Christopher W. Blackwell, Ph.D., ARNP, ANP-BC | |

|University of Central Florida College of Nursing |

|12201 Research Parkway Suite 300 |

|Orlando, FL 32826 |

|(407) 823-2517—Office |

|(407) 823-5675—Fax |


|Year |Degree |Institution |Clinical Major |Role Preparation |

| | | | | |

|2002- |PhD |University of Central Florida |Public Affairs |Academic/ Research |

|2005 | | |(Health) | |

| | | | | |

|2000- |MSN |University of Central Florida |Adult Health |Nurse Practitioner |

| | | | | |

|2001 | | | | |

|2000 |BSN w/ |University of Central Florida |Nursing |Registered Nurse |

| |Honors | | | |

|2000 |BS |University of Central Florida |Health Service |Administration |

| |Minor | |Administration | |

|1997 |AA |University of Central Florida |Nursing |General Education |


|Florida Board of Nursing |Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner #ARNP9168694 |

| | |

|American Nurses |Adult Nurse Practitioner; ANCC # 2005007464 |

|Credentialing Center | |

| | |

|Center for Medicare and |Licensed Medicare Provider #P56811 (UPIN) |

|Medicaid Service | |



|08/04- Current |University of Central Florida, College of Nursing |

| |Assistant Professor |

| | |

| |Currently an Assistant Professor of Nursing at the University of Central Florida College of Nursing in Orlando, |

| |Florida. Current academic assignment includes the instruction of undergraduate (BSN) and graduate (MSN/PhD/DNP) |

| |students in didactic and clinical courses ranging from foundations of Nursing Science, Advanced Practice |

| |Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Health and Physical Assessment, Therapeutic Interventions, Diagnostic |

| |Reasoning, Roles and Professional Issues, Epidemiology, Adult Health and Acute Care Nursing while continuing |

| |established research program in health/social policy discrimination and health disparities among gay, lesbian, |

| |bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) persons. (Visiting Instructor: 8/04-8/06). |

| | |

| | |

|08/03-08/04 |Valencia Community College, Department of Health Related Programs |

| |Professor of Nursing |

| | |

| |Wide-range of undergraduate instruction in courses in Nursing (including Foundations of Nursing Science, Health |

| |and Physical Assessment, Pharmacology, and Adult Health/Acute and Critical Care). Courses included both didactic|

| |and clinical components (ranging from direct hands-on learning in the laboratory setting to arranging clinical |

| |preceptors and providing direct patient care on Medical/Surgical and Critical Care Units in a major hospital). |


|12/03 – Current |Pulmonary and Critical Care Associates |

| |Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner |

| | |

| |Responsibilities include the provision of healthcare needs to patients admitted to |

| |Health Central and South Lake Hospitals in Orlando, Florida for inpatient services and outpatient follow-up. |

| |Comprehensive history taking, physical examination and evaluation, |

| |diagnostic reasoning, ordering and interpretation of diagnostic tests and overall |

| |maintenance of hospitalization as related to Pulmonary/Critical Care are all main |

| |facets of current ARNP role. |

|05/02- 09/04 |Greater Orlando Infectious Disease Specialists |

| |Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner |

| | |

| |Responsibilities included the provision of healthcare needs to patients admitted to |

| |Health Central Hospital in Ocoee, Florida for inpatient services and outpatient follow-up. Comprehensive history|

| |taking, physical examination and evaluation, diagnostic reasoning, ordering and interpretation of diagnostic |

| |tests and overall maintenance of hospitalization as related to infectious disease were all main facets of ARNP |

| |role. |

|07/00- 05/02 |Emergency Department, Florida Hospital Orlando |

| |Registered Nurse |

| | |

| |Responsibilities included the delivery of all aspects of nursing care to patients in the second largest |

| |Emergency Department in Metropolitan Orlando. Supervision of Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), Paramedics, EMTs,|

| |and nursing assistants/technicians was a large portion of RN responsibility. Teamwork with Physicians and |

| |ARNPs/PAs regarding delivery of optimal patient care was a main facet of RN/Practitioner collaboration. |


REFEREED JOURNALS: (* Data-based articles)

Blackwell, C.W. (2011). Reducing alcohol abuse in gay men: Clinical recommendations from conflicting

research. Journal of Social Service Research 37 (5), X-X.

