:1628-1632, 1989. (PMID: 2510523)

Diehr P, Cain K, Connell F, Volinn E: What is too much variation? The null hypothesis in small area analysis. Health Serv Res 24(6):741-771, 1990 ("Article of the year," AHSR, 1991). (PMID: 2312306)

Cheadle A, Psaty B, Wagner E, Diehr P, Koepsell T, Curry S, VonKorff M: Evaluating community-based nutrition programs: Assessing the validity and reliability of a survey of grocery store product displays. Am J Public Health 80:709-710, 1990. (PMID: 2343955)

Bergner M, Allison C, Diehr P, Ford L, Feigl P: Early detection and control of cancer in clinical practice. Arch Intern Med 150:431-436, 1990. (PMID: 2302018)

Diehr P, Grembowski D: A small area simulation approach to determining excess variation in dental utilization. Am J Pubic Health 80:1343-1348, 1990. (PMID: 2240302)

Krueger L, Wood R, Diehr P, Maxwell C: Poverty and HIV seropositivity. AIDS 4:811-814, 1990. (PMID: 2261136)

Diehr P, Silberg N, Martin DP, Arlow V, Leickly R: Use of a preferred provider plan by employees of the City of Seattle. Med Care 28:1073-1087, 1990. (PMID: 2250493)

Cheadle A, Psaty B, Curry S, Wagner E, Diehr P, Koepsell T, Kristal A: Community level comparisons between the grocery store environment and individual dietary practices. Prev Med 20:250-261, 1991. (PMID: 2057471)

Wagner E, Koepsell T, Anderman C, Cheadle A, Curry S, Psaty B, Wickizer T, Beery W, Diehr P, Ehreth J, Kehrer B, Pearson D, Perrin E, VonKorff M: The evaluation of the Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation's community health promotion grants program: design. J Clin Epidemiol 44:685-699, 1991. (PMID: 2066747)

Koepsell T, Martin D, Diehr P, Psaty B, Wagner E, Perrin E, Cheadle A: Data analysis and sample size issues in evaluations of community-based health promotion and disease prevention programs: A mixed-model analysis of variance approach. J Clin Epidemiol 44:701-713, 1991. (PMID: 2066748)

Deyo R, Diehr P, Patrick D: Reproducibility and responsiveness of health status measures: Statistics and strategies for evaluation. Control Clin Trials 12:142S-158S, 1991. (PMID: 1663851)

Psaty B, Cheadle A, Curry S, McKenna T, Koepsell T, Wickizer T, VonKorff M, Diehr P, Perrin E, Wagner E: Sampling elderly in the community: A comparison of commercial telemarketing lists and random-digit dialing techniques for assessing health behaviors and health status. Am J Epidemiol 134:96-106, 1991. (PMID: 1853865)

Durham M, Beresford S, Diehr P, Grembowski D, Hecht J, Patrick D: Participation of higher users in a randomized trial of Medicare reimbursement for preventive services. The Gerontologist 31:603-606, 1991. (PMID: 1778484)

Hedrick S, Johnson R, Inui T, Diehr P: Factors associated with participation in a randomized trial of adult day health care. The Gerontologist 31:607-610, 1991. (PMID: 1778485)

Diehr P, Madden C, Fishman P, Cheadle A, Char P: Estimating county percentages of people without health insurance. Inquiry 28:413-419, 1991. (PMID: 1761314)

Koepsell T, Wagner E, Cheadle A, Patrick D, Kristal A, Allan-Andrilla CH, Dey L, Martin DC, Diehr P: Selected methodological issues in evaluating community-based health promotion and disease prevention programs. Ann Rev Public Health 13:31-57, 1992. (PMID: 1599591)

Volinn E, Mayer J, Diehr P, Van Koevering D, Connell F, Loeser J: Small area analysis of surgery for low back pain. Spine 17:575-581, 1992. (PMID: 1535726)

Diehr P, Cain K, Kreuter W, Rosenkranz S: Can small-area analysis detect variation in surgery rates? The power of small-area variation analysis. Med Care 30:484-502, 1992. (PMID: 1593915)

Diehr P, Koepsell T, Cheadle A, Psaty B: Assessing response bias in random-digit dialing surveys: The telephone-prefix method. Stat Med 11:1009-1021, 1992. (PMID: 1496189)

Cain K, Diehr P: Testing the null hypothesis in small area analysis. Health Serv Res 27:267-294, 1992. (PMID: 1500287)

VonKorff M, Koepsell T, Curry S, Diehr P: Multi-level analysis in epidemiologic research on health behaviors and outcomes. Am J Epidemiol 135 (10):1077-1082, 1992. (PMID: 1632420)

Kosorok M, Omenn G, Diehr P, Koepsell T, Patrick D: Chronic conditions, falls and restricted activity days among older adults. Am J Public Health 82:1263-1267, 1992. (PMID: 1503169)

Ehreth J, Diehr P, Durham M, Hecht J: A tool for administrative decision-making: predicting health status from management information system data. J Ambulatory Care Manage 15:30-39, 1992. (PMID: 10122096)

Patrick D, Madden C, Diehr P, Martin DP, Cheadle A, Skillman S: Health status and use of services among families with and without health insurance. Med Care 30:941-949, 1992. (PMID: 1405799)

Martin DC, Diehr P, Perrin E, Koepsell T: The effect of matching on the power of randomized community intervention studies. Stat Med 12:329-338, 1993. (PMID: 8456215)

Diehr P, Cain K, Ye Z, Abdul-Salam F: Small-area variation statistics: Methods for comparing several diagnosis-related groups. Med Care 31(5):YS45-YS53, 1993. (PMID: 8492585)

Curry S, Wagner E, Cheadle A, Diehr P, Koepsell T, Psaty B, McBride C: Assessment of community-level influences on individuals' attitudes about cigarette smoking, alcohol use, and consumption of dietary fat. Am J Prev Med 9(2):78-84, 1993. (PMID: 8471274)

Cheadle A, Psaty B, Curry S, Wagner E, Diehr P, Koepsell T, Kristal A: Can measures of the grocery store environment be used to track community-level dietary changes? Prev Med 22:361-372, 1993. (PMID: 8392174)

Grembowski D, Patrick D, Diehr P, Durham M, Beresford S, Kay E, Hecht J: Self-efficacy and health behavior among older adults. J Health Soc Behav 34:89-104, 1993. (PMID: 8277130)

Rothman ML, Diehr P, Hedrick SC, Erdly W, Nickinovich DG: Effects of contract adult day health care on health outcomes and satisfaction with care. Med Care 31:SS75-SS83, 1993. (PMID: 8361250)

Hedrick SC, Rothman ML, Chapko M, Ehreth J, Diehr P, Inui T, Connis RT, Grover PL, Kelly JR: Summary and discussion of methods and results of the adult day health care evaluation study. Med Care 31:SS94-SS103, 1993. (PMID: 8361252)

Diehr P, Koepsell T, Cheadle A, Psaty B, Wagner W, Curry S: Do communities differ in health behavior? J Clin Epidemiol 46:1141-1149, 1993. (PMID: 8410099)

Diehr P, Madden C, Martin DP, Patrick DL, Mayers M, Char P, Skillman S, Cheadle A, Fishman P, Hoare G: Who enrolled in a state program for the uninsured: Was there adverse selection? Med Care 31:1093-1105, 1993. (PMID: 8246639)

Cheadle A, Psaty B, Diehr P, Koepsell T, Wagner E, Wickizer T, Curry S: An empirical exploration of the conceptual model underlying a community-based health-promotion program. International Quarterly of Community Health Education 13:329-363, 1993. (PMID: 20840993)

Cheadle A, Pearson D, Wagner E, Psaty B, Diehr P, Koepsell T: The relationship between socio-economic status, health status and lifestyle practices among American Indians: Evidence from a plains reservation. Public Health Reports 109:405-414, 1994. (PMID: 8246639)

Patrick D, Thompson D, Cheadle A, Diehr P, Koepsell T, Kinne S: Validity of self-reported smoking: Review and meta-analysis. Am J Public Health 84:1086-1093, 1994. (PMID: 8017530)

Psaty B, Cheadle A, Koepsell T, Diehr P, Wickizer T, Curry S, VonKorff M, Perrin E, Wagner E: Race- and ethnicity-specific characteristics of participants lost to follow-up in a telephone cohort. Am J Epidemiol 140(2):161-171, 1994. (PMID: 8023804)

Haselkorn J, Turner J, Diehr P, Ciol M. Meta-Analysis: A useful tool for the spine researcher. Spine 19:2076S-2082S, 1994. (PMID: 7801186)

Deyo R, Taylor V, Diehr P, Conrad D, Cherkin D, Ciol M, Kreuter W: Analysis of automated administrative databases to study patterns and outcomes of care. Spine 19:2083S-2091S, 1994. (PMID: 7801186)

Volinn E, Diehr P, Ciol M, Loeser J: Why does geographic variation in health care practice matter? (Seven questions about conducting studies on geographic variation.) Spine 19:2092S-2100S, 1994. (PMID: 7801188)

Cheadle A, Psaty B, Curry S, Wagner E, Diehr P, Koepsell T, Kristal A, Patrick D: Assessing the validity of a survey of the restaurant health promotion environment. Am J Health Promot 9:88-91, 1994. (PMID: 10150716)

Hasselblad V, Mosteller F, Littenberg B, Chalmers TC, Hunink MG, Turner JA, Morton SC, Diehr P, Wong JB, Power NR. A survey of current problems in meta-analysis: results from the AHCPR Inter-Port work group on literature review/meta-analysis. Med Care 33:202-220, 1995. (PMID: 7837827)

Cheadle A, Psaty B, Diehr P, Koepsell T, Wagner E, Curry S, Kristal A: Evaluating community-based nutrition programs: comparing grocery store and individual-level survey measures of program impact. Prev Med 24:71-79, 1995. (PMID: 7740018)

McBride C, Curry S, Cheadle A, Anderman C, Wagner E, Diehr P, Psaty B: School-level application of a social bonding model to adolescent risk-taking behavior. J Sch Health 65:63-68, 1995. (PMID: 7776634)

Diehr P, Patrick D, Hedrick S, Rothman M, Grembowski D, Raghunathan TE, Beresford S: Including deaths when measuring health status over time. Medical Care 33:AS164-AS172, 1995. (PMID: 7723444)

