Unit Title

PHE 340

Curriculum and Instruction in Physical Education

High School Physical Education

10 Day Unit Plan in the Physical Activity Area of: Outdoor Pursuit

Specific Unit: Archery

Grade: 11/12

Physical Educators: Travis Misner, Andy Filipiak

Statement of Philosophy

In this unit, students will learn a variety of different reasons for and ways to participate in archery. Archery effectively incorporates the affective, psychomotor, and cognitive domains while stimulating the mind in many different ways. Since archery is foreign to many of the students, this will help students gain knowledge of a unique activity that is also fun and can be done outdoors and in nature.

National Standards

National Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

Rationale: Students will enhance their motor skills and movement patterns through practice for locomotor and manipulative skills during the archery unit.

National Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and physical activities.

Rationale: Students will participate in varied archery activities, including competitions, that entail all skill cues necessary that apply these tactics to physical activity.


National Standard 3: Participates regularly in physical activity.

Rationale: Throughout the entire unit, students will learn to appreciate different types of physical activity that they’re not used to.

National Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

Rationale: Students will participate in different forms and modifications of archery that all pertain in a different way to physical fitness.

National Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

Rationale: During our unit, students will learn how to evaluate each other and give effective feedback in an appropriate behavioral setting.

National Standard 6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.

Rationale: Throughout the archery unit, students will learn new skills and abilities that helps them appreciate different types of physical activity.

Unit Objectives:


1. Students will properly fit the bow 100% of the time by the end of the unit.

2. Students will demonstrate proper stance and body position making use of 100% of skill cues by the end of the unit.

3. Students will successfully hit the target while target shooting 7 out of 10 times by the target shooting competition day of the unit.

4. Students will successfully clout shoot, making use of 100% of skill cues, achieving target range 6 out of 10 times.

5. Students will properly demonstrate safety techniques and arrow retrieval 100% of the time throughout the unit.

How assessed:

1. Students will use peer assessment throughout the unit, providing teacher with peer assessments.

2. Students competency will be observed and measured with various skill cue checklists for different skills.

3. Teacher observation will be implemented to check for proper skill cues and form.

4. Students will be asked to do self-evaluations to be handed in to assess individual performance.

5. Skills test will be used at the end of the unit to assess all the skills taught.


1. Students will be able to identify equipment, parts of equipment, and scoring in target shooting by the end of the unit.

2. Students will be able to identify the skill cues for stance and body position by the end of the unit.

3. Students will be able to identify and list all skill cues involved in target shooting, as well as scoring target shooting by the end of the unit.

4. Students will be able to identify and list all skill cues relevant to clout shooting by the end of the unit.

5. Students will be able to identify and provide at a minimum of 5 safety precautions by the end of the unit.

How assessed:

1. Students will take an equipment quiz at the end of the equipment day identifying parts of equipment.

2. Group responses to questions asking students to identify equipment, safety precautions, or skill cues at the end of each day of the unit.

3. Students will use self-assessment to identify proper use of skill cues by the end of the unit.

4. Students will be given a safety quiz identifying and listing a minimum of 5 safety precautions by the end of the unit.

5. Students will take an archery test at the end of the unit over all aspects of the unit (equipment, skill cues, safety, scoring ect. )


1. Students will follow 100% of safety rules and precautions every day of the unit.

2. Students will provide constructive partner feedback to aid performance by the end of the unit.

3. Students will identify a minimum of 5 possible values or likes of archery by the end of the unit.

4. Students will demonstrate responsible behavior 100% of the time throughout the unit.

5. Students will maintain positive attitudes throughout unit.

How assessed:

1. Students will provide personal reflections by the end of the unit assessing safety, responsibility, and attitude.

2. Students will provide peer feedback throughout the unit to aid and improve peer performance.

3. Observable safety behavior exhibited by students.

4. Students will self-evaluate individual responsibility by the end of the unit.

5. Students will submit a cumulative unit reflection.

|High School Unit Block Plan – Cognitive |

|Unit Objectives: |

|1. Students will be able to identify equipment, parts of equipment, and scoring in target shooting by the end of the unit. |

|2. Students will be able to identify the skill cues for stance and body position by the end of the unit. |

|3. Students will be able to identify and list all skill cues involved in target shooting, as well as scoring target shooting by the end of the unit. |