Blackwell, C. W. & Dziegielewski, S.F. (2011). Using the Internet to meet sexual partners: Research and practice

implications. Journal of Social Service Research 37 (5), X-X.

Blackwell, C. W. (2010). The relationship among population size, requests for bareback sex, and HIV serostatus

among men who have sex with men using the Internet to meet sexual partners. Journal of Human Behavior in

the Social Environment 20 (3), 349-360. (*)

Blackwell, C.W. (2009). Requests for safer sex among men who have sex with men who use the Internet to

initiate sexual relationships: Implications for healthcare providers. Journal of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and

Transgender Health Research 5 (1), 4-9. (*)

Blackwell, C. W. (2009). Screening adult clients for HIV using point of service tests. The American Journal for

Nurse Practitioners 13 (7/8), 50-54.

Blackwell, C.W. (2008). Anorectal carcinoma screening in gay men: Implications for nurse practitioners.

The American Journal for Nurse Practitioners 12 (1), 60-63.

Blackwell, C.W. (2008). Belief in the “free choice” model of homosexuality: A correlate of homophobia in

registered nurses. Journal of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health Research 3 (3), 31-40. (*)

Blackwell, C.W. (2008). Men who have sex with men and recruit bareback sex partners on the Internet:

Implications for STI and HIV prevention and client education. American Journal of Men’s Health 2 (4),


Blackwell, C.W. (2008). Nursing implications in the application of conversion therapies on gay, lesbian,

bisexual, and transgender clients. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 29 (6), 651-656.

Blackwell, C.W. (2008). Registered nurses’ attitudes toward the protection of gays and lesbians in the

workplace. Journal of Transcultural Nursing 19 (4), 347-353. (*)

Blackwell, C.W., & Kiehl, E.M. (2008). Homophobia in registered nurses: Impact on youth. Journal of Gay and

Lesbian Youth 5 (4), 28-48. (*)

Blackwell, C.W., Dziegielewski, S.F., & Jacinto, G.A. (2006). The use of a strengths-based approach in

addressing discrimination against gays and lesbians. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment

14 (3), 1-17.

Blackwell, C.W., & Dziegielewski, S.F. (2005). The privatization of social services from public to sectarian:

Negative consequences for America’s gays and lesbians. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social

Environment, 11 (2), 25-41.

Blackwell, C.W., Ricks, J.L., & Dziegielewski, S.F. (2004). Discrimination of gays and lesbians: A social justice

perspective. Journal of Health & Social Policy 19 (4), 27-43.

Blackwell, C. W. (In Press). Addressing alcohol abuse in gay men. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine.

Blackwell, C.W. & Eden, C. (Under Review). Human papilloma virus and anorectal carcinoma knowledge in men

who have sex with men. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. (*)


(Quoted Expert in the Field)

Ramiccio, M. (2010. April 8). Nursing ad campaigns take on the male stereotype. Orlando Sentinel On-Line Edition.

Kunerth, J. (2007, August 28). Doctors catering to gays are rare: Fears of alienating straight patients and being

typecast are part of the problem. Orlando Sentinel, pp. E1, E6.



(Contributing Author)

Sole, M., & Zimmerman, D. (2001). Studyguide for introduction to critical care nursing (3rd Edition).

Philadelphia, PA: Saunders.

BOOK CHAPTERS: (# Refereed)

Blackwell, C. W. (2009). Domestic violence among gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons: Populations

at risk. In L. Ross (Ed.) The war against domestic violence (1st ed., pp.129-138). New York: Taylor & Francis.