Diehr P, Martin DC, Koepsell T, Cheadle A: Breaking the matches in a paired t-test for community interventions when the number of pairs is small. Stat Med 14:1491-1504, 1995. (PMID: 7481187)

Cheadle A, Pearson D, Wagner E, Psaty B, Diehr P, Koepsell T: A community-based approach to preventing alcohol use on an American Indian reservation. Public Health Reports 110:439-448, 1995. (PMID: 7638331)

Patrick D, Beresford S, Ehreth J, Diehr P, Picciano J, Durham M, Hecht J, Grembowski D: Interpreting excess mortality in a prevention trial for older adults. Int J Epi. 24:527-533, 1995. (PMID: 7558547)

Koepsell T, Diehr P, Cheadle A, Kristal A: Invited commentary: Symposium on community preventive trials. Am J Epi 142:594-599, 1995. (PMID: 7653467)

Madden CW, Cheadle A, Diehr P, Martin DP, Patrick DL, Skillman SM: Voluntary public health insurance for low-income families: the decision to enroll. J Health Politics Policy and Law 20:955-972, 1995. (PMID: 8770759)

Diehr P, Martin DC, Koepsell T, Cheadle A, Wagner E, Psaty BM: Optimal survey design for community-intervention evaluations: cohort or cross-section? J Clin Epidemiology 48:1461-1472, 1995. (PMID: 8543960)

Anderman C, Cheadle A, Curry S, Diehr P, Shultz L, Wagner E: Selection bias related to parental consent in research involving minors. Evaluation Review 19:663-674, 1995.

Diehr P, Madden CW, Cheadle A, Skillman S, Martin DP, Patrick DL: Will uninsured people "volunteer" for voluntary insurance? Am J Pub Health 86:529-532, 1996. (PMID: 8604784)

Patrick DL, Martin DP, Madden C, Diehr P, Cheadle A, Skillman S: Dissatisfaction and disenrollment in a subsidized managed care program. Med Care Res and Rev 54:61-79, 1997. (PMID: 9437159)

Diehr P, Psaty B, Patrick D: Effect size and power for clinical trials using years of healthy life as the primary endpoint. Stat Med 16:1211-1224, 1997. (PMID: 9194268)

Martin D, Diehr P, Cheadle A, Madden C, Patrick D, Skillman S: Health care utilization for the Anewly insured:@ results from the Washington Basic Health Plan. Inquiry 34:129-142, 1997. (PMID: 9256818)

O'Keefe G, Maier R, Diehr P, Grossman D, Jurkovich G, Conrad D: The complications of trauma and their associated costs in a level I trauma center. Arch Surg 132:920-924, 1997. (PMID: 9267280)

Kristal AR, Andrilla CHA, Koepsell T, Diehr P, Cheadle A: Dietary instruments are susceptible to intervention-associated response-set bias. J Am Diet Assoc 98:40-43, 1998. (PMID: 9434649)

Tell G, Lefkowitz D, Diehr P, Elster A: Relation between balance and cerebral magnetic resonance abnormalities in older adults. Archives of Neurology 55:73-79, 1998. (PMID: 9443713)

Wickizer T, Wagner E, Cheadle A, Pearson D, Beery W, Psaty B, VonKorff M, Koepsell T, Diehr P: The community health promotion program in the west I: Program development and implementation. Milbank Mem Fund Q, 76:121-147, 1998. (PMID: 9510902)

Diehr P, Patrick DL, Bild DE, Burke GL, Williamson JD: Predicting future years of healthy life for older adults. J Clin Epidemiology 51:343-353, 1998. (PMID: 9539891)

Diehr P, Bild DE, Harris TM, Duxbury A, Siscovick D: Body mass index and mortality in non-smoking older adults: Results from the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Pub Hlth 88:623-629, 1998. (PMID: 9539891)

Goldberg HI, Wagner EH, Fihn SD, Martin DP, Horowitz CR, Christensen D, Cheadle A, Diehr P, Simon G: A randomized controlled trial of CQI teams and academic detailing: Can they alter compliance with guidelines? Joint Commission Journal of Quality Improvement. J Qual Improv 24:130-142, 1998. (PMID: 9568553)

Martin DP, Diehr P, Conrad DA, Davis JH, Leickly R, Perrin EB: Randomized trial of a patient-centered hospital unit. Patient Educ Couns 34:125-133, 1998. (PMID: 9731172)

Taylor V, Anderson G, McNeney B, Diehr P, Lavis J, Deyo R, Bombardier C, Malter A, Asxcell T: Hospitalizations for back and neck problems: A comparison between the province of Ontario and Washington State. HSR 33:929-945, 1998. (PMID: 9776943)

Kilbreth E, Coburn A, McGuire C, Martin DP, Diehr P, Madden C, Skillman C: Expanding access to the uninsured through small business and individual coverage initiatives: Utilization experience of state-sponsored insurance demonstration programs in Maine and Washington State. Inquiry 35:250-265, 1998. (PMID: 9809054)

Bradley KA, McDonell M, Koreli K, Kivlahan D, Diehr P, Fihn S: The AUDIT alcohol consumption questions: reliability, validity and responsiveness to change in older male primary care patients. Alcohol Clinical and Experimental Research 22:1842-1849, 1998. (PMID: 9835306)

Malmgren JA, Koepsell TD, Martin DP, Diehr P, LaCroix AZ: Mortalilty, health services use, and health behavior in a cohort of well older adults. J Amer Geriatric Society 47:51-59, 1999. (PMID: 9920229)

Feng Z, Diehr P, Yasui Y, Evans B, Koepsell TD: Explaining community-level variance in group randomized trials. Stat Med 18:531-556, 1999. (PMID: 10209810)

Roussel A, Grembowski D, Novak L, Patrick D, Diehr P, Williams B. Primary care physician=s participation in managed care networks. J Ambulatory Care Manage 22:27-40, 1999. (PMID: 10387583)

Diehr P, Yanez D, Ash A, Hornbrook M, Lin DY: Methods for analyzing health care utilization and costs. Annu Rev Public Health 20:125-144, 1999. (PMID: 10352853)

Diehr P, Patrick D, Burke G, Williamson J: Survival versus years of healthy life: which is more powerful as a study outcome? Control Clin Trials 20:267-279, 1999. (PMID: 10357499)

Gibson JP, Koepsell TD, Diehr P, Hale C: Increasing response rates for mailed surveys of Medicaid clients and other low income populations. Am J Epidemiol 149:1057-1062, 1999. (PMID: 10355382)

Patrick DL, Grembowski D, Durham m, Beresford S, Diehr P, Ehreth J, Hecht J, Picciano J, Beery W: Cost and outcomes of medicare reimbursement for preventive services in an HMO. Health Care Financ Rev 20:25-43, 1999. (PMID: 11482123)

Goldberg H, Neighbor WE, Cheadle A, Ramsey S, Diehr P, Gore E: A controlled time-series trial of clinical reminders: using computerized firm systems to make quality-improvment research a routine part of mainstream practice. Health Services Research 34(7):1519-1534, 2000. (PMID: 10737451)

Madden CW, Mackay BP, Skillman S, Ciol M, Diehr P: Risk adjusting capitation: Applications in two populations. Health Management Science 3(2): 101-109, 2000. (PMID: 10780278)

Unutzer J, Patrick D, Diehr P, Simon G, Grembowski D, Daton W: Quality adjusted life years in older adults with depressive symptoms and chronic medical disorders. (First place 1999 IPA/Bayer Research Awards in Psychogeriatrics). International Psychogeriatrics 12:15-33, 2000. (PMID: 10798451)

Grembowski D, Diehr P, Novak L, Roussel A, Martin DP, Patrick DL, Williams B, Ulrich CB: Measuring the “managedness” and covered benefits of health plans. Health Services Research 35:707-734, 2000. (PMID: 10966092)

Wagner E, Wickizer T, Cheadle A, Psaty B, Koepsell T, Diehr P, Curry S, VonKorff M, Anderman C, Beery W, Pearson D, Perrin E: The Kaiser Family Foundation community health promotion grants program: findings from an outcome evaluation. Health Serv Res. 2000; 35:561-589. (PMID: 10966086)

Diehr P, Williamson J, Patrick DL, Bild DE, Burke GL: Patterns of self-rated health in older adults before and after sentinel health events. J Am Geriatr Soc 49:36-44, 2001. (PMID: 11207840)

Feng Z, Diehr P, Peterson A, McLerran D: Selected statistical issues in group randomized trials. Annual Review of Public Health 22:167-187, 2001. (PMID: 11274517)

Longstreth WT, Diehr P, Manolio TA, Beauchamp NJ, Jungreis CA, Lefkowitz D, O’Leary D: Cluster analysis to identify patterns of findings on cranial magnetic resonance imagine of the elderly: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Archives of Neurology 58:635-640, 2001. (PMID: 11295995)

Reiber GE, Smith DG, Carter J, Fotieo G, Deery G, Sangeorzan J, Lavery L, Pugh J, Peter-Riesch B, Assal JP, del Aguila M, Diehr P, Patrick DL, Boyko EJ. A comparison of diabetic foot ulcer patients managed in VHA and non-VHA settings. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. 38:309-317, 2001. (PMID: 11440262)

Goldberg HI, Deyo RA, Taylor VM, Cheadle AD, Conrad DA, Loeser JD, Heagerty PJ, Diehr P. Can evidence change the rate of back surgery? A randomized controlled trial of community-based education. Effective Clinical Practice 4:95-104, 2001. (PMID: 11434080)

Diehr P, Patrick DL, Spertus J, Kiefe CI, McDonell M, Fihn SD. Transforming self-rated health and the SF-36 Scales to include death and improve interpretability. Medical care 39:670-680, 2001. (PMID: 11458132)

Cheadle A, Wagner E, Walls M, Diehr P, Bell M, Anderman C, McBride C, Catalano R, Pettigrew E, Simmons R, Neckerman H. The effect of neighborhood-based community organizing: results from the Seattle Minority Youth Health Project. Health Services Research 36:671-689, 2001. (PMID: 11508634)

Diehr P, Patrick DL. Probabilities of Transition among Health States for Older Adults. Quality of Life Research 10:431-422, 2001. (PMID: 11763205)

Diehr P, Newman AB, Jackson SA, Kuller L, Powe N. Weight modification trials in older adults: What should the outcome measure be? Controlled Clinical Trials in Cardiovascular Medicine 3:1-18, 2002. [On line at ] (PMID: 11985775)

Lumley T, Diehr P, Emerson S, Chen L. The importance of the normality assumption in large public health data sets. Annual Review of Public Health 23:151-169, 2002. (PMID: 11910059)

Diehr P, Williamson J, Burke G, Psaty B. The aging and dying process and the health of older adults. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 55:269-278, 2002. (PMID: 11864798)

Grembowski D, Martin DP, Diehr P, Patrick DL, Williams B, Novak L, Katon W, Deyo R, Dickstein D, Engelberg R, Goldberg H. Managed care, access to mental health specialists, and outcomes among primary care patients with depressive symptoms. Journal of General Internal Medicine 17(4):258-269, 2002. (PMID: 11972722)

Maciejewski M, Smith MA, Diehr P, Herbert P. Common methodological terms in health services research and their synonyms. Medical Care 40: 477-84, 2002. (Med Care. 2002) (PMID: 12021674)

Pogach LM, Charns M, Wrobel J, Diehr P, Robbins J, Reiber G. Coordination improves foot care for patients with diabetes. Transition Watch 5:4-6, 2002.

