3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

|8:00 am - 5:00 pm |Poster --- Friday, October 23, 2015 |4th floor |

|Session P1B1. |P1B1-8  Spatial Variance Induced by |P1B2-4  Ultrasound-enhanced |P1B3-4  Effects of coherent compounding |P1B4-4  Copolymer-in-oil phantoms for |

|Elasticity Imaging Methods |Tissue Compression in Ultrasound Shear |extravasation of dual-modality |on Pulse Wave Imaging (PWI) in phantoms |photoacoustic imaging |

|Chair: Hendrik Hansen |Wave Imaging |multifunctional nanodroplets |and in vivo |Luciana Cabrelli1, Diego Sampaio1, Joao |

|Radboud university medical center |Hideki Yoshikawa1, Teruyuki Sonoyama2, |Yujin Zong1, Xinru Zou1, Rongrong Wang1,|Iason Zacharias Apostolakis1, Ronny Li1,|Uliana1, Alessandro Deana2, Antonio |

| |Noriaki Inoue2, Ken-ichi Kawabata1 |Yi Feng1, Xuan Du1, Mingxi Wan1 |Matthew McGarry1, Ethan Bunting1, Elisa |Carneiro1, Theo Pavan1 |

| |1Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo, |1The Key Laboratory of Biomedical |Konofagou1,2 |1Department of Physics, University of |

| |Japan, 2Engineering R&D Department 1, |Information Engineering of Ministry of |1Biomedical Engineering, Columbia |Sao Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, |

| |Hitachi Aloka Medical,Ltd., Tokyo, Japan|Education, Xi'an Jiaotong University, |University, New York, New York, |Brazil, 2Department of Biophotonics, |

| | |Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, People's Republic|USA, 2Radiology, Columbia University, |Universidade Nove de Julho, Sao Paulo, |

| | |of |New York, New York, USA |Brazil |

|P1B1-1  Regularized, Weighted Temporal |P1B1-9  A reliability index of shear |P1B2-5  Evaluation the potential of the |P1B3-5  Atlas-based mosaicing of 3D |P1B4-5  NIR Photoacoustic Spectroscopy |

|Multiresolution Speckle Tracking of |wave speed measurement for shear wave |hair growth enhancements with |transesophageal echocardiography images |for Continuous Non-Invasive Glucose |

|Small Displacements in Ultrasound |elastgraphy |ultrasound-mediated minoxidil loaded |of the left atrium |Monitoring |

|Peter Hollender1, Vignesh Vudatha1, |Kiwan Choi1, Junho Park1, Donggoen |microbubbles cavitation |Harriët W. Mulder1, Josien P.W. Pluim1, |Praful Pai1, Pradyut Sanki1, Arijit De1,|

|Gregg Trahey1,2 |Kong1, Hyoung-Ki Lee1 |Ai-ho Liao1, Ying-jui Lu1 |Ben Ren2, Alexander Haak3, Max A. |Swapna Banerjee1 |

|1Biomedical Engineering, Duke |1Ultrasound R&D Group, Samsung |1National Taiwan University of Science |Viergever1, Johan G. Bosch3, Marijn van |1Department of Electronics and |

|University, Durham, North Carolina, |Electronics, Seoul, Korea, Republic of |and Technology, Taiwan |Stralen1 |Electrical Communication Engineering, |

|USA, 2Radiology, Duke University Medical| | |1Imaging Division, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht,|Indian Institute of Technology |

|Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA | | |Netherlands,2Cardiology, Erasmus MC |Kharagpur, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India|

| | | |Rotterdam, Rotterdam, | |

| | | |Netherlands, 3Biomedical Engineering, | |

| | | |Erasmus MC Rotterdam, Rotterdam, | |

| | | |Netherlands | |

|P1B1-2  On-Axis Radiation-Force-based |P1B1-10  Pixel-based ultrasound image |P1B2-6  Quantification of endothelial |P1B3-6  Estimation of Flow Mediated |P1B4-6  In Vivo Assessment of Protease |

|quantitative stiffness estimation with a|reconstruction: impact of grid size on |αvβ3 expression with high frequency |Vasodilatation of the radial artery |Activity in Colorectal Cancer by Using |

|Bayesian displacement estimator |signal frequency content |ultrasound and targeted microbubbles: in|Andrzej Nowicki1, Robert Olszewski2, |Activatable Molecular Photoacoustic |

|Kristy Walsh1, Douglas Dumont1, Mark |Mahdi Bayat1, Alireza Nabavizadeh1,2, |vitro and in vivo studies |Wojciech Secomski1, Marcin Lewandowski1,|Imaging |

|Palmeri2, Brett Byram1 |Azra Alizad1,3,Mostafa Fatemi1 |Verya Daeichin1, Ilya Skachkov1, Judith |Michal Byra1 |Cheng LIU1, Qijin HE1, Yaoheng YANG1, |

|1Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt |1Physiology and Biomedical Engineering, |C. Sluimer2, Johan G. Bosch1, Klazina |1Ultrasound, Institute of Fundamental |Zhihai QIU1, Yongmin HUANG1, Thomas |

|University, Nashville, TN, |Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, |Kooiman1, Andrew Needles3, Ben Janssen4,|Technological Research, Warsaw, |Ming-Hung LEE1, Lei SUN1 |

|USA, 2Biomedical Engineering, Duke |USA, 2Biomedical Informatics and |Mat J.A.P. Daemen5, Antonius van der |Poland,2Cardiology and Internal |1Interdisciplinary Division of |

|University, Durham, NC, USA |Computational Biology, University of |Steen1,6, Nico de Jong1,6 |Medicine, Military Institute of |Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of |

| |Minnesota, Rochester, MN, |1Thoraxcenter Biomedical Engineering, |Medicine, Warsaw, Poland |Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic |

| |USA,3Department of Internal Medicine, |Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, | |University, HONG KONG, China, People's |

| |Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA |Netherlands,2Pathology, CARIM, | |Republic of |

| | |Maastricht University, | | |

| | |Netherlands, 3FUJIFILM VisualSonics, | | |

| | |Inc., Canada, 4Pharmacology, CARIM, | | |

| | |Maastricht University, | | |

| | |Netherlands,5Pathology, AMC, | | |

| | |Netherlands, 6Technical University | | |

| | |Delft, Netherlands | | |

|P1B1-3  Crawling Waves Shear Wave Speed |P1B1-11  A Shear Wave Propagation |P1B2-7  Subharmonic Threshold for Chirp |P1B3-7  Electromechanical Eave Imaging |P1B4-7  Optical-resolution photoacoustic|

|Estimation using Null Space Pursuit and |Tracking Method Based on Modal Assurance|Excitations of High Frequency Contrast |of atrial tachycardia and myocardial |endoscope |