|4. Students will be able to identify and list all skill cues relevant to clout shooting by the end of the unit. |

|5. Students will be able to identify and provide at a minimum of 5 safety precautions by the end of the unit. |

|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

| | | | | |

|Information to Cover: |Information to Cover: |Information to Cover: |Information to Cover: |Information to Cover: |

| |safety |Proper stance and body position |anchoring |Sighting and aiming |

|Equipment, fitting bow | |Begin shooting |shooting |Target shooting |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Specific Info/Cues: |Specific Info/Cues: |Specific Info/Cues: |Specific Info/Cues: |Specific Info/Cues: |

|-parts of a target arrow |-wait for signal before crossing shooting line |t-form shot |-kissed button touches both lips |-peep sight |

|-parts of a recurve bow |-leave equipment in front of target if walk behind |-feet shoulder width apart |-bow string touches nose |-way of aligning with target, increased accuracy |

|-fitting the recurve bow |target |-side positioned toward target |-draw hand firmly in contact with jaw |-level your bow |

|-dis-assemble bow |-Pull forward any arrows embedded in the grass |-shoulders square |-Center target in peep sight |-align bowstring |

| |-shoot only at target, shooting area around and behind |-bow set in V of thumb/index finger |-under chin anchor |-focus on middle of bull’s-eye |

| |target clear |-bow drawn to shoulder level |-side of face | |

| |-twist arrows out of target |-draw string back at shoulder level |-index finger release | |

| | | |-importance of anchoring | |

| | | | | |

|Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |

|group responses to questions |Quiz over previous day material, equipment. |Self- assessment of stance and body position skill |Group responses to questions |Group responses to questions |

| |Group responses to safety questions |cues. |Self-assessment of anchoring techniques |Partner assessment |

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|High School Unit Block Plan – Cognitive |

|Unit Objectives: |

|1. Students will be able to identify equipment, parts of equipment, and scoring in target shooting by the end of the unit. |

|2. Students will be able to identify the skill cues for stance and body position by the end of the unit. |

|3. Students will be able to identify and list all skill cues involved in target shooting, as well as scoring target shooting by the end of the unit. |

|4. Students will be able to identify and list all skill cues relevant to clout shooting by the end of the unit. |

|5. Students will be able to identify and provide at a minimum of 5 safety precautions by the end of the unit. |

|Day 6 |Day 7 |Day 8 |Day 9 |Day 10 |

| | | | | |

|Information to Cover: |Information to Cover: |Information to Cover: |Information to Cover: |Information to Cover: |

| |Refining technique |Sharpening mental skills |Clout shooting competition |Target shooting competition |

|Scoring and shooting rules |Clout shooting |Clout shooting |Skills test |Skills test cont’d |

|Target shooting | | | |Archery test |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Specific Info/Cues: |Specific Info/Cues: |Specific Info/Cues: |Specific Info/Cues: |Specific Info/Cues: |

|-established number of arrows to be shot in a round. |-stances; square, open, closed |-managing anxiety |-skill cues tested for fitting bow |-skill cues tested for fitting bow |

|This is called an end. |-bow hand position |-staying relaxed |-skill cues tested for stance and body position |-skill cues tested for stance and body position |

|-official 5 colored, 10 scoring ring target |--low wrist, high wrist, straight wrist |--hand and arm relaxation routine |-skill cue tested for Clout shooting |-skill cues tested for shooting |

|-from center out, 10,9,8,7,6,….1 |-alignment check |-focusing attention | |-equipment, safety, |

|-touches 2 scoring areas, higher point counts |Clout Shooting |-building confidence | | |

|-arrow missing target scored at 0 |-SAFETY |-imagery | | |

| |-aim at proper angle for maximum distance |-goal setting | | |

| |-pull draw string back as far as possible for maximum | | | |

| |distance | | | |

| |-follow target shooting skill cues | | | |

| | | | | |

|Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |

|Group responses to scoring questions |Quiz over previous day material, scoring. |Self- assessment and reflection of individual |-skills test |-skills test cont’d |

| |Group responses to questions |techniques to sharpening mental skills | |-Archery test |

| | | | | |

|High School Unit Block Plan – Affective |

|Unit Objectives: |

|1. Students will follow 100% of safety rules and precautions every day of the unit. |

|2. Students will provide constructive partner feedback to aid performance by the end of the unit. |

