
|( |Youth Interest Survey |( |

To help us develop programs and activities that meet your interests, please fill out this survey and return it to church by ______________. Thanks(!

Community Building Activities I would participate in if offered:

(check as many as you wish)

|Table Games Tournament |Arts and Crafts Making |Video Games Tournament |Movie Night |

|Bowling |Picnic |Hiking |Biking |

|Team Scavenger Hunts |Indoor Gym activities |Outdoor Games |Fellowship night of fun with |

| | | |friends |

|Dance with other activity options |Overnight |Progressive Dinner |Build-A-Pizza and Ice Cream |

| |Lock-in | |Social |

|Other Ideas (please list): |

| |

| |

Topics I would like to learn more about (check as many as you wish):

|Making and Keeping Friends |Making Good Decisions |

|Dealing with Disappointments |What’s the Bible About Really? |

|Being A Leader |Praying |

|What Difference Can I Make in the World? |What’s Different about Being Catholic? |

|Traditions of Other Cultures |Jesus: The Man and His Message |

|Violence and Peacemaking |Accepting Differences |

|Why go to Mass? |Sacraments |

|Hunger and Homelessness |Death, Loss and Grieving |

|What’s it mean to be a Disciple? |Understanding my Parents |

|Handling Stress and Worry |Other: |

Three questions I have about church, religion, my faith and/or God:

|1. |

|2. |

|3. |

“Making a Difference for Good”: Which Service topics would you be interested in doing something about and/or helping people in need?

(check as many as you wish!):

|Homelessness |Hunger |Elderly |

|Children (childcare, tutor, etc.) |Hospital Patients and families |Letter Writing (Pen Pal) |

|The Environment and animals |Collection Drive for needed items |Victims of War in other countries |

|Immigrants and Refugees |Natural Disaster Victims |Poverty in the World |

|Fundraising for Organizations which help |Migrant Worker families and children |Other: |

|people in needy | | |

Get Involved!

❑ Yes! I would be interested in helping plan, lead or assist with activities in the following areas, when I’m available (check as many as you wish):

❑ Discussion Topics

❑ Community Building (Social and Recreation)

❑ Service Projects to help people in need

❑ Prayer Times

❑ Helping with computer, office and/or telephone calling tasks

❑ Decorations and food

❑ Yes! I would be interested in being part of a Leadership Team to develop our youth ministry program.

|Name: |Phone: ( ) |

|Address: |

|City: Zip: |

|Email: |

|School: |Grade: |

|Mother’s Name: |Father’s Name: |

| | |

|Daytime phone: ( ) |Daytime phone: ( ) |


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