|AM-FM demodulation |Criterion in Acoustic Radiation Force |Agents |infarct in vivo: a feasibility study |Ruimin Chen1, Joon-Mo Yang2, Chiye Li2, |

|Renán Rojas1, Juvenal Ormachea2, Kevin |Impulse Imaging |John Allen1, Rintaro Hayashi1, Parag |Alexandre Costet1, Ethan Bunting2, |Bin Rao2, Junjie Yao2, Cheng-Hung Yeh2, |

|Parker2, Benjamin Castañeda1 |Yang Jiao1, Jie Xu1, Yongjia Xiang1, |Chitnis2, Jonathan Mamou3, Jeffrey |Elaine Wan3, Elisa Konofagou2,4 |Amos Danielli2, Konstantin Maslov2, K. |

|1Departamento de Ingeniería, Sección |Tianming Gu1, Yaoyao Cui1 |Ketterling3 |1Biomedical Engineering, Columbia |Kirk Shung1, Qifa Zhou1, Lihong V. Wang2|

|Electricidad y Electrónica, Pontificia |1Suzhou Institute of Biomedical |1Mechanical Engineering, University of |University, New York, New York, |1Ultrasonic Transducer Resource Center, |

|Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, |Engineering and Technology,CAS, Suzhou, |Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, |USA, 2Biomedical Engineering, Columbia |Department of Biomedical Engineering, |

|Peru, 2Department of Electrical & |Jiangsu, China, People's Republic of |USA, 2Department of Bioengineering, |University, New York, NY, USA, 3Medicine|University of Southern California, Los |

|Computer Engineering, University of | |George Mason University, Fairfax, |Cardiology, Columbia University Medical |Angeles, California, USA, 2Optical |

|Rochester, Rochester, New York, USA | |Virginia, USA, 3Riverside Research |Center, New York, New York, |Imaging Laboratory, Department of |

| | |Institute, New York CIty, New York, USA |USA,4Radiology, Columbia University, New|Biomedical Engineering, Washington |

| | | |York, NY, USA |University in St. Louis, St. Louis, |

| | | | |Missouri, USA |

|P1B1-4  Near Field Shear Wave Elasticity|Session P1B2. |Session P1B3. |Session P1B4. |P1B4-8  Low power continuous wave |

|Imaging with High Frequency Single |MCA: Microbubbles and Nanodroplets |MIM: Cardiovascular Imaging and |MPA: Photoacoustics |photoacoustic microscope for bioimaging |

|Element Transducers |Chair: Lori Bridal |Mechanics |Chair: Richard Lopata |applications |

|Nien-Ching Ho1, Pai-Chi Li2 |Univ. Pierre and Marie Curie |Chair: Richard Lopata |Technical University Eindhoven |Sathiyamoorthy Krishnan1, Michael |

|1Biomedical Electronics and | |Technical University Eindhoven | |Kolios1 |

|Bioinformatics, National Taiwan | | | |1Department of physics, Ryerson |

|University, Taipei, Taiwan,2Electrical | | | |university, Toronta, Ontario, Canada |

|Engineering, National Taiwan University,| | | | |

|Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan | | | | |

|P1B1-5  Effects of Aberration in |P1B2-1  Cosolvent-infused precursor |P1B3-1  Full-cycle left ventricular |P1B4-1  Optimizing Simultaneous |P1B4-9  Optical and Acoustic Observation|

|Crawling Wave Sonoelastography |bubbles and droplets for production of |segmentation and tracking in 3D |Multispectral Emission Photoacoustics |of Photodisruption in Two Liquid |

|Gabriela Torres1, Kevin Parker2, Roberto|ultra-small, ultrasound-activatable, |echocardiography using active appearance|Martin F Beckmann1, Hans-Martin Schwab1,|Perfluorocarbons Induced by Nanosecond |

|Lavarello1, Benjamin Castaneda1 |nanoscale perfluorcarbon agents |models |Georg Schmitz1 |Laser |

|1Electrical Engineering, Pontificia |Minseok Seo1, Siqi Zhu1, Ross Williams1,|Marijn van Stralen1, Alexander Haak2, |1Chair for Medical Engineering, |Yi Feng1, Dui Qin1, Yujing Zong1, Mingxi|

|Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lima, |Naomi Matsuura2 |Esther Leung3, Gerard van Burken2, |Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany|Wan1 |

|Lima, Peru, 2Electrical and Computer |1Sunnybrook Research Institute, |Clemens Bosch1, Johan Bosch2 | |1The Key Laboratory of Biomedical |

|Engineering, University of Rochester, |Canada,2University of Toronto, Canada |1Imaging Division, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht,| |Information Engineering of Ministry of |

|Rochester, USA | |Netherlands, 2Biomedical Engineering, | |Education, Department of Biomedical |

| | |Erasmus MC Rotterdam, Rotterdam, | |Engineering,School of Life Science and |

| | |Netherlands, 3Albert Schweitzer | |Technology,Xi'an Jiaotong University, |

| | |Hospital, Dordrecht, Netherlands | |Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, People's Republic|

| | | | |of |

|P1B1-6  Acoustic particle palpation – a |P1B2-2  Influence of the surrounding |P1B3-2  Optimization-based speckle |P1B4-2  Dual-modal photoacoutic ocular |P1B4-10  X-ray acoustic imaging for |

|feasibility study on a novel stress |media on the acoustic behavior of gas |tracking algorithm for LV strain |imaging |external beam radiation therapy |

|source for elasticity imaging |vesicle nanostructures at high |estimation |Changhui Li1, Ning Wu2, Xiaoyi Zhu2 |dosimetry using a commercial ultrasound |

|Hasan Koruk1,2, Ahmed El Ghamrawy1, |ultrasound frequencies |Hanan Khamis1, Nahum Smirin1, Zvi |1Biomedical Engineering, Peking |scanner |

|Mengxing Tang1, James Choi1 |Emmanuel Cherin1, Raymond W. Bourdeau2, |Friedman2, Dan Adam1 |University, China, People's Republic |Diego Sampaio1, Joao Uliana1, Juliana |

|1Department of Bioengineering, Imperial |Melissa Yin1, Mikhail G. Shapiro2, F. |1Department of Biomedical Engineering, |of, 2Peking University, China, People's |Pavoni1, Leandro Borges2, Antonio |

|College London, London, United |Stuart Foster1 |Technion-Israel Institute of Technology,|Republic of |Carneiro1, Theo Pavan1 |

|Kingdom,2Mechanical Engineering |1Imaging Research, Sunnybrook Research |Haifa, Israel, 2GE Ultrasound, Tirat | |1Department of Physics, University of |

|Department, MEF University, Istanbul, |Institute, Toronto, Ontario, |Hacarmel, Israel | |Sao Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, |

|Turkey |Canada, 2Division of Chemistry and | | |Brazil, 2Radiotherapy Service, |