Herrman H, Patrick DL, Diehr P, Martin M, Fleck M, Simon G, Buesching D, the LIDO group. Longitudinal investigation of depression outcomes in primary care in six countries: the LIDO study. Functional status, health service use and treatment of people with depressive symptoms. Psychological Medicine 32:889-902, 2002. (PMID: 12171383)

Pizacani B, Martin DP, Stark MJ, Koepsell TD, Thompson B, Diehr P. Household smoking bans: which households have them and do they work? Prev Med 36:99-107, 2003. (PMID: 12473430)

Grembowski D, Martin DP, Diehr P, Patrick DL, Williams B, Novak L, Katon W, Deyo R, Dickstein D, Engelberg R, Goldberg H. Managed care, access to specialists, and outcomes among primary care patients with pain . Health Serv Res 38:1-19, 2003. (PMID: 12650378)

Raghunathan, T. E., Diehr, P. K., & Cheadle, A. D. Combining aggregate and individual level data to estimate an individual level correlation coefficient. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 28:1-19, 2003.

Brumback B, Greenland S, Redman M, Kiviat N, Diehr P. The intensity score approach to adjusting for confounding. Biometrics 59:274-285, 2003. (PMID: 12926712)

Chisholm D, Diehr P, Knapp M, Patrick D, Treglia M, Simon G, on behalf of the LIDO group. Depression status, medical comorbidity, and resource costs: evidence from an international study of major depression in primary care (LIDO). British Journal of Psychiatry 183:121-131, 2003. (PMID: 12650378)

Diehr P, Patrick DL. Trajectories of health for older adults over time: accounting fully for death. Annals of Internal Medicine, 2003. Regenstrief Conference. Annals of Internal Medicine 2003; 139:416-421. (PMID: 12965968)

Diehr P, Patrick DL, McDonell MB, Fihn SD. Accounting for deaths in longitudinal studies using the SF-36: the performance of the Physical Component Scale of the Short Form 36-Item Health Survey and the PCTD. Medical Care 2003; 41:1065-1073. (PMID: 12972846)

*Engels JM (Jean Mundahl), Diehr P. Imputation of Missing Longitudinal Data: a comparison of methods. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2003; 56:968-976. (PMID: 14568628)

Wrobel JS, Charns MP, Diehr P, Robbins JM, Reiber GE, Bonacker M, Haas LB, Pogach L. The Relationship between provider coordination and diabetes-related foot outcomes. Diabetes Care 2003; 26:3042-3047. (PMID: 14578237)

Grembowski D, Ulrich CM, Paschane D, Diehr P, Katon W, Martin D, Patrick DL, Velicer C. Managed care and primary physician satisfaction. Journal of the American Board of Family Practice 2003; 16:383-393. (PMID: 14645328)

Diehr P, Beresford SAA. The relation of dietary patterns to future survival, health, and cardiovascular events in older adults. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2003; 56:1224-1235. (PMID: 14680674)

Meischke H, Diehr P, Rowe S, Cagle T, Eisenberg M. Evaluation of a public education program delivered by firefighters on early recognition of a heart attack. Evaluation and the Health Professions 2004; 27:3-21. (PMID: 14994556)

Fihn SD, McDonell MB, Diehr P, Anderson SM, Bradley KA, Au DH, Spertus JA, Burman M, Reiber GE, Kiefe CI, Cody M, Sanders KM, Whooley MA, Rosenfeld K, Baczek LA, Sauvigne A. Effects of sustained audit/feedback on self-reported health status of primary care patients. 2004. Am J Med. Feb 116:241-8. (PMID: 14969652)

Pizacani B, Martin DP, Stark MJ, Koepsell TD, Thompson B, Diehr P. A prospective study of household smoking bans and subsequent cessation related behaviour: the role of stage of change. Tob Control. 2004. 13:23-28. (PMID: 14985591)

Andresen EM, Diehr PH, Luke DA. Public health surveillance of low-frequency populations. Annual Review of Public Health. 2004; 25:25-52.B. (PMID: 15015911)

Ciechanowski P, Wagner E, Schmaling K, Schwartz S, Williams B, Diehr P, Kulzer J, Gray S, Collier C, LoGerfo J. Community-integrated home-based depression treatment in older adults: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2004; 291:1570-1577. (PMID: 15069044)

Ohldin A, Derleth A, McDonell M, Young B, Diehr P, Kiefe C, Fihn S. Ethnic differences in satisfaction and quality of life in veterans with ischemic heart disease. 2004. Journal of the National Medical Association 2004; 96:799-808. (PMID: 15233490)

Ebel BE, Mack C, Diehr P, Rivara FP. Lost working days, productivity, and restraint use among occupants of motor vehicles that crashed in the United States.

Inj Prev. 2004 Oct;10(5):314-9. (PMID: 15470014)

Arterburn DE, McDonell MB, Hedrick SC, Diehr P, Fihn SD. Association of Body Weight with Condition-Specific Quality of Life in Male Veterans. Amer J of Medicine. 2004; 117:738-746. (PMID: 15541323)

Yasui Y, Feng Z, Diehr P, McLerran D, Beresford S, McCulloch CE. Evaluation of community intervention trials via generalized linear mixed models. Biometrics 2004;60:1043-52. (PMID: 15606425)

Grembowski DE, Paschane D, Diehr P, Katon W, Martin D, Patrick DL. Managed care and patient-rated quality of specialty care. Med Care Res Rev 2005; 62: 31-55. (PMID: 15836532)

Diehr P, Chen L, Patrick D, Feng Z, Yasui Y. Reliability, effect size, and responsiveness of health status measures in the design of randomized and cluster-randomized trials. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2005; 26:45-58. B. (PMID: 15837452)

Reiner A, Diehr P, Browner B, Humphries S, Jenny N, Cushman M, Tracy R,Walston J, Lumley T, Newman A, Kuller L, Psaty B. Common promoter polymorphisms of inflammation and thrombosis genes and longevity in older adults: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Atherosclerosis 2005; 181:175-183. (PMID: 15939070)

Fan VS, Reiber GE, Diehr P, Burman M, McDonell MB, Fihn SD. Functional status and patient satisfaction: a comparison of ischmic heart disease, obstructive lung disease, and diabetes mellitus. J Gen Intern Med 2005;20:452-459. (PMID: 15963172)

Diehr P, Johnson LL, Patrick DL, Psaty B. Methods for incorporating death into health-related variables in longitudinal studies. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2005;58:1115-1124. (PMID: 16223654)

Diehr P, Johnson LL. Accounting for missing data in end-of-life research. J Palliat Med. 2005;8 Suppl 1:S50-7. (PMID: 16499469)

Lind BK, Lafferty WE, Grembowski DE, Diehr PK: Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use by Insured Patients with Diabetes in Washington State. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2006; 12:71-77. (PMID: 16494571)

Meischke H, Diehr P, Rowe S, Cagle A, Eisenberg M. A community intervention by firefighters to increase 911 calls and aspirin use for chest pain. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2006; 13: 389-395. (PMID: 16531594)

Crane HM, Van Rompaey SE, Dillingham PW, Herman E, Diehr P, Kitahata M. A single-item measure of health-related quality-of-life for HIV-infected patients in routine clinical care. AIDS Patient Care STDs 2006; 20:161-174. (PMID: 16548713)

Diehr PH, Derleth AM, McKenna SP, Martin ML, Bushnell DM, Simon G, Patrick DL, the LIDO group. Synchrony of change in depressive symptoms, health status, and quality of life in persons with clinical depression. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2006; 4:27. (PMID: 16638129)

Berke EM, Ackerman RT, Lin EH, Diehr PH, Maciejewski ML, Williams B, Patrick MB, LoGerfo JP. Distance as a barrier to using a fitness-program benefit for Managed Medicare Enrollees. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 2006, 14:313-323. (PMID: 17090808)

Lind BK, Abrams C, Lafferty WE, Diehr PK, Grembowski DE: The effect of complementary and alternative medicine claims on risk adjustment. Medical Care 2006; 44: 1078-1084. (PMID: 17122711)

Lind BK, Lafferty WE, Tyree PT, Diehr PK, Grembowski DE: Use of complementary and alternative medicine providers by fibromyalgia patients under insurance coverage. Arthritis Rheum 2007; 57:71-76. (PMID: 17266066)

Grembowski D, Paschane D, Diehr P, Katon W, Martin D, Patrick DL. Managed care and patient ratings of the quality of specialty care among patients with pain or depressive symptoms. BMC Health Services Research 2007; 7:22. (PMID: 17306028 )

1. Cagle AJ, Diehr P, Meischke H, Rea T, Olsen J, Rodrigues D, Yakovlevitch M, Amidon T, Eisenberg M. Psychological and social impacts of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in the home. Resuscitation 2007; 27:432-438. (PMID: 17395358)

2. Diehr P, Derleth A, Cai L, Newman AB,. The effect of different public health interventions on longevity, morbidity, and years of healthy life. BMC Public Health 2007; 7:52 “Highly Accessed” rating from Biomed Central. (PMID: 17411436)

