
Name: ___________________________________ Period: _____ Date: ________________________


Overview of the Human Organ Systems Pgs 892-893


| |coverings-- protects & defines |skin |

| |linings--absorbs nutrients & oxygen |small intestines & lungs |

| |glands-- secretes sweat, hormones, fluids |salivary glands, liver, pancreas, thyroid |

| |Supports the body | |

| |Connects parts |bones & blood |

| | |cartilage, tendons, ligaments, adipose (fat) |

| | | |

| |Communicates information throughout the body using nerve impulses |brain, spinal cord & nerves |

| | |sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, skin) |

| |Movement (contractions) | |

| |3 Types of tissue: ___________________, _____________; |heart, walls of intestines, stomach, esophagus, bladder, attached |

| |____________________ |to bones... |

Part 1: The Skeletal System:

Part 1: The Skeletal System Continued

Use 2 different colored pencils to color the bones of the Axial and Appendicular skeleton.


Part 3: Integumentary System: The Integumentary System consists of: ___________, _________, & __________.


Skin Cancer

Excessive exposure to the sun’s UV radiation can produce skin cancer. The most severe and fatal type of skin cancer is called ________________________________, whereas the most common type is ___________________________________.

Signs (A, B, C, D’s):


A. Functions:

1. outer covering that provides ____________________ from infectious agents and sun’s UV rays

2. helps prevent ________________________ (dehydration)

3. helps regulate __________________________________ (maintains homeostasis)

Label all 4 body tissues on the diagram.



3. Cardiac muscle – under ________________ control.

-It has striations.

-Can only be found in the ____________________.

B. Muscle Contraction:

Things to know:

1. __________________ connect muscle to bone.

2. When a muscle contracts, it ______________, pulling on the bones it is attached to. When it relaxes, it gets longer.

3. When one muscle contracts, the opposite muscle _____________________. (bicep contracts / tricep relaxes)

D. Nerves and Muscles

Working Together:

Nerves communicate with the muscle fibers, causing them to contract and do work when the brain wants them to. Brain sends impulse via motor neuron to muscle to tell it to contract.

A. Three Types of Muscle: Skeletal, Smooth & Cardiac


There are 206 bones in the human body! The smallest are the __________________, ___________________, and __________________ in the inner ear. The longest is the _________________ in your thigh.

B. Structure:

1. Epidermis – outermost; made of a living layer and dead layer of epithelial cells. New epithelial cells are produced each day pushing up old ones to form a dead layer filled with a durable protein called ___________________. The epidermis also contains dark-brown pigments, called ________________________, giving the skin its color and protecting us from UV light.

2. Dermis – The dermis supports the epidermis and contains ______________________, blood ___________, smooth muscles, touch receptors, _____________ glands, and oil glands (called ______________________ glands).

3. Hair and nails are also a part of the integumentary system, and are made from a protein called ___________.

C. Bone Structure:

1. Bone marrow – fills the hollow parts of bones. ________________ marrow makes blood cells, whereas _________________ marrow stores fat.

2. Cartilage – covers the ends of the bones at joints so that bones can rub smoothly past each other.

3. Ligament – connective tissue that connects ______________ to ______________ at a joint.

4. Tendon – connective tissue that connects ________________ to _________________

D. Bone Problems:

1. Osteoporosis – a disease caused

by loss of _________________________. Bones become weak, break easily, and are hard to heal. It usually affects older people, especially women. New bone stops forming in early twenties!

2. Rheumatoid arthritis – an

Auto-immune disease in which the ________________________ that cushions joints breaks down, causing pain and stiffness.

B. Types of Bone:

1. Compact bone – strong, dense, tightly packed bone that is covered by nerves and blood vessels.

2. Spongy bone – less dense type of bone filled with holes (like Swiss cheese). These holes allow for cushioning; thus, spongy bone is usually found at the ends of bones where a lot of stress occurs.

A. Functions:

There are 5 main functions of the skeletal system:

1. provide ________________________ and shape for the body

2. allow for _______________________________

3. store _____________________ (like Ca+ and P)

4. protect internal organs (cranium - brain)

5. make _________________________________ (in the bone marrow)

For Hold

For Strength

Part 2: The Muscular System:

1. Skeletal muscle – under ________________________ control.

- It is has thick bands with striations. (filaments for contraction)

-It is found attached to ___________; allowing for movement (arms, legs..)





The Small Intestine

(an organ)




Anatomy 1 (pgs 1-3)

Levels of Organization /Body Tissues

Skeletal System

Muscular System

Integumentary System

Anatomy 2 (pgs 4-5)

Endocrine System

Nervous System

Immune System


Anatomy 3 (pg 8- 9)

Circulatory System

Respiratory System

Anatomy 4 (pg 7, 10-12)

Digestive & Excretory Systems

Interactions b/w systems

2. Smooth muscle – under ______________________ control.

-There are no striations.

- It is found in walls of blood vessels

and digestive organs; inside eye (iris).


The Human Anatomy Book

The small intestine seen here is an example of an organ of the body that contains all four types of tissues. Most organs are made up of the four types of tissues, but they are organized in different ways to perform different tasks.

For Endurance

_____________________: smallest unit of structure and function in living things.

_____________________: a group of similar cells working together.

_____________________: a group of different tissues working together to do a specific job.

_____________________: a group of different organs working together to do a specific job.

______________________: a living thing that carries out its own life activities.


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