| |Chemical Engineering, California | | |University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirão Preto,|

| |Institute of Technology, Pasadena, | | |Brazil |

| |California, USA | | | |

|P1B1-7  Novel imaging method of |P1B2-3  Nonlinear Acoustic Properties |P1B3-3  Tracking quality in plane-wave |P1B4-3  Photoacoustic imaging of human |Session P1B5. |

|continuous shear wave by ultrasonic |Characterization of Nano Size Gas |versus conventional cardiac ultrasound: |inflammatory arthritis |MTH: Ultrasound-Mediated Agent Delivery |

|color flow imaging |Vesicles |a preliminary evaluation in-silico based|Xueding Wang1, Janggun Jo2, Guan Xu3, |Chair: John Hossack |

|Yoshiki Yamakoshi1, Atsushi Yamamoto2, |Yaoheng Yang1, Yongmin Huang1, Zhihai |on a state of the art simulation |Sheeja Francis3, April Marquardt3, Jie |Univ. of Virginia |

|Yasushi Yuminaka1, Naoki Sunaguchi1 |Qiu1, Cheng Liu1, Jiyan Dai2, Lei Sun1 |pipeline |Yuan4, Gandikota Girish3 | |

|1Grad. School of Science and Technology,|1Interdisciplinary Division of |Martino Alessandrini1, Brecht Heyde1, |1Biomedical Engineering, University of | |

|Gunma University, Kiryu, |Biomedical Engineering, The Hong Kong |Ling Tong1,2, Olivier Bernard3, Jan |Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, | |

|Japan, 2Department of Orthopaedic |Polytechnic University, Hong |D'hooge1 |USA,2Radiology, University of Michigan, | |

|Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, |Kong, 2Department of Applied Physics, |1Cardiovascular Imaging and Dynamics, KU|USA,3University of Michigan, | |

|Gunma University, Maebashi, Japan |The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, |Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 2Center for |USA, 4Nanjing University, USA | |

| |Hong Kong |Biomedical Imaging Research, Dept. of | | |

| | |Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua | | |

| | |University, China, People's Republic | | |

| | |of,3CNRS UMR 5220; INSERM U1044; | | |

| | |Université Lyon 1; INSA Lyon, Lyon, | | |

| | |France | | |

|8:00 am - 5:00 pm |Poster --- Friday, October 23, 2015 |4th floor |

|P1B5-1  PET and fluorescence imaging |P1B5-9  Enhanced transdermal drug |P1B6-7  A Technique for Mapping Shear |P1B6-15  Differentiation of normal |P1B7-7  Multi-angle imaging for robust |

|demonstrate nanoparticle delivery and |delivery with low frequency, low |Wave Velocity and Attenuation from the |tissue and tissue lesions using |vector Doppler and coherent compounding |

|accumulation in a mouse breast tumor |intensity (20 kHz, 100 mW/cm2) |Two-Dimensional Fourier Space |statistical properties of backscattered |Ingvild Kinn Ekroll1,2, Jørgen Avdal1, |

|model using microbubbles-mediated |ultrasound exposure: In vivo feasibility|Ivan Nenadic1, Bo Qiang1, Matthew |ultrasound in breast |Abigail Swillens3, Hans Torp1, Lasse |

|ultrasound treatment |study |Urban1, James Greenleaf1 |Andrzej Nowicki1, Hanna |Løvstakken1 |

|Josquin Foiret1, Hua Zhang1, Lisa M. |Gadi Cohen1, Hiba Natsheh1, Philip |1Mayo Clinic, USA |Piotrzkowska-Wroblewska1, Katarzyna |1Norwegian University of Science and |

|Mahakian1, Sara M. Tam1, Jai Woong Seo1,|Lazarovici1, Elka Touitou1, Christopher | |Dobruch-Sobczak2, Jerzy Litniewski1, |Technology, Norway, 2St Olav's Hospital,|

|Katherine W. Ferrara1 |Bawiec2, Youhan Sunny2, Melissa A. | |Barbara Gambin1, Michal Byra1, Eleonora |Norway, 3Ghent University, Belgium |

|1Department of Biomedical Engineering, |Lerman3, Michael Neidrauer2, Leonid | |Kruglenko1 | |

|University of California, Davis, USA |Zubkov2, W. Andrew Berger4,Peter A. | |1Ultrasound, Institute of Fundamental | |

| |Lewin2 | |Technological Research, Warsaw, | |

| |1Hebrew University Jerusalem, | |Poland,2Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial,| |

| |Israel, 2Drexel University, | |Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology,| |

| |USA,3Children's Hospital of | |Warsaw, Poland | |

| |Pennsylvania, USA, 4University of | | | |

| |Scranton, USA | | | |

|P1B5-2  Feasibility of Ultrasound |Session P1B6. |P1B6-8  Feasibility of acoustic |Session P1B7. |P1B7-8  In-vivo High Dynamic Range |

|Assisted Drug Delivery (UADD) via |MTC: Soft Tissue Characterization |evaluation of thermal lesions at |MBF: Flow Estimation Strategies: From 1D|Vector Flow Imaging |

|Noninvasive High Frequency Intense |Chair: Lori Bridal |bone-soft tissue interface of an ex vivo|to 3D |Carlos Armando Villagómez Hoyos1, |

|Therapy Ultrasound |Univ. Pierre and Marie Curie |bovine bone exposed to high-intensity |Chair: Jørgen Jensen |Matthias Bo Stuart1, Jørgen Arendt |

|Michael Slayton1, Paul Jaeger2 | |focused ultrasound |Technical University of Denmark |Jensen1 |

|1Guided Therapy Systems, Mesa, AZ, | |Siyuan Zhang1, Zhiwei Cui1, Lei Zhang1, | |1Technical University of Denmark, |

|USA, 2Ardent Sound, Inc., Mesa, AZ, USA | |Xingguang Zhu1, Tianqi Xu1, Supin Wang1,| |Denmark |

| | |Mingxi Wan1 | | |

| | |1Department of Biomedical Engineering, | | |

| | |Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China,| | |

| | |People's Republic of | | |

|P1B5-3  Efficient generation of reactive|P1B6-1  Evaluation of ultrasound B-mode |P1B6-9  High-Resolution Strain and |P1B7-1  Real-time pulse compression in |P1B7-9  3-D Vector Flow Estimation with |

|oxygen species sonochemically generated |images of liver fibrosis using fibrotic |Strain Rate Imaging of Adult Zebrafish |multigate spectral Doppler imaging |Row-Column Addressed Arrays |

|by cavitation bubbles |probability image based on |Myocardium |Alessandro Ramalli1, Alessandro Dallai1,|Simon Holbek1, Thomas Lehrmann |

|Jun Yasuda1, Shin Yoshizawa1, |multi-Rayleigh model |Chen Ho-Chiang1, Chih-Chung Huang1 |Enrico Boni1, Francesco Guidi1, Stefano |Christiansen2, Morten Fischer |