Blackwell C.W. & Dziegielewski, S.F. (2008). Public funding of sectarian organizations for the provision of

HIV/AIDS prevention and care: Discrimintatory issues for gay men. In I.C. Colby (Ed.), Comprehensive

handbook on social work and social welfare: Human behavior in the social environment (4th ed., pp. 319-

328). New York: John Wiley & Sons. (#)

Blackwell, C.W. (2008). The role of a Web-mixed physical and mental health course in community based

nursing education: Meeting the objectives of service learning. In A. Dailey-Herbert, E. Donnelli-Sallee, &

L.N. Divavado-Stocks (Eds.), Service eLearning: Educating for citizenship (1st ed., pp. 111-121). Charolette,

NC: Information Age Publishing. (#)

(Expert Reviewer)

Leuner, K. (2011). Audience and purpose. In D. Smith-Worthington & S. Jefferson (Eds.) Technical writing for

success (3rd ed., pp. 20-41). Florence, KY: Delmar Cengage Learning.

Palifko-Harris, K. (2009). The practice environment of nursing: Issues and trends. Florence, KY: Delmar Cengage


Dow, K.H. (2006). Hidden populations of women. In K.H. Dow (Ed.), Care of women with cancer.

Philadelphia, PA: Mosby Publications.

ABSTRACTS: (* Data-based, # Refereed)


|Date |Role |Title |Agency |Type |Amount |

|2007 |PI |Baseline Knowledge and Attitudes of Gay Men |Florida Nurses’ Foundation, Evelyn |Extramural |$500 |

| | |Towards Anorectal Carcinoma and Anorectal |Frank McKnight Research Fund, | | |

| | |Carcinoma Screening |Florida Nurses Association | | |

|2007 |PI |Baseline Knowledge and Attitudes of Gay Men |Sigma Theta Tau International Honor |Extramural |$500 |

| | |Towards Anorectal Carcinoma and Anorectal |Society for Nursing (Theta Epsilon) | | |

| | |Carcinoma Screening | | | |

|2006 |PI |Baseline Knowledge and Attitudes of Gay Men |University of Central Florida |Intramural |$3,000 |

| | |Towards Anorectal Carcinoma and Anorectal |College of Health & Public Affairs | | |

| | |Carcinoma Screening | | | |


|Date |Role |Title |Agency |Type |Amount |

|2008 |Funded |Health disparities among gay, lesbian, |The Nurse Practitioner Association |Extramural |$1,500 |

| |Presenter |bisexual, and transgender clients: Meeting |of New York | | |

| | |the needs of a vulnerable population at | | | |

| | |risk | | | |

|2008 |Keynote |Health disparities among gay, lesbian, |Merck Pharmaceuticals |Extramural |$1,500 |

| |Funded |bisexual, and transgender clients: Meeting | | | |

| |Presenter |the needs of a vulnerable population at | | | |

| | |risk | | | |

|Date |Type |Title |Conference Title, City/State |Refereed/ Invited|

|04/11 |Podium |Post BSN DNP and post MSN DNP programs: |2010 Annual meeting of the National |Referred |

| |(Co-Presenter) |Making the recommendation real |Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties | |

| | | |Washington, D.C. | |

|09/10 |Podium |Risk factors and characteristics |2010 Annual Conference of the Gay & Lesbian |Refereed |

| | |among men who have sex |Medical Association | |

| | |with men who use the Internet to |San Diego, CA | |

| | |meet sexual partners | | |

|04/10 |Podium | Designing a doctor of nursing |2010 Annual meeting of the National |Refereed |

| | |practice epidemiology course based on Centers|Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties | |

| | |for Disease |Washington, D.C. | |

| | |Control and Prevention (CDC) epidemiology | | |

| | |Resources | | |

|10/08 |Podium | Nursing implications in the application of |2008 Annual Meeting of the American |Referred |

| | |conversion therapies on gay, lesbian, |Psychiatric Nurses Association | |

| | |bisexual, and transgender clients |Minneapolis, MN. | |

|10/06 |Podium |Registered nurses’ attitudes |2006 Annual Conference of the Gay & Lesbian |Referred |

| | |toward the protection of gays and |Medical Association | |

| | |lesbians in the workplace: An |San Francisco, CA | |

| | |examination of homophobia and | | |

| | |discriminatory beliefs. | | |

|04/06 |Podium |Registered nurses’ attitudes |2006 Annual Meeting of the |Referred |