|3. Students will identify a minimum of 5 possible values or likes of archery by the end of the unit. |

|4. Students will demonstrate responsible behavior 100% of the time throughout the unit. |

|5. Students will maintain positive attitudes throughout unit. |

|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

| | | | | |

|Today’s Goal: |Today’s Goal: |Today’s Goal: |Today’s Goal: |Today’s Goal: |

|Unit rules, behavior expectations and equipment safety |Safety rules and precautions |Constructive partner feedback |Constructive partner feedback with different partner |Develop appreciation for archery |

| | | | | |

|What I want to see/hear: |What I want to see/hear: |What I want to see/hear: |What I want to see/hear: |What I want to see/hear: |

|Students listening |Students listening |-Try and draw your bow arm a little further back to |-It helps sometimes if you aim a little higher above the|-Archery is pretty challenging but it is something I |

|Asking questions regarding equipment and unit rules and |Following unit rules, expectations, responsible behavior|improve accuracy |bull’s-eye if you don’t have as much power |want to work at getting better in |

|expectations |Discussing safety rules |-Try and keep bow arm straight and locked at shoulder |Remember to keep feet shoulder width apart |-It must be extremely difficult to hunt with a bow |

|Follow rules, expectations, and behavior expectations | |height but otherwise it’s looking pretty good | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |

|-peer feedback |-safety reflection |-Observable by teacher |-Observable by teacher |-initial archery self-reflection |

|-self-evaluation |-peer feedback |-peer feedback |-peer feedback |-group responses |

| | | | | |

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|High School Unit Block Plan – Affective |

|Unit Objectives: |

|1. Students will follow 100% of safety rules and precautions every day of the unit. |

|2. Students will provide constructive partner feedback to aid performance by the end of the unit. |

|3. Students will identify a minimum of 5 possible values or likes of archery by the end of the unit. |

|4. Students will demonstrate responsible behavior 100% of the time throughout the unit. |

|5. Students will maintain positive attitudes throughout unit. |

|Day 6 |Day 7 |Day 8 |Day 9 |Day 10 |

| | | | | |

|Today’s Goal: |Today’s Goal: |Today’s Goal: |Today’s Goal: |Today’s Goal: |

|Goal Setting to improve performance |Clout shooting safety |Positive attitude aiding mental skills |Identify 5 possible values or likes of archery |Identify likes and dislikes of Archery |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|What I want to see/hear: |What I want to see/hear: |What I want to see/hear: |What I want to see/hear: |What I want to see/hear: |

|-My goal is to get all arrows on the target |-clout shooting may be a fun activity but it can be |-I think I will do better next time |-Archery is a great outdoor activity |-I can see how some people might enjoy archery but for |

|-My goal is to get at least 3 bull’s-eyes by the end of |extremely dangerous if not taken seriously |-I missed the bull’s-eye by less than an inch, I am |-I can see how difficult it must be to go hunting with a|me I enjoy being more active |

|class |-it is extremely essential to follow all directions and |definitely improving |bow |- I like archery because it takes a lot of mental sweat |

| |safety precautions | |-man, do I need good strength to have good accuracy | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |

|-peer feedback |-Observable |-Observable |-Observable |-Archery unit cumulative reflection |

|-self evaluation |-group responses to safety questions |-peer feedback |-self-evaluation | |

|-personal reflections | | |-personal reflections | |

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|Elementary Unit Block Plan – Psychomotor |

|Unit Plan Objectives: |

|1. Students will properly fit the bow 100% of the time by the end of the unit. |

|2. Students will demonstrate proper stance and body position making use of 100% of skill cues by the end of the unit. |

|3. Students will successfully hit the target while target shooting 7 out of 10 times by the target shooting competition day of the unit. |

|4. Students will successfully clout shoot, making use of 100% of skill cues, achieving target range 6 out of 10 times. |

|5. Students will properly demonstrate safety techniques and arrow retrieval 100% of the time throughout the unit. |

|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

| | | | | |

|Skill(s): |Skill(s): |Skill(s): |Skill(s): |Skill(s): |

|Equipment, fitting equipment |safety |Proper stance and body position |anchoring |Sighting and aiming |

| | |Begin shooting |shooting |Target shooting |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Skill Cues: |Skill Cues: |Skill Cues: |Skill Cues: |Skill Cues: |