|Shin-ichiro Umemura2 |Shohei Mori1, Shinnosuke Hirata1, |1Department of Biomedical Engineering, |Ricci1, Piero Tortoli1 |Rasmussen1, Matthias Bo Stuart1, Erik |

|1Department of Communications |Tadashi Yamaguchi2, Hiroyuki Hachiya1 |National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan |1Information Engineering Department, |Vilain Thomsen2, Jørgen Arendt Jensen1 |

|Engineering, Tohoku.Univ., Sendai, |1Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, | |University of Florence, Firenze, Italy |1Department of Electrical Engineering, |

|Japan,2Department of Biomedical |Japan, 2Chiba University, Chiba, Japan | | |Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby,|

|Engineering, Tohoku.Univ., Sendai, Japan| | | |Denmark,2Department of Micro- and |

| | | | |Nanotechnology, Technical University of |

| | | | |Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark |

|P1B5-4  Uptake and Cellular Recovery |P1B6-2  Backscatter coefficient |P1B6-10  Relation between Speed of Sound|P1B7-2  A robust spectral envelope |P1B7-10  Velocity vector in three |

|Mechanisms in Microbubble-enhanced |estimation from human thyroids in vivo |Measured by Using Ultrasound and |detection algorithm for automated blood |dimensions using a high-frame-rate |

|Ultrasound Delivery of Nanoparticles for|Tony Cueva1, Julien Rouyer1, Alberto |Magnetic Resonance Images and Elasticity|flow measurements |dual-array setup |

|Cancer Therapy |Portal2, Tamy Yamamoto2, Roberto |in Tissue-Engineered Cartilage |Aditi Kathpalia1,2, Yücel Karabiyik2, |Pieter Kruizinga1,2, Hendrik J Vos1,2, |

|Lee Terron1, Maria De Scrilli1,2, Julien|Lavarello1 |Naotaka Nitta1, Masaki Misawa1, Koji |Bente Simensen3, Eva Tegnander3,4, |Johannes G Bosch1, Antonius FW van der |

|Reboud1, Catherine Berry3, Helen |1Departamento de Ingeniería, Pontificia |Hyodo1, Yoshio Shirasaki1, Kazuhiko |Sturla Eik-Nes3,4, Hans Torp2, Ingvild |Steen1,2, Nico de Jong1,2 |

|Mulvana1 |Universidad Católica del Perú, San |Hayashi1, Kazuhiro Homma1, Tomokazu |Kinn Ekroll2,5, Gabriel Kiss2 |1Thorax Center - Biomedical Engineering,|

|1School of Engineering, University of |Miguel, Lima, Peru, 2Departmento de |Numano2 |1School of Biomedical Engineering, |Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, |

|Glasgow, Glasgow, United |Radiología, Clínica Centenario Peruano |1National Institute of Advanced |Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), |Netherlands,2Faculty of Applied Sciences|

|Kingdom, 2Department of Mechanical and |Japonesa, Pueblo Libre, Lima, Peru |Industrial Science and Technology |Varanasi, India, 2Department of |- Acoustical Wavefield Imaging, Delft |

|Aerospace Engineering, Politecnico di | |(AIST), Japan,2Tokyo Metropolitan |Circulation and Medical Imaging, |University of Technology, Delft, |

|Torino, Turin, Piedmont, Italy, 3Centre | |University, Japan |Norwegian University of Science and |Netherlands |

|for Cell Engineering, University of | | |Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 3National| |

|Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom | | |Center for Fetal Medicine (NCFM), St. | |

| | | |Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, | |

| | | |Norway, 4Department of Laboratory | |

| | | |Medicine, Children's and Women's Health | |

| | | |(LBK), NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 5St. | |

| | | |Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, Norway | |

|P1B5-5   |P1B6-3  Correcting the influence of |P1B6-11  Activation of Mechanosensitve |P1B7-3  Contrast-based Transient Flow |P1B7-11  3D Ultrafast Vector Doppler |

|Withdrawn |tissue attenuation on Nakagami |Transcription Factors in murine C2C12 |Vector Distribution in Arterial Stenosis|Imaging for in vivo Complex Flow |

| |distribution shape parameter estimation |myoblasts by Focused Low-Intensity |based on Plane Wave Bubble Wavelet |Quantification |

| |Michal Byra1, Andrzej Nowicki1, Hanna |Pulsed Ultrasound (FLIPUS). |Imaging and Modified Optical Flow Method|Mafalda Correia1, Jean Provost1, Mickaël|

| |Piotrzkowska-Wroblewska1, Katarzyna |Regina Puts1, Paul Rikeit2, Karen |Diya Wang1, Bowen Jing1, Jinjin Wan1, |Tanter1, Mathieu Pernot1 |

| |Dobruch-Sobczak1,2, Jerzy Litniewski1 |Ruschke2, Soyoung Hwang3, Petra |Yingjie Jia1, Yu Zhang1, Mingxi Wan1 |1Institut Langevin, ESPCI ParisTech, |

| |1Ultrasound Department, Institute of |Knaus1,2, Kay Raum1 |1The Key Laboratory of Biomedical |CNRS UMR 7587, INSERM U979, Université |

| |Fundamental Technological Research PAS, |1Berlin-Brandenburg School for |Information Engineering of Ministry of |Paris 7, Paris, France |

| |Warsaw, Poland, 2Maria Sklodowska-Curie |Regenerative Therapies, Charite |Education, Department of Biomedical | |

| |Memorial Cancer Centre and Institute of |Universitaet Berlin, Berlin, |Engineering,School of Life Science and | |

| |Oncology, Poland |Germany,2Biochemistry, Freie |Technology,Xi`an Jiaotong University, | |

| | |Universitaet Berlin, Berlin, |Xi`an, Shaanxi, China, People's Republic| |

| | |Germany, 3Department of Biotechnology, |of | |

| | |Technische Universitaet Berlin, Berlin, | | |

| | |Germany | | |

|P1B5-6  Echogenic liposome as a carrier |P1B6-4  Variation of longitudinal strain|P1B6-12  The measurement of acoustic |P1B7-4  Robust blood velocity estimation|P1B7-12  High frame rate 3D blood |

|of siRNA for sonoporation: an |along the arterial wall adjacent to the |impedance of the cells cultured with |using point-spread-function-based |speckle tracking of intracardiac flows |

|alternative microbubble for sonoporation|asymptomatic carotid plaque |five kinds of the fatty acid |beamforming and multi-step speckle |Morten Wigen1, Jakob Høgenes1, Joris van|

|Jingam Park1, Donghee Park2, Unchul |Spyretta Golemati1, Symeon Lehareas1, |Kazuyo Ito1, Kenji Yoshida2, So Irie1, |tracking |Cauwenberge2, Sten Roar Snare3, Patrick |

