

TEACHER’S NAME: Shoshana Schachter

| |Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| | |(Focuses on the unit’s student | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play activities|

| | |outcomes- lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ |(aka learning centers)] |

| | | | |handwriting, Library) | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|ACTIVITIES | | | | | |

| |Monday | | |MATH- |Blocks |

| |Date: | | |Create a big number 19. Then stick|While our classroom has changed to |

| |June 8 |You will continue to talk about |Look around your house for things |on 19 stickers or draw 19 shapes |zoom you can create your own |

| | |transformation. Last week we |that you can reuse. |in the number 19. |classroom from blocks. You can add |

| | |talked about how our children | |Math concept- |chairs, toys, books and don’t |

| | |transformed from a baby to a |For example- |Compare sizes- use HIDEC resources|forget your friends. |

| | |school age child. This week we |Use a container or a can for a |page 9 |Science- |

| | |will focus on other things that |drum | is a ramp? Can you make a ramp|

| | |transform. |[pic] |om/2020/03/math-concept-size.pdf |at home? Let’s race our cars using |

| | |Today you will remind your child | |LITERACY- |a ramp. Which car is faster? Which |

| | |what they learned about recycling.|Use a toilet paper roll for a car |Letter of the week-Ll |car will win the race? |

| | |Talk about how we can reuse |[pic] |Review sound |Computer-Recycling for kids |

| | |objects and make it into something| |Find pictures/words that begin |

| | |new. Remind them how we resued a |Use boxes and bottles to create a |with Ll in magazines or books |7y_qQYUA |

| | |box to make a drib for the baby. |robot |Use literacy resources to review | |

| | | |[pic] |letter Ll | |

| | |Read the book | |Page 45-46 | |

| | |[pic] |Write/trace the word- | |

| | | |om/2020/03/literacy.pdf | |

| | |8426 | | HANDWRITING- | |

| | | | |today your child can practice | |

| | | | |writing items that you will place| |

| | | | |in your recycling bin | |

| | | | |Then use handwriting resources | |

| | | | |Page 46 | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |om/2020/04/handwriting-beginners-1| |

| | | | |.pdf | |




| | | | | | |

| |Tuesday | | |MATH- |Dramatic play- |

| |Date: |Today you will remind your |Today your child will make |Find number 1-19 around the house.|Moving Day- Using boxes, clothes |

| |June 9 |children what they learned that |butterfly wings. |Write the numbers down as you find|and books let’s pretend we are |

| | |also transforms. The caterpillar |Discuss with your child how they |them. |moving. (Just like a caterpillar |

| | |who transforms into a butterfly. |want to create the wings. They can|LITERACY- |moves into a cocoon and then |

| | |First a butterfly lays an egg. |make big wings and use recycle |Review Ll sound |changes into a butterfly). Moving |

| | |Then the caterpillar comes out of |boxes. |cut items from magazines that |means we are going to move on to a |

| | |the egg. It eats lots of leaves |Some examples include- |start with letter L. Use literacy |new home. |

| | |and gets bigger. |[pic] |resources to review letter pages |Music and movement- |

| | |It builds a house around itself | |Ll pages 47-48 |[pic] |

| | |and now it is a chrysalis (and not|[pic] | Preschool Learn to Dance:|

| | |a caterpillar) | |om/2020/03/literacy.pdf |Butterfly Wings |

| | |After about 2 weeks it pushes out |Or they can make small wings such |HANDWRITING- |

| | |of the cocoon and it changes into |as- |look at the butterfly book again. |a_tRlNRE |

| | |a butterfly. |[pic] |Let your child write down the new | |

| | | | |words he/she learned. | |

| | |[pic] |[pic] |Then use handwriting resources | |

| | | | |Page 47 | |

| | |Read the book- |Write/trace the word- | |

| | |[pic] |om/2020/04/handwriting-beginners-1| |

| | |ead/8139 | |.pdf | |




| |Wednesday |Today you will discuss our circle | | |Dramatic Play- If we were |

| |Date: |time. You will discuss that |Today your child will create a |MATH- |meteorologist (tell people the |