|-knocking correctly |-proper arrow removal from bow |t-form shot |-under chin anchor |-draw and anchor |

|-using body weight correctly |- proper arrow removal from ground/ target |-feet shoulder width apart |-side of face |-Close eye opposite string side |

|-how to properly fit arrows |- anchoring correctly |-side positioned toward target |-index finger release |-Level bow |

| | |-shoulders square |-importance of anchoring |-Align string side eye with sight -aperture and bulls |

| | |-bow set in V of thumb/index finger | |eye |

| | |-bow drawn to shoulder level | |-Focus on target |

| | |-draw string back at shoulder level | |-Steady hands |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |

| | | | | |

|-Skill cue assessment |-peer assessed arrow removal |-skill cue checklist |-peer assessment |-peer skill cue checklist |

| | | |-self assessment | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Elementary Unit Block Plan – Psychomotor |

|Unit Plan Objectives: |

|1. Students will properly fit the bow 100% of the time by the end of the unit. |

|2. Students will demonstrate proper stance and body position making use of 100% of skill cues by the end of the unit. |

|3. Students will successfully hit the target while target shooting 7 out of 10 times by the target shooting competition day of the unit. |

|4. Students will successfully clout shoot, making use of 100% of skill cues, achieving target range 6 out of 10 times. |

|5. Students will properly demonstrate safety techniques and arrow retrieval 100% of the time throughout the unit. |

|Day 6 |Day 7 |Day 8 |Day 9 |Day 10 |

| | | | | |

|Skill(s): |Skill(s): |Skill(s): |Skill(s): |Skill(s): |

| |Clout shooting |Sharpening mental skills |clout shooting competition |Target shooting competition |

|scoring | |Clout shooting cont’d | | |

|Target shooting | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Skill Cues: |Skill Cues: |Skill Cues: |Skill Cues: |Skill Cues: |

|-established number of arrows to be shot in a round. |-aim at proper angle for maximum distance |-staying relaxed |-aim at proper angle for maximum distance |- form shot |

|This is called an end. |-pull draw string back as far as possible for maximum |--hand and arm relaxation routine |-pull draw string back as far as possible for maximum |-feet shoulder width apart |

|-official 5 colored, 10 scoring ring target |distance | |distance |-side positioned toward target |

|-from center out, 10,9,8,7,6,….1 |-follow target shooting skill cues | |-follow target shooting skill cues |-shoulders square |

|-touches 2 scoring areas, higher point counts | | | |-bow set in V of thumb/index finger |

|-arrow missing target scored at 0 | | | |-bow drawn to shoulder level |

| | | | |-draw string back at shoulder level |

| | | | |-proper release |

| | | | |-target struck |

| | | | | |

|Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |

| | | | | |

|-Skills test |-Self evaluation |-peer skills checklist |-submit top 3 scores of 10 arrows |-submit 3 scores of 10 arrows |

| | | | |- 1 trial is skills test based on all skill cues |

Study Guide

Grade: 12

Unit: Archery

Safety Rules and Precautions

1. Do not touch any equipment unless told to do so by the instructor.

2. Never use inferior equipment (i.e. split arrows, frayed strings, etc.).

3. Do not draw and release a bow string without an arrow.

4. Do not wear jewelry.

5. Wear simple clothing.

6. Keep the bow arm elbow turned out to avoid string slap and wear an arm guard for protection.

7. Never run with equipment.

8. Never nock an arrow if someone is in front of you. Nock arrows only when given the command to do so by the teacher.


10. Retrieve arrows ONLY when given the command to do so by the teacher. Never cross the shooting line while others

are shooting (wait for command).

11. All non-shooters should stand behind the safety line and not bother the shooter.

12. Never point bow and arrow anywhere other than the target.

13. Shoot only at the target.

14. Never draw and shoot when anyone is between you and the target.

15. Be sure the area in back of the target is clear.

16. Never shoot in the air or in any direction where you might destroy property or endanger life.

17. Pull arrows out of target with two hands carefully as to not break the arrow. Place one palm against the target as a

brace, and pull the arrow out of the target with the other hand.

18. Bows and arrows are not toys. Safety precautions must be followed.

Archery is not a dangerous sport, but the bow and arrow does have lethal potential!!