|Shin1, Jungwoo Son1, Jinho Kim1, Ohrum |Aimilia Gastounioti2, Konstantina |Jonathan Mamou3, Hitoshi Maruyama4, |Anne E.C.M. Saris1, Maartje M. |Segers2, Solveig Fadnes1, Abigail |

|Cha1, Yunsun Lee1, Sangwoo Lee1, |Nikita2, Achilles Chatziioannou1, |Tadashi Yamaguchi2 |Nillesen1, Stein Fekkes1, Hendrik H.G. |Swillens2, Lasse Løvstakken1 |

|Chul-woo Kim2, Jongbum Seo1 |Despina Perrea1 |1Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba |Hansen1, Chris L. de Korte1 |1Norwegian University of Science and |

|1Department of Biomedical engineering, |1Medical School, National Kapodistrian |University, Chiba, Japan, 2Center for |1Medical UltraSound Imaging Center |Technology, Norway,2Ghent University, |

|Univ. Yonsei, Wonju, Gangwon, Korea, |University of Athens, Athens, |Frontier Medical Engineering, Chiba |(MUSIC), Department of Radiology and |Belgium, 3University of Oslo, Norway |

|Republic of, 2Seoul National University |Greece, 2Electrical and Computer |University, Chiba, Japan, 3Lizzi Center |Nuclear Medicine, Radboud university | |

|College of Medicine, Korea, Republic of |Engineering, National Technical |for Biomedical Engineering, Riverside |medical center, Nijmegen, Netherlands | |

| |University of Athens, Athens, Greece |Research, New York, NY, USA,4Graduate | | |

| | |School of Medicine, Chiba University, | | |

| | |Chiba, Japan | | |

|P1B5-7  Passive delivery of liposomes |P1B6-5  Assessment of Transmural |P1B6-13  Correction of |P1B7-5  Two Dimensional Blood Velocity |Session P1B8. |

|with different sizes to the mouse brain |Myocardial Orientation Using Nakagami |scatterer-diameter and |Estimation Using High Frame Rate |MSD: Implementation of Novel Ultrasound |

|after blood brain barrier opening |Imaging in a Phased Array Configuration |acoustic-concentration estimates in |Echocardiography with Transverse |Methods |

|induced by focused ultrasound with |Xue Yu1, Wei-Ning Lee1,2 |saturated high-frequency ultrasound |Oscillation Approach |Chair: Massimo Mischi |

|microbubbles |1Electrical and Electronic Engineering, |signals acquired from cancerous human |Hiroki Takahashi1, Hideyuki Hasegawa1 |Eindhoven University of Technology |

|Jinxuan Guo1, Gaoshu Chen1, Jian Chen2, |University of Hong Kong, Hong |lymph nodes |1Graduate School of Science and | |

|Chien Ting Chin1, Yanyan Suo3, Yuanyuan |Kong, 2Medical Engineering Programme, |Kazuki Tamura1, Jonathan Mamou2, Alain |Engineering for Research, University of | |

|Shen1 |University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |Coron3, Kenji Yoshida4, Tadashi |Toyama, Toyama-shi, Toyama, Japan | |

|1Department of Biomedical Engineering, | |Yamaguchi4, Ernest Feleppa2 | | |

|Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, Guang | |1Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba | | |

|Dong, China, People's Republic | |University, Japan, 2Lizzi Center for | | |

|of, 2School of pharmacy, Shanghai | |Biomedical Engineering, Riverside | | |

|Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, | |Research, USA, 3Laboratoire d?fImagerie | | |

|People's Republic of, 3Shenzhen | |Biomédicale, Sorbonne Universités, UPMC | | |

|Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine | |Univ Paris 06, CNRS, INSERM, | | |

|Bureau, Shenzhen, China, People's | |France, 4Center for Frontier Medical | | |

|Republic of | |Engineering, Chiba University, Japan | | |

|P1B5-8  The study of targeted delivery |P1B6-6  Experimental estimation of |P1B6-14  A New Tissue-mimicking Material|P1B7-6  High Frame Rate Vector Velocity |P1B8-1  Real-time dynamic scheduling |

|of microbubbles binding GDNF through the|effective scatterer diameters from |for Phantoms |Estimation using Plane Waves and |based adaptive ultrasound sequence |

|blood-brain barrier by MRI-guided |physical phantoms using autoregressive |Kazuishi Sato1, Tomoji Yoshida1, Toshio |Transverse Oscillation |programming for research and rapid |

|focused ultrasound on treatment of |spectral analysis |Kondo1, Masahiko Taniguchi2, Kazuhiro |Jonas Jensen1, Matthias Bo Stuart1, |prototyping |

|addiction |Julius Diestra1, Roberto Lavarello1 |Yasukawa2 |Jørgen Arendt Jensen1 |Richard Tobias1, Gary Yi Hou1, Ashish |

|Feng Wang1, Xiaojian Jia2, Yu Shi3, Li |1Departamento de Ingeniería, Pontificia |1Tokushima Bunri University, Sanuki, |1Dept. of Elect. Eng, Technical |Parikh1 |

|Liu3, Azhen Hu1, Yun Chen3 |Universidad Católica del Perú, San |Kagawa, Japan, 2Takiron Co., Ltd., Kobe,|University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, |1Cephasonics, Santa Clara, California, |

|1Biomedical Research Institute,Shenzhen |Miguel, Lima, Peru |Japan |Denmark |USA |

|PKU-HKUST Medical Center, China, | | | | |

|People's Republic of, 21Biomedical | | | | |

|Research Institute,Shenzhen PKU-HKUST | | | | |

|Medical Center, China, People's Republic| | | | |

|of, 3Department of Ultrasound, Peking | | | | |

|University Shenzhen Hospital, China, | | | | |

|People's Republic of | | | | |

|8:00 am - 5:00 pm |Poster --- Friday, October 23, 2015 |4th floor |

|P1B8-2  Newton’s Method based Self |P1B8-10  Assessment of the performance |P2B1-7  Fast total focusing method for |P3B1-1  Tangential Streaming Analysis on|P3B2-4  Effect of periodic patterned ZnO|

|Calibration for a 3D Ultrasound |of an ultrasonic biopsy needle |ultrasonic imaging |Ultrasonically Levitated Droplet through|sensing film on a CO SAW resonator |

|Tomography System |Andrew Mathieson1, Robert Wallace2, |Ewen Carcreff1, Dominique Braconnier1, |the Boundary Layer Approximation with |sensor |

|Wei Yap Tan1, Till Steiner2, Nicole |Rebecca Cleary1, Hamish Simpson2, |Gavin Dao2 |Moving Particle Semi-implicit and |Tsung-Tsong Wu1, Jia-Wei Luo1, Lu-Chung |