| |June 10 |everyday our attendance can |weather poster. |Review numbers 1-19 |weather) from TV, how would you |

| | |change, the day of the week, the |You can add arrows so your child |Above/below |describe the weather? Dress up in |

| | |number of the week and the |can point it to the day’s weather.| that meteorologists wear. |

| | |weather. First you will show them|Examples- |ve-and-below |What would you need in different |

| | |pictures of different weathers. | |LITERACY- |types of weather? Rain- Umbrella, |

| | |Then discuss with your child the |[pic] |Watch the video about the letter L|raincoat, rain boots Snow- Winter |

| | |different weathers and clues we | |and its sound. |coat, winter boots, scarf, gloves, |

| | |can see from the pictures to know |[pic] | HOT Sunny Day- SING SONG |

| | |what the weather is. We can also | |BgJ_SAgZ8 |“WHAT IS THE WEATHER”… |

| | |look outside the window to know | |Use literacy |Sensory (sand and water) |

| | |the weather. Then ask your child | |resources to review letter page L |Using a cup- Have mom or dad poke |

| | |which is their favorite weather |Write/trace the word- |page 12 |holes at the bottom of the cup. |

| | |and why. |weather | the cup with water and hold it|

| | | | |om/2020/03/uppercase-letters-with-|over the sink or tray- does it look|

| | |Read the book- | |pictures.pdf |like rain? What happens when it |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- |rains? |

| | |[pic] |Ask your family members which is |Computer- |

| | |ead/54294 | |their favorite weather and then |Kids Vocabulary: Four Seasons-4 |

| | | | |write the name of the weather and |Seasons in a Year Video |

| | | | |draw a picture. Then count and see|

| | | | |which weather got the most votes. |702 |

| | | | |Then use handwriting resources | |

| | | | |Page 48 | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |om/2020/04/handwriting-beginners-1| |

| | | | |.pdf | |


| | | | |20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A | |


| |Thursday | | | |Science- |

| |Date: |Today you will ask your child what|Today you will create pictures |MATH- |Color Changing Flower Science |

| |June 11 |else changes. .. |with mixing colors. First you will|Review numbers 1-19 |Experiment |

| | |You will remind them that in |take two colors we talked about |Draw a big number 19. Then either | |

| | |school we discussed how colors can|and mix them together. One way of |color or paint the 19. Then use |Outdoor play- |

| | |change. |doing this is painting one hand |lego to trace the number 19. |You will play a game called red |

| | |Red+blue=purple |red, the other one blue and put |Math concept- |light green light. When you say Red|

| | |Red+yellow=orange |them separately on a paper. Then |Look through your toys and |light your child stops and when you|

| | |Red+white=pink |put them together on the paper. |separate them by color. |say Green light your child goes. |

| | |Red+green=brown |Then continue this with different |Which ones do you have the most? |Next you count 1, 2, 3 and then |

| | |Blue+yellow=green |colors. Afterward paint with the |Which ones do you have the least? |your child freezes until you sing |

| | | |new colors you created. |Do you have any amounts that are |the chant again. The chant you sing|

| | |Read the Book |[pic] |the same? |is red light, green light, 1, 2, 3.|

| | | |Write/trace the word- |LITERACY- |Computer- |

| | |[pic] |colors |Read the book, My L book- |Mixing colors video |

| | | |

| | |p7bWHtMhI | |bwngofl3Q |Mk1EzVkk |

| | | | |Use literacy resources to review | |

| | | | |letter page l page 12 | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |om/2020/03/lowercase-letters-with-| |

| | | | |pictures.pdf | |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- | |

| | | | |Let your child ask your family | |

| | | | |members their favorite color. Then| |

| | | | |they can write that color using | |

| | | | |the same color marker. | |

| | | | |Then use handwriting resources | |

| | | | |Page 49 | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |om/2020/04/handwriting-beginners-1| |

| | | | |.pdf | |




| |Friday | | | | |

| |Date: |Today you will remind the children|Today your child will create |MATH- |COOKING AND MIXING |