3. Diehr PH, Lafferty W, Patrick DL, Downey L, Devlin S, Standish LJ. Quality of life at the end of life. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 2007; 5:51. “Highly Accessed” rating from Biomed Central. (PMID: 17683554)

4. Diehr P, Derleth A, Newman AB, Cai L. The number of sick persons in a cohort. Research on aging 2007; 29:555-575. (PMID: 17411436)

5. Diehr P, Yanez D, Derleth A, Newman Anne B. Age-specific prevalence and years of healthy life in a system with 3 health states. Statistics in Medicine 2008; 27:1371-1386. (PMID: 17847058)

6. Hindorff L, Rice KM, Lange LA, Diehr P, Halder I, Walston J, Kwok P, Ziv E, Nievergelt C, Cummings SR, Newman AB, Tracy RP, Psaty BM, Reiner AP. Common variants in the C-reactive protein (CRP) gene in relation to longevity and cause-specific mortality in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Atherosclerosis 2008;197:922-930. (PMID: 17888441)

7. Diehr P, O’Meara ES, Fitzpatrick A, Newman AB, Kuller L, Burke G. Weight, mortality, years of healthy life and active life expectancy in older adults. J American Geriatric Soc. 2008; 56:76-83. (PMID: 18031486)

8. Pizacani B, Stark MJ, Martin D, Koepsell TD, Thompson B, Diehr P. Longitudinal study of household smoking ban adoption among households with at least one smoker: associated factors, barriers, and smoker support. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2008; 10:533-540. (PMID: 18324573)

9. Bell JF , Zimmerman FJ, Diehr PK. Maternal Work Attributes and Birth Outcome Disparities. Maternal and Child Health Journal 2008;12:415-426. (PMID: 17701331)

10. Lafferty WE, Tyree PT, Devlin SM, Andersen MR, Diehr PK. CAM provider use and expenditures by cancer treatment phase. American Journal of Managed Care 2008;14:326-334. (PMID: 18471036)

11. Cai L, Schenker N, Lubitz J, Diehr P, Arnold A, Fried LP. Evaluation of a method for fitting a semi-Markov process model in the presence of left-censored spells using the Cardiovascular Health Study. Statistics in Medicine 2008; 27:5509-5524. (PMID: 18712777)

12. Starks H, Diehr P, Curtis JR. The challenge of selection bias and confounding in palliative care research. Journal of Palliative Medicine 2009; 12:181-187. (PMID: 19207063)

13. Fitzpatrick AL, Kuller LH, Lopez OL, Diehr P, O’Meara ES, Longstreth WT, Luchsinger J. Midlife and late-life obesity and the risk of dementia: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Archives of Neurology 2009;66:336-342. (PMID: 19273752)

14. Downey L, Diehr P, Standish LJ, Patrick DL, Kozak L, Fisher D, Congdon S, Lafferty WE. Might massage or guided meditation provide “means to a better end?: primary outcomes from an efficacy trial with patients at the end of life. Journal of Palliative Care 2009; 25:100-108. (PMID: 19678461)

15. Lind BK, Lafferty WE, Diehr PK, Grembowski DE. Chiropractic use by urban and rural residents with insurance coverage. Journal of Rural Health 2009;25;253-258. (PMID: 19566610)

16. Hubbard RA, Inoue L, Diehr P. Joint modeling of self-related health and changes in physical function. Accepted by JASA November-2008. Online July 2009 . (PMID: 20151036)

17. Kurland BF, Johnson LL, Diehr PH. Longitudinal data with follow-up truncated by death: match the analysis method to research aims. Statistical Science 2009; 24:211-222. (PMID: 20119502)

18. * Devlin SM, Diehr PH, Andersen MR, Goff BA, Tyree PT, Lafferty WE. Identification of ovarian cancer symptoms in health insurance claims data. Journal of Women’s Health, 2010; 19:number 3. (PMID: 20156131)

19. * Thielke S, Diehr P, Unutzer J. Prevalence, incidence, and persistence of major depressive symptoms in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Aging and Mental Health 2010; 14:168-176. (PMID: 20336548)

20. Lind BK, Lafferty WE, Tyree PT, Diehr PK. Comparison of health care expenditures among insured users and nonusers of complementary and alternative medicine in Washington State: A cost minimization analysis. J Altern Complement Med 2010; 16:411-417. (PMID: 20423210). (PMID: 20423210)

21. Diehr P, Hirsch CH. Health benefits of increased walking for sedentary, generally healthy older adults: using longitudinal data to approximate an intervention trial. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2010; 65:982-989. Epub 2010 May 19. (PMID: 20484337)

22. Hirsch CH, Diehr P, Newman AB, Gerrior SA, Pratt C, Lebowitz MD, Jackson SA. Physical activity and years of healthy life in older adults: results from the Cardiovascular Health Study. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 2010; 18:313-334. (PMID: 20651417)

23. Williams B, Diehr P, LoGerfo, J. Evaluation of a preventive services index to adjust for healthy behaviors in observational studies of older adults. Preventing Chronic Disease 2010; 7(5). . (PMID: 20712937)

24. Bennett AV, Patrick DL, Bushnell DM, Chiou CF, Diehr P. Title: Comparison of 7-day and repeated 24-h recall of type 2 diabetes. Quality of Life Research. 2011; 20:769-777. (PMID: 21088912)

25. Anderson MR, Tyree PT, Devlin SM, Diehr PH, Lafferty WE. Do insured women who use complementary and alternative medicine providers also receive recommended mammography? Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology, 2010; 8:114.

26. Diehr P, Hannon PA, Pizacani B, Forehand M, Harris J, Meischke H Curry S, Martin DP, Weaver MR. Social marketing, stages of change, and public health smoking interventions. Journal of Health Education and Behavior. 2011; 38:123-131. (PMID: 21257973).

27. Whitson HE, Thielke S, Diehr P, O’Hare AM, Chaves PH, Zakai NA, Arnold A, Chaudhry S, Ives D, Newman AB. Patterns and predictors of recovery from exhaustion in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2011; 59:207-213. (PMID: 21288229)

28. Meischke H, Diehr P, Phelps R, Damon S, Rea T. Psychological effects of automated external defibrillator training: A randomized Trial. Heart & Lung 2011; 40:501-510. (PMID: 21411144 )

29. Fihn SD, Bucher JB, McDonell M, Diehr P, Rumsfeld JS, Doak M, Dougherty C, Gerrity M, Heidenreich P, Larsen G, Lee PI, Lucas L, McBryde C, Nelson K, Plomondon ME, Stadius M, Bryson C. Collaborative Care Intervention for Stable Ischemic Heart Disease. Archives of Internal Medicine 2011; 171:1471-1479.

30. Au DH Udris EM, Engelberg RA, Diehr P, Bryson C, Reinke LF, Curtis JR. A randomized trial to improve communication about end-of-life care among patients with COPD. Chest 2012; 141: 726-735. (pmid 21940765)

31. Bennett AV, Amtmann D, Diehr P, Patrick DL. Comparison of 7-day recall and daily diary reports of COPD symptoms and impacts. Value Health 2012; 15:466-474. (pmid 22583457)

32. Diehr P, Thielke S, O’Meara E, Fitzpatrick A, Newman A. Comparing Years of Healthy Life, Measured in 16 Ways, for Normal Weight and Overweight Older Adults. Journal of Obesity 2012 (on-line only); doi:10.1155/2012/894894.

33. Hannon PA, Harris JR, Sopher CJ, Kuniyuki A, Ghosh DL, Henderson S, Martin DP, Weaver MR, Williams B, Albano DL, Meischke H, Diehr P, Lichiello P, Hammerback KE, Parks MR, Forehand M. Improving low-wage, midsized employers’ health promotion practices: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Prev Med. 2012. 43:125-133.

34. Thielke SM, Whitson H, Diehr P, O’Hare A, Kearney PM, Chaudhry SI, Zakai NA, Kim D, Sekaran N, Sale JE, Arnold AM, Chaves P, Newman A. Persistence and remission of musculoskeletal pain in community-dwelling older adults: results from the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012. 60:1393-1400. [doi: 10.1111/j.1532-5415.2012.04082.x. Epub 2012 Aug ]

35. Kurland BF, Johnson LL, Diehr PH. Accommodation of missing data in supportive and palliative care trials. Curr Opin Support Palliat Care 2012;6: [epub instead of print]

36. Thielke SM, Diehr P. Transitions among health states using 12 measures of successful aging in men and women: results from the Cardiovascular Health Study. Journal of Aging Research Volume 2012, Article ID 243263 doi:10.1155/2012/243263.

37. Diehr PH, Thielke SM, Newman AB, Hirsch CH, Tracy R. Decline in health for older adults: 5-year change in 13 key measures of standardized health. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013 May 10. [epub ahead of print] doi:10.1093/gerona/glt038 [PMID:23666944]

213. Locke E, Thielke S, Diehr P, Wilsdon AG, Graham Barr R, Hansel N, Kapur VK, Krishnan J, Enright P, Heckbert SR, Kronmal RA, Fan VS. Effects of respiratory and non-respiratory factors on disability among older adults with airway obstruction: the Cardiovascular Health Study. COPD 2013; Jul 2. [Epub ahead of print].

214. Longstreth , Diehr PH, Yee L, Newman AB, Beauchamp N. Brain imaging findings in the elderly and years of life, healthy life, and able life over the ensuing 16 years: the Cardiovascular Health Study. JAGS 62: 1838-1843, 2014.

215. Fan VS, Locke, ER, Diehr P, Wilsdon A, Enright P, Yende S, Avdalovic M,

Barr G, Kapur VK, Thomas R, Krishnan JA, Lovasi G, Thielke S.

Disability and Recovery of Independent Function in Obstructive Lung

Disease: The Cardiovascular Health Study.  Respiration. 2014;88(4):329-38. doi: 10.1159/000363772. Epub 2014 Sep 9.

216. Diehr P, Diehr M, Arnold A, Yee LM, Odden MC, Hirsch MC, Thielke S, Psaty BM, Johnson WC, Kizer JR, Newman A. Predicting future years of life, health, and functional ability: a Healthy Life Calculator for older adults. Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine January-December 2015: 1–10.