| | |toward the protection of gays and |American Organization of Nurse | |

| | |lesbians in the workplace: An |Executives | |

| | |examination of homophobia and |Orlando, FL. | |

| | |discriminatory beliefs. | | |

|10/04 |Podium |The privatization of social services |2004 Annual Conference of the Gay & Lesbian |Referred |

| | |from public to sectarian: Negative |Medical Association | |

| | |consequences for gays and lesbians |San Diego, CA | |


|Date |Type |Title |Conference Title, City/State |Refereed/ Invited|

|04/10 |Podium |The relationship between population size, |2010 Annual Research Conference of Sigma Theta|Refereed |

| | |requests for bareback sex, and HIV serostatus|Tau International | |

| | |among men who have sex with men using the |Honor Society of Nursing | |

| | |Internet to meet sexual partners |(Theta Epsilon) | |

| | | |Orlando, FL. | |

|04/09 |Podium |Risk factors and characteristics |2009 Annual Research Conference of Sigma Theta|Refereed |

| | |among men who have sex with men |Tau International | |

| | |who use the Internet to meet sexual |Honor Society of Nursing | |

| | |partners |(Theta Epsilon) | |

| | | |Orlando, FL. | |

|10/08 |Podium |Health disparities among gay, lesbian, |2008 Annual Conference of The Nurse |Invited |

| | |bisexual, and transgender clients: Meeting |Practitioner Association of New York | |

| | |the needs of a vulnerable population at risk |Verona, NY. | |

|02/08 |Podium |Health disparities among gay, lesbian, |2008 Annual Conference of the Tallhassee Area |Invited |

| |(Keynote |bisexual, and transgender clients: Meeting the|Council of Advanced Practice Nurses, | |

| |Speaker) |needs of a vulnerable population at risk |Tallahassee, FL. | |

|04/06 |Podium |Registered nurses’ attitudes toward the |2006 Annual Research Conference of Sigma Theta|Referred |

| | |protection of gays and lesbians in the |Tau International | |

| | |workplace: An examination of homophobia and |Honor Society of Nursing | |

| | |discriminatory beliefs |(Theta Epsilon) | |

| | | |Orlando, FL. | |

|03/05 |Podium |Florida’s ban on gay adoptions: A cost/benefit|2006 Annual Research Conference of Sigma Theta|Refereed |

| | |analysis |Tau International | |

| | | |Honor Society of Nursing | |

| | | |(Theta Epsilon) | |

| | | |Orlando, FL. | |



|Date |Award |Organization/Group |

|2010 |Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award |College of Nursing, University of Central Florida |

|2010 |Humane Society of the United States Animal Protection |Humane Society of the United States of America |

| |Advocate Partners Circle Recognition | |

|2008 |Pasco County Sheriff’s Office Citizen Special Recognition |Pasco County Sheriff’s Office |

| |Award | |

|2006 |Outstanding New Nurse Researcher for 2006 |Florida Nurses’ Association |

| |State Recipient | |

|2006 |Outstanding New Nurse Researcher for 2006 District 8 |Florida Nurses’ Association |

|2006 |Certificate of Appreciation |2-D United States Army Recruiting Batallion |

|2005 |Certificate of Appreciation: Hispanic Health Initiatives |National Kidney Foundation |

|2004 |Students’ Choice Awards Outstanding Professor of 2003-2004 |Valencia Community College |

| |Academic Year (Fall Recipient) | |

|2001 |Certificate for Outstanding Preceptorship |Emergency Department, Florida Hospital Orlando |



|Date |Ortganization |Role |

|2009- Current |American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) |Content Expert Panelist for Adult Nurse |

| | |Practitioner Examination Program |

|2008- Current |National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties |Member |

|2004- Current |University of Central Florida College of Nursing Alumni Chapter |Chair |

|2003- Current |National League for Nursing |Approved Academic Item Writer for National |

| | |Council, State Boards of Nursing National |

| | |Certification/ Licensure Examination for the |

| | |Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN) |

|2003- Current |Human Rights Campaign |Member |

|2003- Current |Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals |Member |