|Ruiter1 |Margaret Lucas1 |1The phased array company, West Chester,|Distributed Point Source Method |Kuo1 |

|1Institute for Data Processing and |1School of Engineering, University of |Ohio, USA, 2AOS NDT, Cincinnati, Ohio, |Yuji Wada1, Kohei Yuge1, Hiroki Tanaka2,|1Institute of Applied Mechanics, |

|Electronics, Karlsruhe Institute of |Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2School of |USA |Kentaro Nakamura2 |National Taiwan University, Taiwan |

|Technology, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, |Clinical Sciences, University of | |1Faculty of Science and Technology, | |

|Germany,2Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH, Mannheim, |Edinburgh, United Kingdom | |Seikei University, Musashino, | |

|Germany | | |Japan, 2Precision and Intelligence | |

| | | |Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of | |

| | | |Technology, Yokohama, Japan | |

|P1B8-3  A Study of the Driving Circuit |Session P2B1. |Session P2B2. |P3B1-2  Controllable generation of |P3B2-5  Design and characterization of |

|for Array Transducer Considering the |Signal Processing NDE Methods |Wave Propagation Modeling |acoustical vortices with sparse sources |3D printed phononic crystals for sub-MHz|

|Impedance Properties |Chair: Erdal Oruklu |Chair: Walter Arnold |Haixiang Zheng1, Qingyu Ma1, Dong Zhang2|ultrasound manipulation |

|Hayato JIMBO1, Kota GOTO1, Shin |Illinois Institute of Technology |Saarland University |1School of Physics and Technology, |Stefano Laureti1,2, Omololu Akanji1, Lee|

|YOSHIZAWA1, Shinnichiro UMEMURA1 | | |Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, |Davis1, Marco Ricci2, Simon Leigh1, |

|1Tohoku university, Sendai, Miyagi, | | |Jiangsu, China, People's Republic |David Hutchins1 |

|Japan | | |of, 2Institute of Acoustics, Nanjing |1University of Warwick, United |

| | | |University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, |Kingdom, 2Università degli studi di |

| | | |People's Republic of |Perugia, Italy |

|P1B8-4  Method for Generating Cell |P2B1-1  A pulse compression procedure |P2B2-1  Acoustic Imaging of the Circular|P3B1-3  Transverse Manipulation of |P3B2-6  Anchor loss reduction of quartz |

|Aggregates using Ultrasonic Standing |for the measurement and characterization|Wedge-like Acoustic Waveguides |Microbubbles using Acoustic-Vortex |resonators utilizing phononic crystals |

|Wave Trapping in a Disposable Capsule |of Non-linear systems based on |Tai-Ho Yu1 |Tweezers |Yung-Yu Chen1, Yan-Ruei Lin1, |

|Yuta Kurashina1, Kenjiro Takemura1, |Exponential Chirp signals. |1National United University, Taiwan |Wei Chen Lo1, Shih Tsung Kang1, Chih |Tsung-Tsong Wu2, Shih-Yung Pao3 |

|Shogo Miyata1, James Friend2 |Pietro Burrascano1, Stefano Laureti1,2, | |Kuang Yeh1 |1Department of Mechanical Engineering, |

|1Mechanical Engineering, Keio |David Hutchins2, Marco Ricci1, Luca | |1Department of Biomedical Engineering |Tatung University, Taiwan, 2Institute of|

|University, Yokohama, Kanagawa, |Senni1 | |and Environmental Sciences, National |Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan |

|Japan, 2Mechanical and Aerospace |1Department of Engineering, Università | |Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan |University, Taiwan, 3TXC Corporation, |

|Engineering, University of |degli studi di Perugia, Polo Scientifico| | |Taiwan |

|California-San Diego, San Diego, |Didattico di Terni, Italy, 2University | | | |

|California, USA |of Warwick, United Kingdom | | | |

|P1B8-5  Cell manipulation by using |P2B1-2  Visualization of Defects in |P2B2-2  Hybrid MM-MOC-based Numerical |P3B1-4  Spatial selective trapping of |P3B2-7  Lowering diffraction of surface |

|natural vibration of a cell culture |Steel Billet using Back Propagation of |Simulation of Acoustic Wave Propagation |microparticles using a quasi-periodic |acoustic waves by phononic crystals |

|substrate |Scattered Waves |with Non-uniform Grid and Perfectly |phononic crystal plate |Jia-Hong Sun1, Yuan-Hai Yu1 |

|Chikahiro Imashiro1, Yuta Kurashina1, |Koichi Kakuma1, Koichi Mizutani2, Naoto |Matched Layer Absorbing Boundaries |Chen Wang1,2, Feiyan Cai2, Li Fei2, Long|1Department of Mechanical Engineering, |

|Kenjiro Takemura1, Shogo Miyata1, Jun |Wakatsuki2 |Yuta Matsumura1, Kan Okubo1, Norio |Meng2, Yan Kang1, Hairong Zheng2 |Chang Gung University, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan |

|Komotori1 |1College of Engineering Systems, School |Tagawa1, Takao Tsuchiya2, Takashi |1Sino-Dutch Biomedical and Information | |

|1Mechanical engineering, Keio |of Science and Engineering, University |Ishizuka3 |Engineering, Northeastern University, | |

|University, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan |of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, |1Tokyo Metropolitan University, |China, People's Republic of, 2Shenzhen | |

| |Japan,2Faculty of Engineering, |Japan, 2Doshisha University, |Institutes of Advanced Technology | |

| |Information and Systems, University of |Japan, 3Shimizu Corporation, Japan |Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, | |

| |Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan | |People's Republic of | |

|P1B8-6  A Real-time Realization of the |P2B1-3  Feature extraction for robust |P2B2-3  Backward guided modes with |Session P3B2. |Session P4B1. |

|Automatic B-mode Image Optimization on a|impact damage classification of CFRP |double zero-group-velocity points in |Phononics II |Acoustic Simulation & Modeling |

|Smart Mobile Device for Point-of-Care |plates using ultrasonic signals |liquid-filled pipes |Chair: Anne Bernassau |Chair: Karl Wagner |

|Ultrasound Imaging |Juan M. Soto1, Antonio M. Peinado1, |Weijun lin1, Hanyin Cui1 |Heriot-Watt University |TDK Corporation |

|JeeHoo Kim1, Kwanghyun Park1, Ilseob |Ángel M. Gómez 1, Nicolas Bochud1 |1State Key Laboratory of Acoustics, | | |

|Song1, Yangmo Yoo1,2 |1Teoría de la Señal, Telemática y |Institute of Acoustics Chinese Academy | | |

|1Electronic Engineering, Sogang |Comunicaciones, University of Granada, |of Sciences, beijing, China, China, | | |