| |June 12 |how they have changed. Their size,|pictures of feelings. Then point |Review numbers 1-19 Look through |Orange juice challenge- Can you |

| | |hair and abilities have changed. |to one of the feelings and talk |magazines and cut out 19 different|create orange juice from an orange?|

| | |There is something else that |about a time you had that feeling.|faces. Then write the numbers 1-19|What do you need to make orange |

| | |changes for them, their feelings. |Also discuss the appropriate way |over the faces. Then discuss what |juice? |

| | |Feelings are important and |to handle strong feelings such as |feelings you see. If you cannot |Table top |

| | |everyone has them. You can discuss|anger and overly excited. |cut faces from the magazine then |Play with play- dough to create |

| | |the different feelings people | |color your won feeling faces. |different feeling faces. Parent can|

| | |have. Discuss how we can also have|Examples include- |LITERACY- |point to a feeling and child try to|

| | |different feelings at the same |[pic] |Review the letter L l and name the|recreate that feeling. |

| | |time. For example some people like| |letter and its sound. Then create |Computer |

| | |the rain and are happy when it |[pic] |a picture with the letter L an |Kids Vocabulary: Feel-Feelings or |

| | |rains while other s are sad when | |example is- |Emotions Video |

| | |they see rain because they cannot |Write/trace the word- |[pic] |

| | |go out and play. |feelings |[pic] |019 |

| | |[pic] | | | |

| | | | | HANDWRITING- | |

| | |Read the book- | |Then use handwriting resources | |

| | | | |Page 50 | |

| | |[pic] | | |

| | | |om/2020/04/handwriting-beginners-1| |

| | |WXRSSPYJg | |.pdf- | |


| | | | |20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A | |


Social/ Emotional- Week to Review # 9

Social/ Emotional- Week to Review #9

Word of the Week-angry

Monday-Your child is learning how to tell when he or she, or someone else, is angry. Angry clues: • Body uncomfortable—hot and tight • Gritting teeth • Eyes smaller, squinty Your child is also learning that everyone feels angry sometimes, but it is not okay to be mean or to hurt anyone when you are angry.

Tuesday- Play a game with your child to practice using clues to tell how someone feels. Review the feelings your child has learned: happy, sad, scared, surprised, and angry/ mad. Say: We’re going to play The Feeling on My Face. We’ll take turns making “feeling faces.” The other person will use clues to guess the feeling. After taking turns playing, say: Now I’ll tell you about a time when something made me feel happy, sad, scared, surprised, or angry. You will try to guess how I felt by what happened.

Wednesday- show your child the poster of Li.


This week’s story is about Li. Two children ran by and knocked down Li’s tower of blocks. Ask your child about this story. • What do you see in this photo? • How is Li feeling? (Mad/angry.) • How can you tell? (By how he looks. His fists are clenched. His eyes are squinty. By what happened—his tower was knocked down.) Let’s take turns making an angry face like Li’s. Look at each other’s faces for angry clues.

Thursday-today you will use the feeling cards to play a memory match it game

. [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic]

Copy two sets of the feeling cards. Turn them over. Then have your child turn over two cards. If they are the same they win the match. If it is not the same then turn it over and try it again. When they make the match have them make the same face.

Friday- then read this book about anger

When Sophie Gets Angry


Sight word – can

Monday-Use crayons or markers to write the word me or color the word [pic]

Tuesday- print out this worksheet (at the end of the lesson plan) [pic]

Wednesday-write the word me on a paper like this [pic]

Use play-doh to trace the word me. Then try to use play-doh to create the word yourself.

Thursday-Write the word me really big then glue string on the word can



Domain 1.PK.AL.5. Demonstrates persistence.

Domain 3.PK.SEL.3. Demonstrates and continues to develop positive relationships with signifcant adults (primary caregivers, teachers, and other familiar adults)

Domain4b.PKRF.3 Indicators: a. Demonstrates one-to-one letter-sound correspondence by producing the primary sound of some consonants

Domain 5.PK.MATH.1. [NY-.1.] Counts to 20



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