| |Humans Society of the United States of America | |

|2002- Current |Equality Florida |Member |

|2000- Current |Central Florida Advanced Practice Nursing Council |Member |

|1999- Current |Sigma Theta Tau International Society of Nursing, |Member |

| |Theta Epsilon | |

|1997- Current |Golden Key National Honor Society |Member |


|Date |Journal or Publisher |Role |

|2010- Current |AIDS Care (Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group) |Editorial Reviewer |

|2010- Current |Sexuality and Culture (Springer) |Editorial Reviewer |

|2009- Current |American Journal of Men’s Health (SAGE Publications) |Editorial Reviewer |

|2008- 2010 |Journal of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health Research |Editorial Reviewer |

| |(Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group) | |

|2007- Current |American Journal of College Health |Editorial Reviewer |

| |(Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group) | |

|2007- Current |Journal of Nursing Scholarship (Wiley-Blackwell) |Editorial Reviewer |

|2006- Current |Journal of Service Learning in Education (UCF) |Editorial Reviewer |


|Date |Organization |Role |

|2009-Current |University of Central Florida College of Nursing Nightingale Society |Member |

|2005 |National Kidney Foundation Hispanic Health Initiatives Central Florida |Co-Coordinator |

| |Health Fair | |

|2004-Current |Central Florida Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center. |Volunteer Board Member, Health Fair |

| | |Coordination |


|Date |Consulting Organization/Individuals |Consultation Role |

|2007 |TranPac, Inc.®, Medical Equipment and Vascular Access Devices |Completed all statistical analyses assessing |

| | |the efficacy of the TransCatheter Extractor® |

| | |Device—prepared these findings for a formal |

| | |report for approval of the device from the |

| | |United States Food and Drug Adminsitration |

| | |(FDA). |

|2006 |United States Army, Eisenhower Medical Center and Training Facility |Recruitment and retention |



|Date |Level |Committee |Role |

|2010- Current |College |Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Curriculum Task |Member |

| | |Force | |

|2010- Current |College |Faculty Affairs Committee |Member |

|2009-Current |University |Faculty Senate |Senator |

|2009-Current |University |Undergraduate Course Review Committee |Member |

|2009- Current |College |Institutional Effectiveness Taskforce |Member |

|2008- Current |College |Graduate Faculty |Member |

|2006-2010 |College |Master of Science in Nursing/ Doctor of Nursing |Co-Chair, 2008-2010 |

| | |Practice Curriculum, Admission, Progression, and |Chair, 2007-2008 |

| | |Graduation Committee | |

|2006- Current |College |Faculty Search Committee |Co-Chair, 2009- Current |

|2006- Current |College |Nurse Practitioner Faculty |Member |

|2006-2007 |College |Student Affairs Committee |Member |

|2006-2007 |College |College of Health & Public Affairs, Deans Advisory|Member |

| | |Council | |

|2005- 2007 |College |Doctor of Nursing Practice Curriculum Task Force |Member |

|2005 |College |Undergraduate Curriculum Redesign Committee |Member |

|2004- Current |College |Faculty Association |Member |

|2004-2006 |College |Undergraduate Admission, Progression, and |Member |

| | |Graduation Committee | |


|Dates |Student |Title |Level |Role |

|2010-Current |Hypes, K. |Clostridium dificile in the nursing home: A study |DNP |Chair |

| | |of nosocomial incidence and recurrence rates | | |

| | |before and after the implementation of an enhanced| | |

| | |infection control program for certified nurses | | |

| | |aides | | |

|2010- Current |Meemon, N. |Evaluation of quality improvement initiative for |Ph.D. |Committee |

| | |HIV care in Thailand | | |

|2009- Current |Lima, C. |Obstructive sleep apnea treatment with continuous |DNP |Committee |

| | |positive airway pressure and its effect on adult | | |

| | |cognitive function | | |

|2009- 2010 |Johnson, I. |The incidence and epidemiologic factors of |DNP |Committee |

| | |community acquired methicillin-resistant | | |

| | |Staphylococcus aures skin and soft tissue | | |

| | |infections in a suburban family practice in | | |

| | |Florida | | |

|2009- 2010 |Noblin, A. |Personal health record adoption and intention to |Ph.D. |Committee |