|University, Seoul, Korea, Republic |Granada, Spain |People's Republic of | | |

|of,2Interdisciplinary Program of | | | | |

|Integrated Biotechnology, Sogang | | | | |

|University, Korea, Republic of | | | | |

|P1B8-7  Speed-up of acoustic simulation |P2B1-4  Ultrasonic Chirplet Echo |P2B2-4  An Optimized Guided Waves’ Focus|P3B2-1  Coupling and quality factor |P4B1-1  Numerical-analytical calculation|

|techniques for 2D sparse array |Parameter Estimation using |Method to Eliminate the Effect of |estimation of pillar resonators on a |of the maximum excitation current of |

|optimization by simulated annealing |Time-Frequency Distributions |Dispersion: Theoretical and Experimental|surface |precision quartz resonators. |

|Emmanuel Roux1,2, Alessandro Ramalli2, |Pramod Govindan1, Alireza |Research |Vincent Laude1, Lyes Djoumi1, Sarah |Alaxandr Lepetaev1, Anatoly Kosykh1 |

|Piero Tortoli2, Christian Cachard1, Marc|Kasaeifard1, Jafar Saniie1 |FuLi Xie1, Shouguo Yan1, Mingfei Cai1, |Benchabane1 |1Redioelectronic, Omsk State Technical |

|Robini1, Hervé Liebgott1 |1Electrical and Computer Engineering, |Han Dong1, Bixing Zhang1, Junjie Gong1 |1FEMTO-ST / CNRS, Besancon, France |University, Omsk, Russian Federation |

|1CREATIS, Université de Lyon, CNRS UMR |Illinois Institute of Technology, |1State Key Laboratory of Acoustics, | | |

|5220, INSERM U1044, Université Claude |Chicago, Illinois, USA |Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy | | |

|Bernard Lyon 1, INSA-Lyon, Villeurbanne,| |of Sciences, Beijing, China, People's | | |

|France, 2Ingenieria dell'informazione, | |Republic of | | |

|Università degli studi di Firenze, | | | | |

|Firenze, Italy | | | | |

|P1B8-8  Development of an Acoustic Based|P2B1-5  Sparse Deconvolution of |P2B2-5  Anomalous dispersion of Stoneley|P3B2-2  Focalization of surface acoustic|P4B1-2  Optimization of Modified |

|Sensing System for Medical Ultrasound |Ultrasound NDE Echoes Accounting for |waves in fluid-filled boreholes |waves through a gradient index lens |Hanma-Hunsinger Cell Geometry for the |

|Image Simulator |Pulse Variance |Weijun lin1, Hanyin Cui1 |Bernard Bonello1, Jinfeng Zhao2, Olga |Design of High Performance SAW Filters |

|Bo-Heng Chen1, Kai-Sheng Heish2, |Ramazan Demirli1, Pramod |1State Key Laboratory of Acoustics, |Boyko2 |Pierre Dufilie1, Pascal Ventura2, |

|Chih-Chung Huang1 |Govindan2, Jafar Saniie2 |Institute of Acoustics Chinese Academy |1INSP, CNRS / Paris University, Paris, |Frederic Hecht3 |

|1Department of Biomedical Engineering, |1Center for Advanced Communications, |of Sciences, beijing, China, China, |France, 2INSP, Paris University, Paris, |1Phonon Corp, Simsbury, CT, |

|National Cheng Kung University, |Villanova University, Villanova, |People's Republic of |France |USA, 2Laboratoire LEM3, Université de |

|Taiwan,2Kaoshiung Chang Geng Memorial |Pennsylvania, USA, 2Electrical and | | |Lorraine, Metz, France, 3Laboratoire |

|Hopital, Taiwan |Computer Engineering, Illinois Institute| | |Jacques Louis Lions, Universite Pierre |

| |of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, USA | | |et Marie Curie, Paris, France, |

| | | | |Metropolitan |

|P1B8-9  A New 2D Shear Wave Imaging |P2B1-6  Singular spectrum analysis for |Session P3B1. |P3B2-3  Molecular dynamics simulation of|P4B1-3  Temperature compensation of the |

|System for Ultrasound Elastography |trend extraction in ultrasonic |Acoustic Tweezers and Particle |nonlinear waves in granular media |AlN Lamb Wave Resonators utilizing the |

|Weibao Qiu1, Congzhi Wang1, Yang Xiao1, |backscattered echoes |Manipulation II |Jia Yang1, David Hutchins1, Lolu |S1 mode |

|Ming Qian1, Hairong Zheng1 |Yufeng Lu1, Jafar Saniie2 |Chair: Anne Bernassau |Akanji1, Peter Thomas1, Lee Davis1, |Jie Zou1, Albert P. Pisano2 |

|1Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced |1Electrical and Computer Engineering, |Heriot-Watt University |Steven Freear2, Sevan Harput2, Nader |1Mechanical Engineering, University of |

|Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,|Bradley University, Peoria, | |Saffari3, Pierre Gelat3 |California, Berkeley, CA, |

|China, People's Republic of |USA,2Electrical and Computer | |1School of Engineering, The University |USA, 2University of California, San |

| |Engineering, Illinois Institute of | |of Warwick, Coventry, West Midlands, |Diego, CA, USA |

| |Technology, Chicago, USA | |United Kingdom, 2The University of | |

| | | |Leeds, United Kingdom, 3University | |

| | | |College London, United Kingdom | |

|8:00 am - 5:00 pm |Poster --- Friday, October 23, 2015 |4th floor |

|P4B1-4  Thin Plate Model for Transverse |Session P5B1. |P5B1-8  Signal-to-Noise-Ratio | | |

|Mode Analysis of Surface Acoustic Wave |CMUT Modeling and Design |Optimization For a CMUT based Medical | | |

|Devices |Chair: Reinhard Lerch |Ultrasound Imaging System | | |

|Gongbin Tang1,2, Tao Han1, Jing Chen1, |Friedrich-Alexander-Universität |Reza Pakdaman Zangabad1, Ayhan Bozkurt2,| | |

|Tatsuya Omori2, Ken-ya Hashimoto2 |Erlangen-Nuremberg |Göksenin Yaralıoğlu3 | | |

|1School of Electronic Information and | |1Biomedical Engineering, Erasmus MC, | | |

|Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao | |Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2Electronics | | |

|Tong University, Shanghai, Shanghai, | |Engineering, Sabanci University, | | |

|China, People's Republic of, 2Graduate | |Istanbul, Turkey, 3Electronics | | |

|School of Engineering, Chiba University,| |Engineering, Ozyegin University, | | |

|Chiba, Chiba, Japan | |Istanbul, Turkey | | |

|P4B1-5  Simulation of First Shear |P5B1-1  Accurate performance evaluation |P5B1-9  Performance comparison of | | |

|Horizontal Mode Plate Wave in LiNbO3 |of high frequency CMUT arrays using a |acoustic lens materials for Capacitive | | |

