IGrants System: 2021-22 iGrants Form ... .k12.wa.us

iGrants System: 2021-22

iGrants Form Package 206 Title I Part C Education of Migrant Children

(Regular Year and l 2021-22) (Federal Funds)

Instructions for Form Completion

Substantially Approvable Status (FP 206 page 1)

SAS must be requested by June 30 in order to incur costs associated with this program beginning July 1. Certain application pages must be completed and submitted by June 30 to request Substantially Approvable Status. All other pages must be completed by September 15.

Grant applications submitted after July 1 can incur costs starting the date the fully completed grant application has been submitted to OSPI.

1A. Transferability (FP 206 page 1A)

Complete this section to reflect any transfer of funds from applicable programs into Title I Part C.

A. Program Planning (FP 206 page 2)


Mark the data used to analyze the needs of migratory students for the school year.


Student Counts ? using MSIS reports, provide the estimated number of migrant students

who are Priority for Service; who are "Needs" students (have not yet met standard one

or more state assessment or other risk factor), not academically at-risk, preschool aged

3-5 not in K, out-of-school youth ages 16-21 not enrolled in school.


Planning Participants - Identify the members, including migratory parents (required),

who participated in the planning group process to determine the services to be provided

with these funds to meet the identified needs of migrant students (including priority

migrant students). (NOTE: Names of participants may be requested by OSPI for regular

year and for summer school).


Describe how the grant application and program plan will be communicated to building

principals, school board, and other administrators to support successful implementation

of LEA plan.


Select Yes or No to note whether a student recruitment plan for each recruiter is

annually reviewed and updated to include:

A. A mapping of the district boundaries.

B. Process to ensure staff are fully trained in identification and recruitment requirements and methods and receive on-going training.

C. The plan identifies peak recruitment periods, locations targeted, extra staffing as needed, and a process to conduct program revalidations.

D. The plan describes the process to assess quality control to ensure consistency in identifying eligible migrant students.

E. The plan describes the process to evaluate the achievement of the plan and Identification and Recruitment efforts, including annual review of COE completion

1 MEP Instructions FP206 Fiscal Period 2021-22


REMINDER: District staff conducting identification and recruitment activities must attend annual training for recertification of recruitment requirements.

B. Parent Advisory Council and Family Engagement (page 3):

ESEA ? assure consultation with Parent Advisory Councils (PACs) in the planning and operation for programs of one school year in duration and provides for the same parental involvement as is required for programs and projects under Title I, Part A.


Respond yes or no whether the district has an active Parent Advisory Council

(Elected or appointed officers/board) which helps in the planning, reviewing, and

implementation of the local program.


Note the level of family involvement is on the continuum from Family

Involvement (Level 1) to Family Partnership (Level 2).

OSPI's Family Engagement Guidance and Toolkit builds on the research conducted by Dr. Karen Mapp and A.T. Henderson (2002), A New Wave of Evidence: The Impact of School, Family and Community Connections on Student Achievement, Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL), to develop a continuum from Family Involvement to Family Partnership.

The toolkit notes "when schools provide training to families and communities about the public education system and have clear policies, families are able to advocate for their students and others, as well as serve in leadership roles at various levels in the school community. Educators benefit from this kind of engagement by learning more about students and their families. This leads to responsive teaching and

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effective instructional strategies and improves services and results for children. Effective school-family-community partnerships move beyond compliance toward creating relationships based on mutual trust and respect that support the academic achievement of all students" (page 12).


Note the date(s) the Parent Advisory Council met to plan, implement, and

evaluate services provided to eligible migratory students during the school year.

Upload a copy of the meeting minutes or notes of the planning meeting and provide a copy of the sign-in sheet with PAC officer names highlighted.


List the staff person responsible to ensure a PAC is established and functions

according to rules and regulations as noted in the newly revised PAC Guide.


Note the date of election of PAC officers.


List name of PAC officers with active COEs.


Indicate with a yes/no if bylaws have been reviewed and adopted. If bylaws

were adopted during the 2020-21 school year, please upload the recently

adopted bylaws.


Indicate whether PAC Officers have been trained on their role as an advisory



If no, note the date PAC Officer training will occur.