| | |use: What are the influenced in a patient’s | | |

| | |decision to adopt a personal health record? A | | |

| | |cross sectional view of the | | |

| | |characteristics and opinions of patients of one | | |

| | |internal medicine practice | | |

|2009-2010 |Sherman, S. |Nursing interventions to reduce the spread of |Honors in the Major |Committee |

| | |community-acquired C. dificile infection | | |

|2009-2010 |Smith, E. |High risk sexual behavior of college students and |Honors in the Major |Committee |

| | |its effects on self esteem | | |

|2008- Current |Eden, C. |Increasing human papilloma virus vaccination |Ph.D. |Committee |

| | |completion using the Health Belief Model in the | | |

| | |young adult female through the use of electronic | | |

| | |reminder message | | |

|2007-2008 |Davis, M. |Best practices: Intracranial pressure monitoring |Honors in the Major |Committee |

|2007-2008 |Lidag, B. |Complications associated with obesity in the |Honors in the Major |Committee |

| | |critically ill patient | | |

|2007-2008 |Merchant, N. |Health risks of the male homosexual population |Honors in the Major |Committee |


|Semester |Course |Course Name |Enrollment |Role |

|Spring 2011 |NGR 5003.0M01 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |29 |Instructor |

|Spring 2011 |NGR 5003.0W61 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |10 |Instructor |

|Spring 2011 |NGR 5003L.0M12 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |16 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Spring 2011 |NGR 5745.0W61 |Professional Obligations and Activities for Advanced |67 |Instructor |

| | |Practice Nurses | | |

|Spring 2011 |NGR 5891.0W61 |Healthcare Systems, Policy, and Healthcare |5 |Instructor |

| | |Professionals | | |

|Spring 2011 |NGR 6971.0006 |Thesis/ Research |1 |Chair |

|Fall 2010 |NGR 5003.0M02 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |23 |Instructor |

|Fall 2010 |NGR 5003L.0M13 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |13 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Fall 2010 |NGR 5745.0W61 |Professional Obligations and Activities for Advanced |39 |Instructor |

| | |Practice Nurses | | |

|Fall 2010 |NGR 5891.0W61 |Healthcare Systems, Policy, and Healthcare |9 |Instructor |

| | |Professionals | | |

|Fall 2010 |NGR 7673.0M01 |Epidemiology Principles in Advanced Practice Nursing |14 |Instructor |

|Summer 2010 |NGR 5003.CW91 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |33 |Instructor |

|Summer 2010 |NGR 5003.CW92 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |34 |Instructor |

|Summer 2010 |NGR 5003L.CM11 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |13 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Summer 2010 |NGR 5003L.CM12 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |12 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Summer 2010 |NGR 5003L.CM13 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |8 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Summer 2010 |NGR 5003L.CM14 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |13 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Summer 2010 |NGR 5003L.CM15 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |19 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Summer 2010 |NGR 5891.DW62 |Healthcare Systems, Policy, and Healthcare |36 |Instructor |

| | |Professionals | | |

|Spring 2010 |NGR 5003.0M01 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |38 |Instructor |

|Spring 2010 |NGR 5003.0W61 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |16 |Instructor |

|Spring 2010 |NGR 5003L.0M11 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |21 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Spring 2010 |NGR 5003L.0M12 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |12 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Spring 2010 |NGR 5003L.0M13 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |14 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Spring 2010 |NGR 5003L.0M14 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |7 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Spring 2010 |NGR 5003L.CM15 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |19 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Spring 2010 |NGR 5891.0W61 |Healthcare Systems, Policy, and Healthcare |18 |Instructor |

| | |Professionals | | |

|Fall 2009 |NGR 5003.0M01 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |36 |Instructor |

|Fall 2009 |NGR 5003L.0M11 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |17 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Fall 2009 |NGR 5003L.OM12 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |19 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Fall 2009 |NGR 5891.0W61 |Healthcare Systems, Policy, and Healthcare |26 |Instructor |

| | |Professionals | | |

|Fall 2009 |NGR 7673.0M01 |Epidemiology Principles in Advanced Practice Nursing |9 |Instructor |