|Showing 20 km/s Phase Velocity |nonlinear model |Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers: | | |

|Michio Kadota1, Shuji Tanaka1, Tetsuya |Evren F. Arkan1, Sarp Satir1, F. Levent |simulation study | | |

|Kimura2 |Degertekin1 |Jin Ho Chang1,2, Sung Ho Kim1 | | |

|1Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku |1G.W. Woodruff School of Mechanical |1Interdisciplinary Program of Integrated| | |

|University, Sendai, Miyagi, |Engineering, Georgia Institute of |Biotechnology, Sogang University, Seoul,| | |

|Japan,2Telecommunication Devision, |Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA |Korea, Republic of, 2Electronic | | |

|Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Yasu, | |Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul, | | |

|Shiga, Japan | |Korea, Republic of | | |

|Session P4B2. |P5B1-2  Mutual Radiation Impedance for |P5B1-10  Nonlinear Model with Lumped | | |

|Sensors & Applications II |Modeling of Multi-Frequency CMUT Arrays |Parameters for Asymmetric CMUTs | | |

|Chair: Natalya Naumenko |Mohammad Maadi1, Ryan Chee1, Roger Zemp1|Carlos Gerardo1, Edmond Cretu1, Robert | | |

|National University of Science and |1Electrical and Computer Engineering, |Rohling1 | | |

|Technology |University of Alberta, Edmonton, |1Electrical and Computer Engineering, | | |

| |Alberta, Canada |University of British Columbia, | | |

| | |Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada | | |

|P4B2-1  Measurement of vibrating |P5B1-3  Electrical Impedance Matching of|P5B1-11  Comparison of Simulation Models| | |

|frequency of a cantilever using low |CMUT Cells |for Electrical Characteristics of CMUT | | |

|frequency impedance-loaded SAW sensor |Mohammad Maadi1, Roger Zemp1 |Markus Klemm1, Anartz Unamuno1 | | |

|Hiromitsu Hamashima1, Jun Kondoh1 |1Electrical and Computer Engineering, |1Fraunhofer IPMS, Germany | | |

|1Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu-shi, |University of Alberta, Edmonton, | | | |

|Japan |Alberta, Canada | | | |

|P4B2-2  Continuous Temperature |P5B1-4  Mutual Radiation Impedance of |Session P5B2. | | |

|Monitoring Algorithm for SAW Sensors |Uncollapsed CMUT Cells with Different |Applications of CMUTs | | |

|Mykhaylo Yudytskiy1,2, René Fachberger1 |Radii |Chair: Reinhard Lerch | | |

|1sensideon GmbH, Wels, Austria, 2Johann |Alper Ozgurluk1, H.Kagan Oguz2, Abdullah|Friedrich-Alexander-Universität | | |

|Radon Institute for Computational and |Atalar3, Hayrettin Koymen3 |Erlangen-Nuremberg | | |

|Applied Mathematics (RICAM), Linz, |1EECS, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, | | | |

|Austria |California, USA, 2Electrical | | | |

| |Engineering, Stanford University, | | | |

| |Stanford, California, USA,3Electrical | | | |

| |and Electronics Engineering, Bilkent | | | |

| |University, Ankara, Turkey | | | |

|P4B2-3  Sensitivity improvement of a |P5B1-5  Efficient driving conditions of |P5B2-1  cMUT technology applied to | | |

|room-temperature SAW methane sensor |CMUT arrays for conventional and |galvanic isolation : theory and | | |

|incorporating Cryptophane-A film |harmonic imaging |experiments | | |

|Wen Wang1, Haoliang Hu1, Shitang He1, |Anders Lei1, Søren Elmin Diederichsen1, |Jacques Heller1, Audren Boulmé1, Daniel | | |

|Yong Pan2, Caihong Zhang3, Chuan Dong3 |Matthias Bo Stuart2, Jørgen Arendt |Alquier1, Sophie Ngo1, Marie Perroteau1,| | |

|1Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute |Jensen2, Erik Vilain Thomsen1 |Dominique Certon1 | | |

|of Acoustics, Beijing, China, People's |1Department of Micro- and |1UMR CNRS 7347 - GREMAN, Université | | |

|Republic of, 2Research Institute of |Nanotechnology, Technical University of |François Rabelais, TOURS, France | | |

|Chemical Defense, China, People's |Denmark, Denmark,2Center for Fast | | | |

|Republic of, 3Shanxi University, Shanxi,|Ultrasound Imaging, Department of | | | |

|China, People's Republic of |Electrical Engineering, Technical | | | |

| |University of Denmark, Denmark | | | |

|P4B2-4  Surface Acoustic Wave |P5B1-6  Optimization of the Backside |P5B2-2  On-Chip Piezoelectric Polymer | | |

|Accelerometer for High-G Applications |Structures with Wideband Reflectivity |Ultrasonic Transceivers for | | |

|Dmitry Lukyanov1, Sergey |Reduction for a CMUT |Point-of-Care Testing | | |

|Shevchenko1, Alexander Kukaev1, Khivrich|Akifumi Sako1, Hiroki Tanaka1,2, |Chien-Chong Hong1, Kuan-Wen Chen1 | | |

|Maria1 |Yasuhiro Yoshimura2, Masahiro Sato1, |1Department of Power Mechanical | | |

|1Laser Measurement and Navigation |Tatsuya Nagata1 |Engineering, National Tsing Hua | | |

|Systems, St.Petersburg Electrotechnical |1Hitachi Aloka Medical,Ltd., |University, Hsinchu, Taiwan | | |

|University, St. Petersburg, Russian |Japan,2Hitachi, Ltd., Japan | | | |

|Federation | | | | |

|P4B2-5  SAW force sensor based on |P5B1-7  Nonlinear Lumped Modelling of |P5B2-3  CMUT for high sensitivity | | |

|reflective delay line quasi-mirror |Large-Scale CMUT TOBE Architectures |greenhouse gas sensing | | |

|topology |Christopher Ceroici1, Ryan Chee1, Roger |Dovydas Barauskas1, Donatas Pelenis1, | | |

|Ivan Ancev1, Sergei Bogoslovsky1, |Zemp1 |Gvidas Sergalis1, Gailius Vanagas1, | | |

|Gennadiy Sapozhnikov1, Sergei Zhgoon2 |1Electrical & Computer Engineering, |Marius Mikolajunas1, Darius Virzonis1, | | |

|1Joint Stock Company "NPP "Radar mms", |University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada |Jonas Baltrusaitis2 | | |

|Russian Federation,2National Research | |1Panevezys Faculty of Technologies and | | |

|University Moscow Power Engineering | |Business, Kaunas University of | | |

|Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation | |Technology, Panevezys, | | |

| | |Lithuania,2Chemical and Biomolecular | | |

| | |Engineering, Lehigh University, | | |

| | |Bethlehem, USA | | |


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