217. Thielke SM, Diehr PH, Yee LM, Arnold AM, Quinones AR, Whitson HE, Jacob ME, Newman AB. Sex, race, and age differences in observed years of life, healthy life, and able life among older adults in the Cardiovascular Health Study. J. Pers. Med. 2015, 5:440-451.

218. Jacob ME, Yee LM, Diehr PH, Arnold AM, Thielke SM, Chaves HM, Del Gabbo L, Hirsch C, Siscovick D, Newman, AB. Can a healthy lifestyle compress the disabled period in older adults? JAGS 2016. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 Sep 7. doi: 10.1111/jgs.14314. [Epub ahead of print].


In Press

Manuscripts in preparation or submitted

Diehr P, Yanez D. Multi-state life tables, equilibrium prevalence, and baseline selection bias. Submitted to Statistics in Medicine 9-1-2009. [Resubmitted 9-1-2010. Change to technical report.]

1. *Derleth AM, Diehr P, Patrick DL, Reiber GE, McDonell MB, Fihn SD. Estimating Preference-Weighted Health Status from SF-36 Responses for VA (ACQUIP) Patients. Under Revision, Medical Decision Making.

2. Daly C, Wickizer TM, Martin D, Diehr P, Martin D, Butterfield P. Development of approaches assessing telecommuting and the relationship to stress: an exploratory analysis. (second draft seen 11-2006)

3. Daly C, Wickizer TM, Martin D, Diehr P, Butterfield P. …, An examination of assocaiations between telecommuting and health behaviors. (first draft seen 4-2006) (second draft 1-24-2007)

4. Daly C, Wickizer T, Diehr P, Martin D, Butterfield P. …, Is the frequency of telecommuting among at risk individuals related to readiness to change health behaviors?. (first draft seen 4-2006) (2nd draft 1-24-2007)

5. Renan Castillo, Ellen MacKenzie, Fred Rivara, Ann Derleth, Paula Diehr. NSCOT PHF Paper #1. Validity of probability of healthy future methodology for analysis of mortality and functional outcomes. Abstract seen 6-2006

6. Renan Castillo, Ellen MacKenzie, Fred Rivara, Ann Derleth, Paula Diehr. NSCOT PHF Paper # 2. Effect of trauma center care on mortality and functional outcome using a probability of healthy future methodology. Abstract seen on 6-2006.

7. *Derleth AM, Diehr P, Patrick DL, Reiber G, Rivara F, Mackenzie E. Transforming health status measues to incorporate death: using Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data to add age and validate. Medical Care. Draft seen 11-14-2006.

8. Fihn S, Bryson, McDonell M, Diehr P, Fan v. Do Primary Care Providers Worry about Worrisome Results? Effects of Feedback on Processes and Outcomes of Care. Draft abstract seen 1-10-2007.

b) Other refereed scholarly publications

Richardson WC, Diehr PK, LoGerfo JP, McCaffree KM, Shortell SM: Comparison of prepaid health plans in a competitive market: The Seattle Prepaid Health Care Project. NCHSR Research Proceedings Series. US Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, National Center for Health Services Research. DHEW Publication No. (PHS) 80-3199, 1980.

Engrav L, Diehr P, Koepsell T: Personal research statistics for the data reporter. Synergistic Software, Redmond, WA, 1984.

Cain K, Diehr P: Commentary: The relationship between small area variations in the use of health care services and inappropriate use. Health Serv Res 28:411-418, 1993.

Committee on Health Services Research Training and Work Force Issues: Health services research: Opportunities for an expanding field of inquiry. Institute of Medicine, Division of Health Care Services.

Diehr P: No mourning for the ancient days of punch cards: UW Biostatisticians hail the computer revolution. Washington Public Health 13:18-19, 1995.

c) Books and book chapters

Fisher LD, Kronmal RA, Diehr PK: Mathematical aids to medical decision making. In: Operations Research in Health Care: A Critical Analysis (L Shuman, RD Speas and JP Young, eds.). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1976, pp. 365-402.

LoGerfo JP, Richardson W, Diehr PK: Assessing the quality of ambulatory care: A comparative study of independent practice and prepaid group practice--the Seattle Model Cities Prepaid Health Care Evaluation Project. In: Assessing Physician Performance in Ambulatory Care (RL Hare, ed.). The American Society of Internal Medicine Conference, 1976, pp. 115-39.

McCaffree KM, Richardson WC, Boscha V, Drucker WL, Diehr PK: A comparison of two health services delivery systems with primary emphasis on costs. Textbook for Employee Benefit Plan Trustees, Administrators and Advisors. In: Proceedings of the 1977 Annual Education Conference, San Francisco, CA. International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, 1978, pp. 378-91.

Bailar JC, Bloom J, Britt A, Diehr P, Foltz AM, Greenberg G, Hyde J, McKittrick J, Van Brunt EE: Comprehensive health screening services. In: Health and Human Services Innovations, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Publication No. 79-R-8, 1979, pp. 33-46.

Lee JAH, Vaughan T, Diehr P, Haertle R: The recognition of new kinds of occupational toxicity. In: The Epidemiology of Quantification of Environmental Risk in Humans from Radiation and Other Agents. New York: Plenum Press, 1985.

Grazier K, Richardson W, Martin D, Diehr P: Factors affecting choice of health care plans. In: Methodological Advances in Health Services Research. Ann Arbor: Health Administration Press, 1989.

Diehr P: Commentary on "Small Area Analysis: The medical care outcome problem". In: AHCPR Conference Proceedings, Research Methodology: strengthening causal interpretations of nonexperimental data (L Sechrest, E Perrin and J Bunker, eds.). Tucson, AZ, April 1987, pp. 207-213. DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 90-3454, US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, 1990.

Diehr P, Patrick D, Grembowski D, Picciano J: Accounting for deaths when measuring health status over time. Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics, Washington, DC, July 1993 (proceedings).

Institute of Medicine Committee on Health Services Research: Training and Work Force Issues: Health services research: Work force and educational issues (MJ Field, RE Tranquada, JC Feasley, eds.). National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1995.

Hedrick S, Rothman M, Chapko M, Ehreth J, Inui T, Kelly J, Connis R, Diehr P: Evaluations of effectiveness and costs of adult day care. In: Applying Health Services Research to Long-Term Care (JC Romeis, RM Coe, JE Morley, eds.). Springer Publishing Co., 1996(a).

Koepsell TD, Wagner EH, Cheadle AC, Patrick DL, Martin DC, Diehr PH, Perrin EB, Kristal AR, Allan-Andrilla CH, Dey LJ: Selected methodological issues in evaluating community-based health promotion and disease prevention program. In: Pan American Health Organization. Health Promotion: An Anthology. Washington D.C.: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication No. 557 (pp. 188-210), 1996.

Diehr P: Hospital Market Areas@ In: Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, (P. Armitage and T. Colton, eds.). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1998 (in press).

Diehr P: Small Area Variation Analysis@ In: Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, (P. Armitage and T. Colton, eds.). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1998 (in press).

d) Other non-refereed published scholarly publications

Technical Reports

Richardson WC, Boscha MV, Weaver B, Drucker WL, Diehr PK: Introduction to the project, the study and the enrollees. In: The Seattle Prepaid Health Care Project: Comparison of Health Services Delivery, Chapter I (WC Richardson, et al., eds.). National Technical Information Service, PB #267488-SET, 1976.

Diehr PK, Richardson WC, Drucker WL, Shortell SM, LoGerfo JP: Utilization: Ambulatory and hospital. In: The Seattle Prepaid Health Care Project: Comparison of Health Services Delivery, Chapter II (WC Richardson, et al., eds.). National Technical Information Service, PB #267488-SET, 1976.

McCaffree K, Boscha MV, Drucker WL, Richardson WC, Diehr PK: Comparative costs of services. In: The Seattle Prepaid Health Care Project: Comparison of Health Services Delivery, Chapter III (WC Richardson, et al., eds.). National Technical Information Service, PB #267488-SET, 1976.

LoGerfo JP, Efird RA, Diehr PK, Richardson WC: Quality of care. In: The Seattle Prepaid Health Care Project: Comparison of Health Services Delivery, Chapter IV (WC Richardson, et al., eds.). National Technical Information Service, PB #267488-SET, 1976.

Richardson WC, Shortell SM, Diehr PK: Access to care and patient satisfaction. In: The Seattle Prepaid Health Care Project: Comparison of Health Services Delivery, Chapter V (WC Richardson, et al., eds.). National Technical Information Service, PB #267488-SET, 1976.

Shortell SM, Williams SJ, Richardson WC, LoGerfo JP, Weaver B, Diehr PK, Green K: Integrative analysis based on episodes of care for hypertension and diabetes. In: The Seattle Prepaid Health Care Project: Comparison of Health Services Delivery, Chapter VI (WC Richardson, et al., eds.). National Technical Information Service, PB #267488-SET, 1976

Diehr P, Cain K, Ye Z, Loeser J. An empirical study of small-area variation f0or ICD-9 surgical procedures.

Martin DC, Diehr P, Koepsell TD, Fihn SD. Multiple outcomes in health services research: hypothesis tests and power. 1997.

Diehr P: Statistical measures for admission rates. Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington Technical Report No. 24, 1978.

Diehr P: Sample size calculation and optimal follow-up time in health services research using utilization rates. Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington Technical Report No. 42, 1980.

Diehr P, Read W: Characteristics and manpower projections: Pharmacists in the State of Washington, 1978 (Report of the joint committee exploring opportunities for the integration of pharmaceutical education at the UW and WSU).

Diehr P, Barlow W: A problem-oriented module for teaching multivariate statistics. University of Washington, 1980.

Moore S, Martin D, Diehr P: Physician participation in United Healthcare. In: Consumer Choice and Cost Containment: An Evaluation of Safeco's United Healthcare Plan. National Technical Information Service PB82 264912, 1982, pp. 33-97.

Grazier K, Richardson W, Martin D, Diehr P: Choice of plan. In: Consumer Choice and Cost Containment: An Evaluation of Safeco's United Healthcare Plan. National Technical Information Service PB82 264912, 1982, pp. 98-167.

Martin D, Diehr P, Price K, Friedlander L: Comparative utilization. In: Consumer Choice and Cost Containment: An Evaluation of Safeco's United Healthcare Plan. National Technical Information Service PB82 264912, 1982, pp. 162-285.