|Summer 2009 |NGR 5003.DW91 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |39 |Instructor |

|Summer 2009 |NGR 5003.DW92 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |26 |Instructor |

|Summer 2009 |NGR 5003L.DM11 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |20 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Summer 2009 |NGR 5003L.DM12 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |21 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Summer 2009 |NGR 5003L.DM13 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |12 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Summer 2009 |NGR 5003L.DM14 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |13 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Summer 2009 |NGR 5891.DW61 |Healthcare Systems, Policy, and Healthcare |54 |Instructor |

| | |Professionals | | |

|Spring 2009 |NGR 5003.0M01 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |23 |Instructor |

|Spring 2009 |NGR 5003.0W61 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |8 |Instructor |

|Spring 2009 |NGR 5004L.0M11 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |24 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Spring 2009 |NGR 5003L.0M12 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |7 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Spring 2009 |NGR 6941.0017 |Advanced Practice Practicum |7 |Instructor |

|Spring 2009 |NGR 5744.0W61 |Healthcare Systems, Policy, and Healthcare |18 |Instructor |

| | |Professionals | | |

|Spring 2009 |NUR 4970H.0201 |Honors Directed Reading and Research |1 |Instructor |

|Fall 2008 |NGR 5003.0M01 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |34 |Instructor |

|Fall 2008 |NGR 5003.0M02 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |7 |Instructor |

|Fall 2008 |NGR 5004L.0M11 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |17 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Fall 2008 |NGR 5004L.0M12 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |17 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Fall 2008 |NGR 5004L.0M13 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |7 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Fall 2008 |NGR 5004L.0M14 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |17 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Fall 2008 |NGR 5744.0W61 |Healthcare Systems, Policy, and Healthcare |31 |Instructor |

| | |Professionals | | |

|Fall 2008 |NGR 6941.0017 |Advanced Practice Practicum |7 |Instructor |

|Fall 2008 |NGR 7642.0M01 |Epidemiology Principles in Advanced Practice Nursing |10 |Instructor |

|Summer 2008 |NGR 5003.DW91 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |49 |Instructor |

|Summer 2008 |NGR 5004L.DM11 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |17 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Summer 2008 |NGR 5004L.DM12 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |16 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Summer 2008 |NGR 5004L.DM13 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |16 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Summer 2008 |NGR 5744.DW61 |Healthcare Systems, Policy, and Healthcare |41 |Instructor |

| | |Professionals | | |

|Summer 2008 |NGR 5746.DW61 |Cultural, Legal, Ethical, and Political Issues in |40 |Instructor |

| | |Advanced Practice Nursing | | |

|Summer 2008 |NGR 6941.C006 |Advanced Practice Practicum |2 |Instructor |

|Summer 2008 |NGR 6941.C017 |Advanced Practice Practicum |5 |Instructor |

|Summer 2008 |NGR 7919.B003 |Doctoral Research |1 |Instructor |

|Spring 2008 |NGR 5003.0W61 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |22 |Instructor |

|Spring 2008 |NGR 5004L.0M12 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |11 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Spring 2008 |NGR 5004L.0M13 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |11 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Spring 2008 |NGR 5744.0W61 |Healthcare Systems, Policy, and Healthcare |24 |Instructor |

| | |Professionals | | |

|Spring 2008 |NGR 5746.0W61 |Cultural, Legal, Ethical, and Political Issues in |31 |Instructor |

| | |Advanced Practice Nursing | | |

|Spring 2008 |NGR 6941.0004 |Advanced Practice Practicum |6 |Instructor |

|Fall 2007 |NGR 5003.0M01 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |34 |Instructor |

|Fall 2007 |NGR 5004L.0011 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |17 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Fall 2007 |NGR 5004L.0013 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |17 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Fall 2007 |NGR 5744.0W61 |Healthcare Systems, Policy, and Healthcare |19 |Instructor |

| | |Professionals | | |

|Fall 2007 |NGR 7642.0M01 |Epidemiology Principles in Advanced Practice Nursing |23 |Instructor |

|Summer 2007 |NGR 5003.DW91 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |34 |Instructor |

