Dorchester School District Two

Complete Compass Reading or READ 180 for 20 minutes. Read for 30 minutes.Read a chapter of a book and explain the setting to a family member.Create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting two characters in a story you read. Read with someone. You read a page and the other person reads a page.Create a different title for your book. Why did you select this title?Write a different conclusion for a story/chapter you just read.Create a new cover for your book. Be sure to make it creative and unique. Focus on persuading people to read your book. Identify five examples of figurative language in the book you are reading. Create a character trading card for a character or characters in your reading. Include name, image, and at least five characteristics for each character. An example may be found at a three-paragraph essay on topic of your choice.Use the Writing Process to publish a writing assignment. Be sure to use your best handwriting or type your final copy.Listen to a song and determine the main idea. Write the main idea in your journal.Describe the events of your day in your journal. What have you accomplished?Find a picture or photograph in your home. Write a story about the events leading up to the picture/photograph. Write a prediction about an event in your book. Confirm or adjust your prediction once you find text evidence to support your claim or adjust your prediction.Write the meanings of dependent and independent clauses. Give an example for each one. Write a simple sentence, compound sentence, and complex sentence.Create a graphic organizer to plan your writing.Race to 500 – Roll a pair of dice until you add all the numbers to 500. How many times did you have to roll?Complete 20 minutes of Compass Math or Imagine Math.Using a ruler or a measuring tape, identify equivalent fractions.Draw a number line and place five fractions in the correct place.Create a math test with ten questions. Include only multiplication and division problems, as well as fractions. Provide an answer key.Practice your multiplication and division facts by creating multiplication flash cards. You can use paper, index cards, or anything you have at home. Practice the facts.Define the following math vocabulary: equivalent, common fraction, improper fraction, mixed number, numerator, and denominator. Draw a picture to represent the meaning.What are some differences between perimeter and area? Discuss the differences with a family member. Create flash cards for customary units of measurement. 1 foot = 12 inches1 yard = 3 feet1 mile = 5,280 feet1 mile = 1, 760 feet1 pound = 16 ounces1 ton = 2,000 pounds1 cup = 8 fluid ounces1 pint = 2 cups1 quart = 2 pints1 gallon = 4 quartsCreate flash cards for metric units of measurement. 1 Liter = 1,000 milliliters 1 Kiloliter = 1,000 Liter1 centimeter = 10 millimeters 1 meter = 100 centimeter1 meter = 1,000 millimeters1 gram = 1,000 milligrams1 kilograms = 1,000 grams1 metric ton = 1,000 kilogramCreate five mathematics word problems for a friend to complete. Be sure to use different operations in each problem: whole number: multiplication and division, operations with fractions, and operations with decimals.Make a tornado in a jar. The activity directions can be found at 20 minutes outside. Write at least ten things you observe. Remember, write what you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel.Select an activity to do with your family at a Weather Journal. Observe and document the weather for each day you are home. Are there any trends or significant changes?Define transparent, translucent, and opaque. What are the similarities and differences? Provide examples of each.Create a musical instrument from materials you have in your home. Describe the sound. What is the volume? What is the pitch? How far can you hear the sound? Research the phases of the moon. Draw a model of the moon and the phases.The Sun rose at a certain time this morning. It will set at a certain time tonight. Does the Sun rise and set at the same time everywhere on Earth? Why or why not?Using materials in your home, create a model or drawing of the Solar System. Include the planets, label inner and outer planets, and list two facts about each planet.Use the list of observations you created in a previous activity to create a list of five questions to investigate.Keep a moon journal from daily observations.Observe different constellations in the night sky and where they are located.Observe the night sky and create a new constellation. Draw a picture of it and write a story for it.Select two explorers. Sketch the route each explorer used and describe the details around their expeditions. Discuss the significance of the “Shot heard around the world.” What implications did this cause for Americans?Choose an event in American history from Colonization to the Civil War. Research the information and share your findings with someone. Review the Bill of Rights. Write a Bill of Rights for 4th graders. What are five items you would include?Create a three-part Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the three branches of government. Explain Manifest Destiny. What was the impact on Westward Expansion?Select one of our Founding Fathers. Research five accomplishments and/or character traits you admire. Create a list to share with your family. Analyze the words to the National Anthem. What do the words mean to you?Visit . Create a list of ten facts you learned.Create a Crossword Puzzle with clues and vocabulary from a previously learned unit. ................

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