Martin D, Diehr P, Price K: Randomized experiment of physician control over the use of services. In: Consumer Choice and Cost Containment: An Evaluation of Safeco's United Healthcare Plan. National Technical Information Service PB82 264912, 1982, pp. 286-347.

Diehr P, Martin D: UW Faculty/Staff Insurance Survey. Submitted to Faculty Senate, April 1989.

Cain KC, Diehr P, Ye Z. The multiple admission factor (MAF) in small area variation analysis. Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington Technical Report No. 116, 1992.

Diehr P, Martin DC, Koepsell T, Cheadle A. Breaking the matches in a paired t-test for community interventions when the number of pairs is small. Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington Technical Report No. 127, 1993.

Diehr P, Lystig T, Andrilla H, Feng Z: Pooling community data for community interventions when the number of pairs is small. Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington Technical Report No. 149, 1997.

Dunning A, Diehr P. Empirical estimates of community-level correlations for potential matching variables. Technical Report #161, University of Washington. 1998.

Andrilla, Holly. A collection of variance component estimates for selected health behaviors and their use in sample size calculations for community-based studies. Technical Report #163, University of Washington. 1998.

Diehr P, Patrick D. Probabilities of transition among health states for older adults. Technical Report #168, University of Washington. 2000.

Diehr P, Patrick DL, Burke GL, Williamson J. Performance of Halex in Longitudinal Studies of Older Adults. Technical Report #176, University of Washington. (January, 2002). UW Biostatistics working paper series: working paper 176.

Diehr P, Johnson LL, Patrick DL, Psaty B. Incorporating death into health-related variables in longitudinal studies. (January, 2004). UW Biostatistics working paper series: working paper 224.

Diehr P, Derleth Ann, Newman Anne, Cai Liming. Is the number of sick persons in a cohort constant over time? (October 3, 2005). UW Biostatistics working paper series: working paper 264.

Diehr P, Newman Anne, Cai Liming, Derleth Ann. Different public health interventions have varying effects. UW Biostatistics working paper series: working paper 270.

Diehr P, Chen L, Patrick D, Feng Z, Yasui Y. Reliability, effect size, and responsiveness and intraclass correlation of health status measures used in randomized and cluster-randomized trials. Berkeley Electronic Press. UW Biostatistics working paper series. Technical Report # 284.

Kurland BF, Johnson LL, Diehr PH. Longitudinal data truncated by death: choose an analysis method to match research aims.

Diehr P and Hirsch C. Using longitudinal data to estimate the effect of starting to exercise on the health of sedentary older adults.

1. Paula Diehr, Peggy A. Hannon, Barbara Pizacani, Mark Forehand, Jeffrey Harris, Hendrika Meischke, Susan J. Curry, Diane P. Martin, and Marcia R. Weaver, "Using the Stages of Change Model to Choose an Optimal Health Marketing Target" (March 16, 2010). UW Biostatistics Working Paper Series. Working Paper 361.

2. Diehr and David Yanez, "Multi-state Life Tables, Equilibrium Prevalence, and Baseline Selection Bias" (June 15, 2010). UW Biostatistics Working Paper Series. Working Paper 365.

3. Thielke Stephen and Diehr, Paula, "Transitions Among Health States Using 12 Measures of Successful Aging: Results from the Cardiovascular Health Study" (August 2012). UW Biostatistics Working Paper Series. Working Paper 383.

4. Diehr Paula H.; Thielke, Stephen M.; Newman, Anne B.; Hirsch, Calvin H.; and Tracy, Russell, "Decline in Health for Older Adults: 5-Year Change in 13 Key Measures of Standardized Health" (October 2012). UW Biostatistics Working Paper Series. Working Paper 385.


8. Patents and Other Intellectual Property

Not applicable

9. Funding History (approximate dates of studies with P. Diehr as principal investigator)

Training Grant for Biostatistics in Health Services. AHRQ. (P Diehr, P.I.) 1970-1975

Mental Health Services in three provider plans. NIMH. (P Diehr, P.I.) 1980-1983

Evaluation of Community Cancer Outreach Program. NCI. (P Diehr, P.I.) 1985-1986

Methods for Community Based Evaluation Studies. NCI. (P. Diehr, P.I.) 1992-1997

10. Public Health Practice Activities

Not applicable

11. Conferences and Symposiums

1. Diehr PK: A course in mathematical programming applications for hospital administrators. Presented at Operations Research Society of America, 44th National Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 1973.

LoGerfo JP, Richardson WC, Diehr PK: Assessing the quality of ambulatory care: A comparative study of independent practice and prepaid group practice: The Seattle Model Cities Prepaid Health Care Evaluation Project. Presented at the American Society of International Medicine Conference on Assessing Physician Performance in Ambulatory Care, June 1976.

Shortell S, Richardson WC, LoGerfo JP, Diehr PK, Weaver B, Green K: The relationships among dimensions of health services provision in two provider systems: A causal model approach. Presented at the Western Social Science Association meetings, Tempe, AZ, April 1976.

LoGerfo JP, Larson E, Okamoto C, Diehr PK, Richardson WC: Quality of care for common infections: Comparisons of prepaid group practice and independent practice. Presented at the Spring Meeting of the American Federation for Clinical Research, May 1977.

McCaffree K, Richardson W, Boscha V, Drucker W, Diehr P: A comparison of two health services delivery systems with primary emphasis on costs. Presented at the 1977 National Education Conference of the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, Inc., San Francisco, CA, August 1977.

LoGerfo JP, Efird R, Diehr P, Richardson W: Are there differences in surgical rates? American Federation for Clinical Research, May 1978.

Handsfield H, Knopp J, Holmes K, Diehr P: Epidemiologic features of infection with Arginine-Hypoxanthine-Uracil requiring Neisseria gonorrhoeae. APHA, New York, NY, November 1979.

Evashwick C, Branch L, Rowe G, Diehr P: Factors explaining the use of health care services by the elderly. APHA, New York, NY, November 1979.

Grazier K, Richardson WC, Diehr P, Martin D, Riedel D: Factors affecting choice of health care plans. APHA, Detroit, MI, October 1980.

Riedel DC, Richardson WC, Moore S, Martin D, Diehr P: State Employees Insurance Board Utilization study: Evaluation of a plan which places PCP's at financial risk. APHA, Detroit, MI, October 1980.

Martin DP, Friedlander LJ, Riedel DC, Diehr PK, Richardson WC: Use and cost of services in three competing health care plans. Invited paper, APHA, Los Angeles, CA, November 1981.

Martin DP, Friedlander LJ, Riedel DC, Diehr PK, Richardson WC: Consumer choice and cost containment in three health care plans. APHA, November 1981, Los Angeles, CA.

Welch WP, Frank RC, Diehr P: Health care costs in health maintenance organizations: Correcting for self-selection. American Economic Association, New York, NY, December 1982.

Martin DP, Diehr PH, Price KF: Randomized experiment of primary care physician control over the use of services. Meeting of the American Federation for Clinical Research, Western Section, 1983.

Bedford G, Beach K, Diehr P, Strandness DE: Diabetes classification by cluster analysis. Diabetes, Vol. 32, Supplement 1, May 1983.

Diehr P: Statistical methodology for large data bases. Association for Health Services Research Annual Meeting (Invited Methodology lecture). Boston, MA, June 1986.

Diehr P: Analysis of utilization by an insured population of unknown size. Invited paper, APHA Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV, 1986.

Diehr P: Small area statistics: A critique. Discussant at NCHSR conference on strengthening causal interpretation of non-experimental data. Tucson, AZ, 1987.

Diehr P: Statistical issues in health services research (Chair). APHA Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, 1987.

Diehr P: Technological advances in statistical analyses. APHA Annual Meeting. Boston, MA, 1988.

Bergner M, Allison C, Diehr P, Feigl P: Physician characteristics and cancer screening. APHA Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 1988.

Volinn E, Mayer J, Diehr P, Connell F, Loeser J: Small area analysis of surgery for low back pain. Canadian and American Pain Societies Joint Meeting. Toronto, Canada, 1988.

Deyo R, Diehr P, Patrick D: Reproducibility and responsiveness of health status measures: Statistics and strategies for evaluation. International Conference on the Measurement of Quality of Life as an Outcome in Clinical Trials. Minaki, ON, Canada, June 1989.

Diehr P: Small Area Analysis. Invited talk for annual meeting of Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars program. Baltimore, MD, October 1989.

Martin D, Diehr P, et al.: Evaluation of the Planetree Model Unit. Presented at meetings of American Public Health Association, Chicago, IL, 1989.

Durham M, Beresford S, Diehr P, Grembowski D, Hecht J, Patrick D: Participation of "higher users" in a randomized trial of Medicare reimbursement for preventive services. Conference on participation of the elderly in health programs, Seattle, WA, November 1989.

Hedrick S, Johnson R, Inui T, Diehr P: Factors associated with participation in a randomized trial of adult day health care. Conference on participation of the elderly in health programs. Seattle, WA, November 1989.

Hunt JR, Martin DP, Diehr P, Leickly R, Conrad DA, Perrin EB: Development of the health care evaluation nursing questionnaire. American Public Health Association. New York, NY, 1990.

Diehr P: The null hypothesis in small area analysis. American Public Health Association, New York, NY, 1990.

Diehr P: Prediction of the number of uninsured persons in a county. Association for Health Services Research, Washington, 1990.

Diehr P: Statistical consultation in health services research. American Statistical Association. Anaheim, CA, 1990.

Koepsell T, Diehr P, Wagner E, Perrin E, Wickizer T: Assessing variability in community prevalences of health risk behaviors. American Public Health Association, New York, NY, October 1990.

Ehreth J, Diehr P, Hecht J: A tool for administrative decision-making: predicting health status from management information system data. American Public Health Association, New York, NY, October 1990.

Diehr P: Consensus conference on Small Area Analysis. Columbia, MD, October 1990.

Diehr P: Small Area Analysis. Invited talk for Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Scholars program. Baltimore, MD, November 1990.

Grembowski D, Durham M, Patrick D, Diehr P: Self-efficacy and health promotion among older adults. AHCPR primary care research conference, 1990.

Martin DC, Diehr P, Koepsell T, Wagner E, Cheadle A, Andrilla H: A comparison of bias and precision in cohort and cross-sectional designs in community intervention studies. Symposium on Statistical methods for evaluation of intervention and prevention strategies. Atlanta, GA, December 1990.