|Summer 2007 |NGR 5004L.DW61 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |6 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Summer 2007 |NGR 5744.DW61 |Healthcare Systems, Policy, and Healthcare |33 |Instructor |

| | |Professionals | | |

|Summer 2007 |NUR 4636L.C065 |Community as a Continuum of Care |11 |Instructor |

|Spring 2007 |NGR 5003.0W61 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |26 |Instructor |

|Spring 2007 |NGR 5004L.0M11 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |17 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Spring 2007 |NGR 5004L.0M12 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |9 |Instructor |

| | |Laboratory | | |

|Spring 2007 |NUR 4636L.C065 |Community as a Continuum of Care |12 |Instructor |

|Spring 2007 |NUR 4835.0001 |Role Transition |108 |Instructor |

|Fall 2006 |NGR 5003.0M01 |Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning |27 |Instructor |

|Fall 2006 |NGR 6340L.0065 |Adult Nurse Practitioner I |8 |Instructor |

|Fall 2006 |NUR 3235L.0062 |Practice in Physical and Mental Health Nursing |10 |Instructor |

|Fall 2006 |NUR 3825.0002 |Role of the Professional Nurse |118 |Instructor |

|Fall 2006 |NUR 3930L.0015 |Special Topics: |13 |Instructor |

| | |Community Health Nursing | | |

|Fall 2006 |NUR 3930L.0025 |Special Topics: |12 |Instructor |

| | |Community Health Nursing | | |

|Summer 2006 |NUR 3637L.C062 |Accelerated: |10 |Instructor |

| | |Clinical Nursing Care of Families | | |

|Summer 2006 |NUR 3825.C001 |Role of the Professional Nurse |51 |Instructor |

|Summer 2006 |NUR 4636L.C065 |Community as a Continuum of Care |8 |Instructor |

|Spring 2006 |NGR 5746.0M01 |Cultural and Legal Issues in Advanced Practice |12 |Instructor |

| | |Nursing | | |

|Spring 2006 |NUR 3235L.0162 |Practice in Physical and Mental Health Nursing |12 |Instructor |

|Spring 2006 |NUR 4636L.0065 |Community as a Continuum of Care |12 |Instructor |

|Spring 2006 |NUR 4835.0001 |Role Transition |109 |Instructor |

|Fall 2005 |NUR 3026L.0M05 |Therapeutic Interventions |15 |Instructor |

|Fall 2005 |NUR 3065L.0013 |Health Assessment Laboratory |14 |Instructor |

|Fall 2005 |NUR 3235L.0062 |Practice in Physical and Mental Health Nursing |9 |Instructor |

|Fall 2005 |NUR 3616L.0065 |Clinical Nursing Care of Families |12 |Instructor |

|Fall 2005 |NUR 3825.0002 |Role of the Professional Nurse |117 |Instructor |

|Summer 2005 |NGR 5744.AW62 |Healthcare Systems, Policy, and Healthcare |17 |Instructor |

| | |Professionals | | |

|Summer 2005 |NGR 6941.C003 |Advanced Practice Practicum |12 |Instructor |

|Summer 2005 |NUR 3026L.C012 |Therapeutic Interventions |15 |Instructor |

|Summer 2005 |NUR 3637L.C062 |Accelerated: |11 |Instructor |

| | |Clinical Nursing Care of Families | | |

|Summer 2005 |NUR 3825.C001 |Role of the Professional Nurse |56 |Instructor |

|Spring 2005 |NUR 3235L.0164 |Practice in Physical and Mental Health Nursing |12 |Instructor |

|Summer 2005 |NUR 3825.0070 |Role of the Professional Nurse |35 |Instructor |

|Fall 2004 |NUR 3026L.0M06 |Therapeutic Interventions |12 |Instructor |

|Fall 2004 |NUR 3065L.0015 |Health Assessment Laboratory |12 |Instructor |

|Fall 2004 |NUR 3616L.0065 |Clinical Nursing Care of Families |13 |Instructor |

|Fall 2004 |NUR 3825.0002 |Role of the Professional Nurse |121 |Instructor |


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