10. List the dates PAC officer meetings (Core PAC) will be held during the school year.

11. Note whether the development of Title I, Part A Compacts included consideration for migrant families.

12. Note whether migrant Title I Part A District and School Building Policies included consideration of migrant families.

13. Provide a brief description of the process used to ensure PAC meetings, general migrant parent meetings/events, and general district/school information will be communicated in a timely manner and in a format and language understandable to the parents.

Sample ways to communicate:

? Work with students to craft artful invitations

? Create a calendar for school year

? Determine timeline to send out reminders and identify who will send out reminders

? Use telephone system or telephone tree to call to remind parents of upcoming meetings/events

14. Check the training topics to be provided for migrant families.

15. Check all the items the district will provide under family engagement/literacy that are research-based and culturally appropriate.

16. Check this item to confirm the district will conduct parent questionnaires or

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surveys for each family engagement literacy, math, or early learning training in alignment with the State Service Delivery Plan and selected activities above

C. Program Services (FP 206 page 4):

1. Note the Academic Support Services to be provided with program funds in alignment with local needs assessment results and State Service Delivery Plan.

Complete page 5 (Public Schools Breakdown) of grant application for each academic area.

2. Note the non-academic services to be provided with local Migrant Education Program funds.

3. Describe the health supports to be provided to migratory students to resolve newly identified or existing health or social barriers, including medically diagnosed alerts, experienced by eligible migratory

See Instruction Pages 9-11 for program definitions.

D. Coordination of Services (FP 206 page 4):

1. Check the coordinated services to be provided to migrant students by non-migrant programs/projects:

? Transitional Bilingual Instructional Programs ? Title III ? Title I Part A ? LAP ? Other applicable services (list)

E. Public Schools Breakdown (FP 206 page 5):

NOTE: All services provided with Title I, Part C, Migrant Education Program funds must supplement and not supplant other funds for which migrant students may be eligible and entitled to receive services.

Press the Edit button for each building data will be entered. The application will automatically display the following building information for your district:

? Building Name ? Building Number ? Grade Span

The following fields must be completed:

? Schoolwide ? enter a yes/no if the school building is identified as schoolwide as defined by Title I, Part A.

? Year Round ? enter yes/no if the school building has been identified to provide academic support during the regular school year and summer/intersession terms.

? Total Number of Migrant Students Enrolled ? enter the number of migrant students currently enrolled in the school building (as reported in MSIS).

? Academic Services ? enter the academic service(s) to be provided, the number of migrant students to be served, and academic subjects to be to be provided.

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Academic Services:

Extended day academic services are provided beyond the regular school day, including Saturday. It may also provide additional time for migrant kindergarten students who attend a half-day district kindergarten program. In-class academic services are provided in a regular classroom to provide supplemental support. NOTE: Documentation of migrant students to be targeted, instruction to be delivered, and progress by the student should be kept. There is no situation where migrant-paid staff can teach an entire class period or subject that is the responsibility of the basic education program. Pull-Out academic services are focused on pre-review and/or review of concepts taught in the classroom. Intersession academic services are targeted for migrant students during the regular school year when regular school is not in session (e.g., spring break, winter break, midwinter break). Note: If more than one service is being delivered per subject, select additional services from the pull-down menus provided. ? Enter the projected number (head count) of migrant students to be served during the regular school year, and summer school, if appropriate.


Enter the subject to be provided to migrant students with migrant funds.

Note: If more than one subject is being delivered in a building, select from the pull-down menus provided. Subjects chosen should address the needs of migrant students as a result of data analysis.

F. Program Expenditures (FP 206 page 6)

1. Staff - note the staff position, staff name, FTE, budget amount (excluding benefits), budget code, and activities to be completed for staff to be paid under the Migrant Education Program. Recruiters and records clerk activities have already been identified. ? A recruiter should have approximately 1 FTE for every 600 migrant students. ? A records clerk should have 1 FTE for every 800 migrant students. ? A graduation specialist should have a student to staff ratio of 1 FTE for every 50 students. ? A student advocate should have a student to staff ratio of 1 FTE for 150 students. All positions and funding amounts listed in this section should match the budget page. In accordance with OSPI's Accounting Manual, Full-time Personnel are defined as certificated employees who work the full number of days under local standard contract (assuming state minimum length of contract) or classified employees who work 2,080 hours or more per year.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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