Martin DC, Diehr P, Perrin E, Koepsell T: The effect of matching on the power of randomized community intervention studies. Symposium on Statistical methods for evaluation and prevention strategies. Atlanta, GA, December 1990.

Koepsell T, Diehr P, Martin DC, Wagner E, Psaty B, Perrin B: An approach to power and sample size estimation for evaluations of community-based health promotion programs. Symposium on Statistical methods for evaluation of intervention and prevention strategies. Atlanta, GA, December 1990.

Diehr P: Invited Participant to Foundation for Health Services Research Congressionally Mandated Conference to Develop a Research Agenda for Outcomes and Effectiveness Research, April 1991.

Diehr P: Small area analysis. Invited lecture for Federation for Health Services Research. AHSR meeting, San Diego, CA, June/July 1991.

Diehr P, Koepsell T: The ecological fallacy and variation among communities in health behaviors. ASA, Atlanta, GA, August 1991. Invited.

Diehr P: How much practice variation is too much? Methods for making rational comparisons. Invited lecture for Regenstrief conference, Indianapolis, IN, October 1991.

Invited lecture to Robert Wood Johnson Policy Fellows, Baltimore, MD, October 1991.

Invited Participant, CDC Conference on regional variation in health outcomes. Stone Mountain, GA, December 1991.

Diehr P: Methods of interpreting health data, session at Washington State Dept. of Health second Data Users Conference. "Total Quality Management through Better Data Systems," Tacoma, WA, October 1992.

Diehr P: Chair of Session on Community-Based Evaluation. Invited session at American Public Health Association Meetings, Washington, DC, November 1992.

Diehr P, Patrick D, Grembowski D, Picciano D: Accounting for deaths when measuring health status over time. Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics. Washington, DC, July 1993.

Patrick D, Durham M. Berry W, Grembowski D, Diehr P, Ehreth J: Costs and outcomes of Medicare reimbursement for preventive services in an HMO. APHA, San Francisco, CA, 1993.

Diehr P: Faculty in "Improving health services research related to rural minorities," organized by the Nebraska Center for Rural Health Research, Omaha, NE, October 1993

Diehr P: Including death when measuring health status over time. AHCPR Conference on Measuring the Effects of Medical Treatment. Minneapolis, April 1994.

Diehr P: Meet the expert. AHSR Annual Meeting. San Diego, June 1994.

Diehr P: Cohort vs cross-sectional designs. (Invited) ASA Annual Meeting. Toronto, August 1994.

Diehr P: If health insurance is voluntary, who will remain uninsured? (Invited) APHA Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C., November 1994.

Diehr P: Who is at risk when universal coverage is compromised? APHA Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C., November 1994.

Diehr P: If health insurance is voluntary, who will remain uninsured? University of Minnesota Institute for Health Services Research. Minneapolis, MN, November 1994.

Diehr P: Breaking the matches in a paired t-test for community interventions when the number of pairs is small. Invited talk, Society for Clinical Trials Meeting. Seattle, WA, April 30-May 3, 1995.

Diehr P: Methodological issues in health policy research. Invited talk, American Statistical Association Meeting. Orlando, FL, August 13-15, 1995.

Diehr P: Effect size and power for clinical trials using years of healthy life as the primary endpoint. International Society for Quality of Life Research. Annual Meeting, Montreal, October 1995.

Diehr P: Effect size and power for clinical trials using years of healthy life as the primary endpoint. International conference on health policy research: Methodologic issues in health services and outcome research. Boston, December 1995.

Diehr P: Small area variation analysis. Invited talk, European Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Budapest, December 1995.

Diehr P: Small variation analysis. Invited workshop. Institute of Medecine Sociale et Preventive, Lausanne, Switzerland, December 1995.

Diehr P: Discussant, session on policy, clinical and statistical issues in health services research. Joint Statistical Meetings, Chicago. August 1996.

Diehr P, Patrick D, Braun T: Estimating future years of healthy life. Conference for International Society for Quality of Life Research, Manilla, October 1996.

Diehr P: Years of life of years of healthy life -- which is the better study endpoint? Conference for International Society for Quality of Life Research, Vienna, November 1997.

Diehr P: Years of life or years of healthy life -- which is the better study endpoint? Second Annual Conference on Health Policy Statistics, Washington, DC, December 1997.

Diehr P: Analysis of Health Care Utilization Data. Invited talk. Society for Clinical Trials, Atlanta, May 1998.

Diehr P. Measuring the measurement of managed care. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, November 1998.

Diehr P. Cohort/cross-sectional designs. National Cancer Institute lecture, Bethesda, February 1999.

Diehr P. Measuring the managedness of managed care.. AHSR, Chicago, June 1999.

Diehr P. Missing health outcomes data in longitudinal studies. Los Angeles, December 1999.

Diehr P. Measuring the Managedness of Managed care. Department of Health Services. University of New Mexico. June, 2000.

Diehr P. Group Randomized Trials. Health Services Research Doctoral Seminar, January 2001. Seattle.

Diehr P. Methods for Including Death in Longitudinal Studies of health Over Time. CCOR seminar, April 2001. Seattle.

Diehr P. Transforming Self-rated Health and the SF-36 to Include Death. VA HSRD Annual Meeting February 2001. Washington, DC. (Poster)

Diehr P. Hosted Roundtable on Analysis of Quality of Life Data, American Statistical Association Joint Meethings, August 2001. Atlanta.

Diehr P. Methods for Group Randomized Traials. Epi 515. October, 2001.

Diehr P. Performance of the PCTD in longitudinal studies using the SF-36 where there are deaths. International Converence on Health Policy Research Methods. Washington DC, December, 2001. (Also participated in mock site review and organized session on utilities)

Diehr P. Performance of the PCTD in longitudinal studies using the SF-36 where there are deaths. VA Health Services Research and Development Meeting. Washington DC, February, 2002. (Also participated in mock site review and organized session on health utilities.

Diehr P. Including Deaths in Longitudinal Studies of Health Over Time. University of Chicago, Chicago, February, 2002.

Diehr P. Symposium on Minority Representation in Missouri Surveillance and Samples. Saint Louis. (Invited consultant). May, 2002.

Diehr P. Including Deaths in Longitudinal Studies of Health Over Time. University of Illinois, Chicago, February, 2002.

Diehr P. Performance of the PCTD in longitudinal studies using the SF-36 where there are deaths. ASA Joint Statistical Meetings. New York City. August, 2002. (Session organizer, also hosting round table on analysis of cost data).

Diehr P. Accounting for death, in a variety of health-related variables. International Conference on Health Policy Statistics. Chicago, 2003.

Diehr P. Accounting for death, in a variety of health-related variables. Joint Statistical Meetings. San Francisco, 2003.

Diehr P. Aging, dying, and changes in health: what can we learn from longitudinal data? American Statistical Association Puget Sound Chapter. Seattle, April, 2004.

Diehr P. Aging, dying, and changes in health: what can we learn from longitudinal data? Distinguished Faculty Lecture. Seattle, May, 2004.

Diehr P. Accounting for missing data in end-of-life research. End-of-life concensus conference. Washington, DC. December, 2004.

Diehr P. Different public health interventions have varying effects on longevity, morbidity, and years of healthy life. Invited presentation. Medical University of South Carolina. April, 2005.

Diehr P. Different public health interventions have varying effects on longevity, morbidity, and years of healthy life. International Conference on Health Policy Research. Boston. October, 2005.

Diehr P. Different public health interventions have varying effects on longevity, morbidity, and years of healthy life. Mount Sinai Medical College. New York. December, 2005.

Diehr P. Statistical issues for longitudinal data in studies where many persons die: quality of life at the end of life. Invited presentation. HIV center for prevention and treatment. UCLA, April 2006.

Diehr P. Different public health interventions have varying effects on longevity, morbidity, and years of healthy life. Invited presentation. Department of Biostatistics. UCLA, April 2006

Diehr P. Transitions among weight and health states in older adults: getting fatter but no matter. Congress of Epidemiology 2nd annual meeting. Seattle, June 2006.

Diehr P. Different public health interventions have varying effects on longevity, morbidity, and years of healthy life. Academy for Health Services Research (Academy Health). Poster. Seattle. June, 2006.

Diehr P. Death and missing data in longitudinal studiees: quality of life at the end of life. Invited talk in Workshop on maximizing return from cohort studies: prevention of attrition and efficient analysis. Royal Statistical Society. London. June 2006.

Diehr P. Different public health interventions have varying effects on longevity, morbidity, and years of healthy life. Joint Statistical Meetings. Seattle. August, 2006.

Diehr P. Statistical Issues in Veterans' Administration (VA) Health Services Research (discussant). Joint Statistical Meetings. Seattle. August, 2006.

Diehr P. Which older adults are the healthiest? Perspectives in Public Health: Looking Back, Leading Forward. (For SPHCM Alumni) Seattle. April 2007.

Diehr P. Age-specific Prevalence and Years of Healthy Life in a System with 3 Health States. Joint Statistical Meetings. (session organizer). Salt Lake City. July, 2007.

Diehr P. Group-randomized trials in evaluating health communications interventions. National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Media. Atlanta. August, 2007.

1. Diehr P. Using the stages of change model to choose an optimal health marketing target. CDC , National Conference on Health Marketing, Atlanta, August, 2008.

2. Diehr P. Using the stages of change model to choose an optimal health marketing target. APHA, San Diego, October, 2008.

