
Before the dateLet’s talk…. Do you think men and females do the same things when they are getting ready for a date? What do you think men do? What do you think women do? In pairs fill in the table. (4 mins) Things women do before a dateThings men do before a dateTask 1Maria and Jack are getting ready for their date. Read the information from their diaries and circle all the words that follow make and underline all the words that follow do. (3 mins)Maria’s diaryI am so happy today! I have a date!! I made an appointment at the hairdresser’s and did my hair. After that, I did my nails and chose a nice pink colour. I went shopping and bought a nice dress and some shoes. Then I went home and did the washing up. I made sure my house was clean. I also made a chocolate cake in case Jack wanted to see my house after the date. I made a call to my friend Jenny to get some information about Jack. She said he was a very nice guy so that made me smile! I have two hours to get ready for my date so I must make up my mind about what to wear I will do my best to look beautiful. Time to go!!!Jack’s diarySo, today is the big day! I am going out on a date with Maria. A few days ago, I made a reservation at a nice restaurant. It is called, “Tasty food”. I also made an appointment at the dentist’s to get my teeth whitened. I went to the dentist and my teeth look great now. I went back home and I did the washing up because Maria might come to my house after dinner. I made sure my house was clean. I do not want her to think that I just make a mess and never clean up. After cleaning, I realized that I did not know what to wear so I went shopping again. I must buy a new suit. I am doing my best to look handsome. I hope she likes me because I really like her. I must stop writing because I have to get ready!!2. Comprehension check. Answer the following questions. Once you have finished you will share your answers with the rest of the class. (5 mins)a. Where will Maria and Jack go today?b. What did Maria buy?c. What did Jack buy?d. Is Maria’s house clean now?e. Why did Jack go to the dentist?Where any of your ideas in the let’s talk exercise in this text? 3. By yourself, look at the text again and use the information in the text and fill in the grid. Then check your answers. (2 mins)DoMakeAn appointment My hair My nails The Washing upsureA cake A call Me smileUp my mindMy bestA reservationAn appointment A mess 4. Which collocations from task 2 can you use in these sentences so that the meaning is the same? (4 mins)a. I call a restaurant and I say I want to eat there at 8.00 pmb. I wash dishes all dayc. The children leave their toys everywhere! On the floor, on the beds!d. I call my doctor and tell him I want to go and see him every month.e. I will phone you when I have time.f. I try very hard when I have exams. During the date5. What do people talk about during dates? Write down your ideas about some topics. 2 minsRead the following collocations and their explanations with your teacher and then in pairs try to make notes for a short dialogue between Jack and Maria. You should also use the collocations from task 1 too. You have 9 minutes to prepare your dialogue. Once you have finished your teacher will ask a couple of you to play the dialogue in front of the class. One of you should be Maria and the other should be Jack! Remember you like each other 8 minsWorkDo for a living: your job/work.E.g What do you do for a living?I teach for a living.Do business with: to buy or sell goods or services.I am a businessman and I do business with the Chinese.Hobbies/ ActivitiesDo sports: play basketball, run etc.Do crosswordsMake dinner/tea/lunch/ breakfast/supperCelebrationsMake a toast: when you bring glasses together during a celebration.I want to make a toast! “I hope you are very happy together!”Role play 6 minsLiving together6. You are Maria, leave Jack a note about the things you have done at home and the things he needs to do. You can also use collocations from tasks 1 and 2. Your note should be at least 35 words long. You have 6 minutes to do this. Once you have finished give your note to your partner and he/she will check it for any mistakes. Begin like this. 6 minsHi Jack! ................

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