Tips on Shooting Technique


Feet parallel, shoulder width apart

Weight on both feet

Good tall posture

Grip and Bow Arm

Wrist and arm are straight

Upper edge of index finger is just below arrow plate

Elbow point outward, and is not locked

Shoulders are level not hunched or turned in

Bow arm steady and there is no movement before, during, or immediately after release


The arrow nocked at 90 degree angle with string

Index feather away from bow


String is gripped near the finger tips with three fingers (tips only)

Hand is straight and relaxed with thumb and little finger in palm

Wrist remains in line straight with the forearm and hand as string is drawn

A full smooth draw is made (pulling all the way back)

Elbow is pulled back at shoulder height as string is drawn


The anchor point is at the archer’s face (chin, cheek, jaw) and be consistent

The head remains level and turned toward target



Consists of 5 concentric circles

♣ Gold = 9 points

♣ Red = 7 points

♣ Blue = 5 points

♣ Black = 3 points

♣ White = 1 point


♣ All arrows landing in the colored areas of the target face receive the appropriate point value.

♣ An arrow that cuts two colors receives the higher value.

♣ Arrows in the petticoat have no scoring value


Anchor Point- a certain spot on the shooter's face, which the index finger of the string hand comes to on the draw

Arm Guard- a leather pad worn on the inside of the bow arm to protect the arm from the slap of the bow string

Arrow Rest- the part of the bow or handle that forms a shelf for the arrow to ride

Back- the part of the bow that is away from the archer

Belly or Face- the side of the bow that faces the archer

Bracing the Bow- placing the string into the bow nocks to ready it for shooting, also called stringing the bow

Crest- Lines or decorations near the arrow feathers

Draw- the act of pulling the bowstring to the proper distance, this distance is also known as the anchor point

End- six arrows shot in succession as in a tournament

Eye- the end of the bowstring looped for securing the end of the bow

Finger Tab- a piece of flat leather worn on the string hand to protect fingers

Fletching- the feathers on an arrow

Grip- the handle of the bow

Index feather- the feather at right angles to the nock or the different color feather

Limbs- the two ends of a bow, form the handle riser out; the limbs bend and give the arrow the spring that propels it

Nock- the groove on the end of an arrow into which the string goes

Overdraw- pulling an arrow past the handle of the bow

Over Strung- using a string that is too short for the bow

Point or Pile- the tip on the end of the arrow

Petticoat- the white outside on the target that has no score

Quiver- a receptacle for holding or carrying arrows

Range- the distance to be shot or the place to shoot archery

Release- to let the strings go, to shoot an arrow

Round- shooting a specific number of ends at a specific distance

Serving- the thread wrapped about the bowstring to prevent fraying

Shaft- the main body of the arrow

Shelf- the place on the bow where the arrows rest

Shooting line- the line the archer straddles when target shooting

String notch - the grooves on the bow where the string is attached.

Tackle- equipment used by an archer

Trajectory- the path of the arrow in flight

Weight- the number of pounds required to pull the bow to the correct arrow length games.


Written Test (20 points)

Short answer:

1. Please list a minimum of 5 possible values and benefits of archery and why. (10pts)

2. In class we discussed a lot of safety precautions; Please provide a minimum of 5 safety precautions and guidelines in archery. (5pts)

3. Skill cues are essential for proper technique and accuracy in archery, please list 5 skill cues of proper stance and body position .( 5 pts)

Fill in the blank

Draw an arrow to the correct ring for designated score. (1pt each) (Questions 4-10) Please draw an Arrow to the following parts of the recurve bow:

5 pts. Nock and nocking point

8 pts. Upper and Lower limb

2 pts. Grip

[pic] [pic]

True/ False (1pt each):

11.The number of arrows shot in succession is called a set.

12. Clout shooting is easier to hit the target than target shooting.

13. If an arrow is touching two colors on the target, the lower score is counted.

14. If you miss the target, it is considered a re-shot and the re-shot is scored.

15. The petticoat is the wide outside of the target that has no score.

16. Anchor Point is a certain spot on the shooter's face, which the index finger of the string hand comes to on the draw.

17. Good stance includes feet parallel, shoulder width apart, weight on both feel, and good tall posture.

18. Hitting 5 bulls-eyes in a row is called a quiver.

19. Loose fitting clothing is considered safer in archery than other styles of clothing

20. It is good technique to use both hands, when removing an arrow from the target.


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