3. Diehr P. Years of Active Life. Gerontological Society of America annual meeting, San Diego, October, 2012.

12. University Service

University Appointments

Women's Council (Advisory to DEOW), August 1972 and August 1974

Human Subjects Review Committee, Section B, August 1973-June 1975

Faculty Senate Special Committee on Women Faculty, April 1974-June 1975

Task Force on Faculty Personnel Policy and Practice: Nepotism Subcommittee, May 1974-June 1975

Chair, Faculty Senate Insurance Subcommittee, 1988-91

President's Advisory Committee on Retired Faculty, 1988-91

Faculty Senate, 1988-90

Review Committee for possible closure of Institute for Environmental Study, 1994-95

Faculty Committee on Salary Equity, 1996-97

Search Committee, Dean, SPHCM, 1997-98

Health Sciences

General Advisory Committee, Minority Affairs, Health Sciences Center, April 1972-October 1973

Model Cities Evaluation Research Consortium, October 1970-June 1975

Health Services Research Subcommittee of Long Term Comprehensive Care Committee, May 1977-1990

FHCRC Human Subjects Review Committee, June 1977-1979

Family Medicine Steering and Advisory Committee of Faculty Development Fellowship Program, April 1978-1990

Joint Committee Exploring Opportunities for the Integration of Pharmaceutical Education at the University of Washington and Washington State University (Consultant), 1979

Small Grants Review Committee of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Institute, 1981-83

IAIMS Advisory Committee, 1991

IAIMS Advisory Board, 1995-

School of Public Health and Community Medicine

Minority Student Coordinator, January 1972-October 1973

Program Advisory Committee, September 1972-June 1975

Core Curriculum Committee, 1979

Admissions Committee, Extended Degree Program, 1980-present

MPH Monitoring Committee, 1980-81

Search Committee, Chairman of Biostatistics, 1982

Search Committee, Chairman of Health Services, 1982

Search Committee, Health Services, 1984

Search Committee, Cancer Control Research Unit, 1984

SPHCM Curriculum Committee, 1984-87

Health Services Administration Group, 1985-present

Editorial Board, Washington Public Health, 1989-present

Search Committee, Chair of Health Services, 1994

25th Anniversary Committee, 1995

Chair, Committee on Distance Learning, 1995-

Minority Affairs, 1995-96

Acting Asscoiate Dean, 1995-96

CCOR (Center for Outcomes Research) Steering Committee, 1996-

Re-accreditation Committee, 1998-1999

Strategic Planning Committee, 1999-2000

Ph.D. Program Committee, Health Services, 2000-present

Review Committee, Bill Dowling, Chair of Health Services (Chair), 2002

Search Committee, Chair of Health Services, 2007-2008

Department of Biostatistics

Admissions Committee, (Chair) 1976-77, 1980-84, 1989-present

Educational Policy and Teaching Committee, 1978, (Chair) 1983-87

Chair, Applied Exam Committee, 1996

Coordinator, SERC Minority High School Traineeship, 1995-present

Fellows Committee, 1997-present

Student Affairs Committee

Applied Exam Committee 2005

Search Committee, Chair of Biostatistics, 1995

Search Committee, Joint Faculty with FHCRC, 1995

Promotion Committee, Nancy Temkin (chair), 2003.

Promotion Committee, Brian Leroux (chair), 2007

Search Committee, Biostat/Health Services (chair), 2008

Department of Health Service

Steering committee, Health Services PhD program 2000-2007

Curriculum committee, Health Services PhD program 2000-2007

Admission committee, 2000-present

Search Committee, Biostat/Health Services (chair), 2008

13. Professionally-Related Community Service

Member, Advisory Group on Washington State Health Data, 1990-1992

Consultant, King County AIDS Project, 1987-1990

14. [Other Pertinent Information As Needed]

Not applicable

15. Teaching History

a) Formal Courses

|Course |Quarter |Title |

|BIOST 472 |Summer 1986 |Introduction to Statistics in the H.S. |

|BIOST 473 |Winter 1986 |Applied Statistics |

|BIOST 509 |Autumn 1999 |Special Emphasis in Biostatistics |

|BIOST 510 |Fall 1998 |Biostatistics in Health Administration |

| |Fall 1999 |Biostatistics in Health Administration |

|BIOST 512 |Fall 1998 |Biostatistics for Health Administrators |

| |Winter 1998 |Regression Methods |

| |Fall 1999 |Biostatistics for Health Administrators |

|HSERV 521 |Spring 1994 |Health Services Research Methods |

| |Spring 1995 |Health Services Research Methods |

| |Spring 1996 |Health Services Research Methods |

| |Spring 1997 |Health Services Research Methods |

| |Spring 1998 |Health Services Research Methods |

|HSERV 590-E/523 |Fall 2001 |Advanced Health Services Method |

| |Fall 2002 |Advanced Health Services Method |

|BIOST 523 |Autumn 1987 |Computer Applications in Biostatistics |

| |Autumn 1988 |Computer Applications in Biostatistics |

| |Autumn 1989 |Computer Applications in Biostatistics |

| |Autumn 2003 |Computer Applications in Biostatistics |

| |Autumn 2004 |Computer Applications in Biostatistics |

| |Autumn 2005 |Computer Applications in Biostatistics |

|BIOST 578 |Spring 1994 |Data Analysis |

| |Spring 1995 |Data Analysis |

| |Spring 1996 |Data Analysis |

|BIOST 580 |Spring 1989 |Seminar in Biostatistics |

| |Winter 1995 |Seminar in Biostatistics |

|BIOST 590 |Spring 1991 |Consulting in Biostatistics |

| |Summer 1991 |Consulting in Biostatistics |

| |Winter 1993 |Consulting in Biostatistics |

| |Summer 1994 |Consulting in Biostatistics |

b) Other Teaching

Various guest lectures

c) Independent Study

BIOST 600 - Independent Study

|Danni Daniels |Theodore Lystig |

|Jainwen Cai |Brent Evans |

|Holly (Allan) Andrilla |Iyu Chu |

|Jeffrey Burkhardt |Brad McNeney |

|Sue Rosenkranz |Rebecca Koperski |

|Yoichi Ii |Brent Evans |

|Yu Shen |Sean Oslin |

|Juan Juan Fan (Spring 1993) |Jon Schildcrout |

|Anita Rocha (Summer 1993, Winter 1994) |Troy Jacobs |

|Andrew Dunning |Ann Derleth |

| |(not up-to-date) |

16. Advising and Formal Mentoring

a) PhD Dissertations, chair

Ann Derleth, Ph.D., Health Services (Chair), 2005. Estimating Preference-Weighted Health Status from SF-36 Responses for VA (ACQUIP) Patients.

Laura Lee Johnson, Ph.D., Biostatistics (Chair), 2002: Incorporating death into the statistical analysis of categorical longitudinal health status data

b) Masters Theses, chair

April Slee, M.S., Biostatistics (Chair), 2006

Rebecca Koperski, M.S. (Chair), 2000

Paul Hoffmeister, MPH, Health Services (Chair) 1999

Jean Mundahl MS, Biostatistics (Chair) 1998

Keith Solveson, MS, Biostatistics (Chair - on leave)

Genevieve Rowe MS, 1981: Use of Health Services by the Elderly

Leigh Krueger MPH, 1982 (Health Services, with Marilyn Bergner)

Kurt Price MS, 1983: Creating an index of health status for individuals and for families

Farideh Dehkordi MS, 1985: Prediction of fracture in patients with acute musculo-skeletal ankle trauma

Robin Haertle, 1988: The effect of intraclass correlation on linear regression of health services utilization data

Paul Shen MS,1989: Weighted and unweighted Analysis of complex survey data

Holly Andrilla, MS 1990: Variance component estimation of health behaviors in community-intervention studies

Astrid Parvin MS, 1994: An examination of the relative performances of direct and indirect methods of standardization

Jim Chen MPH (Health Services), 1999: Ethnicity and Alzheimer’s disease

Jean Mundahl MS, 1998: Imputation of Missing Longitudinal Data: a comparison of methods

Paul Hoffmeister MPH (Health Services), 1999: Height, weight, and BMI of long-term survivors of pediatric bone-marrow transplantation

Rebecca Koperski MS, 2000: Accounting for selection bias in observational studies using the physician referral study depression data

c) Mentored Scientists and Postdocs

Postdoctoral Mentor

Stephen MacDonald, AHSR Fellow, Health Services

David Au, MD, VA Fellow in COPD research

Helene Starks, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Medical Ethics

Stephen Thielke, MD, MS, Assistant Professor of Medicine

d) MS, MPH, and PhD committees

Current Committees (non-chair role)

Antonia Bennett, PhD, Health Services

Myra Parker, PhD, Health Services

Stephen Thielke, MD, MPH, health services (psychiatric fellow)

Recent Committees

Colleen Daly, PhD, Health Services 2007

Rebecca Hubbard, PhD, Biostatistics 2007

Kristin Erickson, MPH, Health Services 2007

Philip Dinh, Ph.D., Biostatistics 2006

Ann Derleth, Ph.D., Health Services 2005 (chair)

April Slee, M.S., Biostatistics, 2005 (chair)

Bonnie Lind, Ph.D., Health Services 2005

Ken Taneda, MPH, Health Services 2004

Mary Redman, Ph.D., Biostatistics 2004

David Arterburn, MPH, Health Services 2004

Jason Barber, MS, Biostatistics 2004

Barbara Pizacani, Ph.D., Epidemiology, 2001

Andrew Dunning, PhD, Biostatistics, 2001

Samantha Bates, PhD, Statistics (GFR), 2001

Thomas Keller, Ph.D., Social Work (GFR), 2000

Bret Mackay, Ph.D., Economics, 2000

Therese Grant, PhD, Epidemiology. 1999.

Jim Chen, MPH, Health Services (Chair) 1998

Michael del Aguila, Epidemiology 1998

Riley Peters, PhD, Epidemiology 1998

Londa Ritchey, MS, Biostatistics, 1996

Grant O'Keefe, MHA, Health Services 1996

Manoj Bajpai, PhD, Pharmaceutics, 1996

Joe Gibson, PhD, Epidemiology, 1996

Kelly Acton, MPH, Extended degree, 1996

Mary Anne McBurnie, Phd, Biostatistics 1995

Judy Malmgren, PhD, Epidemiology 1995

Aparna Anderson , PhD, Biostatistics 1995

Susan Rosenkranz, PhD, Biostatistics 1994

Lianne Sheppard, PhD, Biostatistics 1994

James Myles, PhD, Biostatistics 1994

Thierry Blanc, MPH, Health Services 1994

e) Other Mentoring (Undergraduate Research, Medical School ISMS Projects, etc.)

None indicated

f) Academic Advising

Academic Advisees

Elizabeth Koehler

Ken Wu

April Slee

Anna Korpak

Students precepted (M.S. or M.S.P.H.)

Training grant for biostatistics in health services (P Diehr, PI).

Eileen Duncan

Barbara Tilley

Kirby Cooper

Deborah Esper Peterman

Floyd Frost

Marsha Kohler

Ann Derleth

Barbara Weaver

Brian Miller


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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